The Collected Short Fiction of Ramsey Campbell

Chapter 73

The Body In The Window (1995).

Back at the hotel on the Rembrandtsplein, Woodc.o.c.k wanted only to phone his wife. He let himself into his room, which was glowing with all the colours of tulips rendered lurid. Once he switched on the light the tinges of neon retreated outside the window, leaving the walls of the small neat room full of twining tulips which were also pressed under the gla.s.s of the dressing table mirror. He straightened his tie in the mirror and brushed his thinning hair before lowering himself, one hand on the fat floral quilt of the double bed, into the single chair.

The pinkish phone seemed to be doing its best to deny its nature, the receiver was flattened so thin. He"d barely typed his home number, however, when it trilled in his ear and produced his wife"s voice. "Please do help yourself to a refill," she said, and into the mouthpiece "Brian and Belinda Woodc.o.c.k."

"I didn"t realize you had company. What"s the occasion?"

"Does there have to be one?" She"d heard a rebuke, a choice which these days he tended to leave up to her. "I"m no less of a hostess because you"re away," she said, then her voice softened. "You"re home tomorrow, aren"t you? Have you seen all you wanted to see?"

"I didn"t want to see anything."

"If you say so, Brian. I still think I should have come so you"d have had a female view."

"I"ve seen things today no decent woman could even dream of."

"You"d be surprised." Before he had a chance to decide what that could possibly mean, Belinda went on "Anyway, here"s Stan Chataway. He"d like a word."

No wonder she was being hospitable if the guest was the deputy mayor, though Woodc.o.c.k couldn"t help reflecting that he himself hadn"t even touched the free champagne on the flight over. He squared his shoulders and adopted a crouch not unlike a boxer"s on the edge of the chair as he heard the phone being handed over. "What"s this I"m getting from your good lady, Brian?" Chataway boomed in his ear. "You"re never really in Amsterdam."

"Not for much longer."

"But you didn"t want to make the trip with the rest of us last month."

"Quite a few of my const.i.tuents have been saying what I said they"d say, that they don"t pay their council tax for us to go on junkets. And you only saw what you were supposed to see, from what I hear."

"I wonder who you heard that from." When the implied threat failed to scare out a response, Chataway sighed. "It"s about time you gave up looking after the rest of us so much."

"I thought that was our job."

"Part of the job is forging foreign links, Brian, and most of the people who matter seem to think twinning Alton with Amsterdam is a step forward for our town."

"Maybe they won"t when they hear what I have to describe at the next council meeting."

Chataway"s loudness had been causing the earpiece to vibrate, but when he spoke again his voice was quieter. "Your lady wife may have something, you know."

"Kindly keep her out of it. What are you implying, may I ask?"

"Just that the papers could make quite a lot of your jaunt, Brian, you cruising the s.e.x joints and whatever else you"ve been taking in all on your lonesome. If I were you I"d be having a word with my better half before I opened my mouth."

"I"ll be speaking to my wife at length, thank you, but in private." Woodc.o.c.k was so enraged that he could barely articulate the words. "Please a.s.sure her I"ll be home tomorrow evening," he managed to grind out, and slammed the phone down before it could crack in his grip.

He was sweating"drenched. He felt even grubbier than his tour of inspection had made him feel. He squeezed the sodden armpits of his shirt in his hands, then sprang out of the chair and tore off the shirt and the rest of his clothes before tramping into the bathroom. As he clambered into the bath, the swollen head of the shower released a drop of liquid which shattered on the back of his hand. He twisted the taps open until he could hardly bear the heat and force of the water, and drove his face into it, blinding himself. It was little use; it didn"t scour away his thoughts.

What had Belinda meant about dreaming? Could she have intended to imply that he was no longer discharging his marital duty as he should? His performance had seemed to be enough for her throughout their more than twenty years together, and certainly for him. s.e.x was supposed to be a secret you kept, either to yourself or sharing it with just your partner, and he"d always thought he did both, kissing Belinda"s mouth and then her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and finally her navel in a pattern which he sometimes caught himself envisioning as a sign of the cross. Wasn"t that naughty enough for her? Wasn"t it sufficient foreplay? What did she want them to do, perform the weekly exercise in a window with the curtains open wide?

