The Boy Who Swore Revenge On The World

Chapter 54

The Cause Of Everything

The magic power that swells up engulfs Cancer and changes his appearance. Four large wings grow on his back and his hands are changing into something like a crab"s pincers. Cancer who flutters his large wings and hovers in the sky.

“Kukuu, with this power that I received from the G.o.ddess, with an angel"s power, I"ll kill you!”

Cancer who flies about while saying that. That appearance is an angel? If that"s an angel then even a goblin is an angel. Scattering that d.a.m.n filthy magic power about. I"m rejecting that magic power"s aura for some reason. Is it because I heard that it"s the G.o.ddess" power?

Cancer who flies about buzzingly like a fly. I had thought that I could have some fun and whatnot but, that magic power is really unpleasant. Maybe due to the Male G.o.d"s power that"s within me, I get irritated just thinking that that G.o.ddess" magic power is wafting in this s.p.a.ce.

……change of plan. I"ll quickly kill him. I make the Devil"s Shadow fall back and activate The Sun Of ErosionEclipse Sol around myself. In total, 8 roughly 10cm spheres float around me.


Cancer closes in on me while flying in the air irregularly. With the pincers that were created by magic power, he releases slashing attacks at me like just now.

Slashing attacks that come down at me like the rain, it comes down at me so much so that I don"t even have any opening to avoid it but, leaving all the slashing attacks to Eclipse Sol, I look at Cancer"s movement unmovingly.

The spheres react to any magic power that gets close and move accordingly so they are moving hurriedly before my eyes. After a while of doing that, I got used to Cancer"s movements. It"s about time for me to get to work huh.

I furthermore activate spheres in both my hands and change their shapes. The two spheres unite and stretch. And then what appeared was a jet black scythe. I was being conscious of, ‘reaping his life", so this scythe came out.

Holding the scythe that reflects nothing but black, I head towards Cancer. Cancer looks at such me and starts to laugh mockingly. I suppose that in all likelihood, he"s thinking that I won"t reach him who"s flying in the air.

Is that fellow an idiot. If I won"t reach him then there are ways of doing things without reaching him but, I am obviously heading towards him because I will reach him though.

I direct my consciousness to the spheres for them come along around me as I head towards him. I leave behind three spheres that are moving to react and defend against the slashing attacks that are being released at me even now and move about three of them with my own consciousness.

I stop the three spheres in front of and slightly higher than me and change their shapes. Their shapes were changed into like a flat disk and they were flying in the air. About 60cm in diameter, I jump towards it. I get on top of the disk as it is and jump even more. This is the method I came up with to use against air battle.

‘If I can"t fly, I can just make footholds in the air", type of brute force technique though. It"s steady as a foothold nevertheless so it"s plenty usable.

I move the three disks forward and upward little by little and I jump on top of them. Doing that over and over again, I close in on Cancer. Cancer was surprised and tries to get away but, I am faster than him.

I raise the scythe overhead and, maybe because he thought he can"t avoid it, Cancer crosses both arms and tries to block the scythe.

However, this scythe is a weapon I derived and made from Eclipse Sol. Naturally, it possesses the ability to react to magic power, and it also possesses the sharpness that is enough to cut off a sharp sword even as a scythe.

The scythe I swung down felt pretty much no resistance as it cuts off both Cancer"s arms that were crossed. As a result of the overwhelming sharpness, blood did not immediately spew from the freshly cut arm and Cancer was making a curious face since there is seemingly no pain but, it seems the pain gradually came and he began to scream.

I ignore that voice, did a front flip with the momentum from swinging scythe, and with the hand that is holding the b.u.t.t of the scythe, I strike Cancer down. Because I struck Cancer"s face vertically, Cancer falls face first to the ground.

A shadow I created was waiting with its arms spread wide open at where Cancer is falling towards. And then, it catches Cancer from behind and


Sharp thorns sprouted from Cancer"s chest one after another. The shadow changed a portion of its body and sprouted thorns. And then those thorns pierced into Cancer"s back and out his chest.

