The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night

Chapter ent.i.tled "Cattle"[FN#487] or that ent.i.tled "Women,"[FN#488] whereupon the sleeper awoke and he who was making his Wuzu-ablution accomplished it and he who was afar came to prayer; nor had he made an end of the first bow, ere the mosque was full of folk; then he would pray his second bow quickly, repeating a short chapter. But, on that morning he hurried over both first and second inclinations, repeating in each a short chapter; then, after the concluding salutation, turning to his companions, he said to them, "Come, let us fare forth to meet the bride and bridegroom"; at which they wondered, not understanding his words.

It reached the ears of a certain pious man that there abode in such a town a blacksmith, who could put his hand into the fire and pull out the iron red-hot, without the flames doing him aught of hurt.[FN#482] So he set out for the town in question and asked for the blacksmith; and, when the man was shown to him, he watched him at work and saw him do as had been reported to him.

He waited till he had made and end of his day"s work; then, going up to him, saluted him with the salam and said, "I would be thy guest this night." Replied the smith, "With gladness and goodly gree!" and carried him to his place, where they supped together and lay down to sleep. The guest watched, but saw no sign in his host of praying through the night or of special devoutness and said in his mind, "Haply he hideth himself from me." So he lodged with him a second and a third night, but found that he did not exceed the devotions prescribed by the law and custom of the Prophet and rose but little in the dark hours to pray. At last he said to him, "O my brother, I have heard of the gift with which Allah hath favoured thee and have seen the truth of it with mine eyes. Moreover, I have taken note of thine a.s.siduity in religious exercises, but find in thee no such piety as distinguisheth those who work saintly miracles: whence, then, cometh this to thee?" "I will tell thee," answered the smith, "Know that I was once pa.s.sionately enamoured of a slave-girl and ofttimes sued her for love-liesse, but could not prevail upon her, because she still held fast by her chast.i.ty. Presently there came a year of drought and hunger and hardship; food failed and there befel a sore famine. As I was sitting one day at home, somebody knocked at the door; so I went out and behold, she was standing there; and she said to me, "O my brother, I am sorely an-hungered and I lift mine eyes to thee, beseeching thee to feed me for Allah"s sake!"

Quoth I, "Wottest thou not how I love thee and what I have suffered for thy sake? Now I will not give thee one bittock of bread except thou yield thy person to me." Quoth she, "Death, but not disobedience to the Lord!" Then she went away and returned after two days with the same prayer for food as before. I made her a like answer, and she entered and sat down in my house being nigh upon death. I set food before her, whereupon her eyes brimmed with tears and she cried, "Give me meat for the love of Allah, to whom belong Honour and Glory!" But I answered, "Not so, by Allah, except thou yield thyself to me." Quoth she, "Better is death to me than the wrath and wreak of Allah the Most Highest;"

and she rose and left the food untouched"--And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.

When it was the Four Hundred and Seventy-second Night,

She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when the man set food before her, the woman said, "Give me meat for the love of Allah to whom be Honour and Glory!" But I answered, "Not so, by Allah, except thou yield to me thy person." Quoth she, "Better is death than the wrath and wreak of Allah;" and she rose and left the food untouched and went away repeating these couplets,

"O Thou, the One, whose grace doth all the world embrace; * Thine ears have heard, Thine eyes have seen my case!

Privation and distress have dealt me heavy blows; * The woes that weary me no utterance can trace.

I am like one athirst who eyes the landscape"s eye, * Yet may not drink a draught of streams that rail and race.

My flesh would tempt me by the sight of savoury food * Whose joys shall pa.s.s away and pangs maintain their place."

She then disappeared for two days, when she again came and knocked at the door; so I went out to her, and lo! hunger had taken away her voice; but, after a rest she said, "O my brother, I am worn out with want and know not what to do, for I cannot show my face to any man but to thee. Say, wilt thou feed me for the love of Allah Almighty?" But I answered, "Not so, except thou yield to me thy person." And she entered my house and sat down.

