The Boy Pilot of the Lakes

Chapter 24


Captain Turton decided to lay over for some hours, as, during the storm, his vessel had suffered some minor damage, which he wanted repaired.

"How is Mr. Weatherby?" asked Nat, as soon as there was no longer any need of him remaining in the pilot-house.

"He is much better this morning," replied the commander, "but he is still quite weak, and will probably stay in his bunk all day. He says he would like to see you."

"I"ll go at once."

"Hadn"t you better get your breakfast?"

"No, that can wait."

"But you have been on duty a long while, and it was a great strain on you."

"I know it was, captain, but I"m so glad I brought the ship through safely, that I"d be willing to go without breakfast and sleep for a long time yet."

"You are a plucky lad, and I wish more like you were learning to be pilots."

Nat found Mr. Weatherby quite ill, but, in spite of that, the pilot warmly congratulated his _protege_ on the nerve he had displayed during the storm.

"You have proved your worth, Nat," said Mr. Weatherby, "and I am proud of my pupil."

Nat turned in for a sleep, soon after breakfast. There was little for the crew of the _Mermaid_ to do while the repairs were being made, and those pa.s.sengers who were not yet at their destination strolled about the town while waiting for the trip to be resumed.

The vessel that Nat had brought so skilfully through the storm, which had ceased with the first appearance of dawn, was tied at the same dock as that at which was the steamer they had met near the reef. One was on one side, and one on the other, and when the dock between the ships was not occupied by wagons and trucks, laden with freight, Nat could look across and see the crew of the other steamer, the _Spray_, busily rearranging the cargo that had shifted during the storm. She was a freighter, but smaller than the _Jessie Drew_.

The appearance of one lad in the crew of the _Spray_ attracted Nat"s attention, when the young pilot arose early in the afternoon. The lad had red hair, and his figure seemed familiar.

"If I didn"t think he was a good way off from here I"d say that fellow was Sam Shaw," mused Nat. "He looks a good deal like him."

He tried to watch, to determine if it was his former enemy, but, as the lad kept moving to and fro, it was impossible to be certain.

"If I saw Mr. b.u.mstead I"d know it was Sam who was with him," went on Nat, as he stood at the rail nearest the dock. "It might be possible they transferred to that ship. I wonder if I hadn"t better speak to Mr. Weatherby, and ask his advice? No, he"s sick, and I don"t want to bother him about my affairs. I guess I"ll just take a stroll over there and see for myself. Captain Turton won"t care, as we can"t sail until late this evening."

Nat started down the gangplank, but, when he was half way down, he met a man in uniform, who asked him:

"Is this the _Mermaid_?"

"Yes, sir."

"I am looking for a young man, named Nat Morton. Can you tell me where I shall find him?"

"That is my name," replied our hero. He thought perhaps it might be an officer from police headquarters, with some message concerning Mr.


"Then you are just the person I want," the man went on. "You will have to come with me."

"Come with you? What for? Is it about Mr. b.u.mstead?"

"Yes," replied the man. "How did you guess?"

"Well, I"ve been expecting a message regarding him."

"Then what you will hear will be no news to you."

"Has he been arrested?"

"Arrested? No. Why should he be arrested?"

"Why, I thought you said----"

"Perhaps I had better not say anything more until you get to headquarters," the man went on.

"Then it surely must be about that rascally mate," thought Nat. "Mr.

Weatherby will be glad they have him."

He followed the man off the pier, and along a street on the water front.

"I understand you piloted that boat through the storm last night,"

said the man.

"Well, I did, but I guess it was more by good luck than anything else that enabled me to do it. Who told you about it?"

"Oh, it is pretty generally known. The crews of vessels talk more or less when they are in dock."

They walked along in silence a little longer, and then the man stopped in front of a small building.

"This doesn"t look like police headquarters," thought Nat. "I wonder if there"s a mistake."

"Go right that way," said the officer, keeping close behind the boy.

"The harbor master is in that room."

"The harbor master?" repeated Nat. "What have I to do with the harbor master? I don"t want to see him."

"No, but he wants to see you."

A moment later Nat was ushered into a room, where at a large desk sat a stern-looking man, and on either side of him were two men, each one with several books and papers before him.

"Ah, so this is the young pilot, eh?" remarked the man in the middle.

"How old are you--er--Nat Morton? I believe that is your name."

"I will soon be sixteen."

"And you piloted the _Mermaid_ past Dagget"s Point reef last night--in that storm?"

"Yes, sir."