The Complete Works of Artemus Ward

Chapter 6

"Twas a carm still nite in Joon. All nater was husht and nary a zeffer disturbed the sereen silens. I sot with Betsy Jane on the fense of her farther"s pastur. We"d bin rompin threw the woods, kullin flours & drivin the woodchuck from his Nativ Lair (so to speak) with long sticks. Wall, we sot thar on the fense, a swingin our feet two and fro, blushin as red as the Baldinsville skool house when it was fust painted, and lookin very simple, I make no doubt. My left arm was ockepied in ballunsin myself on the fense, while my rite was woundid luvinly round her waste.

I cleared my throat and tremblin sed, "Betsy, you"re a Gazelle."

I thought that air was putty fine. I waitid to see what eff.e.c.k it would hav upon her. It evidently didn"t fetch her, for she up and sed,

"You"re a sheep!"

Sez I, "Betsy, I think very muchly of you."

"I don"t b"leeve a word you say--so there now c.u.m!" with which obsarvashun she hitched away from me.

"I wish thar was winders to my Sole," sed I, "so that you could see some of my feelins. There"s fire enuff in here," sed I, strikin my buzzum with my fist, "to bile all the corn beef and turnips in the naberhood.

Versoovius and the Critter ain"t a circ.u.mstans!"

She bowd her hed down and commenst chawin the strings to her sun bonnet.

"Ar could you know the sleeplis nites I worry threw with on your account, how vittles has seized to be attractiv to me & how my lims has shrunk up, you wouldn"t dowt me. Gase on this wastin form and these "ere sunken cheeks"--

I should have continnered on in this strane probly for sum time, but unfortnitly I lost my ballunse and fell over into the pastur ker smash, tearin my close and seveerly damagin myself ginerally.

Betsy Jane sprung to my a.s.sistance in dubble quick time and dragged me 4th. Then drawin herself up to her full hite she sed:

"I won"t listen to your noncents no longer. Jes say rite strate out what you"re drivin at. If you mean gettin hitched, I"M IN!"

I considered that air enuff for all practicul, and we proceeded immejitely to the parson"s, & was made 1 that very nite.

(Notiss to the Printer: Put some stars here.)

I"ve parst threw many tryin ordeels sins then, but Betsy Jane has bin troo as steel. By attendin strickly to bizniss I"ve ama.r.s.ed a handsum Pittance. No man on this footstool can rise & git up & say I ever knowinly injered no man or wimmin folks, while all agree that my Show is ekalled by few and exceld by none, embracin as it does a wonderful colleckshun of livin wild Beests of Pray, snaix in grate profushun, a endliss variety of life-size wax figgers, & the only traned kangaroo in Ameriky--the most amoozin little cuss ever introjuced to a discriminatin public.


[This Oration was delivered before the commencement of the war.]

On returnin to my humsted in Baldinsville, Injianny, resuntly, my feller sitterzens extended a invite for me to norate to "em on the Krysis. I excepted & on larst Toosday nite I peared be4 a C of upturned faces in the Red Skool House. I spoke nearly as follers:

Baldinsvillins: Hearto4, as I hav numerously obsarved, I have abstrained from having any sentimunts or principles, my pollertics, like my religion, bein of a exceedin accommodatin character. But the fack can"t be no longer disgised that a Krysis is onto us, & I feel it"s my dooty to accept your invite for one consecutive nite only. I spose the inflammertory individooals who a.s.sisted in projucing this Krysis know what good she will do, but I ain"t "shamed to state that I don"t scacely. But the Krysis is hear. She"s bin hear for sevral weeks, & Goodness nose how long she"ll stay. But I venter to a.s.sert that she"s rippin things. She"s knockt trade into a c.o.c.kt up hat and chaned Bizness of all kinds tighter nor I ever chaned any of my livin wild Beests. Alow me to hear dygress & stait that my Beests at presnt is as harmless as the newborn Babe. Ladys & gentlemen needn"t hav no fears on that pint. To resoom--Altho I can"t exactly see what good this Krysis can do, I can very quick say what the origernal cawz of her is. The origernal cawz is Our Afrikan Brother. I was into BARNIM"S Moozeum down to New York the other day & saw that exsentric Etheopian, the What Is It. Sez I, "Mister What Is It, you folks air raisin thunder with this grate country. You"re gettin to be ruther more numeris than interestin. It is a pity you coodent go orf sumwhares by yourselves, & be a nation of What Is Its, tho" if you"ll excoose me, I shooden"t care about marryin among you. No dowt you"re exceedin charmin to hum, but your stile of luvliness isn"t adapted to this cold climit. He larfed into my face, which rather Riled me, as I had been perf.e.c.kly virtoous and respectable in my observashuns. So sez I, turnin a leetle red in the face, I spect, "Do you hav the unblushin impoodents to say you folks haven"t raised a big mess of thunder in this brite land, Mister What Is It?" He larfed agin, wusser nor be4, whareupon I up and sez, "Go home, Sir, to Afriky"s burnin & taik all the other What Is Its along with you. Don"t think we can spair your interestin picters. You What Is Its air on the pint of smashin up the gratest Guv"ment ever erected by man, & you actooally hav the owda.s.sity to larf about it. Go home, you low cuss!"