Now I had no food ready; but, when the meat was dressed and I laid it in a saucer, behold, the grace of Almighty Allah entered into me and I said to myself, "Out on thee! This woman, weak of wit and faith, hath refrained from food till she can no longer, for stress of hunger; and, while she refuseth time after time, thou canst not forbear from disobedience to the Lord!" And I said, "O my G.o.d, I repent to Thee of that which my flesh purposed!" Then I took the food and carrying it to her, said, "Eat, for no harm shall betide thee: this is for the love of Allah, to whom belong Honour and Glory!" Then she raised her eyes to heaven and said, "O my G.o.d, if this man say sooth, I pray Thee forbid fire to harm him in this world and the next, for Thou over all things art Omnipotent and Prevalent in answering the prayer of the penitent!" Then I left her and went to put out the fire in the brasier.[FN#483] Now the season was winter and the weather cold, and a live coal fell on my body: but by the decree of Allah (to whom be Honour and Glory!) I felt no pain and it became my conviction that her prayer had been answered. So I took the coal in my hand, and it burnt me not; and going in to her, I said, "Be of good cheer, for Allah hath granted thy prayer!""--And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.

When it was the Four Hundred and Seventy-third Night,

She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that the blacksmith continued: "So I went in to her and said, "Be of good cheer, for Allah hath granted thy prayer!" Then she dropped the morsel from her hand and said, "O my G.o.d, now that Thou hast shown me my desire of him and hast granted me my prayer for him, take Thou my soul, for Thou over all things art Almighty!" And straightway He took her soul to Him, the mercy of Allah be upon her!" And the tongue of the case extemporised and spake on this theme,

"She prayed: the Lord of grace her prayer obeyed; * And spared the sinner, who for sin had prayed: He showed her all she prayed Him to grant; * And Death (as prayed she) her portion made: Unto his door she came and prayed for food, * And sued his ruth for what her misery made: He leant to error following his l.u.s.ts, * And hoped to enjoy her as her wants persuade; But he knew little of what Allah willed; * Nor was Repentance, though unsought, denayed.

Fate comes to him who flies from Fate, O Lord, * And lot and daily bread by Thee are weighed."

And they also tell of


There was once, among the children of Israel, a man of the devout, for piety acclaimed and for continence and asceticism enfamed, whose prayers were ever granted and who by supplication obtained whatso he wanted; and he was a wanderer in the mountains and was used to pa.s.s the night in worship. Now Almighty Allah had subjected to him a cloud which travelled with him wherever he went, and poured on him its water-treasures in abundance that he might make his ablutions and drink. After a long time when things were thus, his fervour somewhat abated, whereupon Allah took the cloud away from him and ceased to answer his prayers. On this account, great was his grief and long was his woe, and he ceased not to regret the time of grace and the miracle vouchsafed to him and to lament and bewail and bemoan himself, till he saw in a dream one who said to him, "An thou wouldest have Allah restore to thee thy cloud, seek out a certain King, in such a town, and beg him to pray for thee: so will Allah (be He extolled and exalted!) give thee back thy cloud and bespread it over thee by virtue of his pious prayers." And he began repeating these couplets,

"Wend to that pious prayerful Emir, * Who can with gladness thy condition cheer; An he pray Allah, thou shalt win thy wish; * And heavy rain shall drop from welkin clear.

He stands all Kings above in potent worth; * Nor to compare with him doth aught appear: Near him thou soon shalt hap upon thy want, * And see all joy and gladness draw thee near: Then cut the wolds and wilds unfounted till * The goal thou goest for anigh shalt speer!"

So the hermit set out for the town named to him in the dream; and, coming thither after long travel, enquired for the King"s palace which was duly shown to him. And behold, at the gate he found a slave-officer sitting on a great chair and clad in gorgeous gear; so he stood to him and saluted him; and he returned his salam and asked him, "What is thy business?"

Answered the devotee, "I am a wronged man, and come to submit my case to the King." Quoth the officer, "Thou hast no access to him this day; for he hath appointed unto pet.i.tioners and enquirers one day in every seven" (naming the day), "on which they may go in to him; so wend thy ways in welfare till then." The hermit was vexed with the King for thus veiling himself from the folk and said in thought, "How shall this man be a saint of the saints of Allah (to whom belong Majesty and Might!) and he on this wise?"

