The Eunuch is Pregnant

Chapter 66: Cook a late night snack for three

Chapter 66: Cook a late night snack for three

Leng Jun Yu didn"t take another look at Le Yao Yao as he took huge strides out the door. Le Yao Yao softly collapsed on the ground. It wasn"t until the carved wooden doors closed before Le Yao Yao finally dare to take deep breaths.

Wuwu! She actually got away!

Oh G.o.d! She managed to escape from calamity!

Earlier, she was truly afraid the King of h.e.l.l was going to pounce on her and discover she was actually a woman. Perhaps, he would have been so furious that he would"ve killed her.

Fortunately, nothing happened.

But was she really okay?! What about the future?

She still had to work at the Prince"s residence. She was still the King of h.e.l.l"s personal eunuch. She will definitely be spending more time with him.

If something like this happened again, what will she do?!

At that moment, Le Yao Yao was stressed….


Because of what had happened in the Study, Le Yao Yao was scared witless. Her heart was so preoccupied that she barely ate. Xiao Mu Zi was worried about her health, and continuously urged her.

However, Le Yao Yao didn"t have the heart to worry Xiao Mu Zi, so she told him that she ate too much this morning. Afterwards, she went back to the Prince"s courtyard.

Earlier, someone had already spread the message to her that Prince Rui will be returning late tonight. There was no need for the kitchen to prepare his supper. Most likely, he was eating at the Imperial Palace.

Le Yao Yao had no idea when Prince Rui was coming back. But currently, she was still quite troubled by what had happened. So she decided to sit down and admire the flowers and plants in order to calm her unstable emotions. Unexpectedly, she ended up falling asleep due to the faint fragrance of the flowers.

Le Yao Yao had no idea how long she had slept for. But in her drowsy state, she vaguely heard rustling footsteps and voices. She rubbed her sleepy eyes and realized she had fallen asleep without knowing it.

She looked around her surroundings and realized it was night. When she looked up, the blackness appeared limitless. In addition, there were so many stars; they were like beautiful diamonds that had been splashed across the sky.

The lanterns had just been lit, and the nighttime residence was much more peaceful compared to the daytime.

However, Le Yao Yao had no time to enjoy this comfortable moment. Her eyes unintentionally swept across the scenery and she noticed a figure that was gradually approaching her. She was so startled that she leaped up from the ground.

Because the King of h.e.l.l was coming!!!!

Le Yao Yao also noticed there were two people standing behind the King of h.e.l.l. The two guys looked around nineteen or twenty years of age, and they were quite handsome.

Both of them were wearing black, but their facial expressions were totally opposite. One of them had an icy face liked the King of h.e.l.l, while the other had a cheerful smile on his face; as if no matter what happens, he would always be smiling.

Le Yao Yao wasn"t familiar with the two guys, but she a.s.sumed they were two of Prince Ru"s highly valued secret agents.

Although Le Yao Yao still had lingering fears towards the King of h.e.l.l, she politely lowered her head to greet him.

"Your servant wishes Prince Rui well."

"Mm. Go cook the three of us a late-night snack and bring it to the Study."

Then, Prince Rui and his subordinates headed towards the Study. Le Yao Yao was left stunned and all alone.

"What?! Cook a late-night snack for three and bring it to the Study? But shouldn"t the Cook be responsible for cooking? How come he is telling me to do it?!"

Although Le Yao Yao was grumpy, she didn"t dare to go against the King of h.e.l.l"s words. So with jolting b.u.t.tocks, she hurried to the kitchen.

Since it was nighttime, the huge kitchen was extremely quiet with no one in sight. It was completely opposite of the mornings.

This was because the residence had a rule in which states that unless the Masters instructed, servants were not allowed to be in the kitchen aside from the designated mealtimes.

If the Prince was hungry, he would tell a servant and it was the servant"s job to tell the Kitchen to prepare some food.

However, the King of h.e.l.l implied he wanted her to cook. So, Le Yao Yao felt it would be wrong to inconvenient others. After all, it was already late. Everyone must be tired from all their tasks today. They still have lots to do tomorrow!

Plus, it was only a snack for three. That should be easy peasy for her!

In addition, she barely ate dinner, so it was a perfect opportunity to cook herself a portion too! She must fill her stomach!

After making up her mind, Le Yao Yao immediately rolled up her sleeves and walked around the kitchen to gather all the food and materials she needed to prepare.

Then, she washed and chopped everything. She clasped her hands and was ready to cook!

But, Le Yao Yao realized there was a serious problem. She didn"t know how to start a fire! F**k!

Although her culinary skills were very good, she had always used coal gas or electric stoves in the past. When did she ever had to start a fire?

Last time she cooked for Prince Rui, Xiao Mu Zi personally helped her start the fire. All she had to do was fry the food. But now…

Le Yao Yao looked at the huge pile of neatly chopped firewood and her mouth twitched.

However, she didn"t think it was a big deal. It was merely starting a fire. She was a 21st century new human being that had transmigrated here. How could something so small be an obstacle for her?

Thinking of this, Le Yao Yao raised her fists and cheered herself on from the inside. Then, she crouched down and began to start the fire.

But the truth was, not everyone can light fires. Le Yao Yao was a perfect example.

After using the flint to ignite the rice straw, Le Yao Yao was concerned she wouldn"t be able to fry the food and add the firewood at the same time. So, she kept stuffing the straws and firewood into the hole.

Soon, there was black smoke coming out. In no time, the entire kitchen was hazy.

Even though Le Yao Yao used a handkerchief to cover her nose, the black smoke made her choke and her eyes watered. Ultimately, she couldn"t handle it anymore and rushed out of the kitchen. She decided to take a breath of fresh air and finish her task after the smoke clears up.

Unexpectedly, in just a few seconds, the kitchen behind her lit up in a blaze. Le Yao Yao"s eyes widened and her mind instantly turned blank.

It"s over! It"s over! AHHHH. It caught on fire!

"Ahhhh…..d.a.m.n it!"

Le Yao Yao harshly stomp her feet and decided to rush back in since the fire was still rather small. She planned to extinguish the fire by pouring water on it.

But there was a saying, "The more you panic, the more you mess up." This was extremely applicable in Le Yao Yao"s case.

She was planning to use water, but she ended up pouring alcohol instead.

After the alcohol, the small fire made an explosive sound and became super high!

Le Yao Yao was so flabbergasted that she couldn"t help but back up like crazy. She was worried she was going to be burn!

Unfortunately, she didn"t pay attention to where she was going and she ended up tripping over a wicker basket.

Le Yao Yao felt a stab of pain and heard a faint crack coming from her leg…

"Ugghh….d.a.m.n it! So painful!"

Not only did she fall onto the ground, she also injured her ankle. Currently, Le Yao Yao was pale and her face was grimacing in pain.

Worse of all, the fire was rapidly spreading. After all, there was a lot of dry firewood in the kitchen. In addition, there were alcohol, oil, wooden tables and chairs; basically everything that was flammable.

Le Yao Yao was stupefied. There was no time to worry about her injury. Her pupils grew big and she opened her small mouth to scream, "Come help, people! Fire!!!"