The Boy Who Swore Revenge On The World

Chapter 2


“……A~a, it started to rain”

About two hours after we have left the village, the sun that was visible through the gaps is also covered by the cloud, and now it has started raining. The sound of the rain hitting roof resounded inside the horse wagon.

While looking at the scenery that can be seen from the horse wagon absentmindedly, I lightly reply to Stella’s conversation and, a pain runs through my cheeks. As I thought ‘What!’ and look, Stella was pinching my cheeks while glaring at me.

“What are you doingー!”

“It’s because Hardt wasn’t listening to my conversation seriously! Don’t just keep looking outside, look at me! Be my talking companion!”

While saying that Stella uses her hands that were pinching my cheeks and held them tightly, forcefully turning my head to face Stella’s direction. My ne, neck hurts.

I stopped resisting and look at Stella. I didn’t look at her previously because If I’m looking too much my heart starts pounding.

“You’re finally looking at me”

And when our eyes meet, Stella lets out a smile. I tried turning away immediately but, my head will be forcefully turned in her direction if I did that so I bear with it. I’m worried if Stella could hear the sound my heartbeat.

“Th, then, what do you want to talk about?”

“That’s right. Then let’s talk about what occupation we want. It would be nice if it’s an occupation that could help people. I think something like a Healer would be nice. Don’t you think it would be nice to have a store with Hardt’s mother in the village?”

Stella smiles as she asks me but, I can’t nod. The reason is, Lig who’s sitting on the other side of Stella is glaring at me.

And then, slowly standing up and sitting in the seat facing me. He’s still crossing his arms and glaring at me from there. So what. After glaring for a while, Lig moves his gaze to Stella. It’s a completely different expression from when he was glaring at me.

“Stella, I’m becoming the strongest swordsman. The strongest swordsman that doesn’t lose to anyone”

Lig makes a clenched fist, telling Stella his goal. With a confident atmosphere, as though becoming it is certain,

“Right, good luck, Lig. Then, what about Hardt?”

But, Stella brushed off Lig’s determination with a ‘Is that so’. Stella that has already taken her eyes off Lig and looking at me might not know but, Lig’s face is turning red with anger.

Not only that, he’s glaring as though he wants to kill me. Tha, that’s scary. Why only me. I make sure not to make eye contact as much as possible, and talk about the occupation I want.

“I, I think it’d be nice if it’s a Hunter that could help out Kaa-san. If that’s impossible then anything is fine if it can be of help”

“Fufu it’s just like Hardt. Hardt’s mother must be happy”

“Funn, what a pitiful dream”

I got p.i.s.sed off at Lig’s comments but, I ignore him. What I want won’t change no matter what others say.

After that, while talking about various things we arrived in the destinated town. Under the pouring rain, the horse wagons make a line. The oracle only happens on the first day of the year so, the children from the nearby village all gather in the same town. This horse wagon’s line also follows the same line.

The horse wagon finally moved after waiting 30 minutes. The place we are heading to is the church that worships Fistoria who bestows the oracles, Fistoria church.

Fistoria church is in every country of the continent, even within that, it’s said that in the Fisland Holy Kingdom that has it as the state religion is the head temple. From here, it seems to be a considerably far country so I don’t really know the details.

In the Fistoria church, if an oracle from G.o.ddess Fistoria is bestowed through the priest, one can receive an occupation. The occupation is only known by the priest and the person. Confirming the occupation with the priest, filling it in a piece of paper that was prepared, the occupation gets approved.

“Aa, we’re here!”

I was thinking a little about Fistoria church and, Stella is shaking my shoulder. It seems that we’ve arrived at the destinated church. The horse wagon has already stopped. We alight with the order of Lig, Stella, me from the horse wagon, and head to the church.

When we open the door to the church, the insides are jammed with boys and girls of our same age. Haa~, this is quite the amount of people. It would probably take quite some time waiting.

“Uwaa~, as expected it’s a lot. Is it because the children from the village in this vicinity are gathered?”

“That’s probably it. Aa, it seems the queue starts there so let’s go”

We queue at the end of the line. Regul that came in before us has already moved slightly to the front. As expected even Regul wouldn’t be riotous inside here it seems.

The number of children inside the church is roughly 80 person. It’s an amount that’s quite tedious for just one priest. In addition to that, there was probably the same amount before us as well so it’s unnecessarily tedious.

“Alright! A pugilist! ”

“I’m a librarian? So it seems”

“Br, breeder is……”

Looking at the line, the children that have received their occupation, are proud of their respective occupation. If there are children that got as they wished, then there are also those that are feeling down because they had not.

Looking at those figures, I also became extremely nervous. I’m not aiming that high but, I start hoping for just a little more. G.o.ddess Fistoria-sama, please give me a good occupation! Please!

……Alright, somehow it feels like I can receive a good occupation. The mood is important for kind of thing.

While getting convinced by myself, the children went to receive their oracle one after the other. Regul is done as well, seems like he received Heavy Warrior. A warrior that uses a large shield on the front line and, if one has this occupation, it’s said that it’s easier to build up physical strength. He looks extremely delighted.

Then, it’s Lig’s turn next. With his confident demeanour, the girls are staring with their cheeks dyed red, the priest admired with a ‘Hoo~’.

Then, a beam of light shines on to Lig, a grin floats onto Lig’s face, the priest has a shocked expression.

“Paladin. not bad”

What, it seems like Lig became a Paladin that even in the world has only two. The surroundings became rowdy because of this. Who would’ve thought that a person possessing an occupation that’s close to a legend would be in the same village.

Lig smiles as he confidently leaves the place. Without the excitement dying down, it’s Stella’s turn next. Stella seems to be a little nervous but, she as well confidently walks to the front of the priest.

Then, a beam of light shines on to Stella like it did Lig. This time as well, the priest showed a shocked expression. Did Stella receive a unique occupation as well?

“To, to think that, I am able to meet one in my lifetime! The G.o.ddess’ incarnation……Holy Maiden-sama!”

To the words of the priest that went on his knees and took at praying posture, the excited children all stood still. The reason being, an occupation that’s known by every child has come up.

How famous it is, it’s more famous than Lig’s Paladin. Because it’s the 『Holy Maiden』that appears in various stories.

Stella seems bewildered but, a man and woman that’s more poshly dressed than the priest came out from the back of the church, went to where Stella is and speaks about something.

I’m extremely curious about what they are talking but, the priest rushed me so I quickly move to the front of the priest. It seems like he wants to quickly finish his job and speak to Stella.

I understand the feeling but I was hoping he wouldn’t show it in his att.i.tude. As dense as I am, there are things that I can catch on.

Then, the light that has appeared multiple times shines onto my body as though to cover me. With this, I as well have an occupation. Is what I thought but, in the next moment a black shadow gushes out from the ground. As though to intercept the light.

As I stood there stunned and not knowing what was going on, a voice reverberated in my head. A cold voice that is neither male nor female reverberated in my head. But, this voice is telling me my occupation, I instinctively knew. And what I was bestowed upon was……『Dark Magician』, an occupation that I hadn’t heard before.