The Defeated Dragon

Chapter 261 – The Catcher and the Narcissist

Chapter 261 – The Catcher and the Narcissist

The carriage stopped and a servant helped a n.o.bleman and a lady in a gorgeous dress get off the carriage. She was wearing a bird lady"s hat, which many famous ladies liked to wear. It was made of colorful bird feathers, which stood high and attracted attention.

Once a statement piece that only ladies married to Sky Knights can wear, it has become a favorite clothing item of even the most ordinary n.o.bles.

However, Liszt has no idea who this n.o.ble lady was.

“Liszt, why are you hiding here? I"ve been looking for you for half a day.” Cousin Meopal"s voice came from behind. “What are you looking at by the window?”

He went straight to Liszt"s side and looked out as well just in time to see the carriage pull in in front of the gates of Longtaro Castle. "Well, aren"t you a front scout looking at these n.o.ble ladies? You can see them clearly from this "height" alright."

The height he was referring to was the height needed to see over the other side of the ridge.

“No, I just think it"s too crowded in the hall.”

“I understand.”

“What do you understand?”

Moepal touched the red wine gla.s.s in his hand with Liszt"s champagne gla.s.s. “You are looking forward to seeing the beautiful Athena Salmon.”

“No.” Liszt responded unconsciously, and he asked again, “Is she coming tonight?”

“Didn"t you say you"re not expecting her, Liszt? Why do you care about Athena when you already rejected her?”

Liszt did not choose his words and said directly, “I just think it is very memorable. I seldom attend gatherings on Coral Island, and no female aristocrat of my age has invited me to her home. At the dance on Red Crab Island, Athena was the first to point out how outstanding I am. “

“No wonder.”

Someone has touched a nerve.

Meopal didn"t know what to think of next and decided not to continue teasing. Instead, he said with a slightly melancholic sigh, “A man should only find a woman when he already completely knows himself … If he doesn"t know himself, I can"t imagine what his life will be like in the future.”

Liszt asked, “Are you talking about Princess Angela?”

“Yes, Angela Sapphire, the brightest pearl on the Grand Duke"s laurel wreath. If nothing goes wrong, she will be the future mistress of Red Crab Island."

Grand Duke Andrew  Sapphire has two sons and two daughters. Angela is the youngest daughter.

“Have you confirmed your relationship with her?”

“It wasn"t me and her. It was grandfather and the Grand Duke who confirmed our relationship.” He emptied the gla.s.s of red wine in one gulp and threw it directly back into the plate carried by the servant, yelling, “Go on.”

The servant hurriedly bowed and left.

Meopal propped his hands on the window sill. “Do you know that I have been struggling to pursue girls and have not received any response, but now I can clearly define the relationship?”

Liszt looked at him, waiting.

“Grimaldi Truth, I naively thought that he really came with the blessing of the Grand Duke, but the result was …” He suddenly turned around and patted Liszt on the shoulder. “Grandfather said your future is limitless. We share the same blood, cousin and I have nothing to hide from you.”

“Please, cousin.” Liszt has roughly guessed.

Sure enough, what Meopal said was almost the same as Liszt"s guess. Meopal has become the catcher.

Of course, Princess Angela must not have children beforehand. Even if she is the most beloved daughter of the Grand Duke, she cannot marry a marquis heir with children already of her own. This is not only against the morality of chivalry, but also a great shame to the Marquis family.

As a result, Princess Angela, who was pregnant for several months, was forced to abort.

“She has poor comments about her. I have long known that as long as there is no big scandal, the past will be forgotten. But what is unforgivable is that the aborted child, his … his … father, was just a juggler! “

Since she had bad criticisms, it was not surprising that the father was lowly.

As an aristocrat and a part of the ruling cla.s.s, Liszt can understand Meopal"s feelings. n.o.bles can mess with n.o.bles, but civilians must never mess with high-ranked n.o.bles such as the Grand Duke"s daughter. The vaudeville entertainer"s status was equivalent to that of a serf"s, so no wonder Meopal was furious.

Perhaps Meopal was not angry because the princess was messing with the juggler, but because the news was leaked out. He was furious that the Longtaro family was involved in the princess and the juggler"s baby"s death, which showed that this matter was no longer a secret on Blue Dragon Island.

“Perhaps in Meopal"s eyes, the Longtaro Castle has become greener and greener.”

Liszt had the urge to gloat.

But he thought about it.

