The Ceterian Wall

Chapter 10

Pasu sits back down at the fire as the girls all stare at the large mech now named Alpha, staring with wide and curious eyes as Violet rubs her chin. “This thing looks interesting, what use does it have?”

Pasu raises a finger. “According to what Pym said, he’s able to do an insane amount of things, which I think is pretty impressive what she named off so far.” He glances at Alpha. “The issue, however, is whether he actually can do these things.”

Pym shouts out as she comes over. “You believed me a few seconds ago!”

“It’s not that I don’t believe you, it’s that I’m worried just how much Alpha can actually do at the current moment.” He looks at Alpha. “Hey, what can you actually do right now?”

“While I had shown enthusiasm earlier, I am afraid I cannot do that much beyond movement and combat with weapons I retrieve from a store or corpse.”

“So basically if you used that void s.h.i.t to summon a rifle…”

“It has a 1 in 999% chance in successful creation, and another 1 in 9999% chance of actually doing what it’s made to do.”

“So basically you’re playing with death flames.”


“Gotcha.” Pasu looks forward, rubbing his chin for a moment, before glancing at Alpha again. “Can you cook?”

“I can scan the current web for recipes, yes.”

“Welp, you got access to the internet, great.”

Pym raises a finger. “It’d be more precise to say he has access to the Crossroad Database, meaning he can literally scan, record, and really anything from all the internets in existence.”

“Wait, seriously?!”

Alpha speaks at this. “Normally yes, however given how little energy this unit is able to produce without proper repairs, the best it can manage is a sense of planetary wifi, so I can only scan the entirety of the Ceterian Wall, however my data cannot record or find specific areas, only far images from s.p.a.ce.”

“Wait, there’s literally s.p.a.ce here?”

“Affirmative. The planet itself continues on and on, but there is an end. The only issue is that it would be impossible to record a good 0.0025% of it after 24,000,000,000 years of living in the world. The planet is just too big to record.”

“Jesus…” Pasu rubs his chin. “If it’s that big, then how the h.e.l.l do we know if we’re really escaping a war and not possibly entering another?”

Wolik soon comes in and sits in a nearby chair. “I need a drink stiff enough to knock out the G.o.ds themselves!”

“I thought I hit you in the face?” Pym asks.

“Your aim absolutely sucks then.” He rubs his crotch. “I’ll never have children now…”


Everyone stays silent and stares at the fire until eventually Phys comes back up, and blinks upon seeing Alpha. “You guys managed to wake that thing up?”

Pasu nods. “Yeah, why?”

“That thing wouldn’t wake up for anyone, and it continuously built up dust in the room long before I bought it. The last owner gave me a journal that said it would only wake up to specific generals of the ancient times.” Pasu looks away. “...Which one are you a reincarnation of?”

Pasu scratches at his neck. “Apparently Lord Ma.s.sore…”

The woman stares for a very long time. “That means you’re wielding the…”

“0 Star, yes…”

“...” She slowly nods and gives everyone their drinks before she sits down near Pasu. “If that is true, why are you here instead of Cetera?”

“Well, Wolik said that since I was the guy, we had to get further away.”

She looks at Wolik. “Still praying the war will end peacefully then?”

Wolik looks away. “The war is bad enough as is, and is only getting worse. The last thing I want is to lose my friend in a war like that.”

“Ah, I see…” She rubs her chin. “Well, if the whole prophecy nonsense those d.a.m.ned doomsayers go on about is true, then odds are he’s the final piece of the puzzle that will end the war.”

“And they’re obviously wrong.” He says bluntly.

Pasu raises a hand. “Hold up, prophecy?”

Phys waves her hands nonchalantly. “Nothing, just some legend the crazies began saying, started about the time the church further south fell apart during a raid from a neighboring kingdom.”

“Wait, there’s more kingdoms out this way?” Pasu sits up.

“Oh Crystal yes, the Ceterians say there’s nothing beyond the outskirts because they never traveled out that way. They claimed so much land they didn’t need to believe there was more out here.” She folds her arms. “There are all kinds of races out here, ya know?”

“Don’t tell me… Ponies too?”

“What now?” She raises an eyebrow.

“Nothing, I just have this thing about talking horses…”

“Well there are Centaurs and actual horses… Ponies are just called Kylin.”

“Oh G.o.d d.a.m.n it.” He buries his face and screams out. “I’m going to become a f.u.c.king brony with a horse girl, ain’t I?!”

Everyone stares blankly at him, before Wolik slowly says. “I don’t think he seems to get it…”

“Yeah.” Pym pulls Pasu up. “Those things aren’t around in this reality, but they do exist, since someone made them up and all.”

“So my worries are safe?”

“Yes, you don’t need to worry about such.”

“...I feel like a d.i.c.k now.”

“Anyways.” Phys says, turning away from the odd discussion. “There are plenty of religions and such out there. The only thing is though, the most universal religion in the Ceterian Wall is the Crystal.”

“The what?” Pasu blinks. “Aside from the name, I don’t feel that shocked given how much s.h.i.t was thrown at me in the past two days so far.”

“Ah, right.” She adjusts herself in the chair. “Well, the Crystal is, basically, a ma.s.sive green crystal ball, millions upon millions of layers, and each layer is only breakable by something as powerful as the Crystal’s current power.”

“And how powerful is this Crystal?”

