The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Chapter 340: Clash

Chapter 340: Clash

Translator: imperfectluck Editor: Pranav

“The t.i.tan giants? Haughty and arrogant, they look down on every other species except their own. No, it is beyond that: they believe that it is their benevolence and charity to allow other species to live and breathe without stepping on them and crus.h.i.+ng them.”

As part of the immemorial generation, this was Ayer’s a.s.sessment of the t.i.tan giants. From a certain standpoint, the a.s.sessment of an entire species as “haughty and arrogant” was already an explanation in itself.

This could be seen in the t.i.tan giants’ closely related relatives. The superior giants, such as cloud giants and magma giants, even looked down upon the dragons, always calling them “big lizards.” Superior giants had it even worse for Silver and Bronze Species, directly addressing them as “mortals, little ones, and fleshlings,” viewing them as nothing but potential sources of food.

But, from another standpoint, they indeed had plenty to be proud about. They were born with incredible power. An average mountain giant would be able to easily defeat a human warrior who cultivated for his entire life. The frost giants, who weren’t even one of the stronger giant species, were known to hunt white dragons for fun. Hunting a white dragon was a feat which would already cause a top-level human hero to be recorded in epics.

This wasn’t even everything. How powerful a species was as a whole wouldn’t only be because of natural-born abilities. The t.i.tan giants had once established a brilliant culture of their own in this land. By today, there were still a few traces remaining, with the cloud giants who loved to sing, dance, and truly enjoyed art. The Eternal Desert district also had some remnant traces of t.i.tan giant culture.

The t.i.tan giants denied the right of any G.o.d to rule over them except for the Creator G.o.ddess Eich. According to legends, they were originally given life by Eich, who had created them from the crystals of the earth, so they always believed themselves to be the children of the earth and that the world itself gave birth to them. They believed that other G.o.ds were merely their peers or even their juniors.

Compared to the cultures of most other species, which were based on religions wors.h.i.+pping various G.o.ds, the t.i.tan giants’ sculptures focused on their own achievements. Their strangely shaped drawings recorded their understanding of the world.

Emordilorcan’s underground labyrinth was constructed in a cla.s.sic t.i.tan giant style. That was a giant’s palace, which sought after the simple contrast of black and white, together with beautiful craftsmans.h.i.+p and excellent materials that would create an extravagance which wasn’t too opulent. Their ruins and constructions displayed sculptures and statues depicting strength and beauty. The t.i.tan giants also left behind various strange drawings and buildings that n.o.body understood the meaning of.

By today’s generation, this relatively strange style still had a deep influence.

For the “newly-rich” that lacked a great past, ancient history represented dignity. The construction style of the t.i.tan giants had become quite popular among humans in the 1700’s. Large, regal temples with stairs carved out of white jade would be engraved with all sorts of myths and legends… Actually, I was always quite confused about this. If you engraved things onto walls, there would occasionally be people looking at them, but if you engraved something onto the stairs, you would be walking on them. And if you really lowered your head to look at them, wouldn’t that make the engravings seem very undignified? But if n.o.body looked at them, it would be a waste. Was it simply to give future generations a chance at archeology?

Cough, I should probably refrain from commenting on cultural products like toilets constructed out of pure gold. No matter what world I was in, there were plenty of people who did stuff like this. It was fine as long as they liked it. They could do whatever they wanted because they were rich!

Let’s go back to the main topic on hand. No dynasty in the world would last for eternity, and their glorious history would only serve to make their present state seem all the more pitiful. The giants’ culture was now nothing more than a footnote in history. The current giants’ descendants only inherited their culture and techniques about slaughtering. Still, n.o.body would look down upon them as they were still the t.i.tan giants’ relatives, the descendants of the earth.

Before the Intelligence-lowering curse was placed on most of the giant species, fire giants, magma giants, and other such fire-elemental giants were the most skilled smiths in all of Eich. The ancient buildings that sand giants created in desert areas still remained a wonder of the world even today. Meanwhile, frost giants were the most skilled hunters of all. The ultrawhite wolves they trained back in the day were viewed by the locals as an unstoppable “White Calamity” even in today’s generation.