Then he went away and awaited the appointed day. "Now" (quoth he)"when it came, I repaired to the palace, where I found a great number of folk at the gate, expecting admission; and I stood with them, till there came out a Wazir robed in gorgeous raiment and attended by guards and slaves, who said, "Let those, who have pet.i.tions to present, enter." So I entered with the rest and found the King seated facing his officers and grandees who were ranged according to their several ranks and degrees. The Wazir took up his post and brought forward the pet.i.tioners, one by one, till it came to my turn, when the King looked on me and said, "Welcome to the "Lord of the Cloud"! Sit thee down till I make leisure for thee." I was confounded at his words and confessed his dignity and superiority; and, when the King had answered the pet.i.tioners and had made an end with them, he rose and dismissed his Wazirs and Grandees; then, taking my hand he led me to the door of the private palace, where we found a black slave, splendidly arrayed, with helm on head, and on his right hand and his left, bows and coats of mail. He rose to the King; and, hastening to obey his orders and forestall his wishes, opened the door. We went in, hand in hand, till we came to a low wicket, which the King himself opened and led me into a ruinous place of frightful desolation and thence pa.s.sed into a chamber, wherein was naught but a prayer-carpet, an ewer for ablution and some mats of palm-leaves. Here the King doffed his royal robes and donned a coa.r.s.e gown of white wool and a conical bonnet of felt.

Then he sat down and making me sit, called out to his wife, "Ho, such an one!" and she answered from within saying, "Here am I."

Quoth he, "Knowest thou who is our guest to-day?" Replied she, "Yes, it is the Lord of the Cloud." The King said, "Come forth: it mattereth not for him." And behold, there entered a woman, as she were a vision, with a face that beamed like the new moon; and she wore a gown and veil of wool."-And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.

When it was the Four Hundred and Seventy-fourth Night,

She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that "when the King called to his wife, she came forth from the inner room; and her face beamed like the new moon; and she wore a gown and a veil of wool. Then said the King, "O my brother, dost thou desire to hear our story or that we should pray for thee and dismiss thee?"

Answered the hermit; "Nay, I wish to hear the tale of you twain, for that to me were preferable." Said the King, "My forefathers handed down the throne, one to the other, and it descended from great one to great one, in unbroken succession, till the last died and it came to me. Now Allah had made this hateful to me, for I would fain have gone awandering over earth and left the folk to their own affairs; but I feared lest they should fall into confusion and anarchy and misgovernment so as to swerve from divine law, and the union of the Faith be broken up. Wherefore, abandoning my own plans, I took the kingship and appointed to every head of them a regular stipend; and donned the royal robes; and posted slave-officers at the doors, as a terror to the dishonest and for the defence of honest folk and the maintenance of law and limitations. Now when free of this, I entered this place and, doffing my royal habit, donned these clothes thou seest; and this my cousin, the daughter of my father"s brother, hath agreed with me to renounce the world and helpeth me to serve the Lord. So we are wont to weave these palm-leaves and earn, during the day, a wherewithal to break our fast at nightfall; and we have lived on this wise nigh upon forty years. Abide thou with us (so Allah have mercy on thee!) till we sell our mats; and thou shalt sup and sleep with us this night and on the morrow wend thy ways with that thou wishest, Inshallah!" So he tarried with them till the end of the day, when there came a boy five years old who took the mats they had made and carrying them to the market, sold them for a carat;[FN#484] and with this bought bread and beans and returned with them to the King. The hermit broke his fast and lay down to sleep with them; but in the middle of the night they both arose and fell to praying and weeping. When daybreak was near, the King said, "O my G.o.d, this Thy servant beseecheth Thee to return him his cloud; and to do this Thou art able; so, O my G.o.d, let him see his prayer granted and restore him his cloud."

The Queen amen"d to his orisons and behold, the cloud grew up in the sky; whereupon the King gave the hermit joy and the man took leave of them and went away, the cloud companying him as of old.

And whatsoever he required of Allah after this, in the names of the pious King and Queen, He granted it without fail and the man made thereon these couplets,

"My Lord hath servants fain of piety; * Hearts in the Wisdom- garden ranging free: Their bodies" l.u.s.ts at peace, and motionless * For b.r.e.a.s.t.s that bide in purest secresy.

Thou seest all silent, awesome of their Lord, * For hidden things unseen and seen they see."

