The Boy Pilot of the Lakes

Chapter 16

"I will, some day, and when I do--well, look out--that"s all," and Nat turned away and went back to his work.

Though the incident seemed closed, there was not the best of feeling between Captain Marshall and the pilot. As for the mate, he was so angry at Mr. Weatherby that he would not speak to him.

The _Jessie Drew_ continued on her voyage. Stops were made at several ports in Saginaw Bay, where cargo was either discharged or taken on.

Sam kept himself out of Nat"s way, but this was not difficult, for Nat found plenty to do, as, since he grasped matters rapidly, the purser turned more and more work over to him.

Nat was glad of this, since he wanted to learn all he could, and he was rapidly advancing. Mr. Dunn complimented him on his apt.i.tude for the work, and said it would not be long before he could qualify for the position of a.s.sistant purser.

"Then I suppose you"ll be after my place," he said.

"No, indeed," answered Nat with a smile. "You"ve been too kind to me."

"I wish I could have done more for you at that investigation. It"s too bad my memory is so faulty. I have to make a note of everything the minute it happens, or I"d forget it. I get so used to relying on books and memoranda in this position that I"m lost without them."

"Don"t worry about it," said Nat. "It"s all right. Some time I"ll prove what a mean trick Sam played on me, and then I"ll be satisfied."

Mr. Weatherby did not forget his promise to teach Nat all he could about piloting, and many a day the lad spent in learning the different points and studying the lake, its various headlands, lighthouses, buoys and other marks on which navigators have to depend.

"You"re coming on well, Nat," said the old pilot one day. "It won"t be long before you can qualify for an a.s.sistant pilot, and then it will be only a matter of a few years when you will be a full-fledged one."

"I"ll be glad when that time comes. I want to earn some money to pay back Mr. and Mrs. Miller for what they did for me."

"Yes, they were very kind to you, and they felt it more than a family would that had more money. Never forget your friends, Nat. By the way, have you seen or heard anything more about that pocketbook which the mate had?"

"No; I"ve watched him closely, but I haven"t had a sight of it.

Probably I was mistaken."

"I think not, yet he may have come by it honestly, even if it was your father"s. Sailors often make each other gifts, or your father may have sold it to Mr. b.u.mstead."

"I don"t believe he"d do that. He thought too much of it. But if the mate came by it honestly, I don"t see why he acted so queerly. I can"t help thinking there is some mystery about it. In fact, father"s death was so sudden that little was known concerning it."

"I have a plan in mind, which I am going to put into operation as soon as possible," said the pilot. "It may result in some information."

"What is it?"

"I know a man who was on the lumber barge on which your father was. I am going to write to him, and have him tell me all the circ.u.mstances connected with your parent"s death."

"I wish you would. It would relieve my mind to know all the facts."

"That is what I thought. I will write in a few days, but now I have another matter I want to speak to you about."

The pilot"s manner was serious, and Nat wondered what his friend was about to say. Mr. Weatherby went to the door of the pilot-house and looked out.

"I just wanted to see that Sam Shaw, or his uncle, were not about," he said in explanation. "They"ve been hanging around here of late, and I"m suspicious of them."

He closed the door, and coming over to where Nat stood at the wheel said:

"How would you like to come with me on a big pa.s.senger steamer?"

"Are you going?" asked Nat in surprise.

"Well, I have the chance. I got a letter the other day from a big firm, that wants another pilot. They made me a very good offer, and I"m inclined to take it. I thought I would ask you if you"d like to go."

"Would I have a chance to learn to be a pilot?"

"Yes, a better chance than you have here."

"Then I"d like to go first-rate. I"m ever so much obliged to you. Do you think you will accept the offer?"

"I believe I will. I"ll tell Captain Marshall that we are going to leave him at Detroit. He can easily get another pilot there, and we"ll change to a ship where conditions are more pleasant. I"m glad you want to come with me."

"I don"t know what I"d do if it wasn"t for you."

"Well, I still feel that I"m in your debt," replied Mr. Weatherby. "I think----"

He stopped suddenly and went to the door. He listened a moment, then quickly opened it. Sam Shaw was hurrying away down the deck.

"I believe he was listening, the young rascal!" exclaimed the pilot.

"Do you think he heard anything?"

"He must have. The windows were open."

"What will you do?"

"Well, it doesn"t matter much. I"ll inform Captain Marshall at once of my intentions, and so spoil any trick which the mate"s nephew thinks he can play on us."



That Captain Marshall was surprised is putting it mildly when a little later Mr. Weatherby informed the commander that he was going to leave to be a pilot on a big pa.s.senger steamer.

"If it is a question of more money, I think you can get it on this steamer," said Mr. Marshall.

"No, it isn"t altogether that. The freight runs are too long to suit me. I am getting along in years, and I like to spend a little time on sh.o.r.e. By taking this position on a pa.s.senger vessel I will have considerable time between trips. Then, again, conditions are not as pleasant here of late as I"d like to have them. Nat and I will leave you as soon as you reach Detroit."

"Nat! Is he going with you?"

"Yes. After what has occurred I should think you would be glad of it."

"I don"t know that I am," replied the captain. "At first I believed him guilty of having those cigarettes, but since then I have been informed by one of the crew that Sam Shaw smokes in secret, though not in forbidden places. No, I can"t say that I am altogether pleased that Nat is going. He is a good boy, and though he is a trifle slow in some things I think I will prefer him to Sam."

"Then Sam is going to have his place?"