The Blue Pavilions

Chapter 2

"Aye-aged, aged: a trivial, remediless complaint, common to folk. Valiant deeds ye"ll do yet, my masters; but though I likes to be hopeful, the door"s closin" on ye both. Ye be staid to the eye, noticeably staid. The first sign o"t, to be marked at forty or so, is when a woman"s blush pales before wine held to the light; the second, and that, too, ye"ve pa.s.sed-"

"Hurry, you old fool! As it happens you"ve been proving us a pair of raw striplings."

"Hee-hee," t.i.ttered the old man sardonically, and catching up the tankards trotted back to the house, with his master at his heels. Captain Barker, left alone, rearranged his neckcloth, contemplated his crooked legs for a moment with some disgust, and began to trot up and down the gra.s.s-plot, whistling the while with great energy and no regard for tune.

The pair reappeared in the doorway-Captain Runacles bearing an hour-gla.s.s and a volume of "Purchas," and Simeon the tankards, crowned with a creamy froth.

"Have you picked your quill?"

"Yes," answered the hunchback, settling himself on top of the brown folio. "No, "tis a split one."

The pens were old, and had lain with the ink dry upon them ever since the outbreak of the Dutch War. The two men were half a minute in finding a couple that would write. Then Captain Runacles turned the hour-gla.s.s abruptly; and for an hour there was no sound in the pavilion garden but the scratching of quills, the murmur of pigeons on the roof, and the creaking of the gilded vane above them.



That same afternoon, at four o"clock, Captain Barker and Captain Runacles entered Harwich and advanced up the West Street side by side. Each had a bulky letter in his side-pocket, and the address upon each letter was the same. They talked but little.

On the right-hand side of West Street, as you enter the town, and a hundred yards or more from the town gate, there stood at that time a two-storeyed house of more pretensions than its fellows-from which it drew back somewhat. A line of railings, covered with ironwork of a florid and intricate pattern, but greatly decayed, shut it off from the roadway. The visitor, on opening the broad iron gate over which this pattern culminated in the figure of a Triton blowing a conch-sh.e.l.l, found himself in a pebbled court and before a ma.s.sive front-door.

Neglect hung visibly over house and court alike as the two captains entered by the iron gate and looked around them with more trepidation than they had ever displayed in action. Gra.s.s sprouted between the pebbles and a greenish stain lay upon the flagstones. The drab frontage was similarly streaked; dust and rain together had set a crust upon the windows, and tufts of dark mossy gra.s.s again flourished in the gutter-pipes beneath the eaves.

Surveying this desolation, Captain Jemmy uttered a grunt and Captain John a "p"sh!" They fumbled in their pockets, drew out their two letters, and moved to the blistered front-door. A bell-pull, as rusty as the railings outside, depended by the jamb. Captain Jemmy tugged at it. It was noteworthy that whenever any effort had to be put forth, however small, the tall man stepped forward and the hunchback looked on. It was Captain Jemmy, for instance, who had, a moment before, pushed back the gate.

He had to tug thrice before a discordant bell sounded within the house, and twice again before footsteps began to shuffle along the pa.s.sage.

A bolt was let down and the big door fell open, disclosing a small serving-girl, who stared upon the visitors with round eyes.

"Is your mistress within?"

"Mistress Salt is within, sirs; but-"

"But what?"

"She-she can"t see you!" The girl burst into tears.

"Who the devil asked her to see us?" rapped out Captain Barker.

"You are to take these two letters," interposed Captain Runacles. Each captain held out his letter. "You are to take these two-blow your nose and dry your eyes-letters to your mistress at once-mind you, at once-and together-together, you understand, and-what in thunder are you whimpering about?"

"I c-c-can"t, sirs."

"Can"t! Why, in the name of-don"t drip on "em, I tell you! Why, in the name of-"

The iron gate creaked behind them, and the two captains turned their heads. A portly, broad-shouldered gentleman, in a suit of snuff colour, came slowly across the court, with both hands behind him, and a cane rapping against his heels.

"Dr. Beckerleg."

"Hey? Why-Captain Barker! Captain Runacles! Glad to see you both-glad to see you both home again! Also I"d be glad to know what you"re both doing here, at such a time."

The captains looked at each other and coughed. They turned towards the doorway. The serving-girl had disappeared, taking their letters with her. Captain Barker faced round upon the Doctor.

"You said "at such a time," sir."

"I did."

"And why not at this time, as well as another?"

"G.o.d bless me! Is it possible you don"t know?"

"It is not only possible, but certain."

The Doctor bent his head, pointed up at a window, and whispered; then went softly up the three steps into the house.

He left the two friends staring at each other. They stood and stared at each other for three minutes or more. Then Captain Barker spoke in a hoa.r.s.e whisper.

"Jemmy, do you know anything about this-this kind of business?"

"Nothing. I was abroad, you know, when my own little maid-"

"Yes, I remember. But I thought, perhaps-say, I can"t go home till-till I"ve seen the Doctor again."

"Nor I."

A dull moan sounded within the house.

"Oh, my G.o.d!" groaned Captain Runacles; "Meg-Meg!"

A lattice was opened softly above them and the doctor leant out.

"Go away-you two!" he whispered and waved his hand towards the gate.

"But, Doctor-"

"H"sh! I"ll come and tell you when it"s over. Where shall you be?"

"At the Three Crowns, down the street here."


The lattice was closed again very gently. Captain Barker laid his hand upon the tall man"s sleeve.

"Jemmy, we"re out of this action. I thought I knew what it meant to lay-to and have to look on while a fight went forward; but I didn"t. Come-"