The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Chapter 456: Ace

Chapter 456: Ace

Translator: imperfectluck

If one drew red spots on a map of Eich of all locations that were currently at war, perhaps the entire map would be drenched in red. The returned Great Demons, the Demon Lords that begun slaughtering, the low-level angels that were just like war machines, the elves’ cruel and b.l.o.o.d.y internal war, the human kingdoms’ forever ongoing clashes for benefits. Apart from the frozen Northlands that still remained peaceful and quiet, the rest of the entire world was embroiled in bitter warfare.

“Ha, the so-called Holy War? It’s truly addictive. Kings desire new territory, military officers want to use the heads of their enemies to obtain promotions and loot, merchants finally have an opportunity to sell off all the stock they’ve been h.o.a.rding, and even that heroic-appearing young man desires to become a so-called hero, doesn’t he…? The Holy War? Does it have any difference with past wars? Don’t look at how the atmosphere seems so joyous now. Let’s see just how many people can survive to the end of this Holy War.”

With the Holy War currently ongoing, bards that sang ironic songs about warfare and those who predicted ominous forebodings were detested despite the fact that they saw the truth. Countless taverns and theaters were still performing epics praising past wars and legendary achievements, so such “truth” was far too annoying for people to listen to.

What few mortals knew was that right now, in a dimension currently unknown to the world, a battle to determine the fate of mortals was raging at this exact moment. Judging by this battle’s cruelty and power, and what it represented, this was the true representation of the Holy War.

“Five Chaos Main G.o.ds and two Order Main G.o.ds. That’s almost half of the total number of Main G.o.ds in this entire world. That would seem rather difficult to deal with…”

Countless Dimensional Doors kept opening up with the Main G.o.ds forcing their troops to the battlefield of h.e.l.l. Both Chaos and Order’s reinforcements were constantly arriving, even though this was destined to be a one-way ticket to death.

Those embroiled in battling continued to fight, while those who weren’t currently in battle were summoning additional allies as well as preparing for battle. Not only were they on guard against the dimensional will and h.e.l.l’s forces, they were even more vigilant against their own armies. That was because there were many grudges between the Main G.o.ds, especially the demons that had grudges against each other which could be material for an endless amount of soap operas. Any demons that let their guard down might be killed off by their own side here, which would be an aggrieving way to die.

Behind me, all Four Elemental Towers had now been lit up. My preparations were nearing their end. On top of the core tower, the Tower of Law, Wumianzhe was currently holding on to the Original Codex of Law as he loudly incanted the maxims of Law. What this G.o.d Equipment book gave him wasn’t merely the first divine laws.

This Original Codex of Law had once been my notebook in which I recorded my plans and laws for Law in. It imperceptibly evolved into a G.o.d Equipment which was the very representation of Law, as it represented the purest original source from which Law stemmed from. At this moment, another notebook was beginning to combine with the Original Codex of Law. This other notebook contained all the secrets of h.e.l.l… as it was my notebook that recorded the entirety of the h.e.l.l grand scheme.

And now, these two notebooks were combining into one, as if it was declaring that the G.o.d of Law would also become the ruler of h.e.l.l in the future.

“A new G.o.d Equipment has been born. It shall be known as… the Book of h.e.l.l!”

Once that black-covered thick book was opened up in the dark night of h.e.l.l, all secrets about it were revealed as all lifeforms instinctively learned of its existence and true name.

The Book of h.e.l.l would become the core of h.e.l.l as well as the representation of the ruler of h.e.l.l.

The Four Elemental Towers had finished transmitting my four elements. Creation by the Four Elements was fully developing as this entire dimension became a complete new dimension of its own. The newly born protective dimensional walls here were more than strong enough to withstand any Main G.o.d’s challenge.

Reaching this point where all Four Elemental Towers had successfully awakened meant that the first two stages of our goal was now complete. This chaotic battle which had been on the level of fighting in the streets and alleyways had now escalated into a dimension-scale strategic battle. We were the rulers of this dimension, and these invading Main G.o.ds were the enemies of our dimension.

After Ayer made his choice, at most our h.e.l.l Faction would have two Main G.o.ds’ strength within it, and that would come from two Devil Lords that both had overly specialized powers. Our overall combat strength was still obviously weak, so transforming guerilla warfare into a much more advantageous castle defense battle was part of our preparations from the very start.

According to the basic rules of all dimensional battles, killing the ruler of a dimension would always be something difficult. Slowly invading a dimension and corrupting its dimensional rules, lowering its defenses, killing the dimension’s G.o.ds, and finally corrupting and killing the dimensional ruler, all in that order, would be the most basic “rules” of how the game of dimensional invasions went. Demon Lords, the most experienced veterans of this game, would naturally know this better than anyone.

From a certain standpoint, this battle could be viewed as a practice battle for the h.e.l.l Faction, as the mortal plane would eventually face many dimensional invaders…

At this moment, all dimensional invaders were automatically rejected by the dimensional will. They would have to use a certain amount of power in order to maintain their existences here. The weaker demons were directly vaporized into dust as death mist began spreading.

Since this was destined to be a long battle of attrition, the Demon Lords unhesitatingly summoned even more cannon fodder. They wouldn’t be personally entering battle until they learned more about this dimension’s potential traits and dimensional laws.


Alright then, I had spoken too soon. Even I inhaled a cold breath upon witnessing the greatsword that viciously swung against the dimensional walls in a hail of sparks.

However, Donatis merely sent me a cold stare before he instantly flew back and retreated after finding out that his sudden ambush had failed.

