The Charm of Soul Pets

Chapter 1639

When she returned inside the mountain villa, Liu Binglan saw Pang Yue holding a letter as she walked over.

“It’s Chu Mu. He’s currently with the Ocean species and must do a very complex task. He said he won’t be able to partic.i.p.ate in this Dual Earth Mountain conference.” Pang Yue handed the letter over to Liu Binglan.

Liu Binglan opened it and took a look. Chu Mu had written a rough summary of his situation.

“Ocean species?” Liu Binglan didn’t understand what the Ocean species was.

After she put away the letter, Liu Binglan saw He City’s City Lord, Lin Xian, walk in from the outside.

Lin Xian glanced at Liu Binglan and said: “You know Magistrate Xiao?”

“I’ve seen him a few times.” said Liu Binglan.

“He’s an expert worthy of respect. If you have the chance, help recommend me,” said Lin Xian.

“Sure.” Liu Binglan nodded her head.

After speaking, Lin Xian walked to his mountain villa. Liu Binglan discovered that a woman was following behind him. This woman looked at her with a strange gaze before quickly following Lin Xian.

Liu Binglan didn’t remember this woman being in He City’s group. She looked unfamiliar.

However, she didn’t pay attention to this matter. She sat in the hall and began to think back on the words Madam Huo had said as well as the targeting of those three people.

The people who wanted to find trouble for New Moon Land were definitely far more than just those four people. Their aggressive and threatening stance was definitely because they had received instructions from someone else. Liu Binglan wanted to know who it was that wanted to find trouble for New Moon Land.

… as they walked through the corridor, He City City Lord, Lin Xian, wearing loose clothing, was silent.

The woman that was originally following behind him walked up beside him. She looked at the very worried and Lin Xian and smiled as she said: “What’s the matter? A feeling of danger?”

“What?” Lin Xian didn’t understand what she was getting at.

“This isn’t the first time Xiao Xueang has appeared in front of that woman. The mighty Divine Sect Chief Magistrate. He occupies a high status and is always busy with work, yet he finds the time to appear in front of this woman. As for his intentions… Xiao Xueang really has a good eye.” said the woman.

“What do you want to say,” coldly said Lin Xian.

“I just want to tell you that your rival in love is very strong!” the woman let out a laugh.

“It’s been years since I’ve been with her. I secretly protected her a few times because I happen to have a son with her. Anything else has nothing to do with me,” indifferently said Lin Xian.

“Really? If only you weren’t lying right now.” said the woman.

Lin Xian couldn’t be bothered to speak about these senseless things with this woman.

He had appeared here using He City City Lord Lin Xian’s ident.i.ty not to fight over a woman. The seventh Heaven Boundary Monument’s Monument Tear was in the hands of the royal family. As long as he could obtain the seventh Monument Tear, why would he need to be afraid of Xiao Xueang?

Hmm? The one he didn’t need to be afraid of should be the navy chieftain!

In the Northern Territory, Chu Tianmang obtained the sixth Monument Tear. HIs strength had broken through because of that.

Once he obtained the seventh Heaven Boundary Monument Monument Tear, his strength would fly up again.

XIao Xueang’s strength in Divine Sect was probably one of the very best. Chu Tianmang really wanted to find out whether he could fight against Xiao Xueang after he had the seventh Monument Tear.


“Mister Bai Yu, our master invites you,” an old butler gave a bow and warmly spoke.

Before Bai Yu left, he let Liu Binglan and Uncle Yu know. Then, he followed the old butler to where this master was.

“Uncle Yu, who do you think it was that invited Bai Yu to this conference? Who is the master that butler speaks of? The royal family’s highest status person?” asked Liu Binglan, somewhat baffled.

Bai Yu was from New Moon Land and would probably partic.i.p.ate in this conference anyways. The royal family didn’t need to specifically send an invitation to him.

“The royal family has three family masters and one clan master. We… oh, they call their family masters, “master”. The Dual Earth Conference this time is being jointly held by the six family masters of Hidden Pupil Royalty and Wupan Royalty. As for the two clan masters of the royal families, they normally don’t show themselves.” said Uncle Yu.

“Then who is the family master that invited Bai Yu?” asked Liu Binglan.

“It’s Family Master Rong. She is the only person in our human realm that has the undying legend, the Limbo Flower. If she is genuinely willing to help Bai Yu, perhaps that girl Jinrou will have some hope. However, Family Master Rong has a very enigmatic temper. She definitely has something to request of Bai Yu by specifically inviting him. She’s not a very easy person to deal with.” said Uncle Yu.

Liu Binglan looked at Uncle Yu, and was quietly puzzled how Uncle Yu understood the royal family’s matters so well.

Uncle Yu realized he said too much and hastily coughed and covered it up by saying: “This was told to me by an old friend.”

… Bai Yu followed the old butler. They walked into an inconspicuous looking mountain peak.

There was no villa here, only a medicine garden.

