The Eunuch is Pregnant

Chapter 69: Prince Rui smiled

Chapter 69: Prince Rui smiled

"Prince Rui. Servant knows some solution in regards to dealing with floods and droughts. Servant was wondering if Prince Rui was willing to take some time and listen?"

Leng Jun Yu was surprised. He wasn"t expecting this. His cold pupils rested on Le Yao Yao for a moment. Both Le Yao Yao and Xiao Mu Zi were intimidated and nervous.

In addition, Xiao Mu Zi was doubtful. After all, when he brought Le Yao Yao here, he had no idea that Le Yao Yao was going to say something like this.

It wasn"t that he didn"t trust Le Yao Yao, but if the Emperor and his Imperial Ministers couldn"t solve it, what makes him think he can?!

Leng Jun Yu also had these thoughts running through his mind. But when he noticed Le Yao Yao"s glistening and determined pupils, he began to trust "him".

After all, if "he" was totally uncertain, he wouldn"t have rushed over despite of his injury.

The moment Leng Jun Yu remembered "his" injury, his eyes flickered and he put down his book and pointed to the carved wooden chair as he calmly spoke in his low voice.

"Even if that is so, sit down before you speak."

"Eh? Thank you Prince Rui!"

So, Le Yao Yao sat down and quickly spilled all her thoughts.

"Prince Rui, Servant has some ideas but isn"t sure if it will be able to take the burden off your chest. If servant is incorrect, please do not be angry!"

"Of course! If you are correct, this Prince shall heavily reward you."

Le Yao Yao"s eyes immediately lit up. Initially, she just wanted to help Prince Rui because he had saved her life. But now that he mentioned about rewards, she was super excited on the inside.

After all, her position and salary was low at the residence. When will she be able to save up money?

So, this was the perfect opportunity for her to stand out amongst her peers. If she does a good job and makes the Prince happy, he might reward her with silver taels or an antique vase of some sort…

The moment Le Yao Yao imagined not having to worry about her living expenses for half a lifetime, her eyes and mouth broke into a curvy smile. The corners of her mouth were almost stretched to the borders of her ears. She was practically drooling.

But she had no idea that her cla.s.sic greedy expression was naively displayed on her cute face.

Leng Jun Yu couldn"t help but curved into a slight smile as he observed Le Yao Yao from across the table.

"In order for a country to run well, five harms must first be eliminated."

"Oh? Please continue."

At first, Leng Jun Yu didn"t have high hopes for Le Yao Yao. After all, at the end of the day, Le Yao Yao was from a poor background. He had never gone through schooling. What type of solution could he possibly think of?

But seeing how determined he was, Leng Jun Yu knew "he" truly wanted to help him. So, he didn"t want to reject his good intentions.

If possible, he honestly wanted "him" to stay by his side forever…

Leng Jun Yu was taken aback by this sudden thought. But even more shocking was what Le Yao Yao said in continuation.

Honestly, Le Yao Yao wasn"t sure if the suggestions she said were correct. But using on her memory, she elaborated on all the relieve disaster plans she had studied from her previous life. Ex. How to prevent disasters, how to provide relief aid, how to feed immigrants and so on…

However, the more she went in depth, the more she felt like she was correct. Because the King of h.e.l.l"s tired and bloodshot eyes began to lit up with a glimmer of hope. It was like a candle that had ignited at night. It was a dazzling sight!

"How did you learn about this stuff?"

After Le Yao Yao was finished her explanation, astonishment appeared on Leng Jun Yu"s initial expressionless face. Even his tone of voice displayed disbelief.

Le Yao Yao felt relieved and satisfied because she knew her words could definitely help the King of h.e.l.l eliminate his recent stresses.

Hehe, after all, she was a new human being that had transmigrated from the 21st century! A search on the internet would provide many solutions to this type of stuff.

However, she obviously couldn"t tell the King of h.e.l.l the truth. So, she reservedly reached out to touch the back of her head and pretended to blush.

"Servant used to read a lot of books and then thought about it."

"Oh, I see!"

Leng Jun Yu suddenly saw the light with Le Yao Yao"s a.s.sistance. It was as if he had helped him removed a huge rock off his chest and got rid of his evil aura. The corner of his mouth curved into a big smile.

Prince Rui"s smile was like a seductive poison. Le Yao Yao felt like her mind exploded as it turned blank. All of a sudden, her pulse began to jump like *bang bang bang*; as if a little rabbit had jumped inside and couldn"t stop itself.

Once again, it appeared that she had fallen for the King of h.e.l.l"s charm.

Leng Jun Yu noticed the peculiar expression on Le Yao Yao"s face and finally realized he was smiling.

