The Book Eating Magician

Chapter 1

The Greedy Grimoire #1

"Theodore Miller."

A man with dark circles under his eyes called Theodore"s name. The man"s thin cheeks pushed his cheekbones higher, giving off a bonier impression. He would"ve been considered a resident of the slums if he had been dressed poorly.

However, this man was actually a third-grade professor and a 5th Circle master, making him one of the best within Bergen Academy.

The skinny man, Professor Vince, spoke in a businesslike tone, "You should know why I called you."

Theodore Miller, shortened to Theo, nodded with a shadowed face. This was because he couldn"t bear to open his mouth and answer the question. He had been prepared for a while, but it felt like his heart was falling apart now that it was actually happening.

"Your written grades are brilliant. You were only deducted three points among all your subjects. Even then, they were just minor mistakes. There was no one else who could answer it except for you, so you can think of it as a perfect score."

Although it couldn"t be confirmed publicly, some test questions had been "designed to be wrong". It was a tacit rule in the academy so that a full score wouldn"t be granted easily. Nevertheless, Theo only had points deducted for three questions. Perhaps it was a better performance than some professors.

Vince admired the talent of this young man while feeling sad at the very same time. It was because Theodore Miller lacked the talent to become a magician.

"However, you can"t graduate because your practical results were a failure."

The decisive voice pressed firmly on Theo"s back. 

The academy had two graduation requirements: one was to have a written score above 70 points; and the other was to become a 3rd Circle master. The former wasn"t difficult, but the latter condition was the problem.

For Theo, who had been born with a low amount of magic power and sensitivity, the wall of the 3rd Circle was too high for him. Even though he had reduced his amount of sleep just so he could practice, he couldn"t even reach the level of his cla.s.smates" feet. Despite his practice, his magic would pour out wildly.

As a result, Theo hadn"t been able to graduate for three years.

"Hu… Theodore, what circle are you now?" Professor Vince asked with frustration.

He had asked the same question last year and the year before that. However, the answer had never changed. Theo once again repeated the same answer, "…2nd Circle."

It was a terrible number.

Most of the academy"s students usually reached the 2nd Circle by the end of the first grade and the 3rd Circle when they entered the third grade. It wasn"t uncommon for excellent students to reach the 4th Circle by graduation.

However, Theo had stayed at the academy for five years and still couldn"t cross the wall of the 3rd Circle. Additionally, that wasn"t the only problem.

"Have you mastered 2nd Circle magic?"

"…I failed." Theo’s voice died down even further.

If the only thing that was lacking was just the amount of magic power, then he could supply it from outside sources. This was a bit expensive to do, but if he took reagents made of magic power, he could gain enough power needed for the 3rd Circle.

However, Theo"s sensitivity was close to the bottom, and this was indispensable for using magic. The lack of magic power could be overcome, but there was no method to increase mana sensitivity.

It was why Professor Vince had given up on sponsoring Theo.

"It is a waste of Theo"s brilliance, but… with poor magic sensitivity, he will never survive as a magician. Spending 5 years and not even mastering 2nd Circle magic, it is hopeless."

He looked down at Theo with a wistful expression.

Any other student would"ve given up sooner… Theo, who knew better than anyone else that he was without talent, had been trying for three years. That commitment was incomparable to the other students who had grown up like plants in a greenhouse.

If Theo had ordinary levels of magic sensitivity, then the position of chief graduate would"ve been his.

However, reality was too cruel to Theo.

Professor Vince pulled out an envelope from the drawer and hesitated for a moment. This wasn"t the first time, but it felt like the weight of the envelope had increased as the years pa.s.sed. It was a letter given to a grade repeater.

"This is my role as a professor, but… I can"t help feeling like I"m doing something wrong to you. I"m sorry."

"…No, it"s fine."

"Read it once and discard it. There shouldn"t be anything different from last year, but you never know."

Theo accepted the envelope calmly.

