The Charm of Soul Pets

Chapter 1489

Angering Tang Zhuo was something Yu Suo could do well. In reality, Yu Suo’s cold shoulder towards Tang Zhuo, Xin Xin, and Han Erxing was already a small blow to their egos. If Chu Mu simply stood by Saintess Yu and looked at Tang Zhuo in distaste at the final, everything would seem logical.

Of course, Yu Suo was a careful individual. If her plan didn’t work, she had backup plans. Either way, she would force Tang Zhuo to challenge Chu Mu before everyone’s eyes!

After Chu Mu walked out of the garden, Li QIngqing and Huang Feiyu’s gaze towards Chu Mu had completely s.h.i.+fted!

They couldn’t imagine how Chu Mu had gained Saintess Yu’s interest. One had to know that even Tang Zhuo, Xin Xin, and Han Erxing were given the cold shoulder.

Chu Mu, of course, didn’t tell them the truth. He smiled mysteriously. and just let them guess.


Chu Mu had walked out of the garden not long ago when Lady Gao walked in slowly. Even then, she hadn’t recovered from her shock.

Yu Suo knew Lady Gao hadn’t left yet. Lady Gao’s loyalty was high enough. It was inevitable that Lady Gao would come to know of Chu Mu. Yu Suo didn’t mind her seeing the previous scene.

“Saintess, that person was…..” Lady Gao didn’t know what to call her master’s master.

“Tell Gao he to stay by him, and do as he commands.” Yu Suo didn’t explain much.

Gao He was Lady Gao’s nephew, and was an expert that reached the last bit of the Outstanding Experts Compet.i.tion.

Lady Gao didn’t have any children, but she held her nephew very dearly. She always hoped to be able to bring her to a higher position.

Gao He also lived up to her expectations, and had gotten to the last battle. Lady Gao was about to ask Saintess to recommend him to a high position once the compet.i.tion ends.

However, Saintess had directly told her for him to go by Chu Mu’s side. This meant making him the man’s servant.

What kind of position was a servant? At first, Lady Gao was slightly disappointed. However, upon closer inspection, she realized that if even Saintess Yu was a subordinate of that man, if Gao He could gain the trust of that man, then when the empire becomes larger in the future, he definitely would reach a high position. At this thought, Lady Gao was full of smiles!

Lady Gao was very high up in Zhengming Main City, but compared to the leading figures, she was still a distance away.

Saintess’s empire was still in its infancy. With Lady Gao’s current strength, she couldn’t get much benefit. However, Lady Gao saw the unlimited potential within it. To get to her own goals, she willingly would bow down at this woman’s feet!


Chu Mu had just walked out of Guang Moon Palace. The palace was still filled with people that simply want to see Saintess Yu’s face.

Seeing the excited faces, Chu Mu helplessly shook his head. If these people knew that their perfect G.o.ddess had a cold-hearted side to her, he wondered how they would feel.

In other words, this world didn’t have a perfect person. Everyone had a dark and criminal side. All sacred men, angels, and G.o.ddesses had their own sides. These people just haven’t had their dark sides exposed yet.

“Mister Chu, I am Gao He.” A handsome man walked up in front of Chu Mu and said politely.

Chu Mu glanced at Gao He and lightly nodded. He knew that Yu Suo sent him as a subordinate, but this person didn’t seem to realize he was a servant yet. Though he was polite and humble, the pride in his eyes gave him away.

Everyone had their own pride. How could people without pride become the top of the pyramid? Some people would know to hide it, while others easily showed it.

“Ah, you’re Gao He!” Li Qingqing shouted in surprise, her eyes blinking as she looked at the handsome Gao He.

Huang Yufei was also surprised. Anyone able to enter the final Outstanding Experts were famous people in Zhengming Continent. Gao He’s fame may not be that of Tang Zhuo, but he was also a famous character. In the past, Huang Yufei and Li Qingqing couldn’t even speak with him. Yet, this time he initiated the conversation.

Gao He kept his smile and said hi to both Li QIngqing and Huang Yufei. He didn’t say more, and just curiously observed Chu Mu.

Just now, he saw Chu Mu leaving the Saintess. Afterward, Lady Gao specially told him to be respectful to this man. Although Gao He accepted this on the outside, he still kept some thoughts to himself on the inside.

How was this nameless man getting Saintess Yu’s attention, and how was he respected by his aunt? He was of a similar age to him, yet his position seemed way higher than his.


Back at the building, the two border lords Huang Zefeng and Li Moyu were both surprised that the silly Huang Yufei had actually received the Eternal Blessing!

Huang Yufei was all smiles. Because of his weak performance in this Outstanding Experts Compet.i.tion, he had always been scolded by his father, but now, he could finally keep his head high!

Of course, the two Border Lords were even more confused as to why Gao He was following behind Chu Mu.