Although Cancer struggles in an attempt to remove the thorns, the shadow"s grip is stronger so the wounds are just widening. Cancer"s strength gradually fades and in the end, he stopped moving in a state where it"s like he"s stuck on the thorns.

Still, it ended too overwhelmingly quick, I wonder if I should"ve let him live a little longer. It might"ve been good to kill him after getting some information from him. Well, what"s done is done so it can"t be helped.

I was about to leave Cancer"s corpse to the shadow and head towards where Liscia who appears to be still fighting is when at that moment, a tremendous pressure a.s.sails me from behind.

I immediately get ready to fight and take some distance from the pressure from behind. When I try turning around and look, the shadow was dispersed by this pressure and only Cancer"s corpse remained.

Furthermore, the corpse that should"ve been dead somehow starts to move. It"s as though I revived it as a monster. After Cancer"s corpse that looks at me with his inorganic eyes, looks at me scrutinizingly

“You killed this child huh?”

, his mouth opened. However, the tone was not that of Cancer"s, it was a woman"s voice that is imaginable that anybody who heard it would be entranced by it. For me, I can"t think of it as anything but unpleasant though.

The way he stands also suddenly becomes like that of a woman, it"s very disgusting. I suppose somebody is possessing the corpse.

“Geーez, even though I went through all the trouble and created this toy! But, was it amusing, I wonder? This modified soldier?”

“Modified soldier, you say?”

“Eeh, I tampered with a mere soldier"s memory and gave it a tiny bit of my power. It was amusing, wasn"t it? His haughty appearance, thinking that he himself is the Twelve Holy Devas”

The woman who chuckles with Cancer"s appearance. From what I have been hearing since just now, this fellow is……

I slash at her with my scythe without saying a word. The scythe that was swung diagonally downwards vigorously cut Cancer……not because it was obstructed by an unseeable wall.

“An impatient guy will be disliked, you know. But I"m glad, that I"m able to find the power of that person that got away from me. When I heard that that annoying Darx has appeared and you got away, I thought what am I going to do but, fufuu, I want to quickly kill you and obtain that person"s power”

“In that case, bring it on, G.o.ddess Fistoria・・・・・・・・. I"m itching to kill you as well”

I glare provokingly at the woman who possessed Cancer. The woman who is possessing Cancer shrugs her shoulder and looks at me. What"s with that behaviour. It really me off.

“Although I very much want to let you do that, the injuries inflicted by Darx still haven"t healed yet. Although I want to personally wring your neck. What I am capable of now, is just possessing corpses, at best.
But, this generation is pretty good. Multiple of that person"s power were born, the Holy Maiden and Hero were also born. With this, my G.o.ddess" power that has waited for several hundred years can finally become complete as well. Fufu, if you want to kill me then come all the way to the Holy Kingdom. I suppose you will be able to meet me if you are able to survive until then. Well, I also won"t be waiting for you without doing anything though”

Fistoria gives a smile at the end and little by little, her presence disappears. I slashed at her right before she disappears but, what I cut was just Cancer……former Cancer. Tsk, there was no point to it huh.

“Oi, Master! Right now, there was a tremendous presence, did something happened!?”

Maybe because she felt Fistoria"s presence, Liscia came all the way to my side in a hurry. In her hand, she was holding the guy"s decapitated head. I look at Liscia and it seems she doesn"t have any particular injury.

However, this location got found out huh. From her way of speaking, she should be making a move on us. I think she won"t come right away since there"s quite a distance but, there"s also something like the matter of the fake Twelve Holy Devas this time around. I guess I"ll proceed a little quicker.

s.h.i.t, my irritation isn"t settling down because I confronted that s.h.i.tty G.o.ddess. I have to judge those guys who betrayed us from now but, it feels like I"ll leave it all to my irritation and go on a rampage.

While saying, ‘It"s fine", to Liscia, I head towards the King and the others who are being surrounded by Mylene and the others. Ahー, I"m irritated.