The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night

Chapter 327

j. The Unjust King and the t.i.ther dcccxcix [899]

ja. Story of David and Solomon dcccxcix [899]

k. The Thief and the Woman dcccxcix [899]

l. The Three Men and our Lord Jesus dcccci [901]

la. The Disciple"s Story dcccci [901]

m. The Dethroned King whose Kingdom and Good were Restored to Him dcccci [901]

n. The Man whose Caution was the Cause of his Death dcccciii [903]

o. The Man who was lavish of his House and his Victual to one whom he knew not dcccciv [904]

p. The Idiot and the Sharper dccccv [905]

q. Khelbes and his Wife and the Learned Man dccccvi [906]

r. The Pious Woman accused of Lewdness dccccvii [907]

s. The Journeyman and the Girl dccccix [909]

t. The Weaver who became a Physician by his Wife"s Commandment dccccix [909]

u. The Two Sharpers who cheated each his Fellow dccccxi [911]

v. The Sharpers with the Money-Changer and the a.s.s dccccxiv [914]

w. The Sharper and the Merchants dccccxv [915]

wa. The Hawk and the Locust dccccxvi [916]

x. The King and his Chamberlain"s Wife dccccxvii [917]

xa. The Old Woman and the Draper"s Wife dccccxvii [917]

y. The foul-favoured Man and his Fair Wife dccccxviii [918]

z. The King who lost Kingdom and Wife and Wealth and G.o.d restored them to him dccccxvix [919]

za. Selim and Selma dccccxxii [922]

zb. The King of Hind and his Vizier dccccxxviii [928]

111. El Melik er Zahir Rukneddin Bibers el Bunducdari and the Sixteen Officers of Police dccccx.x.x [930]

a. The First Officer"s Story dccccx.x.x [930]

b. The Second Officer"s Story dccccx.x.xii [932]

c. The Third Officer"s Story dccccx.x.xii [932]

d. The Fourth Officer"s Story dccccx.x.xiv [934]

e. The Fifth Officer"s Story dccccx.x.xiv [934]

f. The Sixth Officer"s Story dccccx.x.xiv [934]

g. The Seventh Officer"s Story dccccx.x.xiv [934]

h. The Eighth Officer"s Story dccccx.x.xv [935]

ha. The Thief"s Story dccccx.x.xviii [938]

i. The Ninth Officer"s Story dccccx.x.xviii [938]

j. The Tenth Officer"s Story dccccx.x.xviii [938]

k. The Eleventh Officer"s Story dccccx.x.xviii [938]

l. The Twelfth Officer"s Story dccccx.x.xxix [939]

m. The Thirteenth Officer"s Story dcccccx.x.xix [939]

n. The Fourteenth Officer"s Story dccccx.x.xxix [939]

na. A Merry Jest of a Thief dccccxl [940]

nb. Story of the Old Sharper dccccxl [940]

o. The Fifteenth Officer"s Story dccccxl [940]

p. The Sixteenth Officer"s Story dccccxl [940]

112. Abdallah ben Nafi and the King"s Son of Cashghar dccccxli [941]

a. Story of Tuhfet el Culoub and Haroun er Reshid dccccxlii [942]

113. Noureddin Ali and Sitt el Milah dcccclviii [958]

114. El Abbas and the King"s Daughter of Baghdad dcccclxvi [966]

115. The Malice of Women dcccclxxix [979]

a. The King and his Vizier"s Wife dcccclx.x.x [980]

b. The Merchant"s Wife and the Parrot dcccclx.x.x [980]

c. The Fuller and his Son dcccclx.x.x [980]

d. The Lover"s Trick against the Chaste Wife dcccclx.x.x [980]

e. The n.i.g.g.ard and the Loaves of Bread dcccclx.x.x [980]

f. The Lady and her Two Lovers dcccclx.x.x [980]

g. The King"s Son and the Ogress dcccclx.x.xv [985]

h. The Drop of Honey dcccclx.x.xvi [986]

i. The Woman who make her Husband Sift Dust dcccclx.x.xvi [986]

j. The Enchanted Springs dcccclx.x.xvi [986]

k. The Vizier"s Son and the Bathkeeper"s Wife dcccclx.x.xviii [988]

1. The Wife"s Device to Cheat her Husband dcccclx.x.xix [989]

m. The Goldsmith and the Cashmere Singing-Girl dccccxc [990]

n. The Man who never Laughed again dccccxci [991]

o. The King"s Son and the Merchant"s Wife dccccxciii [993]

p. The Man who saw the Night of Power dccccxciii [993]

q. The Stolen Necklace dccccxciv [994]

r. Prince Behram of Persia and the Princess Ed Detma dccccxciv [994]

s. The House with the Belvedere dccccxcv [995]

t. The Sandalwood Merchant and the Sharpers dccccxcviii [998]

u. The Debauchee and the Three-year-old Child dccccxcviii [998]

v. The Stolen Purse dccccxcix [999]

w. The Fox and the Folk[FN#467] m [1000]

116. The Two Kings and the Vizier"s Daughters mi [1001]

117. The Favourite and her Lover mi [1001]

118. The Merchant of Cairo and the Favourite of the Khalif El Mamoun El Hakim bi Amrillah mi [1001]




Night INTRODUCTION.--Story of King Shehriyar and his Brother a. Story of the Ox and the a.s.s 1. The Merchant and the Genie i [1]

a. The First Old Man"s Story i [1]

b. The Second Old Man"s Story ii [2]

c. The Third Old Man"s Story ii [2]

2. The Fisherman and the Genie iii [3]

a. Story of the Physician Douban iv [4]

aa. Story of King Sindbad and his Falcon[FN#468] v [5]

ab. Story of the King"s Son and the Ogress v [5]

b. Story of the Enchanted Youth vii [7]

3. The Porter and the Three Ladies of Baghdad ix [9]

a. The First Calender"s Story xi [11]

b. The Second Calender"s Story xii [12]

ba. Story of the Envier and the Envied[FN#469] xiii [13]

c. The Third Calender"s Story xiv [14]

d. The Eldest Lady"s Story xvii [17]

e. The Story of the Portress xviii [18]