The Cattle-Raid of Cualnge (Tain Bo Cualnge)

Chapter 9

Lethan came on to his ford on the Nith (?) in Conaille. He waited himself to meet Cuchulainn. It vexed him what Cuchulainn had done.

Cuchulainn cuts off his head and left it, hence it is Ath Lethan on the Nith. And their chariots broke in the battle on the ford by him; hence it is Ath Carpat. Mulcha, Lethan"s charioteer, fell on the shoulder of the hill that is between them; hence is Gulo Mulchai. While the hosts were going over Mag Breg, he struck(?) their ---- still. [Note: 2 Something apparently missing here. The pa.s.sage in LL is as follows: "It is the same day that the Morrigan, daughter of Ernmas, came from the Sid, so that she was on the pillar in Temair Cuailnge, taking a warning to the Dun of Cualnge before the men of Ireland, and she began to speak to him, and "Good, O wretched one, O Dun of Cualnge," said the Morrigan, "keep watch, for the men of Ireland have reached thee, and they will take thee to their camp unless thou keepest watch"; and she began to take a warning to him thus, and uttered her words on high." (The Rhetoric follows as in LU.)]

Yet that was the Morrigan in the form of a bird on the pillar in Temair Cuailnge; and she spoke to the Bull:

"Does the Black know," etc. [Note: A Rhetoric.]

Then the Bull went, and fifty heifers with him, to Sliab Culind; and his keeper, Forgemen by name, went after him. He threw off the three fifties of boys who used always to play on him, and he killed two-thirds of his boys, and dug a trench in Tir Marcceni in Cualnge before he went.

_The Death of Lochu_

Cuchulainn killed no one from the Saile ind Orthi (?) in the Conaille territory, until they reached Cualnge. Cuchulainn was then in Cuince; he threatened then that when he saw Medb he would throw a stone at her head. This was not easy to him, for it is thus that Medb went and half the host about her, with their shelter of shields over her head.

Then a waiting-woman of Medb"s, Lochu by name, went to get water, and a great troop of women with her. Cuchulainn thought it was Medb. He threw two stones from Cuince, so that he slew her in her plain(?). Hence is Ath Rede Locha in Cualnge.

From Findabair Cuailnge the hosts divided, and they set the country on fire. They collect all there were of women, and boys, and maidens; and cattle, in Cualnge together, so that they were all in Findabair.

"You have not gone well," said Medb; "I do not see the Bull with you."

"He is not in the province at all," said every one.

Lothar the cowherd is summoned to Medb.

"Where is the Bull?" said she. "Have you an idea?"

"I have great fear to tell it," said the herd. "The night," said he, "when the Ulstermen went into their weakness, he went with three twenties of heifers with him, so that he is at the Black Corrie of Glenn Gatt."

"Go," said Medb, "and carry a withe [Note: Ir. _gatt_, a withe.]

between each two of you."

They do this: hence this glen is called Glenn Gatt. Then they bring the Bull to Findabair. The place where he saw the herd, Lothar, he attacked him, so that he brought his entrails out on his horns; and he attacked the camp with his three fifties of heifers, so that fifty warriors were killed. And that is the death of Lothar on the Foray.

Then the Bull went from them out of the camp, and they knew not where he had gone from them; and they were ashamed. Medb asked the herd if he had an idea where the Bull was.

"I think he would be in the secret places of Sliab Culind."

When they returned thus after ravaging Cualnge, and did not find the Bull there. The river Cronn rose against them to the tops of the trees; and they spent the night by it. And Medb told part of her following to go across.

A wonderful warrior went next day, Ualu his name. He took a great stone on his back to go across the water; the stream drove him backwards with the stone on his back. His grave and his stone are on the road at the stream: Lia Ualand is its name.

They went round the river Cronn to the source, and they would have gone between the source and the mountain, only that they could not get leave from Medb; she preferred to go across the mountain, that their track might remain there for ever, for an insult to the Ulstermen. They waited there three days and three nights, till they dug the earth in front of them, the Bernas Bo Cuailnge.

It is there that Cuchulainn killed Crond and Coemdele and ---- [Note: Obscure.]. A hundred warriors ---- [Note: Obscure.] died with Roan and Roae, the two historians of the Foray. A hundred and forty-four, kings died by him at the same stream. They came then over the Bernas Bo Cuailnge with the cattle and stock of Cualnge, and spent the night in Glenn Dail Imda in Cualnge. Botha is the name of this place, because they made huts over them there. They come next day to Colptha. They try to cross it through heedlessness.

It rose against them then, and it carries a hundred charioteers of them to the sea; this is the name of the land in which they were drowned, Cluain Carptech.

They go round Colptha then to its source, to Belat Alioin, and spent the night at Liasa Liac; that is the name of this place, because they made sheds over their calves there between Cualnge and Conaille. They came over Glenn Gatlaig, and Gla.s.s Gatlaig rose against them. Sechaire was its name before; Gla.s.s Gatlaig thenceforth, because it was in withes they brought their calves; and they slept at Druim Fene in Conaille. (Those then are the wanderings from Cualnge to Machaire according to this version.)

_This is the Harrying of Cualnge_

(Other authors and books make it that another way was taken on their journeyings from Findabair to Conaille, as follows:

Medb said after every one had come with their booty, so that they were all in Findabair Cuailnge: "Let the host be divided," said Medb; "it will be impossible to bring this expedition by one way.

Let Ailill go with half the expedition by Midluachair; Fergus and I will go by Bernas Ulad." [Note: YBL. Bernas Bo n-Ulad.]

"It is not fine," said Fergus, "the half of the expedition that has fallen to us. It will be impossible to bring the cattle over the mountain without dividing it."

That was done then, so that it is from that there is Bernas Bo n-Ulad.)

It is there then that Ailill said to his charioteer Cuillius: "Find out for me to-day Medb and Fergus. I know not what has brought them to this union. I shall be pleased that a token should come to me by you."

Cuillius came when they were in Cluichre. The pair remained behind, and the warriors went on. Cuillius came to them, and they heard not the spy. Fergus" sword happened to be beside him. Cuillius drew it out of its sheath, and left the sheath empty. Cuillius came to Ailill.

"So?" said Ailill.

"So indeed," said Cuillius; "there is a token for you."

"It is well," said Ailill.

Each of them smiles at the other.

"As you thought," said Cuillius, "it is thus that I found them, in one another"s arms."

"It is right for her," said Ailill; "it is for help on the Foray that she has done it. See that the sword is kept in good condition,"

said Ailill. "Put it under your seat in the chariot, and a cloth of linen around it."

Fergus got up for his sword after that.

"Alas!" said he.

"What is the matter with you?" said Medb.

"An ill deed have I done to Ailill," said he. "Wait here, while I go into the wood," said Fergus; "and do not wonder though it be long till I come."

It happened that Medb knew not the loss of the sword. He goes thence, and takes the sword of his charioteer with him in his hand.

He makes a wooden sword in the wood. Hence there is Fid Mor Drualle in Ulster.

"Let us go on after our comrades," said Fergus. All their hosts meet in the plain. They pitch their tents. Fergus is summoned to Ailill to play chess. When Fergus went to the tent, Ailill began to laugh at him. [Note: Here follows about two columns of rhetoric, consisting of a taunting dialogue between Ailill, Fergus and Medb.]

Cuchulainn came so that he was at Ath Cruinn before them.

"O friend Loeg," said he to his charioteer, "the hosts are at hand to us."

"I swear by the G.o.ds," said the charioteer, "I will do a mighty feat before warriors ... on slender steeds with yokes of silver, with golden wheels ..."