The Daily Life Of Being The Campus Idol's Fake Boyfriend

Chapter 12

Ling Ke had seen some of Qi Feng’s artworks in his QQ s.p.a.ce, so he knew that Qi Feng had a good foundation in both drawing and painting. Hence, he knew that such a simple doodle was probably considered something effortless to him.

However, Ling Ke was still a little surprised to see the pictures on the cups.

An ordinary guy usually does not have such a child’s heart, or should he say a maiden’s heart?

Upon raising the cups to examine them more closely, Ling Ke realised that the expressions on the cats were a little different. Qi Feng’s one sported a look of satisfaction while his looked slightly shy.

Ling Ke could not help the stinging sense of sweet affection that was threatening to surface from his heart.

Even though he and Qi Feng were simply roommates, he almost felt that they were dating.

Ling Ke’s face turned crimson as he quickly lowered his face into the basin and splashed it with cold water, hoping to get rid of the absurd delusions that were plaguing his mind.

Perhaps, it was because of the sound that he had made when he had gotten out of bed, Ling Ke could hear Qi Feng’s voice coming from outside the washroom. His voice was raspy and filled with lethargy, an obvious telltale sign that he had not slept well the previous night.

Ling Ke was in the process of brushing his teeth. He sauntered out of the washroom, one hand clutching his toothbrush, the other his cup and he let out an incoherent “Err?”

All he could see was Qi Feng’s face peeping out from his blanket as he stared towards the washroom. Upon seeing Ling Ke, he retreated back into the comfort of his bed and buried his head deep into his pillow. “Why would you wake up so early?”

Ling Ke returned to the washroom to spit out the water in his mouth, before saying, “You should continue sleeping if you are tired.”

There was no reply from Qi Feng. But Ling Ke felt that he heard a soft indignant “Hngg” coming from under the blankets.

Well, why did it feel that Qi Feng…was being coy with him just now?

Ling Ke was stupefied and he quickly washed up his face. Qi Feng was still lazing about in his bed as he continuously turned his body. Ling Ke could see that he was obviously uncomfortable. After a while, Qi Feng sat up yawning. There were dark circles under his eyes, another blatant indicator that he had not slept well.

“You were unable to fall asleep?” Ling Ke had just changed into a clean T-shirt.

Qi Feng immediately climbed out of bed. His action had answered Ling Ke’s question.

Ling Ke saw the dark expression on Qi Feng’s face…Was Qi Feng the type that feels moody after waking up in the morning?

“Ling Ke, come here for awhile.” Qi Feng called for him, barely seconds after entering the washroom.

“……What is it?”

“Could you help me scratch my back? It is a little itchy.” Qi Feng’s back was facing Ling Ke. His hands were scratching the back of his neck and waist respectively. However, they were unable to reach the middle of his back.

As Qi Feng was saying this, he had already lifted his shirt to reveal a smooth and pale white back.

Being able to witness such a “wonderful scenery” in the early morning, Ling Ke almost choked on his saliva.

However, as a “straight guy”, helping another guy to scratch his back was probably something that couldn’t be more ordinary.

Ling Ke was left with no choice.

“This is not considered molest,” he reminded himself silently as he reached out towards Qi Feng’s back…

When his fingertips touched Qi Feng’s skin, he could feel the blood gushing to his head.

“This is too soft. Harder a bit…” Qi Feng’s back was slightly bent as he obliviously continued on, “A little to the top.”

“…Here?” Ling Ke could feel that his tolerance level was reaching its limit.

“Yes! That’s the spot!” Qi Feng’s back muscle slightly strained as he let out a husky and blissful sigh. “Yup~use a bit more force…”

Ling Ke: “….” Oh G.o.d, he really wants to kill me!!!

Even after helping him to scratch his back for awhile, Qi Feng did not feel more comfortable; in fact he felt worse.

Ling Ke inched closer and upon closer inspection, realised that Qi Feng’s back was filled with slight rashes, from the back of his neck all the way to the back of his waist.

“I think you have an allergy problem…”

Qi Feng turned around, his face frantic. “Allergy?”

