The Boy Who Swore Revenge On The World

Chapter 51

Where The Sword Points

“……What should I do”

I walk aimlessly in town. Just by myself without bringing along any escorts and so forth. I wasn"t able to come up with any ideas even if I"m in the castle so I thought of changing the mood and went outside but, it"s not really any different. Far from that, I"m needlessly thinking about unnecessary things.

With today, three days have pa.s.sed since I was given the aforementioned proposal from Hardt, my current master. Naturally, I don"t have any answers.

What should I do for it to be beneficial for this country……huh. I had been thinking about that the whole time. To put it plainly, Hardt is evil. I"m able to a.s.sert this without any doubt. Because it wouldn"t have turned into something like this if Hardt didn"t come and attack this country in the first place.

However, although I don"t want to say it, there is also a part of this country that improved since Hardt and the others came. It is, the fact that the criminals from the towns nearby have disappeared.

I know the reason. Hardt and the others are going to kill them to gather soldiers of the dead spirit type. I don"t know how many they are killing and by what kind of standards but, there are also reports that the public order is improving considerably thanks to that.

Because of that, I became needlessly confused. In actuality, there are even those amongst the ministers who plan to accept him as a necessary evil emerging.

I am walking while sighing and, when I realised, it seems I had come all the way to the capital"s main plaza. Something like that happened in the Royal Castle but, it"s the epitome of peacefulness in town.

I suppose Hardt is protecting my wish as he has said. That makes my chest just a tiny bit hot. As long as I"m his subordinate, he will keep his promise.

“Neko-chan! Get down here! A place like that is dangerous!”

“Idiot, don"t let out a loud voice! The cat is going to be frightened and run away, right”

“Onii-chan is also letting out a loud voice. Still, it"s not coming down huh”

I am thinking by myself absentmindedly when I heard such voices. I look to the direction of the voices and, there were children gathered at one of the many trees that are being planted in the plaza.

In front of the children"s line of sight was a cat that"s sitting on top of the tree"s branch. It"s close to three metres off the ground and it looks like it"s a kitten who couldn"t get down after climbing up by itself. Perhaps it"s scared, it"s feebly purring ‘Nyaa~".

The children are thinking of various ways and trying to get the kitten down but, perhaps it"s not going well, they are discussing amongst themselves. What a heart-warming sight. I move closer to the side of such children.

“I"ll rescue it”


“Ehー, it"s impossible for Nee-chan, don"t you think~?”

The children who response respectively to what I say. Fufu, it"s no trouble if it"s a height of this extent. I lightly hop several times on the spot and, I jump in one go. I kick the tree several times and run up and, before my eyes is the kitten that"s looking at me.

I gently carry it with both hands making sure not to hurt it and I drop to the ground as it is. The kitten is raising a tragic scream in my arms but bear with it for a little. I land on the ground with a thump and the children gather at over at me.


“Uwaa~, thank you, Onee-chan!”

Uh-huh, as I thought, the smiles of children is something pleasant. I can do anything if it"s for the sake of protecting these kids" smiles.

As I"m looking at the children who leave while waving their hands, my slightly depressed mood got slightly better as well.

“I guess I"ll return for once”

I still haven"t decided on what I want to do. I haven"t but, what I think about is the citizens no matter the outcome.

If it carries on like this and Chichiue and the others try to get rid Hardt, I think Hardt won"t tolerate it as well. This country will certainly be erased.

If I do according to what Hardt says so that it doesn"t end up like that, this country remains but, I will have to turn my sword towards Chichiue and the others. Moreover, I can clearly see that this country will be used for Hardt"s objective. The fact that this country will experience the horrors of war as a result of that is also……

I returned to the castle without knowing which is better. For the time being, I shall ask the thoughts of Chichiue and the others. They should be discussing on what to do about the church. I think absentmindedly while walking and, something that I wasn"t used to seeing was there.

“……Why are there pegasuses at a place like this?”


The two head of pegasuses that look at me with faces looking like they want to say, ‘What". I have also only seen the pegasus that was drawn by a painter but, I suppose something like a horse with wings also isn"t something that"s easily mistaken for something else.

It"s a monster that doesn"t inhabit this neighbourhood. I suppose that means somebody rode it here. However, pegasuses are fairly valuable creatures. To actually use such creatures as a mode of transport……

I hurriedly head towards where Chichiue is. Somehow I have a bad feeling. When I go to the conference room that they always use for discussions, Chichiue and the others came out at the exact same time. Behind them, there are two men who I"ve never seen before.