He knuckled his stinging eyes and groped around the sink for the shampoo. Surely he was being unfair to her: she couldn"t really have meant herself. He fished the sachet through the plastic curtains and gnawed off a corner, and tried to spit out the acrid soapy taste. He squeezed the sachet, which squirted a whitish fluid onto his palm. A blob of the fluid oozed down his wrist, and he flung the sachet away, spattering the tiles above the taps as he lurched out of the bath to towel himself as roughly as he could. If he couldn"t rub away his disgust, at least he could put it to use. He was going to find something that would convince Belinda he"d had reason to protect her from the place"that no reporter would dare accuse him of enjoying"that would appall the council so much there would be no further talk of implicating Alton with Amsterdam.

He wasn"t prepared for the revulsion he experienced at the sight of his clothes scattered across the floor, the kind of trail it seemed half the films on television followed to the inevitable bedroom activity or, on the television in this room, much worse, to judge by the single moist closeup of no longer secret flesh he"d glimpsed before switching it off. He dumped the clothes in his suitcase where no chambermaid would see them. Having dressed himself afresh, he grabbed the key and killed the lights, and saw the room instantly become suffused with colours like bruised and excited flesh"made himself stare at it until his gorge rose, because as long as he kept his revulsion intact, nothing could touch him.

He thrust the key across the counter at the blond blue-eyed receptionist before managing to rein in his aggression. "I"m going out," he confided.

"Enjoy our city."

Woodc.o.c.k forced himself to lean across the counter, and lowered his voice. "I"m looking for, surely I don"t need to tell you, we"re both men of the world. Something special."

"Involving girls or boys, sir?"

The calm blue eyes were hinting that these weren"t the only possibilities, and Woodc.o.c.k had to overcome an impulse to cosh him with the bra.s.s bludgeon attached to the key of his room. "Girls, of course," he snarled, and was barely able to hear or believe what he said next. "A girl doing the worst you can think of."

"To you, would that be, sir?"

"What do you think I"" The man"s opinion of him couldn"t be allowed to matter, not if that interfered with his mission, Woodc.o.c.k made himself think. "A girl who"ll do anything," he mumbled. "Anything at all."

The receptionist nodded, keeping his gaze level with Woodc.o.c.k"s, and his face became a tolerant mask. "I recommend you go behind the Oude Kerk. If you would like""

Woodc.o.c.k liked nothing about the situation, let alone any further aid the receptionist might offer. "Thank you," he said through his clenched teeth, and shoved himself away from the counter. Seizing the luxuriant handles of the twin gla.s.s doors, he launched himself out of the hotel.

The riot of multicoloured neon, and the July sultriness, and the noise of the crowd strolling through the square and seated in their dozens outside every cafe, hit him softly in the face. Losing himself among so many people who didn"t know what he"d just asked came as a relief until he recalled that he had to find out where he"d been advised to go. When he noticed a man sitting not quite at a table, a guidebook in one hand and an extravagantly tall gla.s.s of lager in the other, Woodc.o.c.k sidled up to him and pointed at the book. "Excuse me, could you tell me wh"" He almost asked where, but that was too much of an admission. ""what the Oude Kerk is?"


He"d expended his effort on a tourist who didn"t speak English. The nearest of a group of young blond women at the table did, however. "The Old Church? You should cross the Amstel, and then""

"Appreciated," Woodc.o.c.k snapped, and strode away. One of his fellow councillors had told him about the church in the depths of the red light district"she"d come close to suggesting that its location justified or even sanctified the place. It was further into that district than Woodc.o.c.k had ventured earlier. He had to find whatever would revolt his colleagues, and so he sent himself into the night, where at least n.o.body knew him.

A squealing tram led him to the Muntplien, a junction where headlights competed with neon, from where a hairpin bend doubled back alongside the river. He was halfway across a bridge over the Amstel when a cyclist sped to meet him, a long-legged young woman in denim shorts and a T-shirt printed with the slogan MARY WANNA MARY JANE. He didn"t understand that, nor why she was holding her breath after taking a long drag at a scrawny cigarette, until she gasped as she came abreast of him and expelled a cloud of smoke into his face. "Sor-ree," she sang, and pedaled onwards.