Gao He was Lady Gao’s nephew. Putting aside Lady Gao’s high status, Gao He’s ability to enter the final compet.i.tion alone spoke volumes of his strength and status. It wouldn’t be too much to a.s.sume that he could stand toe to toe with these Border Lords. More importantly, Gao He was still young. His future position definitely wasn’t something the two little Border Lords could handle.

“King Chu, it looks like my son really got lucky because of you. I am eternally grateful.” Being a Border Lord, he naturally was very socially aware. Thinking about it slightly, he realized that the only reason Huang Yufei could get the Eternal Blessing was likely because of Chu Mu.

Li Moyu didn’t realize this at first, but with some deduction, he understood this well. Lady Gao was Saintess Yu’s subordinate. If Gao He was with Chu Mu now, it meant King Chu and Saintess Yu must know each other. Huang Yufei had nothing outstanding about him. The only reason he could be picked was indeed because of the young King Chu.

Li QIngqing and Huang Yufei both were confused.

Huang Yufei was the first to ask, “Father, why do you call Chu Mu King Chu?”

Li Qingqging was similarly confused. Wasn’t Chu Mu a younger generation like them?

Border Lord Huang Zefeng rubbed his temples. How did he give birth to such a slow-minded son? It was forgivable for the Li family lady to be slow; she was a woman and didn’t need to be the smartest. However, his son was inheriting all of his t.i.tles and positions. If he stayed this slow, all of it was going to be destroyed in his hands.

“This is New Moon Land’s King, Chu Mu. He’s so talented at such a young age and is someone even we are ashamed to be compared too. Did you really think King Chu was as helpless as you two?” Border Lord Huang Zefei scolded.

Huang Yufei and Li Qingqing both paused in shock as they looked at Chu Mu.

This fellow was the king of New Moon Land, and was basically on the same level as their fathers!

At first, they all thought Liu Binglan was the queen, and Chu Mu was just a younger generation person that Liu Binglan brought along…..

“Yufei, you have to thank King Chu. Without him, you definitely couldn’t get the Saintess’s blessing.” Li Moyu said very seriously.

“Ah?” Huang Yufei hadn’t recovered from his surprise yet. A similar age person suddenly becoming like an elder to him was hard to get used to.

Chu Mu waved his hand to dismiss this. Since they were allies, it was natural that he helped them.

Yu Suo giving the Eternal Blessing to Huang Yufei naturally was because Chu Mu gave her a glance.

The Eternal Blessing was a species ability awakened when Yu Suo’s Evil Good Flower Queen got more powerful. Though it wasn’t unlimited, creating a few bottles wasn’t too difficult. However, Yu Suo knew that the more rare an item was, the more valuable it was. She carefully controlled her output.

Chu Mu knew that there were higher level blessings in her hands, which obviously belonged to him. Before his fight with Tang Zhuo, Chu Mu would get them from her. This woman had built up quite a bit of evil aura from him to increase her strength, so naturally, Chu Mu had to take something back to make it fair.

“What’s the matter, how do you know Saintess Yu?” After going back to the courtyard, Liu Binglan asked Chu Mu.

“It’s Yu Suo.” Chu Mu explained.

Liu Binglan suddenly understood; that woman was indeed the world’s best disguiser.

“She planted some seeds in Zhengming Continent. They’re still in infancy, and need a lot of resources as backup. I’ll tell her to talk to you.” Chu Mu said.

Now, New Moon Land was missing many things, but resources weren’t one of them. Their storages were overflowing. The Sacred Realms were like gold mines that constantly provided resources to New Moon Land.

However, because New Moon Land was completely sealed off, they couldn’t create contact with the outer world. New Moon Land was in a status where they had the wealth, but have nowhere to spend it. Since Yu Suo already planted many pieces in different places, New Moon Land could help provide the resources to make these pieces into powerful factions able to affect the greater picture.

New Moon Land was essentially storage. The reason Yu Suo wanted to take over New Moon Land was because all of her other chess pieces required the vast amount of resources that New Moon Land had in order to grow.

Liu Binglan nodded. Yu Suo was one of them now, so Liu Binglan didn’t need to be overly vigilant towards her.

“What are your thoughts on her invisible empire?” Liu Binglan asked.

“Just like in Xiangrong City and Wanxiang City, the two cities seemed perfectly fine on the outside and operated as normal. However, with just a single command from her, the entire city was taken over by flower demons and became her empire.

“Her invisible empire is the same. More and more people are getting controlled by her, each acting like a seed in the dirt that is growing crazily under the surface. One day, it’ll expand to all of Zhengming Continent….. Before anyone even realizes, she will become the real, crownless queen…..”

Chu Mu hadn’t given any comments about Yu Suo’s empire before, but he was shocked!

This woman truly was very ambitious!
