The Century Cook Book

Chapter 54

A yellow color can be given it by adding the yolks of three eggs just before removing it from the fire. A brown chaudfroid, which is used for game and dark meats, is made by browning the roux, diluting it with beef stock; and a deeper color can be obtained with a few drops of kitchen bouquet. This sauce, poured over boned chicken or other meats, gives them a smooth, even surface. They can then be elaborately decorated with truffles, making ornamental cold dishes for suppers. Before covering a galantine with chaudfroid fill any irregularities on the surface of the meat with a little of the sauce which has been placed on ice to set. The surface can in this way be made perfectly even, so when the sauce is turned over it the galantine will be smooth. (See picture, page 192.)


Put a tablespoonful of chopped onion and a tablespoonful of b.u.t.ter in a saucepan on the fire. Let them both become brown; then add a tablespoonful of flour, and brown that also. Stir all the time. Add a cupful of beef or brown stock, and cook until the sauce is a little thickened. Season with pepper and salt. Strain it to remove the onion. A sauce poivrade is made by adding to the brown sauce, at the same time that the stock is put in, a cupful of claret, two cloves, a bay-leaf, a little thyme and parsley. In place of claret, a teaspoonful of mustard, the juice of half a lemon, and a teaspoonful of tarragon vinegar gives a Robert sauce.



2-1/2 cupfuls of stock or consomme.

1 tablespoonful of gelatine.

4 tablespoonfuls of b.u.t.ter.

4 tablespoonfuls of flour.

2 tablespoonfuls of chopped onion.

1 tablespoonful of chopped lean ham.

1 tablespoonful each of chopped carrot and celery.

1 bay-leaf.

3 cloves.

1 piece of parsley.

1 piece of mace.

1 teaspoonful of salt.

1/2 teaspoonful of pepper.

Soak the gelatine in a half cupful of stock. Put the b.u.t.ter in a saucepan; when hot add the chopped vegetables and ham, and let them brown; then add the flour, and let that brown. Stir constantly so it will not burn. When well browned add slowly the stock, then the herbs, spices, salt, and pepper, and let cook for five minutes. Cover the saucepan. Set it into a larger one containing hot water. Draw it to the side of the range to simmer slowly for two hours. Then stir in the soaked gelatine, and let stand another half hour. When ready to serve skim off the fat and strain. If a stock made with knuckle of veal is used, the gelatine will not be needed. It is used to give smoothness.

This is the richest of the brown sauces, and in French cooking is used as the basis, or seasoning, for them all. If too thick dilute with stock.


Put in a saucepan one cupful of champagne, two cloves, six peppercorns, one bay-leaf, one teaspoonful of sugar. Let them infuse for five minutes over the fire; then add a cupful of Espagnole or of brown sauce, and a little mushroom liquor if convenient. Let it simmer for ten minutes and strain.

Any white wine may be used instead of champagne.



2 cupfuls of brown stock.

4 tablespoonfuls of b.u.t.ter.

2 tablespoonfuls of flour.

4 tablespoonfuls of vinegar.

Dash of cayenne.

1 tablespoonful of chopped onion.

1 tablespoonful of chopped capers.

2 tablespoonfuls of chopped pickle.

1 teaspoonful of sugar.

1/2 teaspoonful of salt.

1 teaspoonful of tarragon vinegar.

Put the b.u.t.ter in a saucepan, and when it begins to brown add the flour, and stir until it is well browned, but do not let it burn. Draw to a cooler place on the range, and slowly add the stock, stirring constantly, add salt and cayenne, and let simmer for ten minutes. In another saucepan boil the vinegar, onion, and sugar rapidly for five minutes; then add it to the sauce, and at the same time add the capers, pickle and tarragon vinegar. Stir well, and let cook for two minutes to heat the pickle. If the sauce becomes too thick dilute it with a little water. For piquante sauce No 2, to two cupfuls of Espagnole sauce add capers and pickles.



Fry three or four onions until soft in a tablespoonful of b.u.t.ter; press them through a strainer, and mix with a cupful of brown sauce.



Mix together two tablespoonfuls of soft white crumbs of bread and two tablespoonfuls of grated horseradish. Cover them with cream or milk, and let soak for two hours. Then rub them through a sieve, and add one quarter teaspoonful of salt, one quarter teaspoonful of sugar, and two tablespoonfuls of vinegar. Enough milk should be used to give it the consistency of cream. This sauce will keep in a cool place for several days.



Make a roux of one tablespoonful of b.u.t.ter and one teaspoonful of flour.

Add to it

1 cupful of stock.

1 tablespoonful of French mustard.

1 tablespoonful of vinegar.

A dash of cayenne.

1 teaspoonful of dry English mustard.

1/2 teaspoonful salt.

1 teaspoonful of sugar.

Cook slowly for ten minutes.



Put a tablespoonful of b.u.t.ter in a saucepan. When it bubbles add a teaspoonful of onion-juice, and a tablespoonful of curry powder mixed with two tablespoonfuls of flour. Let it cook a few minutes, and add slowly two cupfuls of milk. Stir constantly.



1 dozen stoned olives.