A species like the giants had lost the great majority of their inheritance and Intelligence but still managed to survive to this day and age—this was the best explanation of all for how strong their foundation was in the past.

As for how strong the original t.i.tan giants were? Perhaps n.o.body knew for certain, but it was publicly recognized that a mature t.i.tan giant wouldn’t be any weaker than an immemorial red dragon. This was the most basic a.s.sessment of their power level. Actually, I had already learned from Ayer that the t.i.tan giants had slain more than a dozen True G.o.ds in the immemorial generation. It must be remembered that in that generation the True G.o.ds could be considered to be much stronger than the G.o.ds of today, so that meant the t.i.tan giants’ leaders had power levels comparable to Ayer, a Main G.o.d.

But when I learned that they were so ridiculously strong, I actually relaxed somewhat. After all, if they ever appeared, someone stronger than me would appear to deal with them in my stead. Some powerful G.o.ds would definitely come and handle them—it would be useless to use a little shrimp like me as cannon fodder. Besides, t.i.tan giants hadn’t appeared in this world for the past several tens of thousands of years, so just how unlucky would I need to be…

“If I really meet a t.i.tan, I’ll livestream myself eating my keyboard—er—eating my sword!”

But I never expected myself to really meet a t.i.tan giant! Also, I really jinxed myself!

“Eat your sword, eat your sword.”

Harloys would always have a peculiarly good memory when it came to the weirdest things, such as how I was always accurate with my predictions in the strangest ways.

“Well, aren’t you currently my sword? You’re sure you want to watch me eat my sword? Or should I lick you first? Wow, this is quite a fresh idea of mine, but it’s so lewd.”

Hmph, the moment I spoke, the silly cat indeed quieted down. But this wasn’t the time for either of us to be joking around.

As I gazed at the blue giant who was tall enough to pierce into the clouds, I was doing my best to come up with an idea. However, the towering thunder giant was already walking towards Oak Town’s castle walls. With every step the earth trembled and the walls s.h.i.+vered. I could even feel everyone’s fear and despair.

“On this day, humanity recalled the terror of the t.i.tan giants… and the humiliation of being caged up as their pets!”

“Stop joking around, Roland! Hurry and think of something!”

Think of something? Wasn’t I doing my best? Livening up the atmosphere was just my way of helping myself think.

The rampaging physical form of thunder was the best reminder that my opponent was incredibly difficult to deal with. Without even needing to take measurements, and by simply looking at this true t.i.tan’s thunder that far surpa.s.sed Adam’s version, I could tell that this t.i.tan giant was something that even a regular SemiG.o.d wouldn’t be able to deal with.

And what was even more difficult to deal with than a t.i.tan giant was…

“Are there two t.i.tan giants here? Since t.i.tan giants are so arrogant that they don’t view a single other species as their equal, this means that those two humanoid fellows that were treated like royalty by the undead were actually t.i.tan giants?”

I had long since been paying attention to those two venerated guests in Davey’s camp. If my guess was on the mark, these two t.i.tan giants that suddenly appeared were those two humanlike people in Davey’s camp.

“Hey—hey—hey‑something seems wrong with the pacing here. Aren’t enemies supposed to always first send cannon fodder, then a sub-boss, then an elite boss, saving the demon king for last? You’re sending the final boss right away at the beginning? How are we supposed to have fun playing this game?”

“Ha, the only you skill you have is in commenting.”

I ignored Harloys’ comment. From a certain standpoint, if I had enough power, how could I possibly stand for only watching the situation?

“Let’s test them first… They can’t possibly be t.i.tan giants in their full states. It’s impossible for them to completely appear at their full power levels in the mortal plane. Besides, the dragons haven’t reported that the t.i.tan giants have broken free from their seal. How about we simply wait for the game moderators to descend?”

“Then Oak Town will definitely be destroyed.”