I was workt up to a high pitch, & I proceeded to a Restorator & cooled orf with some little fishes biled in ile--I b"leeve thay call "em sardeens.

Feller Sitterzuns, the Afrikan may be Our Brother. Sevral hily respectyble gentlemen, and sum talentid females tell us so, & fur argyment"s sake I mite be injooced to grant it, tho" I don"t beleeve it myself. But the Afrikan isn"t our sister & our wife & our uncle. He isn"t sevral of our brothers & all our fust wife"s relashuns. He isn"t our grandfather, and our grate grandfather, and our Aunt in the country. Scacely. & yit numeris persons would have us think so. It"s troo he runs Congress & sevral other public grosserys, but then he ain"t everybody & everybody else likewise. [Notiss to bizness men of VANITY FAIR: Extry charg fur this larst remark. It"s a goak.--A.W.]

But we"ve got the Afrikan, or ruther he"s got us, & now what air we going to do about it? He"s a orful noosanse. Praps he isn"t to blame fur it. Praps he was creatid fur sum wise purpuss, like the measles and New Englan Rum, but it"s mity hard to see it. At any rate he"s no good here, & as I statid to Mister What Is It, it"s a pity he cooden"t go orf sumwhares quietly by hisself, whare he cood wear red weskits & speckled neckties, & gratterfy his ambishun in varis interestin wase, without havin a eternal fuss kickt up about him.

Praps I"m bearin down too hard upon Cuffy. c.u.m to think on it, I am.

He woodn"t be sich a infernal noosanse if white peple would let him alone. He mite indeed be interestin. And now I think of it, why can"t the white peple let him alone. What"s the good of continnerly stirrin him up with a ten-foot pole? He isn"t the sweetest kind of Perfoomery when in a natral stait.

Feller Sitterzens, the Union"s in danger. The black devil Disunion is trooly here, starein us all squarely in the face! We must drive him back. Shall we make a 2nd Mexico of ourselves? Shall we sell our birthrite for a mess of potash? Shall one brother put the knife to the throat of anuther brother? Shall we mix our whisky with each other"s blud? Shall the star spangled Banner be cut up into dishcloths?

Standin here in this here Skoolhouse, upon my nativ shor so to speak, I anser--Nary!

Oh you fellers who air raisin this row, & who in the fust place startid it, I"m "shamed of you. The Showman blushes for you, from his boots to the topmost hair upon his wenerable hed.

Feller Sitterzens: I am in the Sheer & Yeller leaf. I shall peg out 1 of these dase. But while I do stop here I shall stay in the Union. I know not what the supervizers of Baldinsville may conclude to do, but for one, I shall stand by the Stars & Stripes. Under no circ.u.mstances whatsomever will I sesesh. Let every Stait in the Union sesesh & let Palmetter flags flote thicker nor shirts on Square Baxter"s close line, still will I stick to the good old flag. The country may go to the devil, but I won"t! And next Summer when I start out on my campane with my Show, wharever I pitch my little tent, you shall see floatin prowdly from the center pole thereof the Amerikan Flag, with nary a star wiped out, nary a stripe less, but the same old flag that has allers flotid thar! & the price of admishun will be the same it allers was--15 cents, children half price.

Feller Sitterzens, I am dun. Accordinly I squatted.


ONTO THE WING----1859.

