The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night

Chapter 154

"How many boons conceals the Deity, * Eluding human sight in mystery: How many graces come on heels of stresses, * And fill the burning heart with jubilee: How many a sorrow in the morn appears, * And turns at night-tide into gladdest gree: If things go hard with thee some day, yet trust * Th" Eterne, th"

Almighty G.o.d of Unity: And pray the Prophet that he intercede; * Through intercession every wish shalt see."

And she left not the service of her Lord, cleaving unto His House, till death came to her." And a tale is also told by Malik bin Dinar[FN#467] (Allah have mercy on him!) of


"We were once afflicted with drought at Ba.s.sorah and went forth sundry times to pray for rain, but saw no sign of our prayers being accepted. So I went, I and "Itaa al-Salami and Sabit al-Banani and Naja al-Bakaa and Mohammed bin Wasi"a and Ayyub al-Sukhtiyani and Habib al-Farsi and Ha.s.san bin Abi Sinan and "Otbah al-Ghulam and Salih al-Muzani,[FN#468] till we reached the oratory,[FN#469] when the boys came out of the schools and we prayed for rain, but saw no sign of acceptance. So about mid-day the people went away and I and Sabit al-Banani tarried in the place of prayer till nightfall, when we saw a black of comely face, slender of shank[FN#470] and big of belly, approach us, clad in a pair of woollen drawers; if all he wore had been priced, it would not have fetched a couple of dirhams. He brought water and made the minor ablution, then, going up to the prayer-niche, prayed two inclinations deftly, his standing and bowing and prostration being exactly similar in both. Then he raised his glance heavenwards, and said, "O my G.o.d and my Lord and Master, how long wilt Thou reject Thy servants in that which offereth no hurt to Thy sovereignty? Is that which is with Thee wasted or are the treasuries of Thy Kingdom annihilated? I conjure Thee, by Thy love to me forthwith to pour out upon us Thy rain-clouds of grace!" He spake and hardly had he made an end of speaking, when the heavens clouded over and there came a rain, as if the mouths of waterskins had been opened; and when we left the oratory, we were knee-deep in water,"--And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.

When it was the Four Hundred and Sixty-eighth Night,

She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that "hardly had he spoken when the heavens clouded over and there came a rain, as if the mouths of waterskins had been opened. And when we left the oratory we were knee-deep in water, and we were lost in wonder at the black. So I accosted him and said to him, "Woe to thee, O black, art thou not ashamed of what thou saidst?" He turned to me and asked, "What said I?"; and I, "Thy saying to Allah, "By Thy love of me;" and what giveth thee to know that He loveth thee?"

Replied he, "Away from me, O thou distracted by the world from the care of thine own soul. Where was I, when He gave me strength to profess the unity of the G.o.dhead and vouchsafed unto me the knowledge of Him? How deemest thou that He aided me thus except of His love to me?" adding, "Verily, His love to me is after the measure of my love to Him." Quoth I, "Tarry awhile with me, so may Allah have mercy on thee!" But he said, "I am a chattel and the Book enjoineth me to obey my lesser master." So we followed him afar off, till we saw him enter the house of a slave-broker.

