The Boy Who Swore Revenge On The World

Chapter 38

Demon Country Estekia

“……Good grief, the Holy Kingdom is a bother”

“It truly is”

I talk to the butler of this castle before my eyes who came to pa.s.s a letter to me, Lulsch. Perhaps Lulsch also feels the same way as I do, he showed a bitter smile like me.

“I wonder what part of us can’t they stomach? Is it the physical appearance? Indeed, we possess horn that humans don’t and our eyes are red. There are also those amongst us who not human. However, our way of thinking doesn’t differ from humans. Like the Human Race, we also have emotions. We rejoice when there’s something happy, we grieve when there’s something sad. We also fall in love, we can also dream. If that’s the case, is it the strength? We possess magic power above the Human Race, and we have physical strength as well. There are also those who possess unique abilities……but, that’s not all there is to it. There are also those in the Human Race who can win us, the difference in our number is evident. No matter how strong we are said to be, we can’t win against the difference in number”

“I think no answer will come up even if you think about that matter, Your Majesty. It is a matter that the previous generation, the generation before that, and the Demon Kings-sama even before that have continuously thought about. Even so, it was something that was not able to be resolved”

“That’s true but……we shouldn’t be unable to understand each other. Currently, multiple races are living in our country. Naturally, Human Race as well.”

“That is probably also an eyesore from the Holy Kingdom’s perspective. It is the Holy Kingdom that touts a Human Race supremacy doctrine and talks about us as ‘Devils’ and so forth even at the best of times. And yet, we who are of a different race is accepting the others without questioning the races, for the Holy Kingdom, it is probably something unacceptable”

“……It’s troublesome”

I sit back into the chair. It has already been 10 years since I ascended to this seat, even though I’m still inexperienced, I’m a King who leads a country. No matter what it takes, I have to at least avoid losing the country.

“That is right, it is not something to worry about by yourself, Greis-bocchama1. I will give you advice”

“……Don’t suddenly return to being a teacher”

Lulsch who speaks to me like when he taught me studies in the past. I’m no match for this person.

“And, the ones who have their eyes on this castle……the Hero and company, what do we do about them? If you wish to exterminate them then I will send one of the Seven Demon Generals. Otherwise myse……”

“No, it’s fine to just be vigilant for the time being. They still only just entered the forest. That place, they won’t be able to easily leave it even if it’s the Hero. Furthermore,『Lightning』is also amongst them. There’s no need to attack forcefully”

“The one who is said to be the closest to the Twelve Holy Devas2 huh. He is close to『Purple Lightning』, the Hero from 400 years ago, or something like that according to the rumours”

“Aa, I don’t think the Seven Demon Generals will lose to anybody who isn’t the Twelve Holy Devas but, there’s also no need to push ourselves and sustain an injury. If it comes down to it, I’ll come forth as well”

Holy Kingdom’s Twelve Holy Devas. It’s the 12 strongest people of the Holy Kingdom made using the 12 astrological signs as its foundation. If we were to lose to someone who isn’t them, it’ll be harsh even for our country. However, the Holy Kingdom excels in talents in proportion to having a large number of people. That aspect is something rather harsh.



Lulsch and I are talking about the Hero and company and, there are presences of people running over from the corridor. Running is basically not allowed in the corridor in front of my office unless it’s an emergency. However, the presences are those that are running over in small steps. These presences are……


, a loud sound along with the opened door. And then, two small silhouettes entered from the door.



They were my beloved son and daughter. Lucus who’s turning 7 years old this year and, Silune who turns 4 years old this year. Both of them run to the front of my desk as they shake their silver hair that is identical to mine.

And then, the one who entered the room afterwards is the knight who’s being left with the two children’s babysitting and escort, Sera. A female ogre with white hair and two horns growing on her head. Her age is about slightly over 20.

These kids’ mother, in other words, my wife, is currently away from the castle. Perhaps because her name was originally well known as the Military Commander before she married me, it seems she’s working outside, going around the streets by the castle’s vicinity doing security-like things.

Besides, because she comes home once every other day for the kids, I also gave my permission.

“M, my apologies, Your Majesty!”

“What, it doesn’t matter. These kids also won’t enter the room without any reason”

I gently pat the children’s head as I smile to Sera. She’s working with all her might for the sake of these kids. I only have my grat.i.tude, there’s nothing to be angry about.

“Well then, what’s the matter, Lucas, Silune? Did something happen?”

“Ha! That is right! We came with a request for Otou-sama!”


Lucas who was feeling good from my patting returns to his senses and says that to me. And then as though learning that, Silune looks up at me as well……aa, they are making the comfortable looks again. Adorable.

“A request for me? What is it?”

“This, desu!”

The moment I asked, Silune raises her both her hands above her head and brought something out suddenly. What she brought out above her hands was an egg that’s about 30 cm in diameter. Perhaps it was heavy, Silune staggers the moment she carried it in her hands but, Lucas who has expected that supports her. It’s a pleasant sight but more importantly

“……Silune, the magic just now”

Silune transported the egg over to an empty spot. This, I don’t know whether it is Summon Magic that summoned the egg from a different place or s.p.a.ce Magic that transports it from another s.p.a.ce though……

I look at Sera but Sera shakes her head. It doesn’t seem like she’s the one who taught it.

“……This is what they call a genius. As expected of Your Majesty’s child”

……Lulsch, don’t cry like a grandfather who is seeing his grandchild. The kids are looking at you all surprised.

I cough and look at Silune with a smile. I know what she wants to say from this egg but, I’ll confirm it just in case.

“What is that egg?”

“I picked it up in the forest! I want to raise it!”

Umu, it’s great that she’s energetic. It’s great but……what kind of egg is this? I don’t feel anything sinister about it so I think it’s not something dangerous though.

Because Sera and Lulsch are also making a difficult look when I look at them, they probably don’t know as well.

“Is it fine to raise it?”

Silune who looks up at me with sparkling eyes. Mumu, what should I do. I am thinking and

“It is fine, is it not?”


“Ouji-sama3 and Oujo-sama4, responsibility comes along with raising a living thing. Will you be able to raise it until the end?”

“Lulsch, I will do my best!”

“Lulscー, I will also do my best!”

“Is that so. Well then, I shall a.s.sist you as well. I will also have Beluce help out so it will be fine, Your Majesty”

……If Monster Tamer Beluce is also around then it’s fine huh. Furthermore, Lulsch is around. There is probably no chance of a worst-case scenario.

“The two of you, I won’t forgive you if you give up midway, okay?”


When I give my approval, the two of them raise the egg while going around the place singing some weird song. The adorable pair, Lulsch and Sera as well as I, naturally soften our expression.

I wish this moment can continue on.