Mr. Editor:

I take my Pen in hand to inform yu that I"m in good helth and trust these few lines will find yu injoyin the same blessins. I wood also state that I"m now on the summir kampane. As the Poit sez--

ime erflote, ime erflote On the Swift rollin tied An the Rovir is free. Bizness is scacely middlin, but Sirs I manige to pay for my foode and raiment puncktooally and without no grumblin. The barked arrers of slandur has bin leviled at the undersined moren onct sins heze bin into the show bizness, but I make bold to say no man on this footstule kan troothfully say I ever ronged him or eny of his folks. I"m travelin with a tent, which is better nor hirin hauls. My show konsists of a serious of wax works, snakes, a paneramy kalled a Grand Movin Diarea of the War in the Crymear, komic songs and the Cangeroo, which larst little cuss continners to konduct hisself in the most outrajus stile. I started out with the idear of makin my show a grate Moral Entertainment, but I"m kompeled to sware so much at that air infurnal Kangeroo that I"m frade this desine will be fl.u.s.tratid to some extent. And while speakin of morrality, remines me that sum folks turn up their nosis at shows like mine, sayin they is low and not fit to be patrernized by peplpeple of high degree. Sirs, I manetane that this is infernul nonsense.

I manetane that wax figgers is more elevatin than awl the plays ever wroten. Take Shakespeer for instunse. Peple think heze grate things, but I kontend heze quite the reverse to the kontrary. What sort of sense is thare to King Leer, who goze round cussin his darters, chawin hay and throin straw at folks, and larfin like a silly old koot and makin a a.s.s of hisself ginerally? Thare"s Mrs. Mackbeth--sheze a nise kind of woomon to have round ain"t she, a puttin old Mack, her husband, up to slayin Dunkan with a cheeze knife, while heze payin a frendly visit to their house. O its hily morral, I spoze, when she larfs wildly and sez, "gin me the daggurs--Ile let his bowels out," or wurds to that eff.e.c.k--I say, this is awl, strickly, propper I spoze? That Jack Fawlstarf is likewise a immoral old cuss, take him how ye may, and Hamlick is as crazy as a loon. Thare"s Richurd the Three, peple think heze grate things, but I look upon him in the lite of a monkster. He kills everybody he takes a noshun to in kold blud, and then goze to sleep in his tent. Bimeby he wakes up and yells for a hoss so he kan go orf and kill some more peple. If he isent a fit spesserman for the gallers then I shood like to know whare you find um. Thare"s Iargo who is more ornery nor pizun. See how shameful he treated that hily respecterble injun gentlemun, Mister Oth.e.l.ler, makin him for to beleeve his wife was too thick with Casheo. Obsarve how Iargo got Casheo drunk as a biled owl on corn whiskey in order to karry out his sneekin desines. See how he wurks Mister Oth.e.l.ler"s feelins up so that he goze and makes poor Desdemony swaller a piller which cawses her deth. But I must stop. At sum futur time I shall continner my remarks on the drammer in which I shall show the varst supeeriority of wax figgers and snakes over theater plays, in a interlectooal pint of view.

Very Respectively yures, A WARD, T.K.


(Some queer people, calling themselves "Free Lovers," and possessing very original ideas about life and morality, established themselves at Berlin Heights, in Ohio, a few years since. Public opinion was resistlessly against them, however, and the a.s.sociation was soon disbanded.)

Some years ago I pitched my tent and onfurled my banner to the breeze, in Berlin Hites, Ohio. I had hearn that Berlin Hites was ockepied by a extensive seck called Free Lovers, who beleeved in affinertys and sich, goin back on their domestic ties without no hesitation whatsomever.

They was likewise spirit rappers and high presher reformers on gineral principles. If I can improve these "ere misgided peple by showin them my onparalleld show at the usual low price of admitants, methunk, I sh.e.l.l not hav lived in vane. But bitterly did I cuss the day I ever sot foot in the retchid place. I sot up my tent in a field near the Love Cure, as they called it, and bimeby the free lovers begun for to congregate around the door. A onreer set I have never sawn. The men"s faces was all covered with hare and they lookt half-starved to deth.

They didn"t wear no weskuts for the purpose (as they sed) of allowin the free air of hevun to blow onto their boozums. Their pockets was filled with tracks and pamplits and they was bare-footed. They sed the Postles didn"t wear boots, & why should they? That was their stile of argyment. The wimin was wuss than the men. They wore trowsis, short gownds, straw hats with green ribbins, and all carried bloo cotton umbrellers.

Presently a perf.e.c.kly orful lookin female presented herself at the door. Her gownd was skanderlusly short and her trowsis was shameful to behold.