The Boy Scout Camera Club

Chapter 9


"Why," the old woman said, stepping closer to the group of boys, "that"s Buck!"

A heavily-built man with a scraggly beard stepped away from the corral and approached the group by the fire, his stubby fingers twining in and out of his unkempt whiskers as he walked along, his eyes fixed on the fire and those about it.

"That"s Buck Skypole," the old woman went on, as the advancing figure stopped. "I didn"t know you was to come after me Buck," she added, speaking to the new-comer.

"I "lowed you"d be right skeered of the dark," the man answered, "so I "lowed I"d come on up an" tote you home."

He rubbed his left thigh carefully for a moment and then spoke to Ned.

"That"s a right pert mule," he said.

"Did Uncle Ike kick you?" asked Jack, nudging Oliver in the ribs with an elbow. "We"ll have to wallop him a bit, if he did."

"I reckon I ain"t got no mad at the creeter," Buck replied. "A man must keep out"n reach of a mule. Seein" the mule"s got only a few feet of play in his laigs, he ought to be able to do that! No; I ain"t goin" to recommend no beatin"s f"r the mule!"

"Buck," said the old lady, "these are boys from New York, my old home! They"re taking pictures of the mountains."

"They c"n take the mountains, too!" Buck laughed. "F"r all me!"

"I thought Mike might have come in with them," the old lady went on.

"He isn"t here, but I"ve had a real pleasant time with the boys. I"m much obliged to you, lads," she added, facing Ned. "I"m grateful for the tea and the fruit. They"re rare here."

"I reckoned you wouldn"t find Mike here," Buck chuckled, "f"r while you was gone a message come from Mike. He can"t get here now, but he"s sent the kid!"

"He has?" cried the woman, joyfully. "Do you mean to tell me, Buck, that the boy is right down there this minute, in my cabin?"

"Sure I do," was the reply, "an" a bright little feller he is."

"Give us a guess on that," whispered Jack to Oliver. "Is the kid in the cabin Mike III., or is he the prince? Give you three guesses!"

"I give it up!" the boy whispered back.

"Why didn"t you bring the kid along with you?" asked Frank. "We all want to see him. His grandmother has been telling us about him."

"Its a right smart walk for a little one!" Buck answered.

"You"re welcome to come down and see him," Mrs. Brady said. "I"d be proud to give you all a snack in the morning."

"Suppose we do go and see the kid?" asked Oliver. "I"m curious to know all about the little shaver!"

"I"m for it!" Frank exclaimed.

"And I"ll be the first one there!" Jack put in. "I always liked kids--from Washington! No one will molest the camp while we are gone."

"I wouldn"t leave it alone, if I were you," advised the old lady.

"There"s a heap of bad people come into the mountains sometimes.

Don"t all leave at once."

"That"s good advice, mother," Ned said. "Two will go and two will remain here. In a short time the two out in the hills will return, and then there will be a good-sized guard for what little stuff we have."

"All right," Jack declared, "if any one is going to stay here, it will be me! Come to think of it, I"m too blamed tired to walk another step to-night. Eh, Oliver?"

"I"ll remain here if you do," the boy replied. "I"m worn out up to my knees now, climbing mountains. And, besides, Uncle Ike would be lonesome without me away!"

"Very well," Ned agreed. "That leaves Frank and me for the visit. When Jimmie and Teddy come, put them to bed without supper!"

"You"ll know when they come, then," laughed Jack, "for Jimmie going to bed without supper will be a noisy proposition. You can hear him for ten miles."

"I"m anxious about the boys," Ned went on. "I"m afraid something is wrong with them. They should have been back here hours ago."

"You remember the Indian signal for help you saw in the valley?"

asked Frank, in a moment. "Well, they may have seen that, too, and taken a notion to find out about it. They went in that direction when they left the camp."

"That may be the reason for their delay," Ned answered. "We should have attended to that signal ourselves," he added. "There may have been some one in serious trouble down there. I hope the boys did go--that is, if nothing happens to them because of their going. Boy Scouts should a.s.sist each other at every opportunity."

After a little more talk regarding the boy who had been sent to Mary Brady by her son in Washington, and after Buck had been given a couple of cups of steaming hot coffee, the four started down the slope to the west.

"Did any one say how far it was to the old lady"s cabin?" asked Jack of his chum, as they nestled down by the fire, the mountain air being cold, even in June.

"Buck said it was three whoops and a holler!" almost shrieked Oliver. "Do you know what he meant by that?"

"I don"t know," answered Jack, "but I should think, from what she said, that the boys won"t feel like walking back up the mountain to-night. Therefore, if Jimmie and Teddy don"t come, well be alone."

"I wonder if they would know the prince if they met him in the road?"

laughed Oliver. "That kid down there is just as much the prince as I am. What did they steal the kid for, anyway?"

"Politics!" yawned Jack.

"What did they send him over here for, anyway?"

"Politics!" with another yawn.

"Aw, go on to bed!" grinned Oliver. "I"ll build up another fire, to serve as a sort of lighthouse for the boys and sit up for them."

So Jack went into the tent, pulled down a great heap of blankets, drew off his coat and shoes and stockings, and was soon asleep in a neat little nest!

Oliver sat by the fire for a short time and then went up to the summit to look over the valley. The moon was rising now, and he could see the four who had recently left the camp working their way over a ridge to the south and west.

Straight down, in a canyon made by an outcropping ledge of rock, he saw a faint light, as from a campfire which had been allowed to die down.

"The mountains are full of people to-night!" he mused. "If I thought I could make Uncle Ike behave himself, I"d ride down there and see who those campers are."

The boy stood undecided for some moments, then his eyes opened wider and he moved downward toward the fire. He was thinking of the Boy Scout signals for help which Ned and Frank had mentioned seeing!

"I wonder if Jack would go down there with me!"