The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 0004 - A way to return home

Chapter 0004 - A way to return home


TL’d by Yorasu, Edited by Kai


The first night after arriving in this world, Li Yalin did not manage to get any sleep. His brain was in a mess. All of the incidents happening today were still vivid in his mind. He tried to restructure his chaotic thoughts but soon realized the more he did so, the messier it became.


He had suddenly entered this world and became a demon lord (1). Now he was about to have a duel with a loli princess. Being a part of such a manga like turn of events was putting a damper on his motivation; especially the upcoming duel. Whether Li Yalin was able to get through this obstacle or not remained unknown. What if one year and a day later was the anniversary of his death? Such a ruthless joke shouldn’t be happening right?


“Your majesty demon lord, you did not rest properly last night?” The next morning, two large dark circles could be seen on Li Yalin’s eyes. Looking at him, Ka Maier knew what happened to him that night. She didn’t know whether to laugh or be angry, on one hand his panda look was funny, on the other, she was angry at her sister for not knowing how to differentiate good and bad. At the same time, she was worried for Li Yalin.


“Nah, it’s nothing. I just had some stuff to do.” Li Yalin waved his hand weakly. He knew that his death was approaching very soon.


“Your majesty demon lord, please forgive Yi Siya’s att.i.tude. I have reprimanded her yesterday!” Ka Maier suddenly half kneeled in front of Li Yalin, begging forgiveness for Yi Siya.


As for Li Yalin, forgiving Yi Siya came second. What made his eyes glitter was her reprimanding of Yi Siya.


“You mean, I can choose not to duel?” Li Yalin asked with a pleasant surprise.


“This…. I am afraid you can’t do so.” Looking at Li Yalin’s surprised and hopeful expression, Ka Maier really couldn’t bear to crush his hope, but eventually shook her head and replied helplessly.


“Since the duel challenge had been issued, n.o.body can prevent it from happening.” Hearing that, Li Yalin’s expression immediately turned sour. It seemed that he couldn’t avoid his death after all.


“However, because your majesty just arrived here recently, I had a discussion with Yi Siya. She agreed on postponing the duel to a month later. After one month then, both of you will fulfil the agreement.”


“Only one month, what can I do in such a short period of time?”


Although Ka Maier had helped Li Yalin delay the duel for a month, in his point of view, a duration of one month was meaningless. He was after all just an ordinary person. Even if he trained like his life was depending on it for the next 30 days, would he be able to magically beat a demon? He did not have any aura of a main character nor any charismatic ability to make everyone worship him. Postponing the duel to a month later was only letting him live 30 days longer.


“Your majesty demon lord, you have already inherited the previous demon lord’s knowledge. Your body is currently hosting the previous demon lord’s power too. As long as you train for a bit, I believe you will be able to activate the demon lord’s fighting prowess!” At this point, Ka Maier did not agree with his words at all. Since he was selected by the previous demon lord to receive the inheritance, of course Li Yalin had the qualification to become a true demon lord.


“Training?” Li Yalin’s eyes were full of doubts, but soon, he would know what her training was all about.


“Ka Maier, how long will it take me then?”


An hour later, at the corner of a garden in Xiemeng city, Li Yalin was swinging a more than 10 pound sword up and down repeatedly. His face was wet and full of perspiration.


Just then, Li Yalin’s face showed a very tired and suffering expression. He had been under Ka Maier’s supervision for more than half an hour, training how to swing a sword. This time he could feel the soreness and pain in his arms. He had almost lost consciousness and wondered how long will this endless sword training continue until he is finally finished.


“Your majesty, this is for your own good. To beat Yi Siya in a month’s time, you have to train at twice the price and effort! Please don’t forget about this point!”


Ka Maier’s training method was similar to Spartan-style training. Compared to the usual appearance of Ka Maier when she was in front of him, she was completely different right now. He felt like she was an embodiment of a demonic instructor and was so determined to work Li Yalin out thoroughly.


