The Century Cook Book

Chapter 69

[352-*] Place the rolls far enough apart in the pan to give room for them to rise without running together.


4 cupfuls of sifted flour.

3 teaspoonfuls of baking-powder.

1 teaspoonful of salt.

1 tablespoonful of b.u.t.ter.

Add the salt and baking-powder to the flour and sift them. Rub in the b.u.t.ter well. With a fork stir in lightly and quickly sufficient milk to make a soft dough. The dough must be only just stiff enough to roll.

Flour the board well, turn the dough onto it, and lightly roll it to a half inch thickness. Cut it into small circles, brush the tops with milk, and bake in a quick oven for twenty to thirty minutes.


1 quart of flour.

1 teaspoonful of soda.

1 teaspoonful of salt.

1 tablespoonful of b.u.t.ter or lard.


Mix the soda and the salt with the flour, and sift them several times so they will be thoroughly mixed. Rub in the b.u.t.ter evenly. Stir in lightly with a fork enough sour milk to make a dough just stiff enough to roll. The dough can be left very soft if the board is well floured and the rolling-pin is used very lightly, patting the dough rather than rolling it. Roll it out quickly an inch thick. Cut it into small rounds.

Bake in a quick oven twenty to thirty minutes. The dough can be rolled half an inch thick, and two rounds placed together with a small bit of b.u.t.ter between. They are then called twin biscuits. These biscuits may be made of sweet milk, in which case two rounding teaspoonfuls of cream of tartar must be used with the soda and mixed with the flour.


2 cupfuls of flour.

1-1/2 cupfuls of cornmeal (yellow or white).

1/2 cupful of sugar.

1 saltspoonful of salt.

3 teaspoonfuls of baking powder.

1-2/3 cupfuls of milk.

1 tablespoonful of b.u.t.ter or lard melted.

2 eggs.

Mix the flour, meal, salt, and baking-powder together thoroughly. Beat together the eggs and sugar; add the b.u.t.ter, then the flour mixture, and lastly mix in quickly the milk and turn into a flat pan to bake. Sour milk can be used instead of sweet milk, in which case a teaspoonful of soda dissolved in a quarter of a cupful of hot water is used, and baking-powder is omitted.


1 cupful of fine cornmeal sifted.

1-1/2 cupfuls of milk.

2 eggs.

1 tablespoonful of b.u.t.ter.

1 teaspoonful of baking-powder.

1 teaspoonful of sugar.

Scald the milk and pour it onto the sifted meal. Let it cool, then add the melted b.u.t.ter, salt, sugar, baking-powder, and yolks of the eggs.

Stir it quickly and thoroughly together, and lastly fold in the whites of the eggs beaten to a stiff froth. Bake in a flat pan in a hot oven for thirty minutes.


2 cupfuls of milk.

2 cupfuls of flour.

2 eggs (whites and yolks beaten separately).

1 teaspoonful of salt.

Mix the salt with the flour. Mix the beaten yolks with the milk, and add them slowly to the flour to make a smooth batter. Lastly fold in the whipped whites. Put the batter at once into hot greased gem-pans, filling them half full, and put into a hot oven for thirty minutes.

Serve at once, as they fall as soon as the heat is lost.


2 cupfuls of Graham flour.

1 cupful of milk.

1 cupful of water.

2 eggs.

1/2 teaspoonful of salt.

1 tablespoonful of sugar.

Mix the dry ingredients together; beat the eggs separately. Mix the milk with the salt and sugar; add the water, then the flour, and lastly fold in the whipped whites, and put at once into very hot greased gem-pans, filling them half full. Bake in a hot oven thirty minutes.



2 eggs.

1 cupful of corn flour.

1/2 cupful of white flour.

1 tablespoonful of b.u.t.ter.

1 cupful of milk.

1 teaspoonful of salt.

1 teaspoonful of baking-powder.

Break the yolks of the eggs; add to them milk, salt, and melted b.u.t.ter; mix them well together, then add the two kinds of flour. Beat the whites of the eggs to a stiff froth; when they are ready, add the baking-powder to the flour mixture and then fold in lightly the whipped whites. Turn at once into warm gem-pans, a tablespoonful of batter into each one, and bake in a hot oven for fifteen minutes. This receipt can be used for any kind of flour.

=m.u.f.fINS No. 1=

2 cupfuls of flour.

1 cupful of milk.

1 level tablespoonful of b.u.t.ter.

2 eggs (beaten separately).

1/2 teaspoonful of salt.

2 even teaspoonfuls of baking-powder.