The Divine Doctor and Stay-at-home Dad

Chapter 824 Autism

Chapter 824 Autism

Qin Haodong said, “Mr. Frey, forget about the consultation fee. I want you to do me a favor.”

Frey’s look changed. It was quite troublesome to owe anyone a favor, especially for someone like him who was in an important position. It could be difficult to agree to their terms.

To dispel his concerns, Qin said, “Don’t be nervous. It’s just a little favor and I won’t charge you even if you can do nothing about it.”

Rowling said directly, “Doctor Qin, you’ve helped us a lot. Please feel free to tell us what we can do for you. We’ll do the best we can.”

“Here’s the thing…”

Qin Haodong told them about the medicine factory he was going to build in M Country, and then said, “We want to achieve ma.s.s production of the Blood Revival Pill. Have you heard of it? It’s a radical cure for leukemia. The pills have been sold in Huaxia for several months, and it’s highly effective.”

“There’re many patients with leukemia in the West, so I want to set up factories to produce the pills in large quant.i.ties here. Mr. Frey, could you tell me how to get the approval from the FDA?”

Rowling was surprised. “Is there really a cure for leukemia? A friend of mine has been suffering from leukemia for many years and he’s been in so much pain that he’s tried to kill himself many times. It will be great if you can really cure this disease.”

Owen said, “I’ve heard of the Blood Revival Pill and have done some research. It’s indeed a cure for leukemia, but it hasn’t been introduced to the West yet.”

Jennifer said, “Frey, it’s great that Doctor Qin wants to set up factories to sell the medicine here. You must help him.”

Hearing that Qin just wanted his advice, Frey was relieved, but he said reluctantly, “To be honest, I would directly approve it if I were the director of the FDA.”

“But I’m just a deputy leader without any executive authority. You have to first get the approval of Director Barns before going through the procedures for producing the Blood Revival Pills.”

Qin Haodong said, “I’ve done some research and found that Barns is quite resistant to traditional Chinese medicine and he’s quite a stickler to his standpoint. How can I persuade him to accept the Blood Revival Pill?”

Frey nodded, “You’re right. Barns is quite resistant to traditional Chinese medicine and he’s an upright man of strong principles. Even if the president of M Country comes to persuade him, he won’t give in.”

“It is impossible for Barns to approve the entry of Blood Revival Pill into the market of M country, unless…”

Speaking of this, he shook his head again. “Forget it. It’s absolutely impossible.”

Hearing that there was some hope, Qin Haodong became excited, “Mr. Frey, could you please tell me how to convince Mr. Barns?”

Frey thought for a moment and said, “Barns married late, and has a little daughter, Angel, at an old age. The kid is beautiful, just like an angel.”

“But Angel is autistic and has never been in contact with the outside world even though she’s already six. She can’t even call her parents.”

“To cure Angel, the couple visited the world’s famous doctors over the years, but there is almost no cure for autism, and the recovery rate is extremely low. There has been no sign of improvement for the past years.”

“If you can cure Angel’s disease and prove the value of TCM, I guess that Barns will accept the Blood Revival Pill. But autism is a mental disease, and it’s incurable. But I know this is an imposition.”

Before Qin Haodong could say anything, Jennifer said, “Frey, it’s impossible to cure autism. Is there any other way? Can we just give Barns some money?”

Frey said, “That’s impossible. Neither Barns nor his wife, Kelly, are not greedy for money. Since they knew there is no cure for their daughter’s disease, they have donated their additional a.s.sets to UNICEF. How could they be moved by our money?”

Rowling said eagerly, “But leukemia patients here really need the Blood Revival Pill.”

Frey said, “Then there’s nothing I can do. I can’t persuade Barns.”

“Mr. Frey, please take me to Mr. Barns. I can cure his daughter’s autism,” Qin Haodong said.

When they heard what he said, all those present were shocked. They didn’t think the girl with severe autism could be cured.

Owen said, “Doctor Qin, you’re definitely an excellent doctor, but autism is a mental disease. It seems that TCM is not effective against such a disease.”

Qin Haodong smiled, “Who told you that TCM is not effective against mental diseases? Trust me, I can do it.”

Frey said, “Mr. Qin, I trust you, but Barns won’t. I’m afraid that he won’t even give you a chance to treat Angel if he knew that you’re a TCM doctor.”

Owen said, “It doesn’t matter. We can go together to vouch for Doctor Qin.”

Owen was very excited. He had just seen Qin Haodong treat cancer by using acupuncture. Now he wanted to see how Qin cured autism with magical traditional Chinese medicine.

Rowling added, “Yes, I want to go with you to vouch for Doctor Qin. I believe that Barns will trust him after learning that he’s cured my breast cancer.”

“Well, let’s try it together.”

They left Frey’s house and went over to Barns’ home.

