The Boy Who Swore Revenge On The World

Chapter 56


Edited :
The leader-looking fellow who verbally abused Mylene was, turned into a superior type of zombie, a Crimson Reaper that possesses sharp claws and poison.
The leader-looking fellow who verbally abused Mylene was, turned into a higher-species zombie, a Crimson Reaper that possesses sharp claws and poison.


“Your slashes are lacking, Mars! Look at the movements more and attack!”

“uu! Yes!”

Mars who attacks nimbly while scattering his sweat. He faces his sword towards the upper right and swings it upwards diagonally from below but, Liscia who"s confronting him blocks his sword without even moving a single step.

It seems Mars knew that it"d turn out that way, he immediately recovers the repelled sword and slashes again. Liscia brushes it off with ease, finds Mars" opening and

“Not good enough!”


She drove the wooden sword into Mars" flank with all her strength. Mars who couldn"t make it in time to defend and received Liscia"s sword in full was sent easily flying for several tens of meters.

She"s now grabbing the scruff of the neck of Mars who bounced on the floor several times and finally stopped and pointing out his bad points. I wonder if it"s my imagination that Mars" eyes are slightly rolled back?

I think about the matters hereafter while looking at how things are going. About half a year has pa.s.sed since Fia became Mestoa Kingdom"s Queen.

During the change of the King, it"s decided that the Earl died from injuries from the previous battle and because the Crown Prince also suffered heavy injuries, he yielded the throne to his elder sister, Fia. Although it seems the people thought strangely of that matter, it permeated without any particular problem.

I left the explanation to her own mother and the Crown Prince"s wife to Fia and, I suppose because they knew about me, it seems the both of them consented to it without any particular defiance.

All of the ministers retired and were completely replaced. I"m leaving Nero at the top of the ministers. He uses his flesh body when he goes out in public so I suppose there won"t be any problem occurring.

We"ve also gathered and met with the n.o.bles, and amongst them, there were those who proposed to Fia as well. Saying that this country will be peaceful if they"re around and whatnot.

Well, I had those guys who say that duel the Dullahan that I placed with Fia as her escort and chased them off.

There are close to 20 Dullahans currently. I used the souls of dead knights that were summoned by Liscia"s strength and created them. Although strong ones only appear occasionally, I"m making all of them Fia"s escorts. Naturally, I"m making them wear their heads.

The reason I make her have escorts with her is, that the have increased ever since she became the queen. All of them, like they"re after this country, showed up every day at first. Hence, I make her have escorts with her.

Although it"s fine to have Dullahans outside the room Fia sleeps, I feel bad making her place them in her room so besides the Dullahans, I also created several Devil"s ShadowDoppelgangers with Fia"s blood.

Although their ranks are quite a bit lower than my shadow, they"re able to hold the back and buy time, turn into Fia and become decoys so I think they"re quite useful.

After that, the zombie and skeleton underlings have also increased. I"ve also gotten higher-species and mutant-species as well so the war potential is getting quite into place as well. It"s still about 50 thousand in total but, we won"t have any problem going up against an ordinary country.

However, for going up against our number one objective, the Empire, it"s still nowhere near enough. If I"m going to increase the number of soldiers even more than this, just the Mestoa Kingdom is completely not enough.

“What are you thinking about, Hardt-sama?”

As I"m looking at Liscia and Mars" training that began once again, Tierra who sits on the wheelchair that"s a Magic Tool Chrono created and Mylene who pushes the wheelchair, came to my side.

Mylene"s teaching the children that Mars and the others brought along, reading, writing and magic. I"m also having her teach me various things occasionally.

It seems she helped out at the orphanage and such when she"s in the church and it seems she likes children. It goes without saying that the nights became intense ever since they came.

“Nn? I was thinking about the matters hereafter. Although our army"s strength has increased, it"s become tough to increase our numbers even more than this in this country. I was thinking that it"s about time to go to some other country”

“……Yeah. Indeed, it may be tough to increase our numbers with this country"s population. In that case……”

“Creator, do you have a second?”

As Mylene and I are discussing the matters hereafter, Nero appeared in the bas.e.m.e.nt with the Teleportation Tool Chrono created. Mylene is slightly sulky because her conversation with me was interrupted but, it"s a matter urgent enough for Nero to use the Teleportation tool so she pulls Tierra"s wheelchair back slightly and waits.

“Did something happen?”

“Aah, visitors came to this country”

Visitors? If so, Fia and not me should be dealing with them, why did he come all the way to inform me about that? I"m tilting my head without knowing what"s going on and

“Those who came are from the Demi-Human Country. If that is all it is then it will end with just letting them have an audience with the queen but, their objective coming here is to meet Creator”

……Haa? Why do they know about my existence? It"s true that I"ve met with the king and ministers in this country but, I wear a robe and make sure I don"t show my face for the most part.

Moreover, because I make sure to not go outside openly, the other countries shouldn"t know about me. If we"re talking about the ones who knows then it"s only the s.h.i.tty G.o.ddess.

“……Did someone talked about me?”

The remaining question is whether someone amongst the former ministers who were allowed to live talked about me to the other countries. However, Nero says that it"s unlikely. A bird-type skeleton is by the side of they who were allowed to live.

It"s constantly observing them and it"ll tell Nero if they do anything disquieting so he says it"s unlikely.

“Uーn, it can"t be helped. If they know about me then there"s also no point in hiding. Let"s go and meet them. Oーi, Liscia!”

Although I don"t have the obligation to meet them, I want to at least know how they know about me. Besides, they"re people from the Demi-Human Country. I want to know what kind of people they are as well.

I left Mylene, Tierra, and Mars whose eyes are half rolled back and on the brink of going unconscious in the bas.e.m.e.nt, I let Nero lead the way and bring Liscia as an escort and head upstairs.

I went upstairs into the castle and was led to, of course, the audience room. When I go inside, people are already being cleared out and on the throne sits Fia who wears a red, gorgeously ornamented dress and Dullahans are standing at both side like they"re sandwiching Fia.

And then, standing before Fia"s eyes are those who are seemingly the ones who came from the Demi-Human Country. Dullahans are also standing along the wall to make sure they don"t do anything weird.

Now then, I wonder what business do they have with me?