The Demoness Is Not Evil

Chapter 8


Not long after, the guards of Fei Ying Bao protectively leads Shui Su Yun in leaving Hong Ye Town.

Standing at the road, Ji Chui Yu could not hold back his sigh, “No matter what, for a lady, this is just too cruel.”

Qu Qing Yin who was standing at the side, just coldly looks on, “To her it is cruel, to others is it not cruel then? Since she has the guts to harm others, then she should have the guts to handle the consequences.”

Ji Chui Yu could only shake his head.


“Little Feng!” He turns back, to see the sudden appearance of Liu Feng, his faces showing an expression of shock, “When did you arrive?”


“Why did you only show up today?” Once the words escaped his mouth, he comes to a realisation, looking towards the direction in which the figures of Fei Ying Bao had disappeared, “It was good you did not show up.”

Liu Feng laughs, and heads towards the other person, “Qing Yin.”

Qu Qing Yin coldly glances at him, then turns around and walks off.

Liu Feng helplessly shrugs his shoulders.

Ji Chui Yu walks over, placing his hand on his shoulder, as he speaks with mixed feelings: “Your woman really is a ruthless character.”

“At least I do not have to worry about her suffering unfavourable situations.”

“These words of yours, don’t you think you’re also ruthlessly protective?”

Liu Feng’s face turns serious, glancing down the road, his voice weighs heavy as he speaks: “Qing Yin is right, since you have the heart to harm others, then you must accept the appropriate consequences. In this world there is definitely something called heaven’s judgement.”

“Are you not going to catch up?” Ji Chui Yu playfully juts his lips towards the direction Qu Qing Yin had left in.

Liu Feng shakes his head, “Right now she does not want to see me.”

“In the end, this whole situation is trouble caused by you attracting all those rotten peach blossoms.” (Remember peach blossom can mean to attract love)

“Let’s not bother with that for now. So tell me, what is the situation like here?”

Ji Chui Yu wipes away all traces of playfulness, saying: “You guessed right, her target has always been the rapist, and it seems like her understanding of the rapist is way beyond your expectations.”

Liu Feng remains silent.

“Since when did you realise it was her who lured the rapist away?”

“Since when we were at Mount Zhong Yi Manor.”

“That early?”

“En.” Liu Feng nods, “How did this matter with Shui Su Yun happen?”

Ji Chui Yu’s expression looks complicated, before he speaks, he first lets out a sigh, “Before she had arrived in Hong Ye Town she had already met the rapist, and even set up a plan, her goal was to make Qu Qing Yin become the rapist’s woman, thus eliminating the chances of you two being together.”

Liu Feng tightens his hold on his fan.

“Lady Qu is sharp eyed and clear headed, she managed to detect the peculiarities, whilst quietly staying calm and collected, she took on each tactic accordingly, then ultimately put missy Shui into the pit.”

Liu Feng speaks with certainty: “Qing Yin must have gave her chances.”

Ji Chui Yu nods, “She did, unfortunately someone did not know how to cherish them.”

“I best go and see her.”

Liu Feng uses qinggong to quickly chase after Qu Qing Yin, not long after, he sees that she had stopped under a tree, leaning against it, he cannot tell what she is thinking.

“What do you want to ask me?” She looks up to the lush foliage of the treetops, faintly speaking.

“Qing Yin.” He only lightly calls out to her.

“In this world there is not that many coincidental meetings, those coincidences were all fake. Her target has always been you, yet she stumbles along to make coincidental meetings with me. Moreover I know the whereabouts of the rapist, just from looking at her behaviour, to not be able to encounter the rapist is almost impossible.” Qu Qing Yin reaches out to tear off a few leaves, blowing them away. “I have tried to make her quit, unfortunately, that Shui missy really does not understand good grace.”

Liu Feng reaches out and pulls her into his embrace, “Don’t think too much of it, things can always be resolved.”

Qu Qing Yin self-mockingly laughs, “I feel like I am becoming less and less of a nice person.”

“Did you not already say, you have not been a nice person for many years now?”

“That’s true, probably because I have been the bad person for too long, I somewhat miss the times when I was once a nice person.” She turns to look at him, “You as a Hero with such famed reputation, to be with me who has not been a nice person for so many years, are you not afraid of all the gossips?”

“I’m not afraid.”