“But I really can’t go on any longer…..” Li Yalin was not the type who could not suffer. He knew that his present situation was very unfavourable. Training for even a minute longer, for him, was an additional benefit. However, after swinging the sword for such long period of time, Li Yalin had indeed reached his limit.


Can’t….Really can’t anymore…


Finally, after not noticing how many times he had swung the sword, Li Yalin fell down, lying on the ground and was unable to rise up. His consciousness started to drift far away.


Black, endless darkness wrapped Li Yalin. He did not know where he was.


Did he die? Died of tiredness? If it was true, that was really a disgrace to his face.


Actually, Li Yalin felt that he had entered into a mysterious state. He was enveloped by darkness yet still had his own consciousness. However, at this moment, Li Yalin started to stand up.


Encountering this state, Li Yalin did not feel any panic at all. After the experience of recent events, he was no longer as surprised at abnormal circ.u.mstances.


“You’re quite optimistic.” When Li Yalin was self-deprecating, a female voice could be heard. Soft, elegant, solemn, charming and filled with temptation. Although he did not know how a voice could bring so much emotion, that was Li Yalin’s first impression of the voice itself.


“Who are you?” Looking back and forth, Li Yalin could not see anything at all being surrounded by eternal darkness.


“Try to guess. If you guess correctly, there will be some rewards for you, ya…” The voice rang in his ear as if she was just beside Li Yalin. He tried touching around him and found nothing.


“Stop acting mysteriously. If you want to say, just say it. If not, then just forget about it.” Li Yalin lightly hummed. He had already been fed up with encountering so many unlucky incidents. Obviously he did not have any desire to stay here any longer to ease this mysterious woman’s boredom.


“Such temper is not amusing at all. Why did I pick such a heir? This really disappoints me.”




Hearing the woman’s voice pretending to sigh, Li Yalin immediately raged after she finished her sentence.


“You are the one who brought me into this world? The previous demon lord?” LI Yalin was obviously not dumb. After hearing her words, of course he could make a conclusion that she was the culprit who bore the responsibility for all the events happening to him.


“Bingo! You had answered correctly!” Facing Li Yalin’s question, she did not bother to answer it at all. Instead, she excitedly told as if he had won a big jackpot.


This was not right! Now that he had found the culprit, he should ask her to quickly send him back home.


“Now say. What reward do you want then?” Without even waiting for Li Yalin to reply anything, the former demon lord opened her mouth and asked for the reward he wanted instead.


“I want to go home!” Li Yalin was very direct in his reply. To him right now, going back home was his only dream. He did not want any other reward.


“This reward….ah….I am so embarra.s.sed. The truth is I have been sealed. Summoning you here has used all of my energy. So it will be impossible to send you back again.” Hearing Li Yalin’s request, she suddenly became embarra.s.sed.


What? She summoned him here but couldn’t send him back home? One way ticket, such fraudulent demon?!


“Then how can I go back home?” Although the previous demon lord had already stated clearly that she did not have any energy to send him back, Li Yalin was not willing to give up. He must find a way back home or else he won’t feel calm.


“Very simple. As long as you are strong enough, you will be able to break my seal and restore my power, naturally I will be able to send you home then.” The former demon lord spoke with such an easy going tone, whereas Li Yalin, after hearing that, became helpless.


Be strong. In the end, he still needed to become strong.


Being helpless was one thing. He was scared that there would not be a way back. Now that he knew how to go back home, he finally had a goal. For this goal, he would keep struggling to achieve it.


“As long as I am strong right? You wait for me then. I will be so strong that I will break this d.a.m.n seal. Then, you will send me back home!” Li Yalin was very determined. He just needed to get stronger.


“Good, a very strong determination. I did not pick the wrong successor after all. Since you are so determined, let me give you a small benefit.”


Benefit? What benefit?


Li Yalin did not even have any opportunity to ask anything before a dizziness started to overcome him. When he woke up, he found himself lying yet again on the smooth comfortable bed of the demon lord.




1. Kai: Some are born great, some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them. Me? I wish I was given a silver spoon, which I would then turn into gold. >.