His fingers were continuously on the verge of trembling, but he managed to resist it somehow. This was his third repeater letter. Receiving it once would make someone an object of ridicule, while receiving it twice would make someone the shame of their family.

Theo was the only student at Bergen Academy ever to have received it three times.

More than anything, the third repeater letter had a separate meaning. This was the last one. A fourth letter didn"t exist.

Professor Vince hadn"t said it, but if Theodore Miller didn"t graduate next year, he would be expelled. It would be a scandal so disgraceful that it would be better for him to quit and defend his honour.

"Is it only up to here?"

Theo looked down at the repeater letter with empty eyes.

His eyes which had once been filled with dreams were darkening. The young man, who had stepped into the academy to become a great magician, now had to face the grim reality which would cause his knees to buckle.

"I can do it next year. I can graduate next year." Such a hope was now devastating for him, as he stood on the precipice of ruin.

Theodore Miller…

He was born the eldest son of a disgraced n.o.ble family. The Miller family, which at one time had served the feudal lords as earls, had been pushed to their downfall 100 years ago. Their attempts at re-establishing their family had left nothing for Theo.

So, Theo had wanted to become a magician. Unlike those who had to undergo harsh training since childhood, children with n.o.ble t.i.tles were able to enter the academy without much difficulty. He thought he was quite smart, so he convinced his parents and stepped inside, beyond the threshold of the Royal Academy.

However, it was up to there. Theo would sleep later and got up earlier than anyone else. He worked enthusiastically in cla.s.s and reduced his amount of sleep in order to practice his mana. Rather than blaming the scarce environment, Theo had believed he would be rewarded if he put in more effort.

‘Was I too optimistic?"

His cla.s.smates had graduated two years ago, and juniors one year younger than him had graduated already. Now, there would be juniors two years younger than him who would accept their degrees.

Even the new students knew his name. He was the academy"s long-time dunce.

Theo would bring dishonour to the fallen Miller family.

"Where did it go wrong?"

Was it when the spells used in the first test had failed? When he had realized that it was hopeless with his magic sensitivity? When he had accepted his first repeater letter a few days before the graduation ceremony? When he had thought that his efforts had been lacking after receiving two letters?

Or maybe… it had been when he first dreamt about becoming a magician.


So far, he had never resented his own poverty. There were people who ate less than him and those who couldn"t live in abundance. Even though their status had fallen, Theo was still a n.o.ble and had managed to enter the Royal Academy.

However, his patience was reaching its limit.

The magic reagents which other students drank like water? Theo had given up on those knowing that one bottle would cost two months of the Miller family"s budget.

Hiring another magician as a private tutor? He wouldn"t be able to afford one even if he sold the Miller estate.

Of course, many students graduated without using such methods. They increased their magic power with natural born talent and didn"t need to be taught separately. With no talent or no money…

One could still graduate even if they were lacking just one of these things. However, Theodore Miller had nothing.

"I should be going back."

As soon as the professor nodded in agreement, Theo turned around.

He wasn"t confident about maintaining this cool composure much longer. His calm face was already half-distorted. At the very least, he didn"t want the professor to see something so ugly.


The door closed with a harsher sound than when he"d entered.

With a heavy expression, Professor Vince looked toward the door through where Theo had disappeared, but the professor soon dropped his gaze back down to the book he was reading. The pages of the book weren"t turned for a long time.

*     *     *


The loud bell could be heard in the hallway. It was a clock signaling that it was evening.

Due to magic, the volume was constant no matter where it was heard. Students staying in the dormitory couldn"t leave school after this time, while students not staying in the dormitories were required to leave.

As Theo headed to the dormitory blankly, he suddenly stopped moving.

"…Come to think of it, I haven"t eaten dinner yet."

Should he go to the cafeteria now?

He thought for a moment before shaking his head. Due to the repeater notice in his hand, Theo didn"t have any appet.i.te. Should he go back to the dormitory and sleep? No, his drowsiness had been lifted a long time ago. It would be fortunate if he didn"t get a nightmare while sleeping.