He decided to comfort Meopal instead.  “Life is not always smooth. Although Princess Angela does not conform to the moral standards of a n.o.ble hostess, she is at least one of the n.o.ble ladies most needed in Longtaro Castle. What are those things compared with the harmony of a married life ? “

Speaking of which, Liszt suddenly thought of his view about love.

When he was younger, he looked forward to  finding the girl they would be with for the first time. At that time, they believed that one"s past was not important, what mattered was that they loved each other. Even if they reach their late thirties and haven"t found someone, they would always search for that someone to be together with.

The struggle between people and life would always make one take a step back, and life always goes one step further.

Maybe this was just whining.

Meopal was soon freed from the anger of being the catcher. He had started preparing for that position anyway.  “Let"s go and chat in the hall. All the young n.o.bles from Red Crab Island are here today. Perhaps you can find someone you like.”

Immediately after, Meopal remembered, "I just went on and on talking about myself that I forgot to tell you to stop looking for Athena. She is not attending this dance. She fell in love with a baron at the Sea Festival dance and she will become a baroness around this time next year.”

“Is that so?”

Liszt responded blandly, as if he didn"t care.

In fact, it brought a tightening feeling in his heart. There was an unspeakable uncomfortable feeling. He had tried to suppress the schadenfreude feeling of mocking Meopal, but now that feeling has burst.

It was ridiculous that Meopal was forced to accept the offer, but Liszt"s long-held narcissism was no joke as well.

"I forgot that there is no moment of love at first sight between n.o.bles… Maybe she has long forgotten me after that party.." 

All of a sudden.

Liszt had no desire to be in the party.

Originally, the expectation of seeing Athena brought up a little pa.s.sion for the ballroom dance . But now, the thought of the so-called ballroom dancing was for him just a combination of interests between n.o.bles. Each shows its own capital and then selects its own high-quality objects to continue the family"s bloodline.

He calmed down his broken heart, smoothed his clothes, and hung an aristocratic standard smile on his face.

Chapter 262 – Liszt"s Piano Piece

No Athena Salmon showed up in the dance.

Levis and Lvera mingled with the crowd and talked enthusiastically with men and women, n.o.bles and celebrities. Meopal was still smiling, trying to maintain the dignity of being the owner of Longtaro Castle.

He was very good at this kind of work.

Liszt remained the same, neither taking the initiative nor refusing communication. When someone comes over to be polite to him,he accompanies them for a while. Although he never planned to work while staying in Red Crab Island, why should he refuse opportunities to expand his network?

The pianist then played a beautiful melody.

Men paired up with women to dance on the dance floor.

Laughter rang out from all corners, apparently from people who were having a pleasant conversation. Meopal was pacing around, taking care of all the n.o.ble men and women. While doing so, he took a gla.s.s and sat down beside Liszt.

“This is more tiring than a battle charge.” Meopal gasped.

“Fortunately, I"m just a baron and don"t have to say a word to these hundreds of men and women.”

“They are all followers of Longtaro Castle. They have come all this way to say a word to me. How can I have the heart to disappoint them?”

Liszt can"t tell whether that sentence was out of self-mockery or pride.

Meopal asked again, “Aren"t you going to dance?”

“None of these invited people spark my interest.”

“Then go and have the initiative to invite. This is the initiative a n.o.ble gentleman should have.”

“I haven"t thought about it yet. Which one do you want to invite?”

“You have really strange ideas. If it was up to me, as long she"s beautiful, I"d invite her to dance all night. Meet the right one then find a corner to talk alone. Come, maybe you can find one to take home and be your hostess. “

Liszt was still reserved. “That"s too fast, isn"t it?”

Meopal shook his head from not understanding his cousin. “Since you don"t want to dance, can you play the piano?”

“Maybe … a little.” Liszt himself can"t play any musical instrument really well, but as an aristocratic member, he had learned the piano.

He can barely remember a few songs.

n.o.bles like music. Piano is the most popular musical instrument, especially at dances. How else can one create a charming atmosphere without a piano accompaniment? Many down-and-out aristocrats rely on playing the piano to maintain their upper-cla.s.s life . With this, they can even become guests of  n.o.ble ladies.

“Get ready, we"ll play a song ourselves later.”

Meopal beckoned a footman. “Go and inform the pianist that after playing this song, he will come down quickly. Liszt and I will go up to play the piano.”

“Yes, Master.”

“What piece would you play? I"m going to play” Ariel by the Water “.I like this piano piece best. It has a beautiful melody and a touching story. Do you like it too?”