“Did you know? Just before, I suddenly had this terrifying thought. Just thinking about it has shivers running down my back.”

Liu Feng shivers with uneasiness, “What?”

Qu Qing Yin just shakes her head, “Maybe I am thinking too much. I really hope it is me that is thinking too much. It must be me thinking too much.”

Because of her words being spoken three times, each with her tone changing to be more and more fearful, Liu Feng thinks that her thoughts must be truly terrifying.

“Don’t ask me what it is, I don’t dare to say it.” Scared that once said, it will become reality, and that would be far too terrifying.

Liu Feng silently nods.

“From now on, never let Ji Chui Yu look out for someone in your place, he will put you in a disastrous situation.”

“Did something happen?”

“He most probably did not dare to tell you. He had unknowingly fell into someone’s trap, had he not, that night, the rapist would not have got anything done.”

“Did you not remind him?”

Qu Qing Yin speaks honestly, “Because at that time, I suddenly wanted to be a bad person.”

Liu Feng shakes his head, probably because at the time she was fuming inside, not to mention she is originally a paradox of both evil and good, so her temper would naturally act regardless of whichever side, this is all too normal.

“Now that the news have already spread across the Jiang Hu. From this point on, I am afraid that since we have driven the dog into a dead end, the dog would anxiously do whatever it takes.” This was the only thing that he was worried about.

“But this is a solution that stemmed from having no solution.”

“It is.” This is the most helpless factor.

The Fei Ying Bao Guild Master has sent out an announcement, inviting the rapist on the fifteenth of September, the night of the full moon, to a verdict of life and death in front of Fei Ying Bao, in order to settle the scores between them.

Everyone within the Jiang Hu are praising the Fei Ying Bao Guild Master’s courage, taking on the responsibility, so his daughter does not need to face such burden on her own.

At the time when she was listening to the news, Qu Qing Yin was in the middle of pouring tea, as she holds up the pot, the hot water splashes onto the back of her hand.

Liu Feng immediately grabs hold of her hand, using his fan to cool it, saying: “Be careful, this water is really hot.” He calls over the worker: “Worker, bring some ice over, quickly.”

“Got it, please wait, I’ll be there in no time.”

Qu Qing Yin calms her mind, “Just a slip of hand, it’s nothing.”

“You still say it’s nothing, it’s all red.” Liu Feng’s dashing brows knits together, just then the worker brings the ice over, he takes out a handkerchief to wrap it up and gives her the ice pack.

Qu Qing Yin asks him, “What’s going on with Fei Ying Bao Guild Master?”

“Must be the eagerness of doting on his daughter.”

“You think the rapist will turn up?”

“In normal situations, Jiang Hu people values their reputations, and ought to turn up, but this is not the case for the rapist. He also knows that right now, the people of the Jiang Hu are all searching for him, coming out would make him the public’s target.”

“Since everyone is aware of this point, then say, why would Guild Master Shui spread the news like this?”

Liu Feng could not help but look at her, failing to see the look of indifference in her face, “It is rare to see you trying to get to the bottom of something.”

Qu Qing Yin smiles, “Looks like I am not usually very curious.”

“That’s good. Curiosity in Jiang Hu people, is not a particularly good thing.”

“Looks like you feel this deeply, is this a vital insight?” She quips.

Liu Feng nods with utmost seriousness, saying: “It is.”

She blankly looks at him, “You still haven’t answered me.”

Liu Feng thinks for a moment, and says: “Although in accordance to common sense, the rapist should not show up, but I actually feel that this time he would come out to accept the battle invitation.”

“Your instincts?”

“Yeah, what about you?”

Qu Qing Yin juts out her bottom lip, her tone a little solemn, “I also have such instinct.”

Liu Feng looks at her, “Are you planning on watching the scene?”

Qu Qing Yin asks back: “Could it be, you don’t have such plans?”

Liu Feng laughs, “Then is this considered ‘heart and mind think alike’ of us?”

Qu Qing Yin slaps away his hand, taking it upon herself to tend to her hand.

Liu Feng does not mind, pouring her a cup of tea, and places it by her side.

“What happened?” Ji Chui Yu enters through the window, lifting his robes to sit by Liu Feng’s side. He was little surprised to see Qu Qing Yin there with an ice pack.

“She wasn’t paying attention and got burnt by the water.”