The shock had made him suck in his breath, and he couldn"t speak for coughing. He made a grab at her to detain her, but as he swung round, the smoke he"d inhaled seemed to balloon inside his skull. He clung to the fat stone parapet and watched her long bare legs and trim b.u.t.tocks pumping her away out of his reach. The sight reminded him of his daughter, when she had still been living at home"reminded him of his unease with her as she grew into a young woman. The cyclist vanished into the Muntplien, beyond which a street organ had commenced to toot and jingle. The wriggling of neon in the river appeared to brighten and become deliberate, a spectacle which dismayed him, so that his legs carried him across the bridge before he was aware of having instructed them.

The far side promised to be quieter. The ca.n.a.l alongside which a narrow road led was less agitated than the river, and was overlooked by tall houses unstained by neon. Few of the windows, which were arranged in formal trios on both storys of each house, were curtained even by net, and those interiors into which he could see might have been roped-off rooms in a museum; n.o.body was to be seen in them, not that anyone who saw him pa.s.s could be sure where he was going. Only the elaborate white gables above the restrained facades looked at all out of control, especially when he observed that their reflections in the ca.n.a.l weren"t as stable as he would have liked. They were opening and closing their triangular lips which increasingly, as he tried to avoid seeing them, appeared to be composed of pale swollen flesh. A square dominated by a medieval castle interrupted the visible progress of the ca.n.a.l. In front of the castle trees were rustling, rather too much like an amplified sound of clothes being removed for his taste. A bridge extended from the far corner of the square, and across it he saw windows with figures waiting in them.

He had to see the worst, or his stay would have been wasted; he might even lay himself open to the accusation of having made the trip for pleasure. His nervous legs were already carrying him to the bridge. His hand found the parapet and recoiled, because the stone felt warm and muscular, as though the prospect ahead was infiltrating everything around itself. Even the roundness of the cobblestones underfoot seemed to be hinting at some sly comparison. But now he was across the bridge, and hints went by the board.

Every ground floor window beside the ca.n.a.l was lit, and each of them contained a woman on display, unless she was standing in her doorway instead, clad only in underwear. Closest to the bridge was a s.e.x shop flaunting pictures of young women lifting their skirts or even baring their b.u.t.tocks for a variety of punishments. Worse still, a young couple were emerging hand in hand from the shop, and the female reminded Woodc.o.c.k far too much of his daughter. Snarling incoherently, he shoved past them into a lane which ought to lead to the old church.

The lane catered for specialized tastes. A woman fingering a vibrator in a window tried to catch his eye, a woman caressing a whip winked at him as he tried to keep his gaze and himself to the middle of the road, because straying to either side brought him within reach of the women in doorways. His mind had begun to chant "How much is that body in the window?" to the tune of a childhood song. Other men were strolling through the lane, surveying the wares, and he sensed they took him for one of themselves, however fiercely he glowered at them. One b.u.mped into him, and he brushed against another, and felt in danger of being engulfed by l.u.s.tful flesh. He dodged, and found himself heading straight for a doorway occupied by a woman who was covered almost from head to foot in black leather. As she creaked forward he veered across the lane, and an enormous old woman whose wrinkled belly overhung her red panties and garter belt held out her doughy arms to him. "Oude Kerk," he gabbled, and floundered past three sailors who had stopped to watch him. Ahead, across a square at the end of the lane, he could see the church.

The sight rea.s.sured him until he saw bare flesh in windows flanking the church. A whiff of marijuana from a doorway fastened on the traces of smoke in his head. The street tilted underfoot, propelling him across the softened cobblestones until he came to a swaying halt in the midst of the small square. Above him the bell tower of the Oude Kerk reared higher against a black sky streaked with white clouds, one of which appeared to be streaming out of the tip of the tower. The district had transformed everything it contained into emblems of l.u.s.t, even the church. Revulsion and dizziness merged within him, but he hadn"t time to indulge his feelings. He had to see what was behind the church.

