The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 0002    Genuine demon lord cultivation system

Chapter 0002    Genuine demon lord cultivation system


Unexpectedly, this time Li Yalin understood what was she saying. Furthermore, he felt that this time in his brain, lots of new data appeared out of nowhere. When he tried to recall them, he failed in doing so instead.


Wait a minute! What did the girl say just now? Your majesty demon lord? Who is the demon lord?


Li Yalin looked around and noticed that there was no one else the girl was kneeling to except him.


Don’t tell me that the demon lord that she mentioned was indeed none other than me myself?!


If this was the case, this joke was indeed huge.


“That…..” Li Yalin wanted to open his mouth and ask something. With just a word out from his mouth, he noticed that this was not the Chinese language that he learned since young. This language was indeed similar to the one which the girl spoke. How did it self translate?


Huh? Li Yalin shown a strange facial expression. What was going on here?


“Your majesty demon lord, please don’t be panic. You just receive inheritance a moment ago and not getting used to it is just a normal situation.” Perhaps noticing Li Yalin in panic mode, the girl quickly stood up and explained to Li Yalin solemnly.


“Inheritance? What do you mean by that? Also your majesty demon lord that you keep repeating, that was not referring to me right?” Li Yalin pointed at his nose with his finger. If this was a joke, please tell him so immediately.


“Yes, your majesty. From now onwards, you are our Zhen Mo country’s 32th demon lord!” The girl’s reply made Li Yalin’s hope crushed completely. He received a random parcel and was caught out of nowhere. Yet now, out of nowhere, he suddenly became a demon lord?
Li Yalin desperately wished this was all a dream. Unfortunately, he was currently lying down on the demon lord’s bed. He woke up, back to sleep and repeated the cycle. When he opened his eyes, he was still facing the same d.a.m.n ceiling.


This was not a dream but the most deceptive of the deceptive reality ever!


Fortunately, Li Yalin quickly accepted this reality. Thus, at this moment, his human survival instinct was activated to the max. He must not stay here. He need to go home!


Since he could come here, of course he could go back home too. Demon lord or what, who want this position, please go ahead and claim this t.i.tle. He had no interest in this position at all!


Li Yalin was someone who would do what he said. Once he thought of doing something, he would execute the plan immediately.  After all, this was a matter related to his life and death.


However, before he even took a step, his plan was immediately halted.


Ka Maier was the name of the blonde ponytail girl. Unexpectedly, she was guarding at the door of Li Yalin’s room. Once he pushed open the door, he would be able to see Ka Maier half kneeling in front of him, waiting for any command.


What did she want actually? Rather than waiting for an order, she was obviously having him under her surveillance.


He must not let this situation continue any longer. Li Yalin need to find a way and gather all the information needed in order to find a way back home.


“That…..Ka Maier right, can you enter and have a chat with me?”


After reorganizing his messy mind, Li Yalin made the most genial expression, smiled while waving at Ka Maier.


“It is my honour, your majesty demon lord!” Ka Maier with her right hand on her chest gave her salute to Li Yalin. This made him felt that her action was so military oriented.


“Don’t be so serious. Let us just chat normally.” Looking at Ka Meier’s salute expression, Li Yalin slowly let go of his nerve. After all, this beautiful girl in front of her should be a female demon who had transformed into such appearance. Since she was the demon lord’s underling, she should be a demon too right?


At first, Li Yalin was absolutely nervous. Now, to claim that he was absolutely calm was obviously a bluff. But Ka Maier’s att.i.tude made him relax completely. One of them asked questions while the other answered. This chatting session really made him gather a lot of information.


For example, the current location Li Yalin currently at was the capital of Zhen Mo country, Xue Meng city. Only demon lord can control the castle!


Zhen Mo country and Xue Meng city? Hearing those two names, Li Yalin suddenly had a déjà vu. If he fell down into the nasty toilet bowl and being reborn as the righteous demon lord, that would have been much more familiar.


Unfortunately, he was not any righteous demon lord. There was one unlucky demon lord here though. He noticed that his body did not have any strength nor magical power. Sending him into this random world was one thing but how did he get selected as a demon lord?


