The Divine Anime System

Chapter 180

[Main t.i.tles Chosen: G.o.d of [ ] + G.o.d of the Akas.h.i.+c Records

Cultivation Stabilising...

Realm reached

-Transcendent Empyrean G.o.d Realm-]

Rei opened his eyes slightly as he heard the information. Confusion surface in his eyes as from what he could tell, the Akas.h.i.+c Records should be above the t.i.tle of [ ].

Understanding the confusion, the system gave a timely answer.

[The requirements to become the G.o.d of the Akas.h.i.+c Records is to gain a complete mastery over a single branch. At any given time, there can be only 4 people at most with this t.i.tle. Know this, just because you are t.i.tled the G.o.d of the Akas.h.i.+c Records, it doesn"t mean the records belong to you. Similar to how the system G.o.d only uses me, he doesn"t have full control over me. Due to you having mastery over two branches you have automatically gained the t.i.tle during your ascension.

In addition to this, for both t.i.tles to be at a standstill, it can be said that they are both powerful. The G.o.d of [ ] can contend with the power possessed by half of the G.o.d of Akas.h.i.+c Record t.i.tle is deemed a miraculous feat.]

Rei nodded as he too understood this fact. Whilst everything was born from nothingness, it could not escape from being recorded by the Akas.h.i.+c Records.


[Name: Rei - G.o.d of [ ], G.o.d of the Akas.h.i.+c Records

Age: N/A

Cultivation: Transcendent Empyrean G.o.d

Bloodlines: Heavenly Demon, Alucard, Divine Dragon, ???????


G.o.d t.i.tles: Element G.o.d, G.o.d of [ ], War G.o.d, G.o.d of Perception, G.o.d of Death, G.o.d of Life, G.o.d of Order, G.o.d of Chaos, Demon G.o.d, G.o.d of Slaughter, System G.o.d, G.o.d of the Akas.h.i.+c Records.

Combat Rank: Transcendent Empyrean G.o.d (New!)

Body rank: Transcendent Empyrean G.o.d (New!)

Soul Rank: Transcendent Empyrean G.o.d (New!)

Will Rank: True G.o.d Emperor (New!)

Akas.h.i.+c Record:

Skill Branch - Full

Knowledge Branch - Full

Heavenly Fate Insight Branch - N/A

Heavenly Fate Rewrite Branch - N/A]

Rei smiled lightly as he saw his new stats.

Giving himself an internal scan, Rei saw that most of his energy storage had changed slightly. They were more efficient and held more power.

If it had a unit of measurement, then one unit of the new energy would be worth around a hundred units of his previous energy.

[When one enters G.o.d Hood, their bodies will change dramatically and be refined using what is known as the G.o.d Source. The G.o.d Source is an incredibly dense energy reservoir that every G.o.d Realm cultivator develop.]

"G.o.d Source huh?" Rei muttered as he feels like he could take on 10 versions of him before reaching G.o.d Hood.

In addition to this, Rei understood that once a person reached G.o.d Hood, they would gain some resistances such as resistance to death element. But it seems like as long as one can coat themselves with enough G.o.d Source, the damage done through elements and physical are much lower.

However, what he doesn"t know is that this would be a tough task for anyone below True G.o.d Emperor. After reaching Transcendent Empyrean G.o.d Realm, his energy had multiplied ridiculously making even the energy reservoir of True G.o.d Emperor"s seem small.

Shaking his head slightly, Rei started to solidify his current realm as the energy outside was going berserk.

As he started to absorb all the energy around him, he started to see images as if looking at a story book. His eyebrows furrowed as he understood it was images of his past life.


He was called Rei, the son of the current strongest True G.o.d Emperor. Having reached G.o.d Hood in a short 500 years una.s.sisted, he was named a genius. There were no more than 10 True G.o.d Emperors as each held a territory in the higher realms.

With him reaching G.o.d Hood and entering True G.o.d Emperor Rank, the other Emperors set their eyes on their territory.

Whilst this was happening, his mother gave birth to two daughters. One was called Kyra and the other Lia. When he saw his baby sisters, Rei felt joy and wanted to protect them from the outside world where wars are raging for each territory.

His mother, Jane, was one of the strongest Cultivators around just shy of his father. However, Rei felt more attached to her than anyone due to the time they spent and the time she took out of her busy schedule of fighting against enemies to teach him.

As he and his sisters grew up, they started to grow attached to him in a way not befitting of siblings, but incestual relations.h.i.+ps were not uncommon in the higher realms. As G.o.ds, the children born will be without impurities.

However, Rei made sure he kept a certain distance as he wanted to see his sisters find happiness outside of him due to the high chance of death should he go to war.