They were at a small manor in the suburb of City N. The manor was not quite large, but the surroundings were nice. It looked particularly beautiful with red walls, green tiles and lush vegetation.

In the fenced yard, a pretty young woman was pruning flowers. Next to her, an angelic little girl was sitting on the gra.s.s, with a dazed look on her face.

The young woman glanced at the little girl from time to time with love and sadness.

Frey left the car at the roadside and came to the yard, “Mrs. Kelly, is Mr. Barns at home?”

The young woman was Kelly, Barns’s wife. She walked over with a smile when she saw Frey and Rowling and then opened the gate, “It’s been a long time. Welcome.”

When he heard that guests were coming, a middle-aged man in his forties came out. He was Barns, the director of the FDA, a somewhat old-fas.h.i.+oned man.

The Freys who were old friends of Barns, were invited into the living room with Qin and the others. Angel was still sitting outside. Her big eyes, although open, showed no vitality or interests like her peers. She looked just like a doll.

After they sat down, Frey introduced Qin Haodong to Barns and his wife, “Qin is an amazing doctor. He said he could cure Angel’s autism.”

Hearing that her daughter could be cured, Kelly became excited. “Doctor Qin, are you sure you can do it?”

Qin Haodong nodded, “I’m sure!”

But Barns was not as excited as his wife, “Doctor Qin, may I ask where you are from? Have you done any research on autism?”

Qin Haodong said frankly, “I’m a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine.”

“Doctor of TCM?” Barns’ face immediately clouded after he learned of Qin’s profession. He said to Frey with dissatisfaction, “Mr. Frey, don’t you know that I hate TCM the most? It’s nothing but a scam. How can you ask a cheap crook to treat my daughter?”

Frey looked embarra.s.sed, but Barns’s reaction was not unexpected. He said, “Mr. Frey, you’re biased against traditional Chinese medicine. It is very magical, and Qin’s also an excellent doctor.”

Rowling added, “Yes, Mr. Barns. Just now, Doctor Qin cured my breast cancer with his magical acupuncture. Traditional Chinese medicine is really amazing. Please give him a chance.”

“Cure breast cancer with acupuncture? Are you kidding me?” Barns sneered. “That’s impossible. You must have been fooled by this guy.”

Owen stood up, “Mr. Barns, I am a tumor specialist from the World Medical a.s.sociation. You can call me Owen.”

“Maybe you think Rowling was deceived because she knows nothing about medicine, but I am an expert in tumor treatment and I’m sure that Doctor Qin has cured her.”

“I witnessed the magic of Doctor Qin’s medical skills the last time I went to Huaxia with President Alice. You can definitely let him have a try.”


Barns didn’t know how to argue against Owen, but his prejudice against traditional Chinese medicine was deeply rooted in his life. It was not so easy to change his mind.

“Mr. Frey, Mr. Owen, what you said might be true, or maybe Doctor Qin really cured Rowling’s breast cancer, but so what?

“Angel has autism, which is a mental disease, completely different from physical diseases. I don’t think traditional Chinese medicine is effective for her case.”


Barns’ words rendered them speechless. Although they believed in Qin Haodong’s medical skills, they had never seen a case where traditional Chinese medicine could heal mental patients, so they didn’t dare to make any promises.

Qin Haodong looked quite calm. He smiled and said, “Mr. Barns, maybe you don’t know much about me. I’ve developed the Blood Revival Pill, a cure for leukemia. Its effect has been fully confirmed in Huaxia in the past few months.”

“I want to build factories to produce the Blood Revival Pills in large quant.i.ties, in order to relieve the pain of leukemia patients here.”

Kelly, who had been silent, grabbed her husband’s arm and cried excitedly, “Dear, Doctor Qin can cure cancer and leukemia. I think we should give him a chance.”

But Barns was quite stubborn, “So what? Leukemia is also a kind of physical sickness. It’s completely different from mental diseases such as autism. TCM doesn’t work on Angel.”

Barns stood firm in his stance against traditional Chinese medicine. Qin Haodong looked at him, took out a bank card and said, “How about we make a bet? There are 300 million dollars on this card. It will be yours if I fail to cure her.”

“If I make it, I want you to trust in traditional Chinese medicine from now on and allow me to produce the Blood Revival Pills in City N.”

“Ha! This is your true purpose, isn’t it? You just want my approval.” Barns said gloomily, “I won’t allow traditional Chinese medicine to enter the M Country market, nor will I bet on my daughter’s health with you.”

Qin Haodong sneered, “Mr. Barns, do you think you’re really on the side of justice by being against TCM?”

“Leukemia patients are suffering from their illnesses, and your daughter will sit there like a doll and know nothing about the world at all. All this is due to your stubbornness.”

“I did want the Blood Revival Pills to enter M Country’s market, but so what? My medicine is really effective and can completely cure leukemia.”

“If you turn this down, all the leukemia patients in M Country will suffer greatly.”