The Boy Who Swore Revenge On The World

Chapter 17


“……Dead spirit type monsters are increasing recently?”

When I ask about the details in the report I’m shown, Territory Leader Lischne who has come to report on this matter nods.

“Ee. The sightings are especially much on the northern border. Merchants have caught sight of dead spirit type monsters entering and leaving in numerous villages. But, it’s slightly weird”

“Weird? What do you mean?”

“When the soldiers head there after having received the reports from the merchants, it is peaceful without any particular abnormality. If it was only just one location then we could laugh it off as just a misunderstanding and forget about it but, several times from the same village, other villages as well, a larger place would be Flink that’s a port city which also has the same report”

“……It’s obviously strange huh. Understood. I feel bad for the soldiers but, have them go to the respective villages. After that, submit an investigation request to the guild as well. Have them investigate the reason that the dead spirit type monsters increased”


“Uーn! As I thought, fishes are delicious~! I also like meat but, I like fishes as well!”

“……Aa, is that so. Though on the contrary, having someone gorging in front my eyes have made me lost my appet.i.te”

In front of my eyes, dual wielding forks in both her hands and eating the fish dish is the gluttonous headless knight, Liscia.

It’s such a wild way of eating that it makes me want to ask if she was really a former n.o.ble. Without thinking, ‘Enjoy more of it’, I got slightly drew back thinking, ‘How is she able to stuff that much in’

In addition to that.

“What, Master. No appet.i.te? Then I’ll eat it! It’s no good to have leftovers!”

She lay her hands on even my dish. Because of that, the period until Liscia finishes eating, I can only look at the sight of the dishes clearing one after the other. At this point in time, the mood for ordering dishes as well, taking it from Liscia as well, is gone.

“Fuu, I’m stuffed, I’m stuffed. As I thought, a port city is a great place. I’m able to eat plenty of fresh fishes. Long ago, when I was in the Holy City, there are only rivers because I’m the inland division and in addition to that, river fishes stinks of mud so they aren’t edible
The fishes the merchant transported are all salted in order to prevent it from rotting so it’s unbearably salty and pretty much tasteless. Above that, there are transportation fees which are quite hefty, it’s something that only the top can eat even among the n.o.bles. I also ate it for the first time when I became the Paladin Captain”

Liscia who’s folding her arms and reminiscing. I just casually have it go in one ear and out the other as I drink my water. In the meantime, I lend my ears to the surrounding voices. What I’ve heard from the guests are matters such as, recently there are lots of soldiers or, dead spirit type monsters have increased or, the Feudal Lord has submitted a request to the guild, and the likes.

Fumu, although we’ve gone around several villages this couple of months, the dead spirits were seen by merchants huh. Though it seems that the villagers didn’t say anything since I threatened to kill them if they did.

Well, it’s about the right time huh. This couple of months, the Soul Absorption Necklace has gathered up quite a number of souls and the dead spirit soldiers have also a.s.sembled.

My magic power now is probably 100times from when I first receive the necklace. Furthermore, because I am using dark magic art almost every day, I’ve also become capable of something like suppressing the magic power consumption.

We mainly targetted bandits that wouldn’t create an uproar even if they were killed as the foundation for the souls and the dead spirits.

It’s not because of some charitable work. It’s because the bandits are often away from settlements so I’m able to use the dead spirits without standing out. There’s also no need to deliberately leave them alive.

The reason for inserting dead spirit among the villagers is so that it’s able to move at any time and, take hostages. In the off chance that we got found out and soldiers are sent, they wouldn’t be able to attack as readily with the villagers as a shield.

We’ll first take this territory. In order to increase the number of soldiers, there needs to be a place to leave them. For that purpose, shall I take this town as a declaration of war. I pour dark magic art into the entire town from my leg. In order to wake up the dead spirits that I have prepared and put to sleep.

Liscia who reacted to my magic power also shows me an excited face. Right now, even fighting while being surrounded by 100 skeletons can only be said as boring so, she’s probably looking forward to a battle which has been a long while. Well, I don’t know if it can be called a battle this time though.

When we stand up, shouts echoes within the town. I knew it after being able to control the zombies but, these guys are fine without eating anything. In addition to that, their bodies have become stronger so, they are able to withstand almost whatever I make them do.

This time, I gave the order to dig until they are under the town and standby there. Still, they are zombies who can’t understand anything but simple orders. I think they wouldn’t understand even if I were to tell them to, ‘Dig until this position’ so, I asked Chrono and have him create a tool that faintly releases my magic power.

The dead spirits who became my underlings are apparently able to differentiate the magic power of me who’s their owner so, making use of that, I make them move by installing it at four points in this town.

I also confirm the zombies’ response and I’ve confirmed that the zombies who I’ve ordered have all moved to the designated area so it’s fine.

The remaining worry is, whether the zombies that are under the ground will be able to safely make their way up, it’s probably a success as long as I hear these voices.

There are about 200 soldiers in this town. Furthermore, not all 200 of them are deployed. Against that, our dead spirits are 40 zombie types, 25 skeleton types, 20 wraiths. And, 1 in reserve, Trump Card Liscia is around. They shouldn’t lose as long as there isn’t any especially strong enemy appearing.

“Now then, Liscia. I’ll have you work hard for having eaten to your heart’s content”

“Of course, Master. I’ll show you my amazingness!”

Though I think there’s probably no chance to see it this time around.