In the end, Theo"s footsteps headed to the same place as always.

It was a place that rarely had visitors, and it was the most comfortable place for him in Bergen Academy—the library.

Current schedule: 1 chapter a day.

The Greedy Grimoire #2

The library wasn"t far from the dormitory.

When he was a few steps away the library"s shabby door, the scent of old paper and bookshelves tickled his nose. It was a pleasant smell he was now familiar with.

After pushing the door half-open, the empty library was revealed.

"Well, I thought it would be like this."

The sight was always the same. It could be said that no student other than Theodore Miller would be found in the library after cla.s.s.

Most of the books collected here talked about difficult concepts which the professors only explained the simplest parts of in cla.s.s. There was no reason for adolescents to feel excited when they were busy playing.

Thanks to that, Theo was able to secure a peaceful s.p.a.ce.

“Today… I should look up lightning magic one more time."

Theo walked between the bookshelves in a familiar manner. Having spent five years in this library, he was able to find any book with his eyes closed. Even professors who occasionally came to find books would come to Theo before the librarians, so there was no doubts about his accuracy.

Theo pulled out the books he wanted.

"[Lightning Magic Primer]… I"ve memorized everything, but I might have missed something. Additionally, [Why is Lightning Difficult to Control?] could be helpful. [Principles Behind Lightning Strikes]?  It is closer to meteorology than magic, but let’s take this as well."

Three thick books were instantly piled up.

Each book was very thick. Even a person with a fast reading spend would have to spend a day and a half to finish them. One book might be memorized, but that didn"t apply to the other two books.

There would be a loud spectacle if other students needed to read this for homework. However, to Theo, this thickness was only a day"s worth of reading. The professors were aware of this but ignored it because it was no use.

If they knew the amount of knowledge Theo had read, they wouldn"t be able to hide their regret like Professor Vince.

Rustle… rustle…

There was only the sound of pages being turned in the library.

Theo liked this silent time. It was because he coveted knowledge which could help him shake off this suffocating situation. Here, there were no professors who dismissed Theo or students making jokes.

Theo channeled all his stress into studying everyday. Theo"s superior brain was used to this stress, and it absorbed the knowledge which had been acc.u.mulated in the library like fleece sucking up water.

It had been five years. Was he imagining it?

As Theo looked at the books carefully, it was like the letters on the paper were sparkling.

*     *     *


Theo"s fingers closed the last book. This was the third book. The clock in the library was pointing to 10 o"clock. He had arrived in the library at 6 o"clock, so he had read three books in only four hours. This was a pace truly worthy of being called speed reading.

‘Um, that was quite interesting."

They were interesting books. In particular, [Why is Lightning Difficult to Control?] systematically summarized why lightning magic was so difficult.

The most difficult spell in the 2nd Circle was "Lightning Bolt" as creating lightning and keeping it flowing in a straight line was difficult. It wasn"t uncommon for even 3rd or 4th Circle magicians to be inexperienced with lightning magic.

Theo laid aside the book before aiming his palm at the window and muttering.

"Lightning Bolt."

Just maybe… He hoped it would work.


However, the result was as expected. There was faint electrostatic discharge before the spell was broken. The formula of the magic spell was perfect, but his ability to control it was too weak. A person who lacked control couldn"t be a magician.

It was something he had heard time and time again, but it was still a sad sight.

"d.a.m.n! What the h.e.l.l is wrong with me…!"

Sensitivity was also known as affinity, and it was considered a talent. It referred to one"s ability to control magic power. Magicians with high sensitivity were more powerful than other magicians, even if the same spell was used. It was the same for the rate of magic power acc.u.mulation.

Therefore, sensitivity was an indispensable part of being a magician. Since there was no method to raise it, the trait became more prominent. For Theo, it was like reaching for a pie in the sky.