Ji Chui Yu grabs the wine flask from the table and pours himself a cup of wine, after draining the cup in one go, he says: “Lately the amount of women on the streets is getting less and less. If the rapist is not exterminated soon, such days will be impossible to go through.”

Liu Feng looks him up and down, “Did you not climb out from the connubial bed?”

Ji Chui Yu speaks righteously: “I am complaining for all the men in this world.”

Qu Qing Yin calmly speaks: “As long as you keep your belt securely tied up, the men in this world will be very grateful to you.”

Ji Chui Yu swallows the wine in his mouth with great difficulty, with a choked up face, he stares at his good friend, “Can you not do something about that mouth of hers?”

Liu Feng laughs as he pours himself a cup of wine, lightly sipping from it twice, before he says: “Her words cannot be considered false.”

“As a person, sometimes you should not be so honest.”

Liu Feng thinks otherwise, “Dishonesty is also of no good.”

Qu Qing Yin follows on with another stab, “Those that are like Hero Ji, clearly aren’t honest.”

Ji Chui Yu sighs, “You both singing in harmony like this, really is ‘a couple of one heart, sharpness enough to cut through gold’.”

Liu Feng laughs and helps him fill up his cup with wine, “Let us toast to such words.”

Qu Qing Yin’s face remains unchanging as she continues to tend to her hand.

Ji Chui Yu tosses the wine down his throat, wiping his mouth, and says: “I must say, when it comes to the arts of remaining calm, you are truly admirable.”

Qu Qing Yin raises her hand, saying: “I have been burnt by tea.”

“This, could it be because lady could not stay calm enough?”

Qu Qing Yin nods, “Yeah.”

“What did you hear to make you so un-calm?” Ji Chui Yu was curious.

Liu Feng explains to him, “She heard that Master Shui, on the fifteenth of September, the night of the full moon, has invited the rapist to a battle.”

“This matter seriously makes it uneasy for one to remain calm.” Ji Chui Yu grabs hold of a pair of chopsticks to pick some food, eating as he speaks: “The people outside, are all wondering if the rapist would show up when the time comes.”

“What do you think?”

“I believe the rapist will go.” Ji Chui Yu says it without the slightest hesitation.

Liu Feng laughs, “Great heroes think alike.”

“What about lady Qu?”

“Although a little far-fetched, I can also be considered a hero.”

“I must say, Master Shui is a true man, to dare to send out his invitation like that.” Ji Chui Yu speaks with admiration.

Qu Qing Yin adjures a cry.

Liu Feng looks at her, “Qing Yin has other thoughts?”

Her gaze falls upon the streets below, voice coldly saying: “A father who truly dotes on his daughter would not do such thing, this is no different to a sword driving her to her death.”

Ji Chui Yu could not refrain from asking: “If he does not do this, how is he supposed to vie for justice, in name of his daughter?”

“There are many ways to kill someone off, martial arts does not always represent capability, especially in such times when the rapist is the public’s enemy. It was not necessary for him to make such a high profile invitation to a battle. A show when overdone just looks fake.”

Liu Feng refrains from putting himself in a position, swaying the fan in his hand, and remains silent.

“Is this your prejudice against Master Shui?”

“I am merely speaking the facts as they are.”

“Master Shui is a generous and forthright man, he is after all, regarded as a great leader.” Ji Chui Yu could not help but to come to the subject’s defence.

“And what about it?”

In face of her question, touching on his point lightly, Ji Chui Yu suddenly does not know what to say.

Liu Feng makes a timely interjection, “Have you two bore a grudge against one another in your previous lifetime? Always pitting against each other like this.”

Ji Chui Yu laughs out loud, playfully blinking his eyes, saying: “Between us two, it can be said that enemies destined to meet. Little Feng, are you jealous?”

Liu Feng reaches out and pulls the person beside him into his arms, placing her on his lap, he laughingly says: “If you’re like that, I can only be jealous.”

From the beginning to now, the meatball[2] held in Qu Qing Yin’s chopsticks did not shake the slightest bit, she turns to look at Ji Chui Yu, then calm and collectedly plops the meatball into her mouth.

Ji Chui Yu blankly stares for a moment, then suddenly fills up his cup of wine, raising his thumb up to her, “Lady Qu, I really give it to you.” Her expression, her action, really did not change the slightest bit.

