The Boy Who Swore Revenge On The World

Chapter 23

Some of the dialogue is in italic because it’s written mostly in katakana in the original text.

I also edited the previous chapter’s dialogue to express the same concept.

The Story Of A Certain Adventurer (5)


The sound of water dripping. Within that sole echoing sound, I raise my heavy eyelids. With my vision still blurred from having just opened my eyes, I take a look around. Around me, I’m surrounded by rock walls, it’s as though it’s a place like a cave. A clammy atmosphere is drifting about.

I tried moving my arms but, it won’t move at all. It seems like it’s tied above my head. My magic power gets absorb up even when I try releasing magic so I can’t release any.

I take a look at my body and……wh, what’s this! I’m tied up in a way that places emphasis on my b.r.e.a.s.t.s! A difficult tying method that makes deliberate intersections on the cleavage……what’s the intention of tying me up this way!?

Without knowing what’s going on, I take a close look at my body to see if there are any other weird parts and, since my attire didn’t change, it seems like nothing was done to me and I was able to feel relieved. However, this position that looks like I’m pushing my b.r.e.a.s.t.s out is slightly painful.

Because my legs are weighted down so that I can’t escape, I can’t even hope to escape from this place.

“Have you woken up?”

As I thought about whether there are some other ways to escape, a robed man suddenly appears before my eyes. I glare at the man so that at least my heart doesn’t yield and, the robed man laughs ‘Funh’ with his nose as he takes a quick look at my face.

I who looked at the inside of the robe nearby almost shouted out unintentionally. What’s inside the robe is, not……a human’s face, it’s the face of a skeleton. Which means that this skeleton is a monster. Manipulating dead spirit type monsters like zombies, a monster that’s proficient in magic……a Necromancer.

Red lights that shine where the eyes should be meet my eyes. Though my consciousness feels like it’s going to be absorbed into the red lights that are within the darkness, I hold strongly onto my consciousness.

“Hou, as I thought, brainwashing doesn’t work on Sister huh”

“I won’t lose no matter what’s done to me! Lynk and the others will definitely come to save me! They won’t lose to someone like you!”

The necromancer who heard what I confidently declare, sunk into silence but, laughs out in the next instant.

“A girl who says interesting things. The comrades of you who can’t even beat someone of my level, what are they capable of?”

“They are stronger than someone like me. Please don’t look down on Lynk and the others!”

“Is that so. Then, shall we have some fun and take a look at it”

The necromancer says that and snaps his fingers. When he does that, something floats up onto the rock wall……that is!?

“Right now, in the town, your comrades are, in order to save you, fighting with the townfolks and my underlings. I wonder if they can arrive here, safely?”

Projected on the stone wall suddenly was, the sight Lynk and the others under attack by the townsfolks and zombies. I don’t know how it’s being projected but, the sight of the fight with the townfolks and the zombies is being projected clearly.

Lynk and the others are trying not to hurt the townfolks as far as possible by knocking them out and defeating the zombies. However, it’s obvious even through the projection that they are exhausted.

They are somewhat enduring it now but, if they were to be attacked even more than this then everybody will……

“Those guys, don’t seem like they’ll be able to make it here”

Even though it’s the face of a skeleton, the necromancer says that as though he’s smiling. How powerless I am. Getting caught by the enemy because of my own mistake, making everybody on the team go through a danger like this because of me……

“Muu? Those guys are……”

I turn my face away because of my powerlessness and frustration and, the necromancer raises a doubtful voice. I look at the projection again after being pulled in by the voice and, about 10 soldiers are confronting the townfolks as though they are protecting Lynk and the others. To think that, there are still people who aren’t manipulated.

“Those who were outside of the town huh. Fumu, whatever. The number of people being killed just slightly increased, that’s all”

At the same time as when the necromancer says that, the intensity of the attack from the townfolks and zombies increases. Lynk and the others probably sensed that it’ll be bad if it goes on like this, they shout something to the soldiers who appeared suddenly while retreating. Besides, Marie-san and Gand-san follow suit, the soldiers as well.

As the soldiers turn into sacrifice with 1 soldier……2 soldiers……, Lynk and the others somehow escaped the town successfully.

“They got away huh. What a cruel bunch”

“It’s a strategic retreat. Because there’s no need to push themselves and continue fighting when they know that they are losing”

I say that and, the necromancer starts laughing with his bones clattering. What’s so funny!

“They are, thinking that even if they escape now, they will be able to save you. That is so so funny. This time as well but, why are they able to believe that you’re still alive? Why are they moving to save you? Even though you may have already been killed?”

……That’s right. Some kind of help will come, is it. What a naive thinking I have. Even though the fact that I’m captured and still alive here is in itself a miracle, I myself, am thinking that I will be saved. Thinking that I won’t be killed by the necromancer in front of me. Even though it’s something that isn’t possible.

As I have a real grasp of the feeling of the death that will befall me, the trembling in my body becomes unstoppable. I believe that I have escaped the gates of death numerous time until now. However, there’s not a time when I’m so helpless.

Because until now, however many times I go through something dangerous, Lynk and the others are by my side. But I’m alone now. In front of my eyes are the enemy necromancer, just by pointing his finger towards me, with just that he’s in the position of killing me. A definite death is right in front of my eyes.

“Kukuu, that expression is great. That expression that’s dye in despair. That is what turns into my power. I’ll tell such you something that’ll bring you even more despair”


……Is he saying that there’s something worse than this. The necromancer before me that is able to bring about death to me at any time.
From the townfolks who are manipulated and the large group of zombies to Lynk and the others that can never come to save me.

In this situation where I can only wait to be killed, is there something even worse than this?

“I still, don’t have the power to manipulate the townfolks. Do you understand the meaning of this?”

This necromancer doesn’t have the power to manipulate the townfolks? But, the townfolks are manipulated

“……Don’t tell me”

I look at the necromancer’s skeleton face. I don’t want to think about it. I absolutely don’t want to believe it. But listening to what the necromancer just said, I can only think of that. Then, the necromancer as though to compare answers

“The one who’s manipulating the townfolks is the Creator who resurrected me. Someone like me, isn’t even a match for Creator or Lishia-sama. It’s too bad, Sister. No matter how much you risk your life to defeat me, someone like me is merely a single p.a.w.n”

An answer that was beyond my imagination was stated. And at the same time

“You talk a little bit too much, Nero”

A man appeared behind the necromancer. A boy who’s younger than me who has white hair and red eyes, appeared.