He was actually quite amazed as well. Because it has been years since he smiled.

Since Le Yao Yao was staring at him so intently, Leng Jun Yu felt a bit shy. However, he still calmly returned the smile. Then, he told Le Yao Yao he must enter the Palace immediately and left the Study in huge strides.

After all, there was finally a solution to this issue. He must hurry and tell his brother Emperor. Brother Emperor must currently be worried sick about this.

At the same time, Leng Jun Yu couldn"t help but sigh on the inside. It appears that he had picked up a treasure.

Xiao Tu Zi…always had the ability to surprise him…

"Oh G.o.d! Is my vision blurry? Prince Rui..actually smiled?!"

Xiao Mu Zi was in shock. Then, he giggled. "Hoho! So it turns out the Prince can smile! I"ve only seen Prince Rui with an icy face. I thought he wasn"t capable of smiling! Eh, Xiao Yao Zi, why is your face so red? Do you have a fever?!"

Seeing how anxious Xiao Mu Zi was, Le Yao Yao felt her cheeks with two hands and realized they were burning.

Oh G.o.d! Was she turning red because of the King of h.e.l.l?!


Master was in a very good mood. This was the first time Mei and Xing had seen their Master so happy.

After all, they have been by Master"s side ever since they were little. Master had an icy face all year round. He had always been expressionless -even if the sky was cras.h.i.+ng down, his eyebrows wouldn"t even crinkle.

In addition, Master had amazing martial arts abilities. Although he had a cold personality, he was a very fair person. They respected him very much.

However, Master never smiled. Even when Leng Jun Yu faced his brother or mentor, he would lessen the coldness, but remained serious.

In the past, they thought Master wasn"t capable of smiling.

But they were wrong.

It turned out Master could smile….when he meets the right person.

Chapter 70: "He" was planning to leave him

Since they have a solution now, the Emperor quickly directed his subordinates to implement the plan. He was extremely pleased and wanted to have a feast at the Palace for his beloved brother.

Today, the ecstatic Emperor continuously filled his cup with wine. Leng Jun Yu felt like he had drank too much. At this rate, he was going to get drunk.

Although, now that the drought and flood issues were resolved, he could afford to be intoxicated. If worse comes to worse, he will take a day off from the Imperial Court tomorrow. Recently, he had been so restless and stressed. Hence, it was indeed time to give himself a few days to relax.

However, ever since he was young, Leng Jun Yu had always remained somewhat sober regardless of which venue he was in. The reason was because he had a lot of enemies due to his position and past history. Although he had secret agents to protect him, he would never allowed himself to get totally drunk except on his mother"s death anniversary; which occurred once a year.

While Leng Jun Yu was deep in thought, he had already returned to his residence.

This was the first time he felt so warm towards his residence. It gave him a "home" type of feel.

Ever since he was bestowed the t.i.tle of a "Prince", he was given this residence. But until a year ago, he was training with his Master in Tianshan mountain. Since he was rarely here, he had never once considered this place as his home.

In the past, the residence was always icy and cold. It didn"t matter if he never came back.

But now, he had a desire to speed home.

Was "he" already asleep? Or was he standing by the entrance waiting for my return?

Thinking of this, Leng Jun Yu instantly looked forward to seeing Le Yao Yao as the corner of his mouth curved into a smile.

It was a faint smile, but Mei and Xing noticed. Then they both gave each other a meaningful glance.

Leng Jun Yu wasn"t aware of his secret agents" behaviour as he took huge strides into his residence. He quickly swept his eyes across his surroundings until they paused at a certain spot.

He noticed the rear views of Xiao Mu Zi and Le Yao Yao. Leng Jun Yu halted his step and waved his hand to indicate to his two secret agents that may dismiss themselves.

Since Leng Jun Yu had practiced martial arts for years, his hearing was especially strong. In addition, his footsteps were very light. Basically, unless it was a strong martial artist, most wouldn"t be able to detect his existence.

So, currently, Le Yao Yao and Xiao Mu Zi had no idea that Leng Jun Yu had returned. Thus, they were speaking without any precautions.

"Xiao Yao Zi, do you think your words were able to help the Prince?"

"Hehe. Didn"t you see Prince Rui smiling? That must mean my solution is useful! The citizens from the drought and flood will be ok!"

Thinking of this, Le Yao Yao was very proud of herself.

Oh G.o.d! She had finally made a good contribution since she had arrived here. This type of feeling cannot be described through words.

She has definitely made all the transmigrated women proud!

Le Yao Yao was extremely pleased and happy. Her smile became even brighter.

Currently, because she was injured, she didn"t have to do anything at the residence. Xiao Mu Zi was temporarily transferred here and Le Yao Yao was delighted! Because now she had someone to hang out with!