He knew that the female cultivators that approached him would disappear one by one, but he didn"t stop his sister"s since he knew who they were from their gaze. They were the type to value power and advantages over relations.h.i.+ps. Not to mention, some of them were spies from enemies hoping to chain him down using the emotion called love.

As the G.o.ddess of Fate, Kyra could easily see through their ident.i.ties and put an end to them when they least expect it. Lia helped as she trusted Kyra.

One day, as he was going to train with his mother, Rei saw his father grasping the soul of his mother with her face torn with agony.

Before he could even shout stop, he saw her soul shatter to pieces.

Rage flushed him as his shot towards his father with anger. But unfortunately, his father wasn"t known as the strongest for nothing. Subdued easily, Rei glared at his father.

"Do not blame me son, your mother was not who we thought she was. She would have brought the eventual end to all of the higher realms. Do you understand why she trained you so hard? She wanted to take your power and add it to herself. She was greedy, manipulative and cruel. She wasn"t the perfect mother and woman we both envisioned." His father would say shaking his head.

But Rei didn"t care, she was still his mother and a person he was willing to go to extreme lengths to save.

As his father left, he sat beside his mother"s corpse. The only hope was that he could save a portion of her soul and slowly nurture it again so that she may enter reincarnation once more.

As luck was have it, there were indeed a small portion but it was so small that Rei had no idea how long it would take to even make it strong enough to survive reincarnation.

Deciding to protect this soul as best he could, Rei made a separate container inside his body as his energy would be used every once in a while to nurture this soul.

Since his mother was gone, Rei took the role of looking after his sister"s making sure that they were protected and safe. During this time, his relations.h.i.+p with his father strayed further and further that it could barely even be called a relations.h.i.+p.

Since his was spending more time with his sister"s, their feeling for him grew even more as Rei would only smile and shake his head. He couldn"t distance himself nor did he want to. They were the only people left since his mother died. As for his father, he didn"t consider him to be family anymore.

The war raged harder than even when the other territories heard of his mother"s death. His father having to a.s.sist all battlefields became more and more worn out.

Wanting to pay back all that he owed his father, Rei decided to a.s.sist on the battlefield.

His first kill was against a True G.o.d who were the general of the opposite faction. This drew their attention onto him even more as the True G.o.d had been training for far longer. Logic would have it that he could have defeated Rei due to his experience and skills. But in the end, he still died to Rei"s blade.

His expertise with any form of weapon gave him an upper hand as he was able to counter all who came his way. Eventually, this became a skill for him to learn the enemy"s movements in just a single glance allowing him to defeat them through their flaws.

Soon, his name rang across all battlefields as the demon general that left a river of corpses wherever he goes. of different ranks would try to kill him, but he survived every time. But when a True G.o.d who had power rivalling the True G.o.d Emperor"s attacked him, he was left on his last breath.

The was able to cut him at his tendons at blinding speeds that he could barely react. His body tried its best to heal but it couldn"t out heal the damage he took. His mind turned hoping to find a solution.

It was in times of danger where a person would show their potential. Rei managed to create a skill which made his entire body a weapon.

As the brought his dagger closer to his neck, he only smiled before countless weapons were formed around his body stabbing the, killing him when he was caught off guard.

Having survived against a veteran True G.o.d, Rei made his power known across the territories. Even though he was a young True G.o.d Emperor; he wasn"t any weaker than they were.

Soon, the wars started to turn in their favour as some of the True G.o.d Emperors decided to opt out of the war. With only a few territories left that still wage war against them, Rei found some time to return to his sisters.

But this time, he felt something off about Kyra. It was almost like a complete 180-degree change from how she was previously. A little more.... bloodthirsty.

Rei would dismiss this as a side effect from fighting wars too often.

However, his father was not the same. Sensing the change, he banished both her and Lia outside of their territory. This made it so that the enemies could easily use them against Rei to corner him.

Having fought a verbal war with his father, Rei also left the territory leaving it slightly weakened. The Emperor"s that opted out of the war re-joined with even more fervour as the ent.i.ty known as Rei left his faction.

After he left, he had received invitations to join different factions but turned down each and every one of them.

The three of them looked for a location to stay outside of the territories and eventually found the Forsaken Realm. This realm was forgotten and abandoned leaving demons and beasts roaming around.

The realm was dangerous as it had an influx of false G.o.d beasts with strengths rivalling True G.o.ds and some even True G.o.d Emperor"s.

Fighting his way through the horde whilst protecting his sisters, Rei a.s.serted dominance over the entire Forsaken Realm.

Ruling as king, Rei started to build up the strength of the Forsaken Realm.

The wars outside had died down as they came to a truce. Rei didn"t know the details of the truce, but he did know that they were turning their weapon towards him.

