The Charm of Soul Pets

Chapter 1763

Yu Suo returned to her room, and the book she was reading was ripped apart.

As her wisdom matured, she slowly noticed that her existence within the Heaven Palace was truly meaningless.

Everytime someone mistook her for Yu Qie, they would share the same strange expression and then call her the same piercing words, dispensable.

She returned to her room very angry and upset.

She saw her sister still at the window reading. She didn’t know when, but she learned to hide her thoughts and not reveal everything to her sister.

While Yu Qie hadn’t noticed, Yu Suo started memorizing the more important restrictions and diagrams within the Totem Palace.

There were ranks in the totem maidens. Only a certain rank could learn higher diagrams and seals. And, in Yu Qie’s room, every diagram from the lowest rank to the top tier Eclipse Diagram were there.

Oftentimes, Yu Suo found this stuff very boring and never watched it. She only did things she wanted to do.

However, as their age and wisdom grew, she found that she couldn’t really get what she really wanted, nor did she have any power. Everything had to be approved by her sister Yu Qie.

“Her rebellious phase is here.” Bai Jinrou watched Yu Suo slowly hide her thoughts and start learning forbidden techniques and exclaimed her conclusion.

Indeed, the young girl phase always created thoughts, especially when living under a G.o.ddess like sister.


“What is she doing?” Bai Jinrou saw Yu Suo run out of the tunnel and into the G.o.ddess Palace.

Yu Suo ran out into the Heaven Palace and through another special tunnel to leave the city and reach the town outside.

She put the energy crystals she stole into the dirt in the town and created a strange diagram.

“It should be to help take over the sacrifice of the small town.” Chu Mu said.

Chu Mu saw these memories from Yu s...o...b..fore. She ran out alone and set down an incredibly powerful killing diagram!

When the day came, Chu Mu and Princess Jin Rou saw Yu Suo stand in the town. When the monsters ran over and flew over, she activated the buried diagram!!

A ma.s.sive killing diagram appeared, absorbing the powers of the sun and moon, becoming daggers that cut through all the man-eating monsters.

The few thousand people in the town stared wide-eyed at the killing diagram, not knowing what had happened.

People died every year this time. It’s a tradition that has lasted tens of thousands of years without being broken.

Yet today, because Yu Suo opened this killing diagram and saved them, those getting slaughtered were no longer human but ugly creatures.

The people who survived in the town were dazed. Everyone in the Heaven City was also dumbfounded.

However, the rebellious Yu Suo was quickly taken away by the Guardian Palace.

Chu Mu and Princess Jin Rou’s scenes suddenly started switching very quickly. They saw the closed off Yu Suo, saw her and Yu Qie fighting, and then saw her get punished. However, she remained with her ways and continued to kill the monsters with the diagrams she had learned.

“Cold-blooded, heartless- you have no compa.s.sion!”

“This has nothing to do with compa.s.sion. Some rules can’t be broken. You only see the surface.”

“Using people to feed the monsters and letting an entire city watch them be killed. They’re our people. How are you different from those monsters?”

“You don’t understand. Some people are meant to be sacrificed so the Heaven Palace’s balance isn’t ruined.”

“Rules, balance, laws, all I hear you speak about is that…. You never punish those that deserve punishment. Those that use their privileges wrongfully continue to have privileges. Those that wrong others continue to be safe. Yet, those monsters that we can kill? We comply and feed them with live people?”


There was a long period of memories after there where all Chu Mu saw was a tightly shut room with Yu Suo sitting within.

After not too long, Yu Qie would always lead her out. She would be happy on the inside but would frown and refuse to comply.

“This is the last time. Don’t be reckless.” Sister Yu Qie said calmly.

“You’ve said this many times.” Yu Suo didn’t care. After Yu Qie opened the restrictions, she left and ran away.


“Chu Mu, why is Heaven Palace giving these humans to the monsters? I also feel like Yu Suo didn’t do anything wrong.” Princess Jin Rou asked.

“Probably because an organism strong enough to threaten the Heaven Palace lays there. It needs the blood of people to maintain its life.” Chu Mu said.

This is what Chu Mu got from Yu Suo’s memory.

Indeed, the consequences of Yu Suo killing those Heaven Demons finally appeared. In one blood moon night, the Heaven City invited in countless Heaven Demons and Heavenly Devils!

Heavenly Demons are flying creatures with meaty wings under their arms. They’re like beast bats, armed with fangs and claws!