He couldn"t help sighing.

After five years, Theo"s hope had been worn thin. Theo thought of his parents who were waiting for him and the people who thought of him as their master. He would be shamed if he couldn"t get his degree. 

A magician who graduated from the academy would be able to waste time for several years just by relying on the academy"s name.

"But can I graduate next year?"

Despite having reduced his amount of sleep, he had only reached the 2nd Circle. It was almost impossible for him to master the 3rd Circle, which was a Bergen Academy graduation requirement, without dying. Next year would be meaningless.

The boy, who had been so confident when he left home, became a young man afraid of failure.


It was the bell which signaled lights out. This was also the sound which indicated Theo"s time was over. He had to hurry or the door of the dormitory would be locked.

First, he needed to put away the three books. Theo embraced the three books, like he had done in the beginning. However, the moment he tried to raise his body…


A book on the desk caught his attention.

‘Didn"t I clearly only bring three books? Did I accidentally carry another book among the three?"

It was strange, but he should put it away anyway. Theo stood up and stretched out his left hand. It was a fairly thin book, so he was going to pick it up with one hand. However, the sensation at his fingertips was strange. It felt like he had stuck his hand in a sticky barrel of syrup, or like a slimy flesh was tickling the palm of his hand.

…It was like he had put his hand in the mouth of something alive.



Theo hurriedly pulled back his left hand at the creepy feeling. He fell to the ground hastily, letting go of the books in the process. However, that didn"t matter. Theo needed to identify the thing which had touched his palm.

After he scrambled back up, Theo gazed toward the unidentified book. However, there was nothing on the desk.


Theo"s eyes widened as he couldn"t understand the phenomenon. Had he seen a hallucination? He could still feel that creepy, sticky feeling that tickled his palm. 

Theo touched his left hand carefully. He wanted to check if it was damp. It would prove that what had happened just before hadn"t been a hallucination. However, the palm of his left hand was dry without any signs of wetness.

"Hallucination…? Didn"t it feel slippery? There was clearly a shabby book on the desk…"

Theo muttered and sank weakly to the floor. He sat on the edge of a book, so his b.u.t.t was sore. However, the pain was nothing compared to the psychological impact.

Didn"t a magician always need to be cool-headed? Had his mental state fallen to the bottom due to his sense of insecurity?

"Should I drop out this year?"

It was better than being expelled. Theo knew that, but he had held onto the hope of becoming a magician for five years. It wasn"t a dream he could just throw away. Without making a decision, Theo sighed, then he put his hand on the cold floor to raise himself up.

It was at this moment that…


All of a sudden, his left hand felt a strange texture. It was slippery and sticky… The hallucination which had tickled Theo"s palm had appeared again!

Theo looked down reflexively at his left hand touching the floor…

And he saw something shocking.


A tongue was sticking out of Theo"s palm. It had a smooth pink surface and was a long piece of flesh which looked like it came from a reptile. The tongue sprang from a hole in the middle of his palm and shook like a snake in front of food.

The tongue swayed slowly from side to side.


Like a frog grabbing a fly, it s.n.a.t.c.hed a book from the floor. Its speed was so fast that Theo couldn"t even see the afterimage. The tongue wrapped itself completely around the book.

No one could"ve predicted what happened next. The tongue which held its prey was then sucked back into the hole in Theo"s palm.


There was the sound of something being swallowed. A book on the ground had suddenly disappeared into his left hand.

Theo looked down at his left hand with an absurd expression. However, the book his palm had swallowed didn"t emerge.

Instead, Theo heard a voice. It was a voice with a strange tone he had never heard before.

["Lightning Magic Primer" has been consumed. Your understanding is very high.]

[2nd Circle magic "Lightning Bolt" has been acquired.]

[After waking up from a long sleep, Gluttony is very hungry. Hurry and relieve Gluttony"s hunger. The time limit is 10 minutes from now. (1/5)]

Current schedule: 1 chapter a day.