When the beasts captured a spy, Rei used a technique that read the soul to make sure there were no lies. It turned out that it was his father who brought this up. It was his own father who was so adamant about killing his sister"s that Rei decided to wage full out war with the entire Higher Realms.

"If the Higher Realms cannot bare the existence of my siblings, then I have no need for this realm." Was the sentence Rei said before waging war.

The enemy had several True G.o.d Emperor"s so Rei couldn"t be careless. The Forsaken Realm had an ample amount of Chaos element therefore he started to comprehend the Element of Chaos little by little.

Having comprehended the Chaos element, Rei understood the potential one would hold should they understand the origin concepts such as Chaos and Order. The t.i.tle he held when he became a G.o.d was the G.o.d of Light. He gained the G.o.d of Creation t.i.tle after the fight with the

With two conflicting elements inside of him being Creation and Chaos, Rei eventually found a balance between the two. His power skyrocketed to the point where killing a True G.o.d Emperor was an easy task should it be a one on one.

Finding a hint to ascending to a realm higher than the True G.o.d Emperor, Rei started to comprehend the two opposites of the universe all whilst fighting the biggest war of the Forsaken Realm against the Higher Realms.

It was during this war that he saw Eve and Bai Wu. These two were the princesses of an opposing faction with the power of a True G.o.d. Eve being the G.o.ddess of Time and Bai Wu being the Mythical Beast G.o.ddess.

falling back on the battlefield, Rei got his subordinates to gather the information about these two G.o.ddesses" as he slowly fell in love from the times he saw them in battle.

Not being able to hold himself back, he hid his ident.i.ty as he sought them out. He understood that this would bring them danger, but the selfish desire inside him ignored that.

The three of them grew closer the more Rei visited. To him, these two were the most beautiful people he had ever met. To them, he was a mysterious G.o.d who helped them improve. He was their teacher of sorts and their feelings started to bud as well.

Not wanting to hurt her friend, Eve would hide away her feelings whilst Bai Wu did the same. Rei decided to finally confess to the two of them but was stopped when he received news that the main realm was under attack.

His face was serious as he suddenly left, confusing the two. Soon they also needed to leave as there were news that they discovered the main HQ of the enemy.

This battle was a lot harder since Rei had to defend against the full a.s.sault of 10 True G.o.d Emperors.

Utilising all of his power"s, Rei managed to kill 8 of the True G.o.d Emperor"s leaving only two left but he was already at the end of his ropes.

"My son, for you to reach this stage I am both proud yet disappointing. Why did you have to stay with those wenches?" His father would ask.

"f.u.c.k you. Those wenches you talk about are my sister and your daughter." Rei would reply as blood flowed out his mouth.

But Rei paused mid fight when he saw Eve and Bai Wu. They covered their mouths in shock seeing the person they love be their enemy.

Kyra who was fighting off the other G.o.ds paused seeing this. The bloodthirsty intent that had developed over time surged as a single sentence rang out in her mind.

"Someone took brother away from me."

Wielding the dagger made from her G.o.d t.i.tle " G.o.ddess of True Death" she lunged towards Eve and Bai Wu.

One of the last True G.o.d Emperor"s was the Bai Wu"s father and the friend of Eve"s father, ran in front of both Eve and Bai Wu ready to kill Kyra.

Rei wasn"t idle either as he charged towards the G.o.d Emperor to stop him from killing Kyra.

Sending his senses towards her, he could feel something corrode on her mind as he became enraged.

"Who dares!" He thought as he knew Kyra was no longer in control.

The dagger was about to hit them when the True G.o.d Emperor decided to self-destruct as Eve and Bai Wu dying was better than never reincarnating.


The memories stopped there as Rei"s gaze became cold.

Taking a deep breath, Rei thought about the fact that someone started to control his sister.

"She may not even be herself right now." Rei thought as he stood up.

"But to think Lia became Aiko, my adopted daughter. I wonder what she thought about that." Rei imagined the situation awkwardly before stepping off the platform.

"What rank did you reach?" Ingris asked with sweat dripping down his back. The power Rei radiated was intense as he could barely breath.

"True G.o.d Emperor." Rei lied as the rank Transcendent Empyrean G.o.d was still unknown. He still needed some time to get used to this body.

"T-True G.o.d Emperor!?!" Ingris widened his eyes in shock.

Ignoring his gaze, Rei walked away with questions floating around in his mind.

"What happened to Kyra afterwards? How did she survive? How did Lia die? How did Eve become part of the system?" Rei thought as there seemed to be more to his memory, but it was covered by a veil that he couldn"t brush aside.

"As for mother..." Rei thought as he scanned the hidden storage he placed in his soul. His mother"s soul was still slowly being nurtured as Rei sighed in relief. His death didn"t end the one chance he had to save her.

Sighing in slight relief, Rei waited for Eve and Bai Wu to exit the tower.