In the next moment, Qu Qing Yin’s left hand takes out a hairpin from her head, within a lightning flash, she stabs it at a certain someone’s thigh.

Liu Feng’s fan opens up, blocking the hairpin, he bitterly smiles, “I was wrong, is that not enough?”

Qu Qing Yin coldly stares at him.

Liu Feng takes hold of the hairpin in her hand, putting it back into her hair. Honestly and sincerely putting her back into her original seat, he stands up and earnestly says: “I’m sorry.”

Ji Chui Yu glances at the hairpin in her hair that had been gifted by Grand Madam Guan. The corners of his lip twitches, as he lowers his head to concentrate on drinking his wine.

Qu Qing Yin takes out the hairpin again, coldly saying: “This hairpin, I may like right now, but that does not mean that I will carry on liking it for the rest of my life, you understand?”

Liu Feng’s face slightly changes, tightening his hold on his fan, “Qing Yin—“

Qu Qing Yin looks at the hairpin in her hand, her eyes looking rather complex.

Liu Feng once again takes the hairpin from her hand, putting it back in her hair. He lightly holds her hand, sighing loudly, “Don’t be angry.”

Qu Qing Yin also sighs, turning her body, she half lies on the window sill, and watches the pedestrians on the streets.

Liu Feng and Ji Chui Yu looks at one another, and then continues to drink and eat as they please, wisely leaving her undisturbed.

Because they both realised, right now, Qu Qing Yin is in a very, very bad mood. Just one little provocation will ignite a monstrous fire.



Moonlight paving the ground, as if the entire land is covered in snow.

The new moon hangs in the sky like a hook, the beauty in front of the window like a painting.

A cloak falls onto her shoulders, and a pair of big hands rest on top, pulling her into his arms, sighing, he says: “Your mood today doesn’t seem right.”

“I don’t want to talk about it.”

Liu Feng shakes his head, “If you do not wish to say it, I will no longer ask. If you want to talk about it, then I shall be all ears.”

Qu Qing Yin looks up at the new moon, extending her hands out, “Today’s moon is truly beautiful.” If people’s heart were this bright and clear like the moonlight, how wonderful that would be.

“No matter how beautiful the moon is, you cannot miss your sleep. It is already late, get some sleep. Tomorrow we still have some travelling to do.”

“You go ahead and sleep first, I want to stay a little longer.”

He sighs, “If you don’t sleep, you really think I can?”

She remains silent for a while, “Are Ji Chui Yu’s news well informed?”

“When it comes to information gathering, he indeed has the knack for it. You have something to ask of him?”

Qu Qing Yin was slightly hesitant.

Liu Feng notices her hesitation, adding: “He is also very tight-lipped.”

She turns to him.

“It’s just, do you really want me to ask something of him at this time?”

Qu Qing Yin’s eyebrows twitches.

Liu Feng tightens his arms around her, sighing as he speaks: “Don’t go, or I will really be jealous.”

“You clearly know I don’t like men like Ji Chui Yu.”

“Sometimes, people clearly know things but still cannot control their own feelings. This is something I have no control of.”

“You don’t seem like a man who would get jealous.”

“All men gets jealous.”

Qu Qing Yin’s hand rests on top of the window sill, faintly sighing, “But, I cannot bear the questions inside of me. I just cannot calm down.”

Liu Feng seriously speaks: “Why are you not willing to ask me? Maybe I have the answers to the things you want to know.”

Qu Qing Yin was still hesitant.

Liu Feng shifts from back hugging her, and turns her body into his embrace, speaking into her ear: “We are already one another’s closest person in this world, you do not need to guard against me.”

“I am just worried.”

“Worried?” He was dumbfounded.

Qu Qing Yin nods, “If you are capable of getting jealous, then could it be that I am not even capable of being worried you would no longer like me?”

“Does this have something to do with what you want to know?”

“Yes.” She answers with utmost seriousness.

“Really cannot let me know?”

“Although you will know sooner or later, but, I still wish that youwill be the last person to know.”


“Because—“ Qu Qing Yin lowers her head, “Despite that, be it dying early or dying late, the results may be the same, but there is a difference in timing. If it is later then may be the situation will make a turn for the better.”

“That is reasonable.”

“But.” Qu Qing Yin’s words makes another turn, “It depends on the situation, sometimes it is better early than late.”

“Qing Yin-ah, you are thinking too much, this isn’t like you at all.”