He drew a breath so deep it made his head swim, then he walked around the left-hand corner of the building. The nearest windows on this side of the square were curtained, but what activities might the curtains be concealing? He hurried past and stopped with his back to the church.

By the standards of the area, nothing out of the ordinary was to be seen. Some of the windows that were glowing pink as lipstick exposed women, others were draped for however long they had to be. Woodc.o.c.k ventured a few paces away from the church before a suspicion too unspeakable to put into words caused him to glance at its backside. That was just a church wall, and he let his gaze drift over the houses in search of whatever he"d glimpsed as he"d turned.

It hadn"t been in any of the windows. A gap between two houses snagged his attention. The opening looked hardly wide enough to admit him, but at the far end, which presumably gave onto an adjacent street, he made out the contours of a thin female body, which looked to be pinned against a wall.

He paced closer, staying within the faint ambiguous multiple shadow of the church. Now he could distinguish that all her limbs were stretched wide, and in the dimness which wasn"t quite dim enough, it became clear that she was naked. Another reluctant step, and he saw the glint of manacles at her wrists and ankles, and the curve of the wheel to which she was bound. Her face was a smudged blur.

Woodc.o.c.k stared about, desperate to find someone to whom he could appeal on her behalf. Even if a policeman came in sight, what would be the use? Woodc.o.c.k had seen policemen strolling through the red light district as if it was of no concern to them. The thought concentrated his revulsion, and he lunged at the gap.

It was so much broader than it had previously seemed that he had to suppress an impression of its having widened at his approach. He pressed his arms against his sides, his fingers shifting with each movement of his thighs, a sensation preferable to discovering that the walls felt as fleshy as the bridges and cobblestones had. That possibility was driven out of his mind once he was surrounded by darkness and could see the girl"s face. It looked far too young"as young as his daughter had been when she"d stopped obeying him"and terrified of him.

"It"s all right," he protested. "I only want..." The warm walls pressed close to him, confronting him with his voice, which sounded harsher than he"d meant it to sound. Her mouth dragged itself into a grimace as though the corners of her lips were flinching from him. As he crept down the alley, trying to show by his approach that he was nothing like whoever her helplessness was intended to attract, her large eyes, which were the colour of the night sky, began to flicker, trapped in their sockets. "Don"t," he said more sharply. "I"m not like that, don"t you understand?"

Perhaps she didn"t speak English, or couldn"t hear him through the pane of gla.s.s. She was shaking her head, flailing her cropped hair, which shone as darkly as the tuft at the parting of her legs. He knew teenagers liked to be thin, but she looked half starved. Had that been done to her? What else? He stepped out of the alley and stretched his upturned empty hands towards her, almost pleading.

He couldn"t tell whether he was in a square or a street, if either. The only light came between the glistening walls of the gap between the houses and cast his shadow over the manacled girl. Her mouth was less distorted now, possibly because the grimace was too painful to sustain, but her eyes were rolling. They"d done so several times before he realized they were indicating a door to the left of the window; her left hand was attempting to jerk in that direction too. He wavered and then darted at the heavy paneled door.

He"d fitted his hand around the nippled bra.s.s doork.n.o.b when he caught himself hoping the door would be locked. But the k.n.o.b turned easily, and the door drew him forward. Beyond it was a cramped cell which was in fact the entrance to a cell, although it reminded him of his own toolshed, with metal items glinting on the wall in front of him. There was an outsize pair of pliers, there was what appeared to be a small vise; there were other instruments whose use, despite his commitment to seeing the worst, he didn"t want to begin to imagine. He lifted the pliers off their supports and paced to the door into the cell.

Despite his attempts to sound gentle, the floorboards turned his slow footsteps menacing. Through the grille he saw the girl staring at the door and straining as much of her body away from it as she could, an effort which only rendered her small firm b.r.e.a.s.t.s and bristling pubis more prominent. "No need for that, no need to be afraid," Woodc.o.c.k muttered, so low that he might have been talking to himself. Grasping the twin of the outside doork.n.o.b, he twisted it and admitted himself to the cell.

