The Defeated Dragon

Chapter 132

132 – Great Progress in the Exploration of the Universe

As the mission had yet to be completed, Liszt returned to the castle first to take a day off before once more setting out for the Thorns Ridge, with Tremblingwoods and the retainer knights in tow, in order to tie up loose ends.

The Violent Dog b.i.t.c.h was still tied up. In order to curb its fierce nature, Liszt decided to starve it for three to five days so that it couldn"t release its magic and hurt people. At the same time, the Thorns Caravan had set out for the Northvalley City to order an iron cage. It was destined to spend the later half of its life inside an iron cage.

Perhaps one day it could familiarize itself with its new life, subjugate itself to Tremblingwoods, and consequently, regain its freedom.

“Tremblingwoods should be able to set it straight. After all, Tremblingwoods is almost a mid-ranked magic beast!” Liszt was very confident about this. Although Violent Dogs might not be social magic beasts, but submitting to the strong was still consistent with the nature of magic beasts. Besides, one was male and the other was female.

“Woof woof!” In the distance, Tremblingwoods was a bit dizzy as it chased its tail. It was still young!

“Since it has become your wife, then it"s time to give it a name… It is a Violent Dog and it"s your wife, then let"s call it ‘Stupidwoman"!” Liszt picked a name seriously, “Tremblingwoods, do you approve of this name? Bark twice if you do.” [1]

“Woof woof!” Still chasing its tail, Tremblingwoods expressed its approval.

Back in the Thorns Ridge.

Without Stupidwoman drawing its attention, Tremblingwoods regained its bearing as the king of the Thorns Ridge, hunting for beasts the whole journey. These intersperse beasts were ones that previously slipped through the cracks.

Unfortunately, three days pa.s.sed, yet they still didn"t find any magic beasts. Liszt felt like he was nearly skilled enough to be capable of seamlessly releasing Magic Eyes, to maintain them released 24 hours per day. Still, there was no sign of magic power, as if the magic beasts had hidden under the ground and began hibernating.

Currently, it was late summer to early autumn. It was way too early for hibernation.

“So, where are the magic beasts that slipped through the cracks hiding?” From atop Blackdragon, Liszt watched the logging team cut down trees not far away. He felt a slight knot in his chest.

If the mission was not completed, then the Blackdragon Horses" tracks that he desired would not appear. The tracks were probably hidden somewhere in the Thorns Ridge. Although he had already swept it twice, yet he still hadn"t found the track. Therefore, he could only rely on the completion of the mission.

If they couldn"t be found, then so be it.

In the end, Liszt could only order: “Teacher Marcus, lead the knights to continue their training and guard the logging team in the Thorns Ridge. If you come across a magic beast, then beat it if you can. Otherwise, flee.

“Yes, Sir!”


The problem with the smoke mission rained down on his mood.

However, it wasn"t that there were no good news in the past few days. The crystal craftsman had finished polishing the concave and convex lenses, for a total of twenty.

After randomly combining the lenses, Liszt discovered that a convex lens could form a telescope with a a concave lens. Two convex lenses could also form a telescope, just that the image would be inverted.

He picked a combination of convex and concave lenses and had the blacksmith shop"s blacksmiths and carpenter shop"s carpenters jointly create a drawtube. The drawtube was approximately one meter long. Its magnification was not high when it was embedded with lenses, yet Liszt was already quite satisfied. He named it ‘Lisztscope".

At night, he pointed the telescope at the moon in the sky.

After fine-tuning the distance between the lenses, the dark spots on the moon immediately entered his line of sight. However, to Liszt"s surprise, the moon he saw had a faint halo around it. Liszt, who had a superficial knowledge of astronomy, quickly recognized it for what it was.


“This moon has an atmosphere!”

“There"s an atmosphere, there shouldn"t live any intelligent life forms, right?” He suddenly remembered that this world had various legends about the moon.

In some legends, the Unsetting Radiance Empire"s royal family came from the moon.