Game moderators? I was referring to the G.o.ds. In a way, they were the protectors of this world and its strongest fighters. If extraordinary existences that didn’t belong to this plane invaded and started causing destruction here, dealing with them was the most basic task that the G.o.ds were supposed to perform.

However, this still had many limitations and rules. For example, when the demon earl invaded the mortal plane last time, if I had waited for Lorci, who was in charge at the time, to respond, Sulfur Mountain City would have been no more even though the G.o.ds would have eventually sent their incarnations to descend here and deal with it.

The current situation was similar. These t.i.tan giants had yet to directly interfere with any specific True G.o.d’s direct benefits. Only when the t.i.tan giants got in the way of some unfortunate G.o.d’s benefits would that G.o.d then send out an incarnation to stop them… and it was most likely that that G.o.d would even stall for time before doing so, in hopes that these troublesome t.i.tan giants would disappear on their own. Otherwise, it was quite possible that the G.o.d would lose face if it turned out that they were unable to beat the t.i.tan giants, or, at the very least, waste divine power. This was also why Demon Lords were so commonly able to run amok in the mortal plane but always successfully escape in the end.

“The G.o.ds can afford to wait, but we can’t.”

I could only smile wryly upon hearing this. Yep, the G.o.ds didn’t care unless it was directly related to them and would only remain as bystanders. Yet we ourselves were definitely related to this, so we were the only ones who couldn’t afford to wait.

Although I didn’t want to be the Contract Heroes’ babysitter, this was undoubtedly a situation that was going to end in the total defeat and eradication of everyone. If I simply watched the first group of Contract Heroes perish én, my future plans would be greatly affected. A successful first impression or a failed one would both highly influence people’s opinions. Bandwagoners would only look at results, never taking coincidences and irresistible forces into consideration.

“At the very least, we should test them. If they’re complete t.i.tan giants, then I think we need to immediately organize our escape.”

Even if it was only a test, directly taking action myself would be foolish. I suddenly thought of a devious idea. If my opponent was relatively foolish, perhaps I would even benefit from all this.

“Little Mars, it’s time for you to take action.”

“…Yes, Master.”

Several seconds later, my will transmitted my command to my newest servant.


Like a falling meteor, a vermillion fireball streaked through the firmament before cras.h.i.+ng into, and exploding against, the back of the t.i.tan giant’s head.

And when this gigantic t.i.tan giant turned around in astonishment, he discovered that the caster was standing in the undead camp, and that a group of undead was rus.h.i.+ng right towards him.

Javelins containing the pitch-black magic of corrosion were being thrown at him, heroic death knights turned on their desecration and curse auras, and skeleton knights showed off their excellent archery skills. This was a standard undead knight ambush squadron.

“For Lord Davey’s glory! For the Undead Emperors’ glory! Die, desecrator!”

Under the control of my soul contract, these death knights shouted out oaths swearing loyalty to their supposed masters as they rushed towards the towering t.i.tan giant. It suddenly caused me to remember a certain elderly knight who loved to rush at windmills [1] 1 … and since I figured the result would mostly be the same, I decided to silently mourn the undead knights for two seconds.


Alright then, it only took one second. The t.i.tan giant merely waved its arm and an explosive flash of lightning devoured everything before it. The next instant, the undead knights had vanished from the face of the world, leaving not even ash. All that was left was a scorched pit that was already crystallized.

“Davey! You dare!”

But, the next moment, the t.i.tan giant abnormally recovered his calm, before continuing to walk towards Oak Town.

It was just that in that little white residence, the pitiful Davey who had just witnessed everything experienced yet another instance of great emotional turmoil.

If he had still been living, with the ability to have a heartbeat, he would have died right there of a heart attack.

The thunderous roar was still echoing in his ears. When Hatley roared his name, it possessed a powerful force behind it. Davey trembled at the sound, as if he were a frog being stared at by a snake.

However, Yins chuckled. He reached out and tapped Davey, giving him his freedom back.

“I’ve finally caught your trail.”