Qu Qing Yin reaches up and pinches between her eyebrows, sounding slightly restless, “I don’t mind people speaking as if I am the bad person, a demoness, but……”

Liu Feng cuts through her words, “Even if you are a demoness, I will still like you.”

Qu Qing Yin releases her brows, using her hand to cover his mouth, frowning, “Shi Fu once said, the bad also has a bad enough character, beasts have already been disgraced by men, if you cannot even be considered as a beast, then you can truly wait to get struck by lightning.” (Beasts can also refer to those who act inhumanely)

Liu Feng’s hand enters her clothes, his voice low, “Right now, I want to be a beast towards you……”

Qu Qing Yin reaches out to smack away his perverted hand, scolding him: “I’m being serious.”

“I’m also serious.”

“You already have no integrity. Serious? You’re as serious as a ghost.”

The corner of Liu Feng’s eyes shows laughter, in the end, she stills throws him that preoccupied look, only such unrestrained and refreshing words suits her most.

“Stop messing about, quickly let me go, or I’ll really be angry.”

Liu Feng presses her back against the window, his hands resting at her waist. Smiling into her forehead, he speaks with a low voice which carried temptation, “Regarding other people’s matters, why should we care? Right?”

“What if it is not completely considered other people’s matters?”

Liu Feng amorally expresses, “As long as you are safe and sound, then it is not worth thinking about.”

“Liu Feng.” She lightly calls out to him.

“En?” He was all ears for her.

“When making a timely comment, men of no principles are the most adorable.”

“Then marrying such an adorable man, would that not be a very great idea?”

Qu Qing Yin does not answer him straight away, just reaching up to hook her arms around his neck.

“Is this you agreeing?” He raises his brows.

“I still haven’t thought it through yet.”

“Must it take so long? I’m telling you now, I am very unyielding.”

“If you wed me now, and regret it later, then wouldn’t I become an abandoned wife? Rather than have that happen, then it is better to not marry yet.”

Liu Feng lets out a sigh, “If you are like this, have I not basically been turned into an accused man?”

Qu Qing Yin is as serious as usual, saying: “Then how about becoming a single old man?”

Liu Feng scoops her up with one hand, saying: “A single old man, I will not be. The harmony of yin and yang is of correct principle.”

“As expected, Shi Fu was right, to have a man keep himself as pure as jade is much harder than having them be so unfaithful[1].”

“You are wrong to say that, I have always been yours only.”

“A moment of loyalty is easy, a lifetime of loyalty is not so easy.”

“You wish for that?”

“Every woman wishes for that.”

Liu Feng places her down on the bed, lowering his head to peck her lips, saying: “I only hope that my loyalty can keep you by my side forever.”

“Then why don’t we give this a try?”

Liu Feng laughs, reaching over, he tosses her clothes off the bed, and then presses his body on top of her soft one, “Fine, let’s try it.”

The sheer curtains slowly falls, covering the spring filled bed.

She pants from underneath him, and says: “Some people say, on a day of snowfall, without an umbrella, two people advancing straight ahead, may grow old with white hair together.”

“Hand in hand, we grow old together, old with white hair, never turning our backs on one another.” He stares into her eyes, earnestly pledging a promise.

Qu Qing Yin naturally smiles at him, delicately parting those red lips, and answers him with a word of ‘Okay.” [2]

At this moment, there was a sudden movement in the yard.

Liu Feng glances beyond the curtains. “Should we go out and check?”

“The moon hangs above us, people meeting after dusk. You want me to go out to see his rendezvous with someone?”

“Womaniser Ji Chui Yu really dislikes no women.”

“He can go to meet his beauty, we too shall not let this wonderful night idle away……”

The next day, they waited for the one who went pleasure seeking at night, Ji Chui Yu, but had only waited for the news that he is temporarily not returning, and could only travel ahead of him.

A few days later, the horse carriage they were travelling by, once again welcomes the return of the womaniser.

Surrounding Ji Chui Yu right now is an alcohol-filled air, constantly yawning, even the area around his eyes were turning slightly blue. Sitting opposite him was Liu Feng, who contrarily, was looking invigorated, face filled with radiance.

Qu Qing Yin sits at the side, holding a walnut hammer. Ji Chui Yu curiously asks: “You are obviously able to easily crush it with one move, so why do you insist on using a hammer?”