“Powerful. Before time and s.p.a.ce, as the religion story goes, there was the white void, which housed two twins, Crystal and Seeker, the Crystal was ma.s.sive, while the Seeker is this religion’s satan. The Seeker would constantly bang and chip away at the Crystal’s current layer, however if a layer is destroyed, it multiplies the Crystal’s current magical and overall power by 5, and also creates a form of existence. The moment the Seeker broke a layer, the black void was created, and the Seeker’s l.u.s.t for power grew, and so it hunted the Crystal town again and repeated the process. Basically it cracked the second layer, and thus time, s.p.a.ce, and existence was born.”

“...That sounds so stupid.”

“Well, that’s what the religion believes in. Whether you believe in the story or not, the Crystal is a real thing, at least from what we know, and it was one of the reasons the First Emperor managed to create his empire. Of course they separated a few millenniums after, but ever since the Crystal and Seeker were written down in history, and forever etched into the hearts of every person in this reality known as the Crossroads. I’m sure it sounds stupid or maybe even insane, but that’s the latest story in their bibles.”

“Good to know.” Pasu folds his arms as he thinks to himself. After a few moments, he glances at Pym. “What about you? You believe it?”

“I believe in the First Emperor, and I believe He believes in the Crystal, but I personally have no opinion. I wasn’t raised to worship the first G.o.d, only to know of it’s story.”

“Good to know.” Pasu looks at Phys. “Moving on, what-”

Suddenly there is the sound of an vehicles outside as a few townsfolk run into the inn and close the door. Phys stands at this. “What’s going on?”

“The TSC are here!” One shouts.

Pasu’s eyes widen as he instantly stands up. “You’re serious?! Oh sweet! I have a chance to meet the Thunderfists!” Pasu bolts out the door.

“Wait for me, master!” Alpha shouts, more worried about performing his duty then what was going on as he runs after him.

“Hubby…” Helvynia mutters quietly. “I guess we might as well introduce ourselves, right girls?” She looks to the others, only to see Violet, Cinder, Mich.e.l.le, and Pym were no longer there, neither was Phys, Hynnia was the only one there, raiding the Inn stocks for bread loafs. “Dear Crystal, girl, you’re going to kill yourself with all that bread.” She shakes her head and runs out after the others.

Once everyone caught up to Pasu, he was currently standing at the main area with stars in his eyes as he watched what was identified as a few 80s UFOs flying into view.

Upon touching down, a few soldiers in modern marine armor carrying impressive rifles come out as a single officer in an impressive uniform steps out into view. He looked to be a type of harda.s.s. The officer adjusts his hat as well as his long coat as he steps up to the group. “Under the orders of the Terran Starship Command Supreme Commander, we are here to take in any and all Seraph Wielders into conscription under the TSC Military.”

Pasu blinks at this as Phys seemed more cautious. “Why are you forcing Seraph Wielders into your forces?”

“That information is cla.s.sified, now please, come with us.”

“And if I refuse?” She says bluntly.

“Then we will use force.”

She frowns deeply as she grips the hilt of her seraph. “You guys aren’t members of the TSC, no, you guys are a different faction with access to their tech.” She grips the hilt harder. “I refuse to be dragged out of my rightfully earned retirement.” She draws her blade. “Come forth, Seraph of the Bright Sun!” Her blade is suddenly engulfed in the deep heat and flames of the very sun itself, which in turn causes the soldiers to draw their weapons.

Pasu groans at this. “We’re going to fight? Great… I don’t want to…” He looks at Alpha. “A little help here?”

“Get me one of their rifles and I’ll do the rest.” Alpha says calmly.

“Alright… How do I do that without killing or wounding the guy?”

“I’ll do it, my loving hubby!” Helvynia jumps into the crowd of soldiers, causing a great commotion as bullets fly everywhere, before soon Helvynia comes back with a rifle, and offers it to Alpha. “I’d suggest some cleansing, the kid p.i.s.sed his pants so it’s probably a bit dirty.”

“It will do.” Alpha aims the rifle and opens fire, taking out a few soldiers before the magazine runs dry. “...Only 30 rounds?”

“What do you expect from a normal a.s.sault rifle?” Pasu asks as he takes the rifle and puts it in his sack, before grabbing his own blade. “Come forth, Violet Angel!” He draws the blade, this time it was engulfed in fire alongside the extra bright light, but the darkness was still the same. He aims the blade at the group. “Suggestions?”

Cinder aims her hand at the group. “A Flaming Whirlwind.”

“Got it.” Pasu starts to begin drawing circles with the sword, causing it to begin to create a flaming whirlwind before the barrage shoots out and engulfs the group in burning flames, making most of them die while the rest were heavily wounded.

The officer places his finger on the earpiece he wore, “Code Red, 0 Star discovered, we’re retreating!” He gets back onto the UFO as it lifts off and escapes, all those who couldn’t get on were already dead.

Pasu sighs heavily as he sheaths his blade, and looks at Phys. “You know, we could always use a companion who could train us…”

Helvynia quickly raises her hand. “I can train you!”

Pym shoves her out of the way. “So can I!”

Violet sighs as she stands next to Pasu. “I doubt any of them can train you as well as the girl can. But aren’t you risking a growth in the harem?”

“Don’t call it that. Besides, I doubt she’s interested.”

“Maybe, but still…”

Phys sighs as she places a hand on the end of the hilt of her blade. “Might as well, could use a new job now that those b.a.s.t.a.r.ds know we’re around here.”

“Agreed.” Pasu nods. “So it’s settled.” He turns, and sees Alpha was curiously poking Pym’s horns, making her twitch and shiver awkwardly. “...I’m just going to leave that as is.”

...To Be Continued...