The door screeched like a bird of prey, and the girl tried to jerk away from him, so violently that the wooden disc shifted, raising her left hand as though to beckon him. When she saw the pliers, however, her body grew still as a dummy in a shop window, and she squeezed her eyes tight shut, and then her lips. "These aren"t what you think. That"s to say, I"m not," Woodc.o.c.k pleaded, and raised the pliers as he took a heavy resonating step towards her.

They were within inches of her left hand when her eyes quivered open. She clenched her hand into the tightest fist he"d ever seen, all the knuckles paling with the effort to protect her fingernails from him. There wasn"t much more she could do, and he had a sudden overwhelming sense of her helplessness and, worse, of the effect that was capable of having on him. The pliers drooped in his grasp as though, like his crotch, they were putting on weight"as if one might be needed to deal with the other. "Don"t," he cried and, gripping the pliers in both hands, dug them behind her manacle where it was fastened to the disc.

The wood was as thick as his hands pressed together. When he levered at the manacle with all his strength, he was expecting this first effort to have little if any effect, particularly since he was standing on tiptoe. But wood splintered, and the girl"s arm sprang free, the manacle and its metal bolt jangling at her wrist. The force he"d used, or her sudden release, spun the wheel. Before he could prevent it she was upside down, offering him her defenseless crotch.

He felt as though he"d never seen that sight before"a woman"s secret lips, thick and pink and swollen, bearing an expression which seemed almost smug in its mysteriousness. "Mustn"t," he cried in a voice he hardly recognized, younger than he could remember ever having been, and grabbed the rim of the wheel to turn it until her face swung up to meet his. Her mouth had opened, and her eyes were also wide and inviting. As they met his she clasped her freed arm around his neck.

"No, no. Mustn"t," he said, sounding like his father now. He had to take hold of her wrist next to the manacle in order to pull her arm away from him. Although her wrist was thin as a stick, he had to exert almost as much strength to move her arm as he had to lever out the manacle. Her eyes never left his. The manacle clanged on the wood beside his hip, and he thrust his knees against the wheel between her legs, to keep it still while he released her other arm. He couldn"t bear the prospect of her being upturned to him again. Forcing the jaws of the pliers behind the second manacle and bruising his elbows against the wheel on either side of her arm, he heaved at the handles.

He felt the jaws dig into the wood, which groaned, but that was all. His heart was pounding, the handles were slipping out of his sweaty grasp. Renewing his grip, he levered savagely at the manacle. All at once the wood cracked, and the manacle jangled free, so abruptly that the pliers flew out of his hand and thudded on the floor. Only then did he become aware of the activity in the region of his p.e.n.i.s, which was throbbing so unmanageably that he had been doing his best to blot it from his consciousness. While he was intent on releasing her arm, the girl had unb.u.t.toned his trousers at the belt and unzipped his fly. As his trousers slithered down his legs she closed her hand around his p.e.n.i.s and inserted it deftly into herself.

"No," Woodc.o.c.k cried. "What are you"what do you think I"" She"d wrapped her arms around his waist, tight as a vise. She didn"t need to; he was swollen larger than he"d been for many years, swollen inside the warm slickness of her beyond any hope of withdrawing. Once, early in their marriage, that had happened to him with Belinda, and it had terrified him. There was only one way he could free himself. He closed his eyes and gritted an inarticulate prayer through his teeth, and made a convulsive thrust with his hips. The manacles at her ankles jangled, her body strained upwards, and her arms around his waist lifted him onto his toes. Perhaps it was this shift of weight which set the wheel spinning.

