The Boys of the Wireless

Chapter 36

"Had some visitors here this afternoon," announced Ben. "Mart Walters and young Aldrich came along. Aldrich was hot and furious to know if you had used his launch. Just as I explained to them that you had, and thereby saved Grace Morgan"s life, and they toned down a little, along came Grace herself. She overheard their squabbling, and turned her back on them and wouldn"t speak to them. They sneaked away."

"Oh, Grace was here?" said Tom, trying to look only ordinarily interested.

"She was," replied Ben sprightly, "and spent a pleasant hour. She made me tell her all about the way we telegraph. She even made me teach her certain dots and dashes. h.e.l.lo! why, there"s a call from my home wireless outfit."

The receiver began to buzz and click. Tom looked suspiciously at his comrade.

"T-o-m B-a-r-n-e-s, y-o-u a-r-e m-z m-x m-y h-e-r-o. A-u-n-t B-e-r-t-h-a w-a-n-t-s t-o s-e-e y-o-u. G-r-a-c-e," came the message.

"H-m," commented Tom, flushing as his chum chuckled audibly. "Up to tricks, are you? What are you laughing at?"

"Why," smiled Ben seriously, "I was just thinking what a whole lot the Morgan family think of you, Tom!"

It took two full weeks for Rockley Cove and its vicinity to get over the courageous exploit of Tom Barnes in saving the pa.s.sengers and crew of the _Olivia_.

Bill Barber shared in the general commendation. He appeared on the streets of the village, chipper, ambitious and well dressed, with the great desire of his life, a full-blooded bulldog, at his heels.

He boasted proudly that he had given Bert Aldrich a receipt in full for the eleven dollars and seventy-five cents, in lieu of the use of the _Beulah_ the night of the big storm.

"I told him I could loan him a few dollars if he was so hard up he couldn"t get along," chuckled Bill, jingling some coins in his pocket.

The steamship company sent a substantial reward to both Tom and Bill, and offered the latter a good position on their line, which he accepted promptly.

Bert Aldrich sneaked away from Rockley Cove with his crack launch, without being even permitted to say good-by to Grace; and Mart Walters remained in the back of the books of that offended little lady for a long time to come.

Tom became a regular visitor at the Morgan home. His ability as a wireless operator had attracted the attention of headquarters, where he was offered a good position.

Even his parents were willing that he should accept it, and for two years Tom worked his way up to an inspectorship, taking a technical evening course in a college at New York City.

A new expert operator was put in charge at Station Z, but Ben was still retained as a helper. Ernest and old Blennerha.s.sett settled down at Rockley Cove, and after a year at school the old Harry Ashley got an appointment as a regular man at the tower. Blennerha.s.sett gradually worked out of his foolish fears of foreign enemies.

Both Ben and Ernest were fascinated with the wireless business, and the frequent visits of Tom along the circuit encouraged them.

Tom spent nearly half his time at Rockley Cove. He was a regular visitor at the Morgan home. One morning Ben came into the tower with a happy smile on his face. He went at once to the instrument and called headquarters.

"Why so cheerful, Ben?" inquired Ernest.


"Yes, I know, but what is its purport?"

"Mr. Morgan wishes me to send a society announcement to the New York press."


"Exactly-the engagement of our sweet little friend, Grace, to our old time chum, Tom Barnes, the young wireless operator of Rockley Cove."




Mr. Webster"s style is very much like that of the boys" favorite author, the late lamented Horatio Alger, Jr., but his tales are thoroughly up-to-date.

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d.i.c.k The Bank Boy _or A Missing Fortune_

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