And they tell a tale of


The Commander of the Faithful, Omar bin al-Khattab (whom Allah accept!), once levied for holy war an army of Moslems, to encounter the foe before Damascus, and they laid close siege to one of the Christians" strongholds. Now there were amongst the Moslems two men, brothers, whom Allah had gifted with fire and bold daring against the enemy; so that the commander of the besieged fortress said to his chiefs and braves, "Were but yonder two Moslems ta"en or slain, I would warrant you against the rest of their strain." Wherefore they left not to set for them all manner of toils and snares and ceased not to manoeuvre and lie in wait and ambush for them, till they took one of them prisoner and slew the other, who died a martyr. They carried the captive to the Captain of the fort, who looked at him and said, "Verily, to kill this man were indeed a pity; but his return to the Moslem would be a calamity."--And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.

When it was the Four Hundred and Seventy-fifth Night,

She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when the enemy carried their Moslem captive before the Captain of the fort, the Christian looked at him and said, "Verily to kill this man were a pity indeed; but his return to the Moslem would be a calamity. Oh that he might be brought to embrace the Nazarene Faith and be to us an aid and an arm!" Quoth one of his Patrician Knights, "O Emir, I will tempt him to abjure his faith, and on this wise: we know that the Arabs are much addicted to women, and I have a daughter, a perfect beauty, whom when he sees, he will be seduced by her." Quoth the Captain, "I give him into thy charge." So he carried him to his place and clad his daughter in raiment, such as added to her beauty and loveliness. Then he brought the Moslem into the room and set before him food and made the fair girl stand in his presence, as she were a handmaid obedient to her lord and awaiting his orders that she might do his bidding. When the Moslem saw the evil sent down upon him, he commended himself to Allah Almighty and closing his eyes, applied himself to worship and to reciting the Koran. Now he had a pleasant voice and a piercing wit; and the Nazarene damsel presently loved him with pa.s.sionate love and pined for him with extreme repine. This lasted seven days, at the end of which she said to herself, "Would to Heaven he would admit me into the Faith of Al-Islam!" And the tongue of her case recited these couplets,

"Wilt turn thy face from heart that"s all thine own, * This heart thy ransom and this soul thy wone?

I"m ready home and kin to quit for aye, * And every Faith for that of sword[FN#485] disown: I testify that Allah hath no mate: * This proof is stablished and this truth is known.

Haply shall deign He union grant with one * Averse, and hearten heart love-overthrown; For ofttimes door erst shut, is opened wide, * And after evil case all good is shown."

At last her patience failed her and her breast was straitened and she threw herself on the ground before him, saying, "I conjure thee by thy Faith, that thou give ear to my words!" Asked he, "What are they?" and she answered, "Expound unto me Al-Islam." So he expounded to her the tenets of the Faith, and she became a Moslemah, after which she was circ.u.mcised[FN#486] and he taught her to pray. Then said she to him, "O my brother, I did but embrace Al-Islam for thy sake and to win thy favours." Quoth he, "The law of Al-Islam forbiddeth s.e.xual commerce save after a marriage before two legal witnesses, and a dowry and a guardian are also requisite. Now I know not where to find witnesses or friend or parapherne; but, an thou can contrive to bring us out of this place, I may hope to make the land of Al-Islam, and pledge myself to thee that none other than thou in all Al-Islam shall be wife to me." Answered she, "I will manage that"; and, calling her father and mother, said to them, "Indeed this Moslem"s heart is softened and he longeth to enter the faith, so I will grant him that which he desireth of my person; but he saith: "It befitteth me not to do this in a town where my brother was slain. Could I but get outside it my heart would be solaced and I would do that which is wanted of me." Now there is no harm in letting me go forth with him to another town, and I will be a surety to you both and to the Emir for that which ye wish of him." Therefore her father went to their Captain and told him this, whereat he joyed with exceeding joy and bade him carry them forth to a village that she named. So they went out and made the village where they abode the rest of their day, and when night fell, they got ready for the march and went their way, even as saith the poet,

""The time of parting," cry they, "draweth nigh": * "How oft this parting-threat?" I but reply: I"ve naught to do but cross the wild and wold * And, mile by mile, o"er fountless wastes to fly, If the beloved seek another land * Sons of the road, whereso they wend, wend I.

I make desire direct me to their side, * The guide to show me where the way doth lie."

And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.