Now the first half of the night was past and the last half was longsome upon us, so we went away; but next morning, we repaired to the slave-dealer and said to him, "Hast thou a lad to sell us for service?" He answered, "Yes, I have an hundred lads or so and they are all for sale." Then he showed us slave after slave; till he had shown us some seventy; but my friend was not amongst them, and the dealer said, "These are all I have." But, as we were going out from him we saw a ruinous hut behind his house and going in behold, we found the black standing there. I cried, ""Tis he, by the Lord of the Ka"abah!" and turning to the dealer, said to him, "Sell me yonder slave." Replied he, "O Abu Yahya, this is a pestilent unprofitable fellow, who hath no concern by night but weeping and by day but repentance." I rejoined, "It is for that I want him." So the dealer called him, and he came out, showing drowsiness. Quoth his master, "Take him at thine own price, so thou hold me free of all his faults." I bought him for twenty dinars and asked "What is his name?" and the dealer answered "Maymun, the monkey;" and I took him by the hand and went out with him, intending to go home; but he turned to me and said, "O my lesser lord, why and wherefore didst thou buy me? By Allah, I am not fit for the service of G.o.d"s creatures!" Replied I, "I bought thee that I might serve thee myself; and on my head be it." Asked he, "Why so?" and I answered, "Wast thou not in company with us yesterday in the place of prayer?" Quoth he, "And didst thou hear me?"; and quoth I, "It was I accosted thee yesterday and spoke with thee." Thereupon he advanced till we came to a mosque, where he entered and prayed a two-bow prayer; after which he said, "O my G.o.d and my Lord and Master, the secret that was between me and Thee Thou hast discovered unto Thy creatures and hast brought me to shame before the worldling. How then shall life be sweet to me, now that other than Thou hath happened upon that which is between Thee and me? I conjure Thee to take my soul to Thee forthright.[FN#471] So saying, he prostrated himself, and I awaited awhile without seeing him raise his head; so I shook him and behold, he was indeed dead, the mercy of Almighty Allah be upon him! I laid him out stretching his arms and legs and looked at him, and lo! he was smiling.

Moreover, whiteness had got the better of blackness on his brow, and his face was radiant with light like a young moon. As we wondered at his case, the door opened and a young man came in to us and said, "Peace be with you! May Allah make great our reward and yours for our brother Maymun! Here is his shroud: wrap him in it." So saying, he gave us two robes, never had we seen the like of them, and we shrouded him therein. And now his tomb is a place whither men resort to pray for rain and ask their requirements of Allah (be He extolled and exalted!); and how excellently well saith the poet on this theme,

"The heart of Gnostic[FN#472] homed in heavenly Garth *

Heaven decks, and Allah"s porters aid afford.

Lo! here they drink old wine commingled with *

Tasnim,[FN#473] the wine of union with the Lord.

Safe is the secret "twixt the Friend and them; *

Safe from all hearts but from that Heart adored.""

And they recount another anecdote of


There was once, among the Children of Israel, a man of the worthiest, who was strenuous in the service of his Lord and abstained from things worldly and drave them away from his heart.

He had a wife who was a helpmate meet for him and who was at all times obedient to him. They earned their living by making trays[FN#474] and fans, whereat they wrought all through the light hours; and, at nightfall, the man went out into the streets and highways seeking a buyer for what they had made. They were wont to fast continually by day[FN#475] and one morning they arose, fasting, and worked at their craft till the light failed them, when the man went forth, according to custom, to find purchasers for his wares, and fared on till he came to the door of the house of a certain man of wealth, one of the sons of this world, high in rank and dignity. Now the tray-maker was fair of face and comely of form, and the wife of the master of the house saw him and fell in love with him and her heart inclined to him with exceeding inclination; so, her husband being absent, she called her handmaid and said to her, "Contrive to bring yonder man to us." Accordingly the maid went out to him and and called him and stopped him as though she would buy what he held in hand.--And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.

When it was the Four Hundred and Sixty-ninth Night,

She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that the maid-servant went out to the man and asked him, "Come in; my lady hath a mind to buy some of thy wares, after she hath tried them and looked at them." The man thought she spoke truly and, seeing no harm in this, entered and sat down as she bade him; and she shut the door upon him. Whereupon her mistress came out of her room and, taking him by the gaberdine,[FN#476] drew him within and said, "How long shall I seek union of thee? Verily my patience is at an end on thine account. See now, the place is perfumed and provision prepared and the householder is absent this night, and I give to thee my person without reserve, I whose favours kings and captains and men of fortune have sought this long while, but I have regarded none of them." And she went on talking thus to him, whilst he raised not his eyes from the ground, for shame before Allah Almighty and fear of the pains and penalties of His punishment; even as saith the poet,

""Twixt me and riding many a n.o.ble dame, * Was naught but shame which kept me chaste and pure: My shame was cure to her; but haply were * Shame to depart, she ne"er had known a cure."