One person is a guy in about his mid-20s with unkempt golden hair and black tanned skin on his whole body. Moreover, he"s wearing clinking necklaces and rings, I can"t really come to like him.

A man who"s roughly in his 40s is standing beside him. His golden hair is cut short and evenly, his height is roughly a head taller than the guy beside him. He"s quite muscular.

I guess these two people rode the pegasuses that were outside here. They are obviously not people who are from around here. Moreover, the clothes that the two of them are wearing. White clothes with a golden cross embroidered at the back. I"ve also only heard about it to the extent of rumours but, they are……

“Oo, Fia, you have returned huh!”

Chichiue who catches sight of me called out to me happily. The ministers and Henrir who are behind as well.

“……I have returned, Chichiue. And who are these people?”

“Aa, these gentlemen are two of the famous Twelve Holy Devas who came from the major power, Fistoria Holy Kingdom. Cancer-sama, Taurus-sama, this person is my daughter, her name is Akfia. Hora, give your greetings as well, Fia!”

“……I am Akfia・Mestoa”

It"s my first time seeing the Twelve Holy Devas but, I can tell just by looking. The true strength of these people. It"s similar to previously when I was confronting the knight called Liscia who"s Hardt"s subordinate.

“Heh~, there"s a pretty girl in such a remote region as well, isn"t there! Hey you, won"t you play with me after this?”

As I"m looking at such two of them, the guy who"s younger, the one called Cancer said something like that to me while moving closer towards me. And then, he puts his arm around my shoulder and carries on as it is towards my breast and……

“St, stop it!”

I brushed it away before it touches. I immediately take some distance from Cancer and go on guard. Cancer sighs ‘Haa" while scratching his head and looks at me.

“Aーah, I got rejected”

“What stupid thing are you doing. We"re going to quickly complete the objective”

“Yeah, yeah”

The guy tried to call out to me even more but, the brawny guy, the one called Taurus stopped him.

“Rejoice, Fia. You will very soon be released as well”

“……What is that about?”

When I"m looking at the back view of the two of them who walk in the castle like they own the place, Chichiue suddenly says something like that to me. What in the world is that about?

“It appears that they came to look for the one who possessed the occupation called,『Spirit Sorcerer』. When it comes to someone who possesses that occupation, I think it"s amongst those who I handed over to that fellow. And when I talked about that fellow"s matter at the same time as well, it somehow ended up with those two gentlemen getting rid of that fellow for us!”

Chichiue who talks happily about that. Which means they are currently going towards the bas.e.m.e.nt huh. However, did they listen to what he said so easily?

“Chichiue, were there no conditions and the likes to that? They accepted that without any compensation?”

“No way that"d happen, right. However, this is a joyous matter. The Mestoa Kingdom dissolves and becomes Fistoria Holy Kingdom"s enclave. This place becomes Earl Mestoa Territory! We are able to become a part of that major power! It brings forth several thousands of slaves and tax liabilities but, I suppose it"s cheap if we can be protected by that major power!”

……How can he talk about that so happily? I somehow look at Chichiue and the others in terror and took some distance.

It"s not that I have any particular attachment to the royalty. I don"t but, the country that was inherited for generations from our ancestors, how can he so easily……no, in that case then I"m the same as well huh. Since I"m being enslaved by Hardt while saying it"s for the country"s sake.

I could only follow behind Chichiue and the others without being able to say anything. We walk for a while and we finally arrive at the stairway that leads to the bas.e.m.e.nt.

The two people of the Twelve Holy Devas descend the stairway fearlessly. Even Chichiue who usually dislike going descended happily.

While moving my legs that feel heavy with every step that I take downwards, I recalled what was said previously for some reason.

『When it comes the time that it turned into something irreversible, it"ll be too late even if you regret』

those words. I don"t know what"s right. The actions I take might be wrong. However……

“Here huh. It is one s.p.a.cious construction”

“Oo, I found a kid! A boy so di……uoo!?”

When I realised it, I have already drawn the sword on my waist and slashed at Cancer. Regardless of being targetted from behind, Cancer lowers his head and dodges my sword with ease. I run as it is and stand in front of the boy who was targetted.

“What are you planning, woman?”

“……I will hold my sword by my own will. For the sake of protecting the precious people. I won"t forgive anything that hurts the citizens before my eyes!”

My sword no longer wavers. My sword will always be for the sake of the people.