There was a barrier around the medicine garden that was extremely strong. Even an immortal rank power may not be able to break it.

After stepping into the medicine garden, Bai Yu was immediately a.s.sailed by a strong immortal aura. This shocked him. How many immortal items in this medicine garden were there to be able to create such a dense immortal aura?

If a perfect dominator rank creature were to cultivate here, it could probably enter the immortal rank in under a year!

“Master is waiting for you.” the old butler brought Bai Yu to the entrance and didn’t continue any further. Ostensibly this place was not a place an underling could step foot into.

Bai Yu walked into the unique medicine garden along the cobblestone path. He spotted a small arch bridge at the center of the medicine garden that was filled with immortal items and xuan items.

The arch was an azure color, as if it was formed out of jadeite.

There was an older woman wearing a black robe that covered her exceptionally slim figure. She wore a white silk belt that perfectly accentuated her thin waist.

This older woman seemed graceful and dignified. She couldn’t be considered extremely beautiful, but she had a unique aura. A few wrinkles in the corner of her eyes showed that her age was older than she looked.

Bai Yu walked up next to the arch bridge. The older woman happened to be perched up at a higher location and looked down, sizing up Bai Yu.

“This is a Returning Soul Jade.” Family Master Rong gave a casual throw and tossed a normal-looking jade to Bai Yu.

Bai Yu grabbed the jade, and immediately felt an ice cold aura seep into his palm.

The icy coldness entered his souls, causing his fiery soul to suddenly go ice cold!

“This Returning Soul Jade was nourished by my Limbo Flower. The immortal aura inside has a condensing soul effect. If your daughter wears this jade, she will be resurrected. Thus, we now have a reason to keep talking.” Family Master Rong’s tone was very calm. It was impossible to tell whether her tone was of any particular emotion.

In fact, Bai Yu felt that this woman didn’t like to speak any superfluous words!

This woman naturally had an arrogant disposition. She was so arrogant that others didn’t dare take a step on this tiny arch bridge. Even if she was standing at the same height as someone else, she would probably look down on the other person!

Was this a royal family master?

She looked like a delicate and attractive, albeit older, woman. However, why did she give him a mountainous suppression feeling while he stood next to the tiny medicine garden arch bridge?

“What conditions do you have?” Bai Yu knew that there were no free meal in this world.

“You can enter our royal family’s foreign in-name member. Afterwards, when your daughter has fully recovered, we can speak again. This jade’s immortal aura has a limit. Even if it’s able to condense her soul, it will only last no more than a month.” said Family Lord Rong.

“Join your royal family? I am a New Moon Land member.” Bai Yu creased his brows.

Bai Yu was innately a free man. If Family Master Rong only had this one condition, he wouldn’t hesitate. But would it really be that simple?

“Very soon you won’t be,” said Family Master Rong.

“What do you mean?” Bai Yu didn’t understand.

“Because in the future there will be no more New Moon Land.” Family Master Rong calmly said.

Bai Yu’s heart sank as he said: “You want to do something to New Moon Land?”

If he had to sacrifice New Moon Land to save Jinrou, he wouldn’t agree. Even though he had agreed to Jinrou, he still wouldn’t agree!

“I don’t want to do anything to New Moon Land. Just directly enter our foreign in-name royal family so that you won’t be implicated in the future. I will arrange a sensible path for you.” said Family Master Rong.

“There’s someone who wants to target New Moon Land? Who?” said Bai Yu.

“I’m only telling you an inevitable outcome. You have a choice between being homeless and entering the royal family.” said Family Master Rong.

“I’m sorry, if New Moon Land is in trouble, I cannot just sit there and watch.” said Bai Yu.

He had brought two disasters to Tianxia City in the pa.s.s, and the shame from this had always persisted in his heart. Therefore, although he didn’t care about anything in New Moon Land now, if New Moon Land had a crisis, he wouldn’t hesitate to stand by and protect New Moon Land!

Family Master Rong faintly creased her brows. She was someone used to directly giving orders and didn’t like someone refusing her.

“Up to you. The survival of an independent territory doesn’t affect our transaction. Just don’t give up your life in New Moon Land.” said Family Master Rong.

Bai Yu really wanted to know who was targeting New Moon Land. From the various indications, there was a huge storm brewing in New Moon Land that would seldom make one at ease.

However, Family Master Rong clearly didn’t like it when people spoke superfluously. Thus, it would be difficult for Bai Yu to find out anything from him.

As for their transaction, Family Master Rong didn’t say anything further. She just let him take the jade and leave, treating it as a present.

… After leaving the medicine garden, Bai Yu suddenly felt that his heart was heavy.

It wasn’t really crucial if this exchange with Family Master Rong failed. Indeed, there wasn’t only one Limbo Flower in this world, nor was there only one method to revive Jinrou.

However, what crisis was New Moon Land currently facing? Did it really concern its survival?

Family Master Rong just said that she was telling him about the outcome.

This meant that in the royal family family master’s eyes, New Moon Land would inevitably perish??