The Boy Scout Camera Club

Chapter 25

"Of course it was!"

"Dressed just the same?"

"Just exactly."

"Why didn"t you take a picture of him?" asked Frank.

"Huh, don"t you ever think I didn"t," was the reply. "I"ve got it in my camera now. When we get to camp I"ll develop it and print some.

I"ve got pictures of the men, too, and about everything around the hole in the ground where they hid me."

"That is as it should be!" Ned declared. "But how did you do it!"

"They are easy!" was all the reply Jimmie made.

A quarter of a mile away from the chimney rock Ned paused and looked back.

"I can"t understand where those men went to," he said.

"My friends do you mean?" asked Jimmie with a grin. "They"re going on a hop yet."

"No; the men who did the shooting," said Ned.

"Well," Jimmie went on, in a minute, "there is a place somewhere near the rock where some friends of the men who ran are camping. I heard them talking together."

"You little rascal!" Ned exclaimed. "Why didn"t you tell me that before?"

"Oh, you won"t find them there now!" Jimmie advised. "I"ll bet they ducked when we got away. They won"t remain around here now."

"Are they counterfeiters?" asked Frank.

"They"re from the city, brought here in connection with the abduction of the prince!" laughed Jimmie.

"How did you manage to cook and take pictures when you were tied up like a fish for shipment?" asked Frank.

"They didn"t tie me up for a time, for I gave them a lot of talk about liking their society," was the answer. "They just watched me.

When it came night and they wanted to sleep, they put the harness on!"

"That was careless of them," declared Frank, "not to tie you up tight."

"They"re just cheap," Jimmie insisted. "They couldn"t kidnap a bird in a cage."

The sun was up when the boys reached the camp, and Teddy was getting breakfast.

The arrival of Jimmie was hailed with manifestations of joy, as may well be supposed. The boys cl.u.s.tered around him excitedly, and even Uncle Ike, from the corral, sent forth a he-haw greeting. The breakfast Teddy prepared for him was a wonder!

The meal was scarcely finished when Bradley came sauntering into the camp. He stopped suddenly when he saw Jimmie. Watching him closely, Ned saw that he was dismayed as well as astonished. However, he soon came forward with a set smile on his face and took the boy by the hand.

"You"re lucky," he said, "to get out of the clutches of the counterfeiters so soon. I was afraid something serious might have happened to you. How did you do it?"

"Ned came after me," was the only reply the boy made.

"We"ve decided to go away," Ned explained, "and so they gave him up, after a short argument."

"With a gun!" whispered Jimmie to the others.

Bradley loitered about the camp for a long time, asking questions and talking of a great many things which did not interest the lads at all.

"And so you are going out to-morrow?" he asked, arising to go.

"We expect to," Ned replied soberly.

"Perhaps I"ll meet you outside somewhere," Bradley laughed.

"I hope so!" Ned replied, whispering an aside to Frank.

Frank walked away toward the tent, and directly, while Bradley"s face was in clear outline, Ned heard the click of a shutter and knew that the snapshot had been made.

When Bradley at last started away Ned called the boys together and asked them if it wouldn"t be a good idea for them to take a prisoner--just to equalize things!

"Bradley?" asked Frank and Jimmie in chorus.

"That"s the man," laughed Ned. "Do you think you could head him off and hide him in some out-of-the way hole in the ground?"

"What for?" demanded Jack. "I don"t see what you want to do that for."

"Just for the fun of it!" Jimmie exclaimed. "I"ll guard him after he is taken!" he added, with an appealing look at Ned.

"Well," Ned went on, nodding at Jimmie, "I have an idea that if two of you work down the slope and come out ahead of him you can coax him to throw up his hands easily enough."

"Then, after that, if you leave it to me," Jack continued, "you"ll go down to the cabin and get the prince and start away with him!"

"You"re sure it is the prince?" asked Ned.

"Of course! I should think any one with sense could see that. Just see how suspiciously the kid is watched! Of course, if you want to take the abductor along too, why that will be all right, but I"d get the prince first!"

"That"s good advice," Ned declared, seeking to conciliate the boy, "and I"ll go down to the cabin now and look after that end of the game!"

"If things work this way," laughed Oliver, "I guess we _will_ get away to-morrow!"

"Why don"t you let me go with the boys and help capture that stiff?"

asked Jack, speaking to Ned. "He may be armed and perfectly willing to shoot."

"We have messed things up a bit here," Ned answered, "so whatever we do must be done at once. I have another little errand to do while they capture Bradley!"

"Oh, we"ll get him, all right!" Frank insisted.

"You bet we will!" Jimmie added. "I"ll tie him up tight, too! He won"t take no pictures while he is my prisoner."