As his feet left the ground he lost all self-control. He was a child on a carnival ride, discovering too late that he wanted to be anywhere but there. When he tried to pull away from the girl the movement intensified the aching of the whole length of his p.e.n.i.s, and his reaction embedded him even deeper in her. He groped blindly for handholds as he swung head downward and then up again, and managed to locate the splintered holes left by the manacles. He pumped his hips, frantic to be done and out of her, but the sensations of each thrust contradicted his dismay, and he squeezed his eyes shut in an attempt to deny where he was and what he was doing. The jangling of the manacles had taken on the rhythm of the girl"s cries intermixed with panting in his ear. The wheel spun faster, twirling him and his partner head over heels, until the only sense of stability he had was focused on the motions of his hips and p.e.n.i.s. Were the girl"s cries growing faster and more musical, or was he hearing a street organ playing a carnival tune? He was beyond being able to wonder; the sensations in his p.e.n.i.s were mushrooming. As he strained his head back and gave vent to a roar as much of despair as of pleasure, light blazed into his eyes. He could do nothing but thrust and thrust as the vortex in which he was helplessly whirling seemed to empty itself through his p.e.n.i.s as though it might never stop.

At last it did, and the girl"s arms slackened around his waist as his p.e.n.i.s dwindled within her. He kept his eyes shut and tried to calm his breathing as the wheel wavered to a stop. When he was sure he was upright he lowered himself until his toecaps found the boards, and let go of the holes in the wood, and fumbled to pull his trousers up and zip them shut. His eyes were still closed; from what he could hear, he thought he might not be able to bear what he would see when he opened them. After a good many harsh deep breaths he turned and looked.

The window-frame was ablaze with colored lightbulbs. Speakers at each corner of the window were emitting a street organ"s merry tune. In the street which the lights had revealed outside the window, dozens of people had gathered to watch: sailors, young couples and some much older, even a brace of policemen in the local uniform. Woodc.o.c.k stared appalled at the latter, then he stalked out of the cell, wrenching both doors as wide as they would go. Even here the law surely couldn"t allow what had just been done to him, and n.o.body was going to walk away with the idea that he"d been anything other than a victim.

When the audience, policemen included, began to applaud him, however, he forced his way to the gap between the houses and took to his heels. "Bad, bad. The worst," he heard himself declaring"he had no idea how loudly. From the far end of the gap he looked back and saw the girl raising her manacled wrists to the position in which he"d first seen them. As the lights which framed her started to dim, he gripped the corners of the walls as though he could pull the gap shut; then he flung himself away and dashed through the streets choked with flesh to his hotel.

In the morning he almost went back, having spent a sleepless night in trying to decide how much of the encounter could have been real. He felt emptied out, robbed of himself. As the searchlight of the sun crept over the roofs, turning the luminous neon tulips on the walls of his room back into paper, he sneaked downstairs and out of the hotel, averting his face from the receptionist, gripping the bra.s.s club in his pocket rather than relinquish that defense.

He left the whines of early trams and the brushing of street cleaners behind as he crossed the river, on which neon lay like a trace of petrol. He followed the ca.n.a.l as far as the lane to the Oude Kerk. Under his hands the parapets were as cold and solid as the cobblestones underfoot. He strode hastily past the occupied windows and halted in sight of the church.

He could see the gap between the houses but not, without venturing closer, how wide it was. One step further, and he froze. The question wasn"t simply whether he had encountered the girl or imagined some if it not all of the incident, but rather which would be worse? That such things could actually happen, or that he was capable of inventing them?

A movement beside the church caught his eye. One of the women in the windows was nibbling breakfast and sipping tea from a tray on her lap. An aching homesickness overwhelmed him, but how could he go back now? He turned away from the church and trudged in the direction of the ca.n.a.l, with no sense of where he was going or coming from.

Then his walk grew purposeful before he quite knew why. There was something he ought to remember, something that had to help. The face of the girl on the wheel: no, her eye s... Hadn"t he seen at least a hint of all those expressions before, at home? It had to be true, he couldn"t have imagined them. The bell tower of the Oude Kerk burst into peals, and he quickened his pace, eager to be packed and out of the hotel and on the plane. As never before that he could remember, he was anxious to be home.

Out Of The Woods (1996).

The gla.s.s of Scotch gnashed its ice cubes as Thirsk set it down on his desk. "I don"t care where it comes from, I just want the best price. Are you certain you won"t have a drink?"

The visitor shook his head once while the rest of him stayed unmoved. "Not unless you have natural water."