The man strove to free himself from her, but could not; so he said to her, "I want one thing of thee." She asked, "What is that?": and he answered, "I wish for pure water that I may carry it to the highest place of thy house and do somewhat therewith and cleanse myself of an impurity, which I may not disclose to thee." Quoth she, "The house is large and hath closets and corners and privies at command." But he replied, "I want nothing but to be at a height." So she said to her slave-girl, "Carry him up to the belvedere on the house-terrace." Accordingly the maid took him up to the very top and, giving him a vessel of water, went down and left him. Then he made the ablution and prayed a two-bow prayer; after which he looked at the ground, thinking to throw himself down, but seeing it afar off, feared to be dashed to pieces by the fall.[FN#477] Then he bethought him of his disobedience to Allah, and the consequences of his sin; so it became a light matter to him to offer up his life and shed his blood; and he said, "O my G.o.d and my Lord, Thou seest that which is fallen on me; neither is my case hidden from Thee. Thou indeed over all things art Omnipotent and the tongue of my case reciteth and saith,

"I show my heart and thoughts to Thee, and Thou * Alone my secret"s secrecy canst know.

If I address Thee fain I cry aloud; * Or, if I"m mute, my signs for speech I show.

O Thou to whom no second be conjoined! * A wretched lover seeks Thee in his woe.

I have a hope my thoughts as true confirm; * And heart that fainteth as right well canst trow.

To lavish life is hardest thing that be, * Yet easy an Thou bid me life forego; But, an it be Thy will to save from stowre, * Thou, O my Hope, to work this work hast power!""

Then the man cast himself down from the belvedere; but Allah sent an angel who bore him up on his wings and brought him down to the ground, whole and without hurt or harm. Now when he found himself safe on the ground, he thanked and praised Allah (to whom belong Majesty and Might!) for His merciful protection of his person and his chast.i.ty; and he went straight to his wife who had long expected him, and he empty-handed. Then seeing him, she asked him why he had tarried and what was come of that he had taken with him and why he returned empty-handed; whereupon he told her of the temptation which had befallen him, and she said, "Alhamdolillah--praised be G.o.d-for delivering thee from seduction and intervening between thee and such calamity!" Then she added, "O man, the neighbours use to see us light our oven every night; and, if they see us fireless this night, they will know that we are dest.i.tute. Now it behoveth in grat.i.tude to Allah, that we hide our dest.i.tution and conjoin the fast of this night to that of the past and continue it for the sake of Allah Almighty." So she rose and, filling the oven with wood, lighted it, to baffle the curiosity of her woman-neighbours, reciting these couplets,

"Now I indeed will hide desire and all repine; * And light up this my fire that neighbours see no sign: Accept I what befals by order of my Lord; * Haply He too accept this humble act of mine."

--And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.

When it was the Four Hundred and Seventieth Night,

She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that after the goodwife had lit the fire to baffle the curiosity of her women-neighbours, she and her husband made the Wuzu-ablution and stood up to pray, when behold, one of the neighbours" wives came and asked leave to take a fire-brand from the oven. "Do what thou wilt with the oven," answered they; but, when she came to the fire, she cried out, saying, "Ho, such an one (to the tray-maker"s wife) take up thy bread ere it burn!" Quoth the wife to her husband, "Hearest thou what she saith?" Quoth he, "Go and look." So she went up to the oven, and behold, it was full of fine bread and white. She took up the scones and carried them to her husband, thanking Allah (to whom belong Majesty and Might!) for His abounding good and great bounty; and they ate of the bread and drank water and praised the Almighty. Then said the woman to her husband, "Come let us pray to Allah the Most Highest, so haply He may vouchsafe us what shall enable us to dispense with the weariness of working for daily bread and devote ourselves wholly to worshipping and obeying Him." The man rose in a.s.sent and prayed, whilst his wife said, "Amen," to his prayer, when the roof clove in sunder and down fell a ruby, which lit the house with its light. Hereat, they redoubled in praise and thanksgiving to Allah praying what the Almighty willed,[FN#478]