Ling Ke explained, “Yup, I think the blanket is the problem. We didn’t even clean the blankets after bringing it back to the room. There are rashes on your back.”

Qi Feng scratched his back unhappily. “It has been so uncomfortable since I woke up.”

Ling Ke immediately tried to stop him. “Don’t scratch any more. Let me go to the pharmacy to buy some allergy medicine.”

“I will go with you.” Qi Feng stopped scratching and quickly finished brushing his teeth.

There was a small pharmacy near their school. Qi Feng tried his best to restrain himself from relieving his discomfort. The smile in his eyes now carried a hint of darkness in them.

The owner of the pharmacy was a man of around thirty years old. After hearing Qi Feng’s problem, the doctor asked him to show him his back. However, Qi Feng only pulled the collar of his shirt back to show the doctor his rashes. He frowned as the doctor inspected his back.

It was really a case of allergy. The doctor suggested using an ointment meant for skin irritation. He recommended Qi Feng to go to the hospital if his condition did not improve.

After they had returned to the hostel, Qi Feng turned to Ling Ke unabashedly, “Help me.”

[System Fail]

Mission: Ointment for skin irritation x1

Experience to be gained: 50

Damage dealt: 999

Ling Ke was in a deep turmoil.

Great, it was not even twenty-four hours and their relationship had already progressed from a one-sided obsession to a relationship intimate enough for skinship.

This is too d.a.m.n unbelievably miraculous!

Qi Feng did not even give him the time to hesitate. He had already taken off his shirt.

Ling Ke almost had the urged to cover his eyes.

……Life is like a television drama that relies on its actor’s ability to act!

He grind his teeth as he spread the ointment on his fingers before silently saying to himself, “G.o.d bless me” and proceeding with the job of applying the ointment on Qi Feng’s back.

This was different from scratching his back. After all, scratching one’s back involve the use of one’s nails and hence there  was little skinship involved. Now, he was applying the medicine directly on Ling Ke’s back and to top it off, he had to use  a few fingers to do the job….

He could feel the warmth from Qi Feng’s skin beneath his fingertips. He could feel his brain malfunctioning. It was as if there were numerous trains running into his ears, emitting a gleeful “Choo~choo~choo” sound.

Ling Ke felt that after this incident, there was probably nothing else he could not tolerate when he interact with Qi Feng.

As he was finishing, the door suddenly swung open. A young man heaving a huge backpack strolled through the door.

The young man stared at them. His expression was weird as he pointed at them. “These two handsome fellows, what are you doing?”

At that moment, Ling Ke almost felt the urge to keel over and die.

However, Qi Feng’s reaction was faster. He explained, “I had a bit of an allergy, which unfortunately left some rashes on my back. So I asked him to help me apply the medicine…hmmm you are the new roommate?” He straightened his back and thanked Ling Ke before taking back the ointment. He then turned towards the newcomer and continued, “I am Qi Feng. He is Ling Ke. Your new roommates.”

Ling Ke’s mind was still processing the new information and thus he did not get a clear look at the new person. Since Qi Feng had already introduced him, he simply nodded at the young man and went to the washroom to wash his hands.

“I am Gao Jun Fei.”  The young man put down his enormous backpack. He stepped forward to shake Qi Feng’s hands as he good-naturedly asked, “What did you guys eat when growing up? I have never seen someone more handsome than you guys!”

There was a clear northern accent in his voice.

Qi Feng was used to hearing such praises. He did not feel unnerved by such compliments and instead smiled politely, “You are also very handsome.”

Ling Ke had finished washing his hands and finally had the leisure to examine the new guy.

Gao Jun Fei was around the same height as Qi Fen. He was wearing a grayish blue singlet and had dark skin.

If Qi Feng was a rich young master carefully who was carefully taken care of, Gao Jun Fei was a wild untamed guy, reeking of both maturity and masculinity.

…somehow, he looked kind of familiar.

Gao Jun Fei turned to Ling Ke and grinned.