Since all the tasks were completed and the King of h.e.l.l has not returned yet, they were both leisurely lying on the gra.s.s by the meadow.

There were countless amount of stars twinkling in the sky. As Le Yao Yao lied on the gra.s.s, she raised her hands up high; as if she wanted to pull the stars down.

The silvery light from the bright moon was gentle and soft as it spilled onto the rooftops and lanterns. It was a spectacular sight.

The more she looked at it, the more carefree and relaxed she felt. Le Yao Yao was gradually falling in love with the evening sky.

Her spoken words were clearly heard in this quiet evening. From a distance, Leng Jun Yu could hear her proud tone and his smile deepened.

Haha. The little guy is proud of himself! But then again, "he" should be proud!

He managed to solve an issue that had been bothering them for over a month. And he had never gone through proper schooling! When Leng Jun Yu told his brother about this, the Emperor was bewildered. He loudly exclaimed that he wanted to meet such a talented servant. He wanted Leng Jun Yu to bring him to the Palace so he can take a look and heavily reward him.

However, Leng Jun Yu refused. After all, his little eunuch was his treasure. What would he do if his brother, the Emperor, wanted the little eunuch for himself?

So, he rejected right away.

But he definitely planned to reward the little eunuch. Currently, he wasn"t sure what to give him.

At this moment, Le Yao Yao happened to be discussing this with Xiao Mu Zi.

Leng Jun Yu paused and decided to listen.

First, he will listen to see what "he" wants, then later, he will give "him" what he wants.

"Xiao Yao Zi, you have made such a great contribution. Do you think the Prince will reward you heavily when he comes back?!"

Xiao Mu Zi was envious but very happy for Le Yao Yao.

"Hehe. The Prince is so wealthy. Any of his antiques or jade artifacts are priceless. If he gives me an item, I will be rich. But don"t worry, Xiao Mu Zi. As long as I, Xiao Yao Zi, is alive, I will never forget you! In three years, we will redeem our bodies and leave this place. We can use my rewards to start a business and live well. Although you will never be able to get a wife, you will always have me as a brother by your side!"

Le Yao Yao was a very loyal and self-sacrificing individual. Also, she spoke the truth. If the King of h.e.l.l rewarded her with something, she will definitely save it and use it after they leave the residence.

As a 21st century new human being, she doesn"t believe she cannot excel in this ancient era.

Honestly, sometimes, she can be very driven!

But she had no idea that her beautiful blueprint was being heard by a particular someone.

That someone"s smiling face had darkened as he narrowed his cold pupils. Now, the smile had turned into a horizontal line; indicating his displeasure.


So "he" already planned to leave?

Although there were still three years before he could leave, hearing his plan to leave subconsciously made his heart tightened and Leng Jun Yu began to feel a wrath of fury.

Could "he" feel mistreated by him? Is that why "he" wanted to leave the residence….and leave him??

The moment Leng Jun Yu imagined not seeing "him" ever again, he began to feel very unstable and frightened.

Originally, his life was so gloomy that he lost all interest in life. But when "he" appeared, "he" was like the warm Sun that had pushed his downcast clouds away. His dim world was gradually lighting up.

In the past, he had never experienced such warmth before, so he had never cared for it. But now that he has experienced this type of feeling, he definitely wasn"t going to let it go. Never!

Thinking of this, Leng Jun Yu took huge strides towards Le Yao Yao and Xiao Mu Zi"s direction.

Le Yao Yao suddenly felt a dark shadow over her head. "Huh? Is it about to rain? How come the sky’s so dark?"

"Eh, ah! It"s… P-Prince Rui!"

Xiao Mu Zi was the first to react.

Leng Jun Yu was standing behind them for an unknown amount of period. Xiao Mu Zi was so shocked that his eyes widen and he instantly flipped over like a carp and kneeled in front of Leng Jun Yu.

As for Le Yao Yao, she was half a second slow, but she also leaped up from the gra.s.s and politely acknowledged the Prince.

"Your servant wishes the Prince well!"

"Mm. You may rise."

"What were you two talking about? It sounded like a happy conversation."

Leng Jun Yu appeared interested although he already knew the answer to his question. As for Le Yao Yao, she shook her head and smile in response.

"To respond to the Prince, we were not talking about anything in particular! Oh, was servant"s suggestions useful to solve the flood and drought incident? Did the plan go through?"

If the plan went through, what was the King of h.e.l.l going to reward her?!

Gold and silver? Pearls and jewels? Antiques or jade artifacts?

Hehe. She was honestly not picky. Anything will do! Hehehehe…