The Bride of the Serpent Prince

Chapter 12 - The snake disappeared!

TBoSP Chapter 12 - The snake disappeared!
"d.a.m.n it..."

Su Fei Yue cursed. Looks like there is no other choice, because it is clear to him that Father is not fooling around at all.

"Since you have landed on the Human World, you must not violate the laws of the Three World. You have returned to your original form, and lost your magic powers. I"m afraid it would be tough for you to survive in the Human World. Nevertheless, as your Father, I will help you. Until you have found your Queen, you will return to your human form at sunrise. On the contrary, after the sun sets, you will return to your original form. Thus, you must be mindful of your actions!"

"So what should I do to find this woman?"

He furrowed his brows. At the moment, he was only thinking on how to solve this half-heartedly*. As long as he finds this woman, his magic powers will recover, and with that, he could return to the Demon World. As for the matter of finding a life partner, he is not interested at all. Women are always such troublesome creatures. He prefers to keep his distance** from them.

(TL: *敷衍了事 (fūyǎnliǎoshì) means doing things without the heart in it. **敬而远之 (jìng"éryuǎnzhī) means keeping a distance. Not out of disgust, but respect.)

"With time, Heaven"s plan for you will unfold themselves*. Your future is in your hands... "

(TL: 天机不可泄露 (tiānjībùkěxièlù) means, everything happening is destined by Heaven. When it"s time, the "secret" will reveal itself, so it"s not right to go probing before it did.)

Once Su Lin Mei has finished his words, his voice gradually fades. The tall mirage too, turned transparent progressively and soon, it disappeared.


The next morning...

"Miss, hurry up and wake up! You"ll be late for school!"

Aunty Li kept knocking at her mistress"s door.

"Urgh, so noisy!"

Mu Tang Chun flipped her body over, proceeded to cover her head with the blanket, and continued her sleep. She has a problem getting up from bed every morning. This young lady needs to be called ten to twenty times before she is willing to get up.

Aunty Li has worked in this household for over ten years. Thus, she understood her mistress"s thoughts very well. It is also because of this that she kept knocking on the door, the sounds of banging continued on with a "BANG BANG BANG".

If one could sleep in with so much banging, then that would mean their willpower to snooze is simply too amazing! Thus, Mu Tang Chun slowly propped herself up with both her eyes closed.

"I know! I"m up already!"

Aunty Li who was standing outside knocking just moments ago is finally satisfied and stopped. She then went downstairs.

The world is finally quiet. Mu Tang Chun ma.s.saged her temple, her head still light-headed from the abrupt awakening in the morning. All of a sudden, her eyes go wide open, as though she was just reminded of something. The sudden realization snapped her awake.

Where, Where"s the snake? She quickly turned towards the pillow next to her. Gone!

Where did that snake go? She"s not only panicking now, but scared witless too. She stood up on her bed all of a sudden, quickly turned over her blanket, and probed for the missing snake. Not here... I can"t find that snake anywhere!

Could everything that"s happened so far be a dream after all? Mu Tang Chun blinked. She could not sort out her thoughts. Suddenly, she beamed*. It"s a dream after all! In the end, if you think about it, there"s no such thing as a talking snake in this world! It"s all fairy tale**!

(TL: *喜笑颜开(xǐxiàoyánkāi) means grinning/smiling. **天方夜谭 (tiānfāngyètán) means fantasy story. Doesn"t exist, not real. Also used as the Chinese t.i.tle for The Arabian Nights.)

Mu Tang Chun who has cleared her thoughts finally relaxed a little. She jumped off her bed, and prepared to freshen up. However, as soon as she entered the bathroom, her expression quickly changed. The dried blood from the wounds on her wrist caught her attention as soon as she saw her reflection in the mirror.

No... It"s not a dream. Everything that happened to her is real. She really was injured by a short tempered and bossy snake.

Just right when I woke up in the morning, the snake is already gone. Just where has that snake gone to? Could it be that he left and will never return again? She should be happy that the snake is gone. So why, why isn"t she as happy as she thought she would be?

Not only is she worried about it, she dreads the possibility of the snake being caught. What if it got stepped to death? What if a scientist caught it and cut it open in the name of science? It"s rare to find someone as kind-hearted as her who is willing to care for such a short tempered and hateful snake.