Ling Ke immediately remembered. “You are…”

Gao Jun Fei blinked his eyes in denial.

Ling Ke was thrown off track by his innocent look.

After all the person he had seen yesterday had said he was a senior in this college. Qi Qiu Fen had also said that the stall owner was probably not someone from their school. No matter which category he fell under, it was unlikely that he was a new student who has yet to familiarize himself with the college.

Furthermore, the guy yesterday was wearing a cap. Ling Ke had only managed to catch a glimpse of his face when he was paying for his goods. Hence, he did not really have much of an impression of him.

However, Ling Ke quickly remembered the name that the stall owner had uttered when introducing himself.

—Gao Jun Yang? Gao Jun Fei? There was only a one word difference. Isn’t that too much of a coincidence?

“Are you the guy selling stuff outside the hostel yesterday?” Ling Ke still decided to voice his suspicion.

Gao Jun Fei knew that he could no longer put up a pretense so he laughed, “You are a sharp one.”

Ling Ke “…” He knew it!

However, Ling Ke was still doubtful. Gao Jun Fei was a new student. How would he know to set up a stall at the entrance of the hostel? Also, how did he get the student ID “Gao Jun Yang”? Did he actually break some rules?

Gao Jun Fei seemed to sense his suspicions. He dragged a stool to a place near the air-conditioner before taking the initiative to explain, “Gao Jun Yang is my brother. He is older than me by 6 years and had already graduated from F University. I used to come here every holiday to hang out with him and stay at his hostel so I am a bit familiar with the students here.”

Ling Ke asked nervously, “I heard that if you get caught, there will be penalties. Is it really okay?”

Gao Jun Fei waved his hands. “Don’t worry, the student a.s.sociation’s president is my brother’s ex-junior. Also, I am now using my brother’s ID so it does not matter even if they find out.”

Qi Feng stood at the side, bewildered. How come Ling Ke and Gao Jun Fei suddenly knew each other.

Ling Ke briefly explained the situation to him. Qi Feng face lit up as he now excitedly inspected their new roommate.

After that, Ling Ke asked something that has been bugging him for awhile. “The stuff that you sold, they are of standard quality right?”

Gao Jun Fei raised his eyebrows. “Of course, all these goods are shipped from the real Ma Yun.”

Ling Ke lips twitched. So there is a fake Ma Yun?

On the other hand, Qi Feng seemed curious about Gao Jun Fei’s income. “How much can you earn in a day?”

Gao Jun Fei took out a wad of cash from his tattered jean pockets. “Not much. Besides, I can only do this once a year. Probably around one thousand yuan to add to my daily expenses. This year was better: around one thousand and six hundred yuan earned.”

Ling Ke knew that Qi Feng probably did not care for such a small amount of money. As for Ling Ke, it wasn’t the problem with the money, but rather the risk. He would never do something as risky as this.

Everyone’s financial situation was different; their personality too. Gao Jun Fei was probably someone who was adaptable to his surroundings and definitely someone much more resilient and stronger than the Qi Feng who was reduced to rashes by a mere blanket.

After Gao Jun Fei had finished his explanations, he took out a twenty yuan bill and handed it to Ling Ke. “Next time, we are all brothers. Since you are my new roommate, I will charge you just the imported price of the thermal flasks. But, you guys better help me keep this a secret. Yesterday there were so many people. I doubt anyone else would recognize me.”

Ling Ke smiled, “Just keep the money.”

Since he had already said that they were “brothers”, Ling Ke would not pine for this twenty dollars. Besides, if there were any problems with the thermal flasks, he could easily find him for a refund.

Hearing that he did not want the money, Gao Jun Fei swiftly took back the money without any qualms of shame. He got up and pat Ling Ke’s shoulder. “Next time if you have anything you don’t know, just ask me. I have been roaming about F University since forever. Come, give me your WeChat ID.”


Qi Feng: “???”


Gao Jun Fei: “Come, give me your WeChat ID!”

Ling Ke immediately takes out his handphone. “Sure.”

Qi Feng: “???” What did I do wrong?? Why does he not want to add me!!!