The Boy Who Swore Revenge On The World

Chapter 3


“……Dark Magician?”

What is this occupation. It’s not as though I know all of the occupations but, this is the first time I’ve heard of it. Furthermore, what ‘Magician’? Even though It’s normally just Magician. I somewhat know how to use dark magic though.

U~n……well, whatever. It’s fine to think about it later. There’s a still a line behind so I’ll quickly move away. Since I still can’t meet Lig and Stella who have received those amazing occupations I’ll return to the horse wagon first.

I bowed to the priest and was about to move off. Just as I was about head towards the exit, my left hand was firmly grabbed by someone. I got startled and look back, the one who grabbed my hand was the priest.

I don’t know his expression since he was looking down but, he seems to be muttering about something. I was a little bit frightened by that.

“Er, erm, Priest-san? Wh, what is wrong?”

I decided to try looking at the priest’s expression so I slightly squatted down to take a look and, I fell on my backside because of the shock.
The reason being, the priest’s face was distorted with an overwhelming anger.

Then, the priest with his gaze filled with so much anger that it makes me think ‘Isn’t his gaze enough to murder me’, pointed at me and shout.

“Knights! Arrest this guy! Arrest this possessor of the occupation『Dark Magician』, the demon who opposes the G.o.ddess! ”

The moment the priest shouted, all the knights without knowing anything simultaneously look over at me. The gazes, dyed in the colour of rage are the same as what the priest had.

I felt from the bottom of my heart that I have to escape. I will undoubtedly be killed if I’m caught here. But, my body unlike my heart won’t move. My body has frozen from the wrath pouring on to me from the surrounding.

And when I realized it I was blown away. Followed by a pain in the stomach. I don’t know what was done to me but, my stomach was in extreme pain. I could do nothing but crouch over from the excessive pain. When I was stunned, it felt like something coiled around my body. Because of that, I became unable to move.

When I somehow raise my face, the sight of Stella reaching her hands out to me was visible. But she was prevented from moving forward by the knight and the poshly dressed guy.

An extreme impact run through my head at that moment. The front of my eyes became blurry, the last thing I saw was the figure of Stella shouting.

……Already, how many days have pa.s.sed. Inside the dark room, the sense of time goes haywire in here where the sunlight doesn’t enter. After getting locked in here, the whole time, I got beaten up, my nails were peeled off, somewhere on my body was burned. My heart is already at its limit.

No matter how much I shouted, how much I begged, n.o.body stopped. When I try to say something I get beaten, showered with abuse from the surroundings.

Even if I wanted to die, I can’t die because of the priest or whoever healing me enough to not die. I couldn’t bear with it anymore and tried to bite my tongue to kill myself but, I got beaten by the people that noticed, and I was gagged.

……Kaa-san is probably worried about me. It’d be nice if Stella and guys said something clever to her.

As I absentmindedly think of such things, ‘Gigii’ the sound of the door opening could be heard. Aa, It’s already that time. Again, I’m going to be beaten. Or, I’m going to be burned. Whatever it is, I don’t want it.

But, I who couldn’t put in any strength into my legs collapsed on the spot. And when I did, a pain runs through my stomach. I endure it without letting out a groan. I’ve learned it from these couple of days. When they hear me shout, they find it amusing and beat me up even more. That’s why I will endure it.

“Ora, quickly stand up, you demon!”

Once again being pulled up, I was forcefully made to walk. I don’t know because I was blindfolded but, it seems like I’m being brought somewhere.

Sometimes I’m beaten by a pole, getting kicked as I walk, I hear the noisy voices of people speaking. What I heard was ‘That’s a demon……’ ‘Filthy’ ‘Why is he alive’ and sorts, nothing but that.

Before I knew, it seems like I’m walking on a street. But, why do I have to be berated that way. What are you saying I have done.

I walk as I harbour the anger that has no suitable outlet within me and, an impact ran through my head. I felt something hard hitting me. When one person starts throwing, the people around start throwing one after the other. Not one person, has any hint of stopping. I could only clench my teeth and endure it.

How long have I been walking since then. It felt like I had walked an entire day. Even though I’m not sure because I’m blindfolded and couldn’t see the surrounding. When I realized, the impact from the hard object has stopped, occasionally, just getting hit from the back.

My body is probably filthily dirtied with blood and mud. Even though I didn’t choose become like this, the surrounding keeps going ‘filthy demon’.

Already, my heart doesn’t hurt no matter what was said to me. My heart might already be on the brink of breaking. That’s what I thought but, not yet, my heart isn’t broken. No, thinking about it afterwards it might have been better if it was broken. If that was the case, it could’ve ended without me feeling all that.

Seemingly arriving somewhere, I was forcefully made to sit on the spot. Then, the blindfold is taken off. Because it has been a long time since I opened my eyes, the vision was blurry at the beginning and I didn’t know anything but, little by little my eyes got used and, I understood that I was surrounded by lots of people.

Then, I who looked around, trembled to the sight of the familiar scenery. That’s right, the place I was dragged to was, the village where I was born and raised in.