"Been treated, I"m afraid. One of the many prices of civilization. You won"t object if I have another, will you? I don"t work or see people this late as a rule."

When the other shook his head again, agitating his hair, which climbed the back of his neck and was entangled like a bristling brownish nest above his skull, Thirsk crossed to the mahogany cabinet to pour himself what he hoped might prove to be some peace of mind. While he served himself he peered at his visitor, little of whom was to be seen outside the heavy brown ankle-length overcoat except a wrinkled knotted face and gnarled hands, which ornamented the ends of the arms of the chair. Thirsk could think of no reason why any of this should bother him, but - together with the smell of the office, which was no longer quite or only that of new books -it did, so that he fed himself a harsh gulp of Scotch before marching around his desk to plant himself in his extravagant leather chair. It wasn"t too late for him to declare that he didn"t see salesmen without an appointment, but instead he heard himself demanding, "So tell me why we should do business."

"For you to say, Mr Thirsk."

"No reason unless you"re offering me a better deal than the bunch who printed all these books."

That was intended to make the other at least glance at the shelves which occupied most of the wall s.p.a.ce, but his gaze didn"t waver; he seemed not to have blinked since Thirsk had opened the door to his knock. "Do you know where they get their paper?" he said, more softly than ever.

"I already told you that"s immaterial. All I know is it"s better and cheaper than that recycled stuff."

"Perhaps your readers would care if they knew."

"I doubt it. They"re children." The insinuating softness of the other"s speech, together with the dark wistful depths of his eyes, seemed to represent an insubstantial adversary with which Thirsk had to struggle, and he raised his voice. "They won"t care unless they"re put up to it. If you ask me there"s a movement not to let children be children any more, but plenty of them still want fairy tales or they wouldn"t buy the books I publish."

The ice sc.r.a.ped the gla.s.s as he drained his Scotch and stood up, steadying himself with one hand on the desk. "Anyway, I"m not arguing with you. If you want to send me samples of your work and a breakdown of the costs then maybe we can talk"

His tone was meant to make it clear that would never happen, but the other remained seated, pointing at his own torso with one stiff hand. "This is for you to consider."

He wasn"t pointing at himself but rather at a book which was propped like a rectangular stone in his lap. He must have been carrying it all the time, its binding camouflaged against his overcoat. He reared up from the chair as if the coat had stiffened and was raising him, and Thirsk couldn"t help recoiling from the small gargoyle face immobile as a growth on a tree, the blackened slit of a mouth like a fissure in old bark. When the hands lowered the volume towards him he accepted it, but as soon as he felt the weight he said, "You"re joking."

"We seldom do that, Mr Thirsk."

"I couldn"t afford this kind of production even if I wanted to. I publish fairy tales, I don"t live in them. The public don"t care if books fall to bits so long as they"re cheap, and that goes double for children."

"Perhaps you should help them to care."

"Here, take your book back."

The other held up his hands, displaying k.n.o.bbly palms. "It is our gift to you," he said in a voice which, soft as it was, seemed to penetrate every corner of the room.

"Then don"t look so glum about it." As Thirsk planted the book on his desk he glimpsed a word embossed on the heavy wooden binding. "Tapioca, is that some kind of pudding cookbook?"

Whatever filled his visitor"s eyes grew deeper. They struck Thirsk as being altogether too large and dark, and for a moment he had the impression of gazing into the gloomy depths of something quite unlike a face. He strode to the door, more quickly than steadily, and threw it open.

The avenue of pines interspersed with rhododendrons stretched a hundred yards to the deserted road into town. For once the sight didn"t appeal to him as peaceful. Surely it would when he"d rid himself of his visitor, who he was beginning to suspect was mad; a leaf and maybe other vegetation was tangled in his hair, and wasn"t there a mossy tinge to his cracked cheeks? Thirsk stood aside as the other stalked out of the door, overcoat creaking. Too much to drink or not enough, he thought, because as the figure pa.s.sed along the avenue, beneath clouds which were helping the twilight gather, it appeared to grow taller. A sound behind him - paper rustling - made him glance around the room. The next second he turned back to the avenue, which was as deserted as the road.