The Boy Who Swore Revenge On The World

Chapter 61


The female archer who releases her arrows one after another at me. I move forward while blocking all of it with my shortswords but the female archer"s arrows don"t stop. Her momentum is not at all weakening, on the contrary, she b.l.o.o.d.y increased the amount she shoots. Jeez, how does she even shoot three arrows at once.

I move forward while finding it"s mysterious and, naturally, there"s no way that the arrows would"ve stopped. The momentum of the soldiers in the vicinity also increases as I get closer to the female archer.

As I thought, it"s the Empire. The soldiers" proficiency is going up as I get closer. Especially those who are wearing a different armour from the other soldiers. I guess they"re the same squad since the female archer is wearing a similar armour that is slightly posher.

“Don"t like him get close to Cecilisama!”

“Be careful of the shortswords around! It even cuts apart iron!”

“That scythe as well! Make distance and use magic……”

The soldiers around are coming up with countermeasures bit by bit while looking at my movements. This is something my dead spirits aren"t able to do.

Bit by bit, they"re taking a distance from my scythe"s range and casting magic at me. In addition to that, arrows also come flying from the female archer, the one called Cecilia.

“How irritating. I"ll first start from the magic”

I"m unable to stop Cecilia because there"s still some distance between us but if it"s the nearby soldiers then I can stop them. I"ll first start from the surroundings.

I plunge into the soldiers who are casting magic at me. The soldiers try to fall back in a panic but I"m faster. I swing the scythe and slice the arms that were extended out to cast magic.

I turn the scythe and thrust the b.u.t.t at the abdomen of a soldier who has only one arm. I then use the soldier like a shield and advance inside. After I"ve gone inside to some extent, I stop thrusting and slice upwards from below with the scythe.

3 soldiers try to take advantage of that opening and approach from behind but, I turn the shortswords that are fluttering in the air towards them. Upon piercing their leg armour and knees and stopping their movements, I swing the scythe sideways.

The soldiers who split into halves in an instant. Magic is being cast from other side of that. I slice apart the magic that flew over with the shortswords and launch those shortswords towards the soldiers.

It penetrates one after another the soldiers who are about to cast the next line of magic but……their numbers aren"t decreasing. I guess I"ll increase my p.a.w.ns as well. I pour magic power into the corpses.

The soldiers who are cautious of me who suddenly stopped and stood still. Arrows are raining down on me even now but I block them with the shortswords. I suppose if it"s for just a short while then it"ll be fine even if I don"t move.

As my magic power diffuses into the corpses, the unmoving corpses twitched and moved. And then, they a.s.sail the nearby soldiers. I also fix the bodies that were split into halves while I"m at it.

The dismay of having the comrades who were fighting side by side together until just now suddenly a.s.sailing them. I don"t understand it but I guess it"s something scary. Not to mention, they are those who were dead until just now.

I take the opportunity when the soldiers faltered and slash into the enemy line instantly. I make all the shortswords revolve around me, as a shield that unites offence and defence. All the arrows that were being shot swiftly were also repelled by the shortswords that go around me.

Still, they didn"t let me get close that easily. A swordsman appeared from beside the girl. A mask is being worn on the face so I can"t tell the face but from the physique, I suppose it"s a man.

When I release the shortswords, the man precisely repels it with his sword. I also can"t cut through that sword so I guess it"s quite a sharp sword. If it"s impossible with the shortswords then with this scythe!



Gakinn! The man who stops the blow of my scythe. And then he slides his sword as it is and swings it towards me. When I averted my face to the back and avoided it, this time he swung downwards at me.

I block the sword that"s swung down with the blade of the scythe and give a kick to the open abdomen. Although the man immediately caught it with his left hand, there"s no way he could"ve blocked my enhanced muscles and was blown away.

As I"m about to follow up, numerous arrows come flying from the side. I guess these two are a duo. The man restrains the enemy while the woman shoots. I suppose it"s something like that.

I rotate the scythe and repel the arrows. I release the shortswords in the meantime in order to give chase, but the man who stood up and recovered in an instant repelled it with his sword once again. The wound I was able to give him was also only a graze. Well, that graze is fatal though.

As I"m being cautious of the female archer"s arrows while confronting the guy who"s breathing slightly heavily, a soldier approaches the female archer"s side. And then she lends an ear to what the soldier has to say even while she"s glaring at me. I guess the man will come in between us even if I take this opportunity and attack now.

The glaring at each other continues for a while and,

“We will retreat! All troops, retreat!”

The female archer shouts. And then a horn was sounded sharply at the same time. After the female archer glares at me annoyingly, she looks at the direction of the soldiers who are in battle. All my p.a.w.ns had been done in before I know it.

The Empire soldiers fall back one after another. I killed those fellows who tried to kill me while they"re at it instead though.

And then after a while, Liscia who carried an ashen sword came. I guess her skin is glossy for some reason because she"s decently satisfied.

“Umu, it"s the first time I fought with the Empire soldiers but they"re quite well-trained. It made for some good warm-up exercise!”

……She praises them and even that is just warm-up exercise huh. Liscia, she really is limitless huh.

We return as it is to the encampment where Melda and the others are. Around the place are wounded sitting and lying down, corpses being lined up at a location that"s a slight distance away……I want "em. I wonder if she"ll give it to me? Probably not.

I head towards where Melda and the others are while feeling that it"s a little bit of a waste. The inside of a simple tent that"s pitched in the encampment was Melda and the others were at. It"s just that, it"s larger than an ordinary tent. I guess it"s so that it can fit many people.

I go inside and Melda and the others who are discussing various things, along with a Dwarf who wore a splendid armour were there. Mars is sitting on a chair and looking somewhat uncomfortable.

Melda who noticed that we came in smiles broadly and comes over here.

“Hardt-dono! You are safe huh!”

“I mean, it won"t even be funny if I went out that grandly and died. So what will we do from now on?”

“Yes, from now on……”

After that, we talk about the hereafter matters until the sun sets.