“If I have a hammer, why should I not use it?”

That was a good answer, besides, the small gold hammer in her hand is very special, exquisitely compact.

Ji Chui Yu found that she seems to often have some sort of exquisite accessories or plaything, such things cannot even be found in some markets. This makes him very interested in investigating her ident.i.ty, and what kind of background she has come from. “I heard from Little Feng, you have something to ask of me?”

Qu Qing Yin stops the motion of using the hammer, looking up to sweep a glance at Liu Feng, “Originally, I did.”

“Meaning that right now, you don’t?”

“We are already not far off from Fei Ying Bao, whether I ask or not, is no longer of importance.”

At this moment, Liu Feng intercepts with a laugh, “Where have you, this womaniser, been playing off to these past few days, to have gotten yourself into such humiliating position?”

Ji Chui Yu could not help but to let out a big sigh, raising his head to look at the curtains, “In this world, these living beings called women, are most difficult to understand.”

Qu Qing Yin discreetly throws him a disapproving look.

Liu Feng says: “When speaking, it is best that you think your words through first.”

Ji Chui Yu warily looks across to Qu Qing Yin, only to see her head lowered as she concentrates on crushing the walnuts. Deep inside his heart, he lets out a heavy sigh of relief.

Just when he had put his heart at ease, Qu Qing Yin without raising her head, says: “Those two eyes are looking very symmetrical, the perpetrator’s power control is truly formidable.”

Liu Feng bursts out in laughter, turning his head ever so slightly to take a look at his good friend’s face. The face of someone who had an embarra.s.sing secret exposed.

Ji Chui Yu bitterly laughs, “Lady Qu really does like to speak the truth.”

“Because words of truth are the easiest to say.”

Ji Chui Yu takes the teapot from the table and downs a few mouthfuls, looking rather solemn. Liu Feng sees the look on his face and knows that there’s something more to this matter, he could not help but to twitch his eyebrows, quietly waiting for him to speak.

Ji Chui Yu first glances at Qu Qing Yin, and then opens his mouth to speak: “Master Shui of Fei Ying Bao’s grudge against the rapist had started nineteen years ago.” He pauses, “It is said that Madam Shui was the one who threw away her husband and abandoned her daughter in order to marry a new lover.”

Liu Feng finishes, “And that new lover was the rapist.”

Qu Qing Yin hammers down, crushing yet another walnut. She calmly and collectedly speaks: “The rapist was also once an elegantly pretty boy, to seduce a married woman is nothing difficult.”

Ji Chui Yu nods in agreement, “Even now, his looks does not show his age.” It is just that it has a little feminine sense of immorality.

“He is practicing yin and yang energy alike, to maintain such youthfulness, is not difficult.” She speaks with a very bland tone.

Liu Feng helps her pick out some walnuts and places them on the dish, on top of the table. He chuckles and says: “You saying that, makes it sound like you have seen the young rapist before.”

Qu Qing Yin speaks in a complete matter of fact tone, “I just know.” Shi Fu had once painted out his appearance for her to identify, it really was a gentleman with unparalleled elegance.

“How do you know?”

Qu Qing Yin looks at him, bowing her head and smiles, “Shi Fu had specially painted out a portrait for me, allowing me to open my eyes wide and know not to wrongly give my heart out. In this world, some men may have a sincere appearance, but you can absolutely never fall for it.”

Ji Chui Yu was too curious, “Who exactly is this Shi Fu of yours?” Exactly what kind of strange Shi Fu is he to have been able to teach a disciple as strange as Qu Qing Yin?

“Nothing more than a bad old man.” Qu Qing Yin glances at him, “Isn’t womaniser Ji Chui Yu only interested in women? Since when were you also interested in bad old men?”

Ji Chui Yu was speechless, only after calming himself down does he say: “Little Feng’s appearance is also more on the sincere side, so why do you still like him then?”

Qu Qing Yin asks back: “Is he a perverted villain?”

Ji Chui Yu strokes his own chin, thoughtfully saying, “Looking at it from a certain way, he can also be considered a perverted villain.”

Qu Qing Yin remains very calm and composed, “Regarding this aspect, you are far greater than he is. Therefore I will never like you.”

Ji Chui Yu was convinced he had just received something called a stab in the back.

Liu Feng laughs as he pours her tea.