and rejoiced at the ruby with great joy. And the night being far spent, they lay down to sleep and the woman dreamt that she entered Paradise and saw therein many chairs ranged and stools set in rows. She asked what the seats were and it was answered her, "These are the chairs of the prophets and those are the stools of the righteous and the pious." Quoth she, "Which is the stool of my husband such an one?"; and it was said to her, "It is this." So she looked and seeing a hole in its side asked, "What may be this hole?"; and the reply came, "It is the place of the ruby that dropped upon you from your house-roof." Thereupon she awoke, weeping and bemoaning the defect in her husband"s stool among the seats of the Righteous; so she told him the dream and said to him, "Pray Allah, O man, that this ruby return to its place; for endurance of hunger and poverty during our few days here were easier than a hole in thy chair among the just in Paradise."[FN#479] Accordingly, he prayed to his Lord, and lo!

the ruby flew up to the roof and away whilst they looked at it.

And they ceased not from their poverty and their piety, till they went to the presence of Allah, to whom be Honour and Glory! And they also tell a tale of


Al-Hajjaj bin Yusuf al-Sakafi had been long in pursuit of a certain man of the notables, and when at last he was brought before him, he said, "O enemy of Allah, He hath delivered thee over to me;" and cried, "Hale him to prison and lay him by the heels in heavy fetters and build a closet over him, that he may not come forth of it nor any go into him." So they bore him to jail and summoned the blacksmith with the irons; and every time the smith gave a stroke with his hammer, the prisoner raised his eyes to heaven and said, "Is not the whole Creation and the Empire thereof His?"[FN#480] Then the gaolers built the cage[FN#481] over him and left him therein, lorn and lone, whereupon longing and consternation entered into him and the tongue of his case recited in extempore verse,

"O, Wish of wistful men, for Thee I yearn; * My heart seeks grace of one no heart shall spurn.

Unhidden from thy sight is this my case; * And for one glance of thee I pine and burn.

They jailed and tortured me with sorest pains: * Alas for lone one can no aid discern!

But, albe lone, I find Thy name befriends * And cheers, though sleep to eyes shall ne"er return: An thou accept of me, I care for naught; * And only Thou what"s in my heart canst learn!"

Now when night fell dark, the gaoler left his watchmen to guard him and went to his house; and on the morrow, when he came to the prison, he found the fetters lying on the ground and the prisoner gone; whereat he was affrighted and made sure of death. So he returned to his place and bade his family farewell, after which he took in his sleeve his shroud and the sweet herbs for his corpse, and went in to Al-Hajjaj. And as he stood before the presence, the Governor smelt the perfumes and asked, "What is that?" when the gaoler answered, "O my lord, it is I who have brought it." "And what moved thee to that?" enquired the Governor; whereupon he told him his case,--And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.

When it was the Four Hundred and Seventy-first Night,

She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when the gaoler told his case to Al-Hajjaj, the Governor cried, "Woe to thee! Didst thou hear him say aught?" Answered the gaoler, "Yes!

whilst the blacksmith was hammering his irons, he ceased not to look up heavenwards and say, "Is not the whole Creation and the Empire thereof His?"" Rejoined Al-Hajjaj, "Dost thou not know that He, on whom he called in thy presence, delivered him in thine absence?" And the tongue of the case recited on this theme,

"O Lord, how many a grief from me hast driven * Nor can I sit or stand without Thy hold: How many many things I cannot count, * Thou sav"st from many many and manifold!"

And they also tell a tale of