The Devil's Little Villainess

Chapter 113

"Could we know this special reason, sir?" The reporter asked, totally excited. 

And the next answer Feng gave, it totally shocked them.    

"I am here to spend some time with my adopted, cousin sister" Feng answered rather smartly. 

If he tells that he is here to meet her, they might think that he is meeting her after many years. And this might bring Biyu into picture. So, He said that he is here to spend some time with his sister. 

Everyone is shocked by him again. And the reporter couldn"t help but ask for further details. 

"She doesn"t stay here in the country and she is a very busy figure too. So, she has only come to attend this banquet" Feng said. 

Well, he knows that he lied. But what can he do? Biyu asked him to tell it  like this and he is just fulfilling her request. 

"Sir, is she the adopted sister of Ms. Biyu" 

"Yes" Feng answered. 

"That means…" 

"You are right. She will be the one to inherit my late cousin sister, Biyu"s shares and a.s.sets. Including this, she is already taking care of her father"s company abroad" Feng answered. 

Everyone couldn"t help but gape in shock. This will make her as powerful as Zhou Feng itself. They couldn"t help but get curious and anxious who she is….

As Feng did everything Biyu asked him to do so, there is nothing more he could do by extending this interview. So, he made his way inside with Ye Mei beside him. 

Meanwhile. William and his parents who are not far away have already heard everything Feng said. They meaningfully looked at William and William smirked. 

He knows his main target now!! As he missed wooing Biyu into the marriage, he has got her adopted sister to fulfill his greed. But little did he knows that this is simple a trap of Biyu. 

How good will it be if he finds that the woman for whose murder, he willingly helped is the one he is trying to woo. 

"I know what my greedy brother is thinking" Ye Mei whispered to Feng worriedly. 

"Don"t worry baby. My sis is the one who asked me to do this….so, let"s just sit with the popcorn and watch the show" Feng winked making Ye Mei blush. 

They have long a history with popcorn and many intimate moments are connected to it. So, it made her blush. 

"Ahh…I want to kiss you baby. But blame this mask of yours" Feng pouted. Ye Mei laughed as she punched his arm playfully. 

But their moments got ruined when her parents interfered. Like always, they are here to cook some favors with Feng. 

All she wants is to reveal their true colors to her grandfather and make her good for nothing, brother to give up the CEO position to someone more hardworking and sincere. 

Meanwhile, outside, Emma (William"s mistress) came with one of the male models. Though it is masquerade, she didn"t cover her face with the mask. She wants to show off everything she has. 

And as soon as she alighted the car with another male model, everyone gasped. It is not because of her beauty but solely because of the dress she is wearing. 

It is from ADORN. And this dress is one of the master piece ADORN has created. 

There is only one dress of this type and many models and actors from other countries have tried to buy this piece. 

And, paparazzi have never thought that Emma would wear this to the event. If ADORN really wanted to give this dress, they should have given it to the main model who is Linda Jones, their former supermodel. 

Coming to Linda"s matter, most of the people here are more excited to see Linda. She is after all making an appearance after a huge gap. And, in addition to this they are very excited to find out why she vanished when her career is at highest peak. 

She even got an oversees modelling opportunities and it is also rumored that she got selected for a Hollywood movie and got signed by her company to join the very prestigious magazines abroad. 

"Hey, Blake why are you s.h.i.+vering" Biyu laughed at the doctor. 

As it is mandatory to bring a partner, Jasper asked his best friend, Blake the psychiatrist to accompany Biyu. 

"Girl!! this is my first time to go on to red carpet, all right. I am a doctor, not a model or a businessman to attend this type of events." He exclaimed. 

"Aww….so sad. I never knew that my doctor has agoraphobia." Biyu teased. 

"Hey, I don"t have any phobia except for Cynophobia" Blake pouted. 

Biyu raised her eyebrow and Blake sighed in defeat. "Well, yes, I am afraid of events like this" he confessed. 

"Then why did you agree to Jas" request?" Biyu asked in amus.e.m.e.nt. This doctor of hers is a very stubborn man. 

"Ahh…. he agreed to give blonde to me" Blake whispered to her. 

Biyu coughed first but later she remembered the blonde girl in Jasper"s elite team. So, he sold one of his people to Blake so that he will accompany her for event. So interesting….

She never thought that Jasper is this jealous. She never saw jealous version of her boyfriend till now. 

"So, you love her" Biyu giggled as she saw the pink blush on Blake"s cheek. 

"Yes. But she is cold and stubborn, she always escapes from me whenever we meet. So, your boyfriend made an agreement with me that he will send her as my bodyguard so that I can woo her" Blake confessed. 

"My baby is cunning" Biyu laughed. 

"He cares a lot for you and he worry very much about you. As your personal doctor, I can help you if something sudden happens" Blake said. 

"I know. Blake, can two souls host the same body??" Biyu asked all in sudden.