The Century Cook Book

Chapter 73

No. 3. Spread very thin b.u.t.tered slices of Boston brown bread with chopped walnuts, or with chopped almonds, or with both mixed, or with salted nuts chopped.


Canapes are slices of bread toasted or fried in hot fat, or dipped in b.u.t.ter, and browned in the oven. The slices are then covered with some seasoned mixture. They are served hot, and make a good first course for luncheon. The bread is cut a quarter of an inch thick, then into circles two and a half inches in diameter, or into strips four inches long and two inches wide. They are sometimes used cold, and are arranged fancifully with different-colored meats, pickles, eggs, etc.


Cut bread into slices one quarter inch thick, four inches long and two inches wide. Spread it with b.u.t.ter, and sprinkle it with salt and cayenne or paprica. Cover the top with grated American cheese, or with grated Parmesan cheese, and bake in the oven until the cheese is softened. Serve at once, before the cheese hardens.


Cut bread into slices a quarter inch thick, then with a small biscuit-cutter into circles; fry them in hot fat, or saute them in b.u.t.ter. Pound some chopped ham to a paste; moisten it with cream or milk. Spread it on the fried bread; dust with cayenne, sprinkle the top with grated Parmesan cheese, and place in a hot oven until a little browned.


Spread strips of fried bread with anchovy paste. Arrange in lines, on top, alternate rows of the white and yolks of hard-boiled eggs chopped fine.


Spread circles of fried bread with a layer of sardines pounded to a paste. Arrange on top, in circles to resemble a rosette, lines of chopped hard-boiled egg and chopped pickle.


2 tablespoonfuls of b.u.t.ter.

2 tablespoonfuls of flour.

1 slice of onion.

1 cupful of stock.

1 cupful of crab meat.

1 tablespoonful of milk.

2-1/2 tablespoonfuls of grated Parmesan cheese.

2-1/2 tablespoonfuls of Swiss cheese.

Salt, pepper, and cayenne.

Put in a saucepan one tablespoonful of b.u.t.ter, and fry in it one slice of onion chopped fine, but do not brown; then add one tablespoonful of flour and cook, but do not brown; add the stock slowly, and when smooth add the cooked crab meat. Season highly with salt, pepper, and cayenne, and let simmer for six or eight minutes.

Put into another saucepan one tablespoonful of b.u.t.ter; when melted, add one tablespoonful of flour and cook, but not brown; then add the milk and stir in the cheese, and let cook just long enough to soften the cheese. Remove from the fire and let cool; then form the cheese mixture into six b.a.l.l.s. Have ready six slices or circles of b.u.t.tered toast, or bread fried in b.u.t.ter, and cover them with a layer of the crab mixture, and in the center of each piece place a ball of the cheese. Place in a hot oven for five minutes.

This is a good supper dish, and may be made of lobster, fish, or chicken.

Serve with water-cress.


[Sidenote: Varieties.]

[Sidenote: Serving.]

Among the best cheeses are Stilton, Cheshire, Camembert, Gorgonzola, Rocquefort, Edam, Gruyere, and Parmesan. The Parmesan is a high-flavored, hard Italian cheese, and is mostly used grated for cooking. Our American dairy cheeses are much esteemed, and are largely exported to foreign markets; but as they have no distinctive names, it is difficult to find a second time any one that is particularly liked. The Pineapple cheese is the only one that differs radically from the other so-called American cheeses. The foreign cheeses are, nearly all of them, very successfully imitated here. Cheese is served with crackers, wafer biscuits, or with celery after the dessert, or with salad before the hot dessert. Any of the cheese dishes, such as souffle, ramekins, omelets, etc., are served before the dessert. Cheese straws are used with salad.

Cheeses small enough to be pa.s.sed whole, like Edam, Pineapple, etc., have the top cut off, plain or in notches, and are wrapped in a neatly plaited napkin. The top is replaced after the service, so as to keep the cheese moist. A Stilton or Chester cheese is cut in two, and one half, wrapped in a napkin, served at a time. Rocquefort and Gorgonzola are served in the large slice cut from the cheese and laid on a folded napkin. American dairy cheese is cut into small uniform pieces. The soft cheeses, Brie, Neuchatel, etc., are divested of the tinfoil and sc.r.a.ped before being pa.s.sed. They are placed on a lace paper. Fresh b.u.t.ter, wafer biscuits, and celery are pa.s.sed with cheese.


2 tablespoonfuls of b.u.t.ter.

1 heaping tablespoonful of flour.

1/2 cupful of milk.

1/2 teaspoonful of salt.

Dash of cayenne.

3 eggs.

1 cupful of grated cheese.

Put into a saucepan the b.u.t.ter; when it is melted stir in the flour and let it cook a minute (but not color), stirring all the time; add one half cupful of milk slowly and stir till smooth, then add salt and cayenne. Remove from the fire and add, stirring constantly, the beaten yolks of three eggs and the cupful of grated American or Parmesan cheese. Replace it on the fire, and stir until the cheese is melted and the paste smooth and consistent (do not cook too long, or the b.u.t.ter will separate). Pour the mixture on a b.u.t.tered dish and set away to cool. When ready to use, stir into it lightly the well-beaten whites of the three eggs; turn it into a pudding-dish and bake in a hot oven for twenty to thirty minutes. Do not open the oven door for ten minutes; do not slam the oven door; do not move the souffle until after fifteen minutes; serve it at once when done. Like any souffle, it must go directly from the oven to the table, or it will fall.


Split in two some Bent"s water biscuits; moisten them with hot water and pour over each piece a little melted b.u.t.ter and French mustard; then spread with a thick layer of grated cheese; sprinkle with paprica or cayenne. Place them in a hot oven until the cheese is soft and creamy.


Cut bread into slices one half inch thick; stamp them with a biscuit cutter into circles; then, moving the cutter to one side, cut them into crescent form; or, if preferred, cut the bread into strips three inches long and one and one half inches wide; saute them in a little b.u.t.ter on both sides to an amber color. Cover them with a thick layer of grated cheese; sprinkle with salt, pepper, and dash of cayenne. Fifteen minutes before the time to serve, place them in the oven to soften the cheese.

Serve at once very hot; or, cut some toasted bread into small triangles; spread with a little French mustard; dip in melted b.u.t.ter; then roll in grated cheese; sprinkle with salt, pepper, and dash of cayenne, and place in a hot oven for a few minutes to soften the cheese. Serve at once on a hot dish.


1 pound of cheese.

1/2 cupful of ale or beer.

Dash of cayenne.

1/2 teaspoonful of dry mustard.

1/2 teaspoonful of salt.

Slices of toast.

Grate or cut into small pieces fresh American cheese. Place it in a saucepan or chafing-dish with three quarters of the ale. Stir until it is entirely melted; then season with the mustard, salt, and pepper, and pour it over the slices of hot toast, cut in triangles or circles.

Everything must be very hot, and it must be served at once, as the cheese quickly hardens. Some use a scant teaspoonful of b.u.t.ter (more will not unite), a few drops of onion-juice, and the beaten yolks of two eggs, added just before serving. The egg makes it a little richer and prevents the cheese hardening so quickly. Milk may be used instead of ale to melt the cheese, in which case the egg should also be used. If any of the cheese fondu is left, it can be heated again with the rest of the ale for the second helping.


Make Welsh rarebits as directed above, and place on each one a poached egg (see page 263).