In other legends, the sprite king lived on the moon.

In yet other legends, the moon was the homeland of dragons.

In still other legends, the ‘Mullah Gaod Mountain", a mountain in the center of the continent, had a magic teleportation array leading to the moon on top of its peak. Those who could climb the Mullah Gaod Mountain and lit the magic teleportation array, could seize the boundless wealth on the moon. This legend resembled a bit Changer"s ascent to the Moon. [2]

Although everyone knew that it was just a legend, but their hearts still very much yearned for it.

Magic teleportation array was reportedly a great magic capable of traversing across time and s.p.a.ce invented by ancient Archwizards. However, it hand long since been lost and only existed in legends.

The Mullah Gaod Mountain, which was tens of thousands of meters tall, was the highest mountain in the continent. It was impossible for ordinary people to climb up to its top. Even if one were to ride a dragon, they still wouldn"t be able to fly to its top. The endless storm halfway up the mountain, which was more terrifying than the strongest wind-attributed magic, could shred man and dragon into pieces.

As for the name ‘Mullah Gaod", it came from a foreign language, the ancient language ‘Moonlect", to be precise. Moonlect was the language of the long gone ‘Moon Empire", it was a dead language. However, many states had Moonlect integrated in their languages and even had directly adopted some of its words.

The term Mullah Gaod meant ‘the guardian knight of moonlight".

Some people claimed that Mullah Gaod Mountain meant – the knight who guards the Moon Empire.

Other people claimed in a far-fetched fashion that Mullah Gaod Mountain meant – the knight who guards the magic teleportation array to the moon.

In any case, ‘Mullah Gaod Mountain can lead to the moon" was a legend known to everyone.

“So, are these legends true or false? To judge this world with Earth"s common sense would be out of touch! It"s difficult to tell whether there are really ‘people" on the moon!” Liszt used to be a staunch atheist, but after coming to this world, he became an agnostic.

There was no worship of G.o.ds in this world, but there various bizarre legends, which were very suitable for the development of agnosticism.

Although it wasn"t clear what the moon represented, but at the banquet the same night, Liszt still announced loudly: “The invention of the Lisztscope is a great progress in humanity"s exploration of the universe. It will uncover the veil hanging over the universe and present it in front of us.”

He was very excited about his discovery and wanted to share his excitement with his people.

However, the feedback of his subordinates, who rushed to the telescope to watch the moon, was a bit disappointing.

Gort looked at the moon and muttered: “Is this the moon? It looks really beautiful. Is it a big cake? Why are there no dragons or sprite kings?”

Blair looked at the moon and whispered: “The moonlight is so weak, it"s so much weaker than sunlight. Some places seem to be nearly extinguished.”

What he called extinguished were areas of the moon with fairly heavy shadows, which might be plains or genuine lunar mares alike those on Earth"s moon. The Lisztscope"s magnification was still lacking. At best, it"s magnification was at over thirty times. Thus, the image of the moon wasn"t that clear. Besides, there was still the obstruction from the atmosphere.

Isaiah didn"t look at the moon. He wanted to see the stars. Yet, with the moon in the background, few stars were shining.

After Marcus looked at the moon, he said with a serene expression: “Sir, why are we looking at the moon?”

Ignorant indigenous!

Liszt"s excitement had dissipated. He felt lonely, as if he was the only sober person among drunks.

Fortunately, he was very good at adjusting his frame of mind. The aristocratic self-restraint allowed him to calm himself quickly. He said with a formal smile: “It can not only be used to look at the moon, but into the distance in general. With a telescope, things that are far away can be observed. You can use it to watch magic beasts.”

Marcus" eyes suddenly lit up: “That"s true! Sir, you really are a child of glory favored by the glory of knights! The Lisztscope is indeed a great invention!”

[1] – 土婆, Stupidwoman, is what Chinese fans call Lady Gaga; 土婆 = Violent Dog (暴土狗) + wife (老婆)
[2] –