The next moment, he took Davey and disappeared, and then…

“How is this possible!”

He directly appeared in front of me! That’s right, the t.i.tan giant discovered me!

“Don’t be so surprised. It’ll lower my evaluation of you. You’re the first one who’s ever been able to mess around so many days in front of me without being discovered. Be proud of yourself, mortal. I, the fourth-ranked t.i.tan Yins, grant you the honor of being able to speak with me.”

Yins’ long hair flowed in the wind as his eyes glanced at me. His gaze seemed a tad vacant—he appeared to both focus at me and behind me, as if he was staring at the distant stars. This was quite an annoying yet familiar sensation; no wonder he was able to find me.

“The ability of prophecy? I thought that t.i.tan giants were no longer able to use this power?”

“No, I didn’t use any spell. Your action was the cause, and the effect was that my cute younger brother was ambushed. I merely followed the trail of cause and effect to find you.”

“You’re able to instinctively follow such a concept to the source? Ahhh, your natural talent makes me so jealous. Those so-called prophecy magic expert mages would call this inconceivable. Is this an ability common to all t.i.tan giants, or your personal talent?”

“Amongst all my brothers, I think I’m the only one who possesses this ability. However, I’m quite interested in how you made those undead disappear. Their disappearance was both a cause and an effect. This is the first time I’ve ever met with an incomprehensible phenomenon. Could you tell me how you accomplished it?”

Although we were only talking, we were also both trying our best to find out more about each other.

“You don’t appear very strong. But, the strange thing is my instinct is telling me that you’re incredibly dangerous. It would appear that you’re actually a threat to me? Wait, the danger is becoming even stronger. You have the ability to even threaten my main body?”

The door in the void was something I could open at any time. If I summoned my Frigidwinter Earth with its power of eternity, it would probably only end in one of our deaths. I was confident that my power of absolute zero would be able to even threaten the t.i.tan giants.

But even though I just opened up a slight crack in the dimensional wall without saying a single word, he already sensed something. This type of opponent was absolutely impossible to ambush. This was truly difficult.

“Take a guess. Still, I think that it’s quite profitable for me if I get to take a t.i.tan giant down with me.”

I narrowed my eyes and lowered my head. My Ice Calamity magic sword was already in my hands. Against this type of opponent I couldn’t let my guard down for even one second. He could sense my killing intent, and, of course, I could sense his killing intent as well.

The backdrop to our apparent calm interaction was the tremendous thunder giant fighting against tiny little creatures. Of course, the thunder giant was the other t.i.tan giant, and it appeared to be fighting against some treant warriors that were actually all part of Jill.

“You, you, you… Emperor Roland!”

At this moment, Davey, who had been teleported along here with Yins, finally recognized me.

He had an incredibly complex expression as he seemingly realized something. But when he thought about how I was the one who made him suffer so much, all his emotions transformed into hatred and rage.

The ghoul glared at me. But I was far too well known. All Undead Emperors were incredibly scary in the undead’s minds. He didn’t dare to even move. But, to tell the truth, a Myth-level undead like him would be more than enough to take care of ten Gold ranks like me… in normal situations. That would only be if I didn’t use any of my aces.

“Undead Emperor? You’re a living person that’s an Undead Emperor? I’m getting more and more interested in you.”

“I apologize, I have absolutely zero interest in men. I especially hate overly muscular men like you… Beyana, stop watching! If you keep watching, we’re going to lose, and the Contract Warrior plan will go up in smoke! You will go bankrupt!”

Finally, I decided to use this ace of mine that wasn’t my ace of aces.

“Beyana, the G.o.ddess of Wealth? How could she possibly be here?”

I suddenly roared loudly at the sky, which even managed to surprise Harloys. But what gave her an even bigger surprise was that I received a response. A rather familiar female voice echoed in the sky.

“n.o.body is allowed to make me bankrupt! Any territory that belongs to me requires a toll, even for the t.i.tan giants!”


[1] ED/N: Reference to Don Quixote!