But Ka Maier was determined that Li Yalin had accepted previous demon lord’s inheritance and thus becoming the 32th demon lord.




After Ka Maier dismissed herself, Li Yalin stared at both hands while feeling confused. Was this really considered as receiving the demon lord’s inheritance? He just had an additional auto translation ability.


No! No! Something must be wrong here.


Li Yalin tried to think what was that something that was fishy for such a long time till he pulled his hair hard. He had absolutely no clue at all. Was he really going to just follow the flow here?


Frankly speaking, Li Yalin desperately wanted to go home but he just couldn’t find a way back. He asked Ka Maier but she was completely clueless. Besides staying in the room and getting himself distress, he had no other option.


“Ding! Scanning completed. Data loading…”


Just when Li Yalin was in the middle of his distress mode, a high pitch sound suddenly rang in his ear causing him to jump out from the bed.


Who was speaking?


Li Yalin turned around. Besides him, there was no one else in the room.


“Medium confirmation. Matching 100%. Beginning to fuse…”


What did it mean?


“Fusion completed. Confirming identification. Activating demon lord cultivation system…”


After the voice finished its sentence, Li Yalin was stunned to notice that in front of him a virtual screen appeared. On top of the screen, a few big characters which meant demon lord’s cultivation system were there. Furthermore, they were Chinese characters!


What was this intimate and familiar feeling? Although he had just recently arrived in this world, looking at these Chinese characters, he felt an indescribable cordial.


Forget about the cordial! What the heck was this demon lord cultivation system actually?


Looking at the virtual screen, there were two options in total. One of them was character data while the other one was mission list. Li Yalin tried and touched the character data option and immediately, a new page appeared in front of him.


                        Name                          : Li Yalin


                        t.i.tle                             : 32th demon lord of Zhen Mo country


                        System ranking           : Rookie demon


                        Talent                          : None


                        Weaponry                   : None


                        Skills                            : None




Good! After he saw his family name on the screen, Li Yalin was completely speechless. Rookie demon? That was the indeed the best description about him right now. But what were those 3 question marks all about? Haven’t activated or developed yet? What condition would trigger it then?


Looking at the other option which was the mission list, besides the characters forming one line on top of the screen, others were all blurred.


Demon’s quest to level up? Task and reward is unknown. Do you want to activate the quest immediately?


Such a s.h.i.tty introduction. Since this was a quest, at least give him some clues! Without knowing the task and reward, who the h.e.l.l will accept such quest if he is still sane?


To be honest, this demon lord cultivation system really made Li Yalin speechless. Besides knowing his character’s name and rank which ridiculed himself, there was totally no other functions. The mission list was even worse. Why was there even a mission list option in the first place?


When people travel to another world, they would have some special power. However, he himself obtained an useless system instead. Although Li Yalin was totally unsatisfied with this and keep complaining, he couldn’t do anything as there was no chance to exchange his system for a better one.


Luckily, this deceptive system could be activated and deactivated anytime. After several attempts, Li Yalin found out that as he silently wished for the system to close by heart, the virtual screen will immediately disappear without any trace. At last, he let a sigh of relief.


If the virtual screen did not disappear, staring at it whole day would indeed made anyone insane.


“Your majesty demon lord, please come and eat your dinner.”


After deactivating the system, Li Yalin found himself lying on the bed yet again. There was really nothing else he could occupy himself with. During his boredom, a series of door knock could be heard. At the same time, Ka Maier’s voice could be heard from outside the door.


“Ah, alright. I am coming.”


He did not felt anything this whole day. But once Ka Maier reminded him of his meal, Li Yalin just noticed that he had not eaten anything for the whole day. He touched his withered stomach and agreed that filling up his stomach right now was the best option there.


Opening the door, he followed the lead of Ka Maier to the palace’s dining room. This dining room seemed to be a bit too extreme?


What Li Yalin saw was a more than 10 meter long table in the middle of the dining room. Li Yalin was not able to calm himself down. Such scene would only appear in the movies or manga! What would demon lord’s dinner look like then? A feast of blood and flesh?


When he thought of this, Li Yalin immediately regretted his decision. He really had to find an excuse right now to escape this calamity.