“I don"t want to play the piano, and I haven"t heard of this piece.”

“Oh my G.o.d, you haven"t even heard of it! This is the work of piano master Cherney Windmill. He composed this music for his own story! Ariel, the legendary snake-hair banshee, and Master Cherney looked at Ariel at the water"s edge when he was touring Blast Furnace Castle. At that moment, he turned into a stone! “

“Turned into stone? He is dead, then?”

“You really don"t have any artistic atmosphere! It was a metaphor! Cherney did not really turn into a stone, but when he saw the beauty of Ariel,  it was her beauty that made him turn into stone, not like her eyes that really made him turn into a stone. What he saw may not be Ariel either. It could only be a metaphor. “

Meopal talked more about piano pieces while the guests danced. “Ariel is a legendary creature. Legend has it that she has three sisters, all of whom are snake-hair banshees, all beautiful but deadly. Master Cherney saw a woman at the water"s edge and felt that her beauty turned him into a stone, like poison. Do you understand now? “

“Maybe.” Liszt responded casually.

“Then prepare for it, you will also play a song later. Believe me, only art can make people forget their troubles.” He left Liszt a very artistic figure, ready to perform on stage.

However, Meopal also seems to be concerned by Liszt"s ignorance.

While playing, Meopal purposely used qi to expand his performance, telling the story behind  “Ariel at the Water"s Edge” before starting to play.

One has to say that his piano playing skills are superb. The melody was soothing and pa.s.sionate. It intoxicated people in the scenes of “I saw Ariel”, “I became a stone” and “her beauty suffocates me”.

The song was over.

Immersed in music, the n.o.bles applauded one after another.

Meopal rose gracefully and leaned slightly to bow. "My cousin, Liszt Tulip, will play the next piano piece for everyone.”


Liszt wanted very much to break Meopal"s head with a hammer.

He didn"t want to play the piano at all. Indeed, almost all n.o.bles learn musical instruments like a piano to increase their n.o.ble temperament. Former Liszt played the least piano, but now Liszt is a musical idiot, and his favorite is pop songs!

He has not touched any musical instrument since crossing.

The piano fingering technique from his predecessor"s memory was out of practice. It would be a true shame to let him play it. He didn"t know if this was Meopal"s revenge. Meopal probably sensed Liszt"s gloating att.i.tude when they were chatting by the window. After all, he really wanted to laugh at his cousin at that time.


Nothing came close to the embarra.s.sment he felt at the moment.

He was a bit aloof now. He didn"t intend to gain any love at this ball, however,  it would still be shameful to go up and lose face.

With a smile on his face, Liszt got up the stage step by step.

Sitting in front of the piano, he stroked the keys with his hands, making very neat high and low notes. He looked down at the keys and compared it with the memory of his predecessor. He found out the keys corresponding to the notes of Duo, Lai, Mi, Fa, Suo, La, Xi, etc. Then the melody of a song came to his mind and he quickly thought out how to play it.

Like Meopal, he also prepared a prelude monologue.

The qi flowed through his body and  increased the level of performance. “It is a legend from long … long, long ago, in a forest kingdom on a distant continent, there was a  brother and sister, each with special abilities. The elder brother"s eyes can see far away places and the younger sister"s ears can hear far away sounds. They grew up together in joy and in sorrow. “

Liszt"s voice was attractive.

It was easy to get caught in his story, it did not feel like a monologue at all.

“In their spare time, they would always run to the mountains. The brother would look out to distant countries and tell the sister all sorts of strange things. The sister would listen to the news from the wind and sing heavenly songs to his brother … They fell in love. They threw away all restraints and enjoyed their love.”

 “But the world will never allow this love, no matter how hard it is, it is still defeated by moral shackles. In order to prove their undying love to each other, the brother blinded his eyes and the sister blocked her ears. What"s the use of their abilities now? “

“A long time later, a foreign musician was greatly moved upon hearing this poignant and touching love story. With mixed feelings, he composed a touching song. I can"t help but feel sad when I hear this piece. How can a sibling"s grief not be lamented? “

“Unfortunately, I didn"t write down the notes of the song. I can only share the melody and lyrics from memory.”


Dang! Dang!

Liszt"s hands touched the piano, pressed down the keys heavily, and began to play the song.

A simple, fast-paced melody rose quickly, like faint sadness in a lively setting. Liszt"s voice was mixed with melodies and fluttered over the dance floor,in a  Chinese that everyone could not understand.  “Two tigers, two tigers, running fast……”