The Boy Pilot of the Lakes

Chapter 7

"I will," answered Nat, and, with rather an uneasy feeling, he went aft to where the captain"s cabin was located.

He found the mate there, looking quite excited, while Captain Marshall was far from calm. Evidently there had been high words between the men.

"What is this, Nat?" asked the captain. "The mate says he is short ten boxes. You have them on your list as coming aboard, but they are not to be found. You know that will make trouble, to have anything wrong with the cargo."

"I"m sure nothing is wrong," replied Nat. "I went over my list carefully, and I am positive the boxes are on board."

"And I say they"re not," insisted the mate. "I guess I"ve been in this business long enough to know more than a green lad who has only been here a day."

"You want to be careful, Nat," went on Captain Marshall. "I have always depended on Mr. b.u.mstead in regard to matters connected with the stowing of the cargo."

"I am sure those boxes are aboard, sir," went on Nat firmly. "If you will allow me to take a look I think I can find them."

"What! Go through all the cargo after it"s stowed away!" exclaimed the angry mate. "I guess not much! I"ll not allow it!"

The door of the cabin opened and there entered the pilot, Mr.

Weatherby. He started back on seeing the mate and Nat.

"Oh, excuse me," he said. "I didn"t know you had any one in here, Captain Marshall."

"That"s all right, come right in," replied the commander. "There"s a little difficulty between Nat and Mr. b.u.mstead, and I"m trying to straighten it out."

He related what had taken place, and told of the missing boxes.

"And there you are," he finished. "It seems to be quite a mix-up, and I"m sorry, for I like to keep my cargo and the records of it straight."

"Hum," murmured the pilot. "Mr. b.u.mstead says the boxes are not here, and Nat says they came aboard, eh? Well, I should think the easiest way would be to look and see if they are here or not."

"That"s what I proposed," exclaimed Nat eagerly.

"Yes! I guess I"ll have you disturbing the whole cargo to look for ten small boxes!" exclaimed the mate. "Not much I won"t! I"m right, and I know it!"

"No, I think Nat is right," said Mr. Weatherby quietly.

"Do you mean to tell me I made a mistake?" inquired Mr. b.u.mstead.

"I don"t know whether you did or not. But I know Nat"s plan is the only one that can decide the matter. If the boxes came aboard the last thing, they can"t be very far down among the rest of the cargo.

It will not take long to look. What do you say, captain?"

Captain Marshall was in a sort of quandary. The mate was his chief officer, and he wanted to be on his side because Mr. b.u.mstead owned some shares in the ship, and also because Mr. b.u.mstead relieved the commander of a lot of work that, otherwise, would have fallen to the share of the captain. On the other hand Mr. Marshall did not want to offend the pilot. In addition to being a relative of his, Mr.

Weatherby was one of the stockholders in the company which owned the steamer _Jessie Drew_, and, as the captain was an employee of this company, he did not want to oppose one of the officers of it.

"I suppose that"s the only way out of it," the captain finally said, though with no very good grace. "Only the whole cargo must not be upset looking for those boxes."

"I"ll be careful," promised Nat. "I think I know where they were stowed."

"Um! You think you do, but you"ll soon find you"re much mistaken!"

said the mate scornfully.

"I"ll give you a hand," said the pilot. "Mr. Simmon, my helper, is in the pilot-house," he went on, in answer to a questioning glance from Captain Marshall. "The ship is on a straight course now, and we"ll hold it for an hour or two. Now, Nat, come on, and we"ll see if we can"t solve this puzzle."

It did not take long to demonstrate that Nat was right, and the mate wrong. The ten boxes were found in the afterhold, where they had been put by mistake, which accounted for the mate not being able to find them.

"What have you to say now?" asked the pilot of Mr. b.u.mstead, when the search was so successfully ended.

"What have I to say? Nothing, except that I think you did a mean thing when you got this boy in here, and kept my nephew out of the place, which he needs so much. But I"ll get even with him yet for coming here." It appeared the mate"s protest to Captain Marshall, about employing Nat, had been of no effect.

"I guess Nat needed a place to work as much as did your nephew,"

replied Mr. Weatherby, when his _protege_ had gone back to the purser"s cabin. "His father is dead, and you ought to be glad that the orphan son of an old lake sailor has a chance to earn his living, instead of making it hard for him."

"Was his father a lake sailor?" asked the mate quickly.

"Yes. Nat"s father was James Morton, who was employed on a lumber barge."

"James Morton! On a lumber barge!" exclaimed the mate, turning pale.

"Are you sure of that?"

"Certainly. But what of it? Did you know Mr. Morton?"

"Jim Morton," murmured the mate. "I might have recognized the name. So his son is aboard this vessel! I must do something, or----"

"What was that you said?" asked the pilot, who had not caught the mate"s words.

"Nothing--I--er--I thought I used to know his father--but--but it must be another man."

The mate was clearly very much excited over something.

"Now look here!" exclaimed Mr. Weatherby sternly. "Nat is not to blame for coming here. I got him the place, and I"ll look out for him, too.

If you try any of your tricks I"ll take a hand in the game myself.

Now, I"ve given you your course, and I want you to keep on it. If you run afoul of me you"ll be sorry for it."

The mate turned aside, muttering to himself, but the pilot thought it was because he had made a mistake about the boxes.

"Look out for him, Nat," said Mr. Weatherby, a little later, after the pilot had reported to the captain the result of the search for the missing boxes. "He seems to have some grudge against you, and he"ll do you an injury if he can."

"I believe that," replied Nat, "though I can"t see why he should. I never injured him, and it was not my fault that I got the place he wanted for his nephew."

"No, of course not. But keep your weather eye open."

"I will."

Captain Marshall showed no very great pleasure at finding that Nat was in the right. The truth was he feared the mate would be chagrined over the mistake he himself had made, and Captain Marshall was the least bit afraid of Mr. b.u.mstead, for the commander knew the mate was aware of certain shortcomings in regard to the management of the vessel, and he feared his chief officer might disclose them.

"You want to be careful of your lists," the commander said to Nat.

"You were right this time, but next time you might be wrong."

Nat"s pleasure at finding he had not made a mistake was a little dampened by the cool way in which the captain took it, but Mr.

Weatherby told him not to mind, but to do his work as well as he could, and he would get along all right.