When it was the Four Hundred and Seventy-sixth Night,

She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that the prisoner and the lady abode in the village the rest of their day and, when night fell, made ready for the march and went upon their way; and travelled all night without stay or delay. The young Moslem, mounting a swift blood-horse and taking up the maiden behind him, ceased not devouring the ground till it was bright morning, when he turned aside with her from the highway and, alighting, they made the Wuzu-ablution and prayed the dawn-prayer. Now as they were thus engaged behold, they heard the clank of swords and clink of bridles and men"s voices and tramp of horse; whereupon he said to her, "Ho, such an one, the Nazarenes are after us! What shall we do?: the horse is so jaded and broken down that he cannot stir another step." Exclaimed she, "Woe to thee! art thou then afraid and affrighted?" "Yes,"

answered he; and she said, "What didst thou tell me of the power of thy Lord and His readiness to succour those who succour seek?

Come, let us humble ourselves before Him and beseech Him: haply He shall grant us His succour and endue us with His grace, extolled and exalted be He!" Quoth he, "By Allah, thou sayest well!" So they began humbling themselves and supplicating Almighty Allah and he recited these couplets,

"Indeed I hourly need thy choicest aid, * And should, though crown were placed upon my head: Thou art my chiefest want, and if my hand * Won what it wisheth, all my wants were sped.

Thou hast not anything withholdest Thou; * Like pouring rain Thy grace is showered: I"m shut therefrom by sins of me, yet Thou, * O Clement, deignest pardon-light to shed.

O Care-Dispeller, deign dispel my grief! * None can, save Thou, dispel a grief so dread."

Whilst he was praying and she was saying, "Amen," and the thunder of horse-tramp nearing them, lo! the brave heard the voice of his dead brother, the martyr, speaking and saying, "O my brother, fear not, nor grieve! for the host whose approach thou hearest is the host of Allah and His Angels, whom He hath sent to serve as witnesses to your marriage. Of a truth Allah hath made His Angels glorify you and He bestoweth on you the meed of the meritorious and the martyrs; and He hath rolled up the earth for you as it were a rug so that, by morning, you will be in the mountains of Al-Medinah. And thou, when thou foregatherest with Omar bin al-Khattab (of whom Allah accept!) give him my salutation and say to him: "Allah abundantly requite thee for Al-Islam, because thou hast counselled faithfully and hast striven diligently.""

Thereupon the Angels lifted up their voices in salutation to him and his bride, saying, "Verily, Almighty Allah appointed her in marriage to thee two thousand years before the creation of your father Adam (with whom be peace evermore!)." Then joy and gladness and peace and happiness came upon the twain; confidence was confirmed and established was the guidance of the pious pair.

So when dawn appeared, they prayed the accustomed prayer and fared forward. Now it was the wont of Omar, son of Al-Khattab (Allah accept him!), to rise for morning-prayer in the darkness before dawn and at times he would stand in the prayer-niche with two men behind him, and begin reciting the Chapter ent.i.tled "Cattle"[FN#487] or that ent.i.tled "Women,"[FN#488] whereupon the sleeper awoke and he who was making his Wuzu-ablution accomplished it and he who was afar came to prayer; nor had he made an end of the first bow, ere the mosque was full of folk; then he would pray his second bow quickly, repeating a short chapter. But, on that morning he hurried over both first and second inclinations, repeating in each a short chapter; then, after the concluding salutation, turning to his companions, he said to them, "Come, let us fare forth to meet the bride and bridegroom"; at which they wondered, not understanding his words.

But he went out and they followed him, till they came to the gate of the city, where they met the young Moslem who, when the day broke and the standards of Al-Medinah appeared to him, had pushed forward for the gate closely followed by his bride. There he was met by Omar who bade make a marriage feast; and the Moslems came and ate. Then the young Moslem went in unto his bride and Almighty Allah vouchsafed him children,--And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.

When it was the Four Hundred and Seventy-seventh Night,

She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that Omar (on whom be peace!) bade make a marriage-feast; and the Moslems came and ate. Then the young Moslem went in unto his bride and Almighty Allah vouchsafed him children, who fought in the Lord"s way and preserved genealogies, for they gloried therein. And how excellent is what is said on such theme,

"I saw thee weep before the gates and "plain, * Whilst only curious wight reply would deign: Hath eye bewitcht thee, or hath evil lot * "Twixt thee and door of friend set bar of bane?

Wake up this day, O wretch, persist in prayer, * Repent as wont repent departed men.

Haply shall wash thy sins Forgiveness-showers; * And on thine erring head some ruth shall rain: And prisoner shall escape despite his bonds; * And slave from thraldom freedom shall attain."