These monsters covered the skies and retreated like a tidal wave to devour everything outside the city.

The city was destroyed and the guards were slaughtered. Even Heaven palace was heavily wounded. The entire city was filled with bloodshed and gnawed corpses.

Heaven City and Heaven Palace suffered huge losses. The people who died were far more than the amount that died every year. In fact, even many experts died in this terrifying a.s.sault…..


Within the Heaven Palace barrier, Yu Suo watched the bloodshed in a daze.

Beside her was Yu Qie.

Yu Qie’s expression was still as calm as ever, without any emotional movement.

“Sister, why do you not help?” Yu Suo asked.

Totem Divine Maiden, as long as she intervenes, these monsters can’t possibly enter the city nor create such large losses.

“Guarding the Heaven City and Palace are their duties. I have my duties.”

“Your duty is to watch them die?” Yu Suo was furious!

Totem Divine Maiden had Undying rank power. Not only could she kill the city and the monsters, she could even kill the ancestor demon that threatened the palace itself.

As long as the ancestor was killed, wouldn’t the Heavenly Palace be free of worries?

Why was she not attacking and watching everything unfold with cold blood?

Yu Suo couldn’t understand her sister’s apathetic actions, nor could she understand why, as the highest authority within Heaven Palace, could she not care for the livelihood of the citizens!

She was filled with rules, laws, and bindings. Her body, eyes, and soul were tightly wrapped in them. There was no room for change. Yu Sha was starting to wonder whether her sister Yu Qie even had the concept of humanity left.

“Why did the Divine Totem Maiden not help?” Princess Jin Rou had the same question.

Chu Mu shook his head. He didn’t know either.

He remembered that Yu Suo said the only thing the Totem Divine Maiden was responsible for was time!

However, that was probably a mocking comment towards her sister.


“Every action has an effect. The thousands of people you saved have caused these tens of thousands of experts to die. Yu Suo, please stop going against the Palace’s rules, alright? If you don’t want to see more people die.” Yu Qie said to Yu Suo.

“That’s because you didn’t save them!” Yu Sha was disappointed.

In her heart, her sister was the most perfect and knowledgeable person in the world.

However, after seeing her so cold-blooded, Yu Suo was getting more and more disappointed. She didn’t know why all these people were being eaten every year, and the city was being attacked. She had the power to change everything, yet she was hiding in the safest barrier within Heaven Palace and watched calmly as everything unfolded.

She didn’t help because she was afraid!

Every person at the tip of the pyramid was afraid of death. They want to reinforce their power and never take any risks. They’d rather comply and make more people sacrifice themselves than let any harm befall themselves.


“Chu Mu, was Yu Qie really that cold-blooded?” Princess Jin Rou saw Yu Suo and Yu Qie fight and was completely enraptured by their moral struggles.

“Many things aren’t what they appear to be.” Chu Mu felt that this sentence of Yu Qie ran true.

Young people often have less mature thought processes, but in their rebellious phase, they feel as if they could understand everything. They would take surface value as truth and their stubbornness will cause their faith to be unwavering and even overzealous…...

Just like how the thousands of people dying in the town were hiding tens of thousands of potential deaths. Chu Mu felt that Yu Qie had a reason not to help, and it was a reason that the adamant Yu Sha wouldn"t’ believe in.


“Yu Sha, don’t go to the dark cliff. There’s a new demon there.”

“Other than flowers, I saw nothing.”

“Just don’t go. You have the same aura as me on you. It’ll think you are me and try its best to kill you.”

Hearing this annoyed Yu Sha, “You are you, I am I. You’re a cold-blooded person anyway, so why care if I’m in danger. You could watch me die calmly like you did before for others. I wouldn’t want you to think I’m trouble anyways.”

“I don’t think you’re trouble. You’re my sister.”

“Sister? What difference does it make when I’m this dispensable. You’re also using your power unfairly. I’ve done so many outrageous things. I belong with the town, being devoured by monsters, yet just because I’m your sister, I can still wander around the Heaven Palace all day. Countless people wish I were dead here.” Yu Sha said self mockingly.

“Yu Sha!” Sister Yu Qie’s gaze sharpened.

She was angry!

This was the first time Chu Mu and Bai Jinrou saw the sister angry.

Yu Sha didn’t dare to speak anymore. She didn"t expect the always composed sister to scold her either!