The Boy Scout Camera Club

Chapter 29

"Well, when we released Jimmie and let the two guards escape, that part of the game was off. If I could have held the men it would have been different."

"Perhaps Bradley can be made to tell where the prince is," suggested Jack.

"I hardly thinks he knows," Ned replied. "He has not, I think, been taken fully into the confidence of the men higher up, any more than have the men who guarded Jimmie."

"He certainly knows where my grandson is," exclaimed the old lady, "and I"ll tear his heart out but I"ll make him tell me. He took him away!"

"I am not so certain of that, either," Ned mused. "I don"t know just how far the criminal head of the conspiracy has trusted him."

"You"ll do all you can to find my boy, won"t you?" pleaded the old lady.

"Don"t worry about the boy," Ned urged. "Well find him. If Frank and Jimmie have had good luck Bradley is under arrest now, and something will be brought out to lead to his discovery. Besides, with the disguise penetrated, there is no longer any motive for holding him, unless he knows too much, which is not likely."

"If his father was here he might help," suggested the old lady.

Jack, who had been looking steadily out of the window for some little time, now turned to Ned with a smile on his face.

"I know now what you wrote in your little red book!" he said.

"Are you certain of that?"

"Why, of course. You wrote the answer to the question: "Is it the prince, or is it Mike III?" Didn"t you, now?"

"Yes, I did!" was the reply. "I was almost positive before, but I knew that day."

"And now we are just where we began," Jack said. "We"ve solved one phrase of the case, but we haven"t found the prince."

"That will come later," Ned declared, confidently. "Well," he went on, "we have finished our work here for the present. We have learned of the disappearance of the grandson and we have confirmed my previous belief, that the boy was sent in here to draw our attention from the abducted child. So we may as well go back to camp and see what the boys have been doing."

The old lady still clung to Ned piteously, begging him to restore her boy, and Ned promised to do all in his power to place the lad in her arms.

"If my son would only come!" the woman kept saying.

"If you"ll give me his address," Ned promised, "I"ll see him when I get back to Washington, if he is not already here or on his way here."

The address was given and the boys started on the return trip to camp.

"Now, Jack," Ned said, when they were on their way up the slope, "do you know where the nearest telegraph station is?"

"There"s one over on the south fork of the Potomac," Jack replied.

"You are good friends with Uncle Ike?" Ned then asked, with a laugh.

"Sure I am. Uncle Ike is a friend of every person who carries sugar in his pocket."

"Well, when we get back to camp I"ll give you a night message. You must take the mule and get it to the station. You may not be able to get there to-night. If you can"t, send it when you do get there. Wait for an answer. When you get it tell Uncle Ike it is important and get here with it as soon as possible. You"ve got a hard trip ahead of you, boy!" he added. "I"m game!" laughed Jack. "If there"s any of this prince trouble leaked out," he added, "what shall I say?"

"Tell the old story. Say that we are in the hills for art"s sake, and that we have been annoyed by counterfeiters! Nothing serious, understand? Not a word about our real mission here. You notice that even the men we are battling with want it understood that it is the counterfeiters who are trying to drive us out."

"There must be something mighty strange about this abduction game,"

Jack grinned. "No one will even admit that there is a prince in the case."

When the boys came to the vicinity of the summit, south of a point in line with the camp and the canyon where the counterfeiters had been discovered, they stopped and took a good survey of the landscape.

"We can probably learn more about what has been going on," Jack suggested, "by hiking straight for the camp. I"m anxious to be off on that trip. Uncle Ike will like it--not! But I"ll make him like it!

I"ll give you a good imitation of a boy sailing over the mountains on the freight deck of a mule!"

"I was wondering," Ned said, composedly, though his eyes were troubled, "whether we had any camp left! If you"ll look off to the north, you"ll see four men crouching in a dent in the slope.

Rough-looking chaps, eh?"

"I see!" Jack whispered. "Have they seen us? That"s the question now."

"If they saw us," Ned continued, "they would either be making for us or trying to get out of sight. No; they are watching the camp. See!

They are where they can look over the summit."

"If they haven"t been to the camp I"ll think ourselves lucky," Ned said.

"They probably haven"t!" Jack cried. "But look there, they are going on a rush right now! Must be Bradley"s friends. What?"



Bradley smiled cynically as he looked down toward the tent. He could not, of course, distinguish the figures as plainly as Jimmie could with the gla.s.s, but he knew from the excited manner of the boys that something unusual was taking place.

"You have visitors at the camp?" he asked cooly, as the lads motioned to him to move on. "I shall be glad to meet them, you may be sure."

He held out his manacled hands suggestively as he spoke.

"You"re not invited!" Jimmie grunted. "We"ve got private date with those people. You might muss things up, if we permitted you to go with us!"

"Very well," Bradley replied. "They"ll know where I am. But, for fear they"ll not recognize me, at this distance, I"ll just give them notice that I"m here."

Jimmie and Frank both sprang forward to prevent the promised outcry, but Bradley proved too quick for them. The cry that rose from his lips was long, shrill and significant in its insistance. It was finally stopped by Bradley being thrown to the ground, where he lay with the old sarcastic smile on his face.

"You"ve done it now!" Frank gritted. "You ought to be shot."

"You are none too good to commit a murder--to kill an unarmed and defenseless man."

"If you don"t keep that twirler of yours reefed I"ll tie it up!"

Jimmie declared, with a threatening motion.

He might have gagged Bradley there and then only that Frank called his attention to the camp. The two men who had been seen inside were now hiding on the west side of the tent, and Teddy was coming up the slope from the corral. Oliver was nowhere to be seen, and the supposition was that he had been captured by the outlaws.

"We"ve got to tie this robber hand and foot and gag him!" Frank cried. "We"ve got to get down to the camp right away!"