The Boy Who Swore Revenge On The World

Chapter 12

Cursed Tools



“Hey! Master, increase your speed! With that speed, you’re going to be stepped on by the skeletons!”

d.a.m.n, this Liscia! Leisurely riding a skeleton horse! You, run together as well!

“Ohー, Boss you’re working hardー”

When it comes to Chrono, he’s drinking tea with Darx! Ou, ouch! When I was looking at Chrono and guys’ direction, an impact suddenly ran through my head. I slightly look back and, there was the figure of Liscia swinging her arms as though she threw something.

……That fellow, she threw something. Towards me who have lost my balance and fell on the ground because of the impact, the skeletons approach. Aa


“Aa, Masterー……”

“Arara, he got stepped on”

……That Liscia, I’ll definitely not forgive her.

“Erー, My bad Masterー.I unconsciously got heated up!”

Ahahaー, Liscia laughs. I got close to the smiling Liscia, and pull out Liscia’s head from her body. Then, I threw it will all my might!

Liscia’s head drew a parabola as it flew. Liscia’s voice that is gradually becoming thinner can be heard. Then, a headless body running to chase the head. Furthermore, it’s unexpectedly fast. She slides and catches it with it almost grazing the ground.

“Here, your beverage”

I was looking at such a Liscia and, all of a sudden Natalia appears from the side. Then, she hands over a cup. I wonder where in this s.p.a.ce are there such first-cla.s.s things. Furthermore, the things Natalia make are all delicious.



Somehow, she’s staring intensely at me. What? Even when I drink without paying it any mind, she continues looking at me. It’s impossible to ignore it.

“……Why are you looking at me so fixedly?”

“No, there’s no particular reason”



What is it!? Natalia silently became unmoving. I don’t know anymore. I somehow pay it no mind while drinking the tea I’ve received from Natalia.

“Masterー! Isn’t it mean to throw someone’s head! It nearly fell to the ground and split!”

Is what Liscia said as she angrily lumbers towards me. As she held her head under her arm like a ball, she points towards me.

“It was you that threw first, wasn’t it? What’s wrong with a little payback”

“The thing that was thrown is different! What I threw was a bone! Besides, what will you do if my beautiful face were to be wounded!”

“Don’t say beautiful by yourself. And, a fellow whose head can be removed isn’t beautiful”

“Wha!? Then, Master prefers a normal human!?”

……Why did it turn into such topic. But, a normal human huh. I liked Stella before everything became like this. I also get excited when I see other beautiful women or cute girls.

But, what about now? If I’m asked that……it’s impossible. They are no more than subjects of my hatred. Even if it has nothing to do with them, it’s impossible. At the very least if I don’t do a slave contract. First and foremost, I can’t trust them.

In comparison to that, Liscia is……She’s quite beautiful if I can bear with her head being removable. It’s just that, her visible abs are a minus. Previously when the headless body stood stark naked, as one would expect, I was shocked.

Besides, she’s my subordinate. She can’t go against me, neither can she betray me. Since if I die, she disappears as well. If I think about it that way, I might not be able to love anyone other than my slaves or subordinates. This part of me has also gone amiss huh.

“Ma, Masterー? You’re suddenly making a difficult face, is something wrong? Is your stomach aching or something?”

“……Don’t lump me together with you who ate too much and had an upset stomach. Why did a Dullahan get an upset stomach.”

“It, it can’t be helped! It’s Natalia’s dishes fault for being delicious!”

Liscia who has something embarra.s.sing pointed out got angry instead. But, even an idiot like her has a good head, she knows lots of stuff. Though it’s probably because Chrono and Darx know tons of stuff that she doesn’t stand out.

“It’s done, Boss”

When I was pacifying the angry Liscia, Chrono came. Darx is also there behind him. Then, I was handed a black bangle and necklace from Chrono.

“Oo, these are what Darx were talking about?”

“That’s right, one of it is the Cursed Bangle of Immense Strength. Capable of attaining tens of times the ordinary strength. In exchange, the arm wearing it will constantly have intense pain running through it. The other one is the Soul Absorption Necklace. By absorbing the soul of the person that is killed, the amount of magic power possessed can be increased. In exchange, it seems that the cries of the souls absorbed can be heard”

I see. In exchange for the effect, both of it is cursed. I put both of them on without hesitation. The bangle on my left arm.

When I did that, the sensation of my left arm being stabbed by a sharp object is running through. In addition to that, it’s throughout my entire arm. It’s quite painful but, when compared to being stabbed with a knife throughout my entire body, it’s still better. Though if it is a normal human being they might die from the pain.

After that, I put on the necklace and……nothing can be heard. I look at Chrono and

“That’s natural. It still, hasn’t even absorbed a single soul”

……That’s right. There’s no way there are cries if there’s not a single soul. It’s fine to absorb the souls in this s.p.a.ce but, I want to first test out the effectiveness of the bangle.

“Chrono. Is there any good place that is away from the country my village is in?”

“If it’s that, isn’t the country all the way south fine? It’s a small country with a population of about 500 thousand people,『Mestoa Kingdom』. If it’s over there then, it is quite far away from country 『Anders Kingdom』Boss was in.”

Alright, then let’s do it there. I’ll have the effectiveness of these two tools tested out.