The facts had now proved that our predictions had been on point. For the short time being, these dimensional walls would more than suffice. So of course, I unhesitatingly focused on a.s.sisting Wumianzhe with his current task – creating h.e.l.l.

On that opened Book of h.e.l.l, the blueprint of h.e.l.l was already beginning to form into reality. The faint figures of h.e.l.l appearing above the book were identical to the blueprint within. The book was currently spread out to the table of contents which indicated the outline for the future vision of h.e.l.l.

“Four Pillars, Four Halls, and Seven…”

That’s right, that was my future vision for h.e.l.l. There would be Four Pillars which represented my four elements, along with representing the four main G.o.ds that would become the Pillars of h.e.l.l.

Just as how the Elemental Planes had their Elemental G.o.ds, the Four Pillar G.o.ds of h.e.l.l were the four major controllers of h.e.l.l’s four elements. They would become the very Pillars of h.e.l.l as well as the rulers of h.e.l.l. Wumianzhe, the representative G.o.d of the Pillar of Law, was naturally one of these four G.o.ds.

No, I should say that Wumianzhe was actually the most important pillar of all. Not only was he one of the Four Pillar G.o.ds, he would also be the Head of the Four Halls as well as the King of the Seven Wumianzhe would become the main ruler of h.e.l.l and the final judge who oversaw everything. His importance even exceeded that of Ayer’s, who was the foundation for all the dead.

I slowly walked over and lightly touched the silver mask on Wumianzhe’s face. I felt rather strange inside, as from a certain standpoint, Wumianze was both a part of me as well as being my child (creation).

And as the strangest creation that I made, I created him without any self-will or emotions so that he could remain forever just. Despite the fact that not having self-will meant that he shouldn’t exist as a “Concept”, he was also recognized and wors.h.i.+pped by the people of the world. Such a contradictory existence became the last one of my Seven Original Sins – Wumianzhe, whose true ident.i.ty was also Sloth.

This was difficult to understand? Actually, even I didn’t realize that I had unknowingly completed this Original Sin of mine until my System told me recently.

Just as I stated when I gave the wood spirits my blessings, my understanding of Sloth was that Sloth actually represented “cold indifference” Even the laziest of individuals would instantly become quite active when their life was in danger. Many times, seemingly slothful actions were foundationally because people felt that performing such actions were unimportant to them. In that case, the true meaning of Sloth was that Sloth was a type of selfish indifference which “lacked desires” and was “emotionless”.

Pa.s.sionate people were always hard-working and loved to meddle in others’ affairs. Indifferent individuals would always live only in their own worlds, using various excuses to cut themselves off from the world and interact with others as little as possible.

The best representation of indifference, having no desires, and no emotions would naturally be Wumianzhe, who was absolutely just. Since he had no desires, he would never be biased in his decisions. Since he was emotionless, no matter how worthy the crime was of compa.s.sion, the judgement and punishment would still be carried out according to the letter of the law.

Under a certain G.o.ddess of Order’s guidance, my split-off soul shard created the fairest G.o.d and judge of them all. And, this was also another evidence for my previous inference – that “G.o.ds were actually another type of undead.”

“There are no coincidences in the world. There are only certainties? System, I’m going to settle all accounts with you after this battle… Ha, take a good look at this ultimate move of mine, Karwenz! G.o.d’s Descent!”

Time was limited, so I couldn’t be wasting time with my System right now. I angrily roared, causing my vision to suddenly transform strangely. Wumianzhe who had been incanting in front of the Book of h.e.l.l suddenly became myself.

After the two of us combined into one, I was now wearing the silver judge’s robe and Wumianzhe’s silver mask. The weight of the gavel attached to my waist was quite nostalgic. This familiar appearance of the judge made me recall when I was still in the Underground. The main difference was that the scarily high amount of power of Law within me had far surpa.s.sed the realm of mortals.

Indeed, we had now combined. This perfect reverse G.o.d’s descent was the ace I had prepared.

If the entirety of Wumianzhe’s strong divine power descended upon me, no matter how high our synchronicity would be, my physical body directly exploding would be the only possible result. That was the only possible outcome due to the limits of a mortal’s physical body as the vessel.

“Wumianzhe is overly powerful here and is unable to descend upon my body. However, I can perform a descent upon Wumianzhe’s body!”

Since a G.o.d’s will was capable of suppressing a mortal’s will and descending upon that person’s body, in theory it would be also possible for a mortal to descend upon a G.o.d’s body. But in any normal situation, the G.o.d would instinctively resist against this, causing any mortal’s soul to be destroyed. However, “Sloth” Wumianzhe didn’t even have a self-will, and his soul wavelength was identical to mine, so of course we could create a perfect union.

And so, I reversed the typical rules of G.o.d’s Descent as my will descended upon Wumianzhe’s body. Now that I had a sufficient amount of divine power supporting me, my Soul World continued to improve as the blueprint on the Book of h.e.l.l transformed into reality.

I alone would be insufficient to complete the grand ceremony necessary to truly create the new dimension of h.e.l.l and grant new Concepts and G.o.dhoods here. That was because my personal power level would be far too insufficient. Only Wumianzhe by himself would also be insufficient because he had no self-will at all. Only Wumianzhe Roland in perfect union would possess the power to create h.e.l.l and a.s.sign new Concepts to the h.e.l.l G.o.ds. This was the foundational reason that Wumianzhe needed to obtain a sufficient amount of divine power!

This scene was impossible to conceal from others. Everyone witnessed the owner of the h.e.l.l Soul World ma.s.sively increase in power, which naturally changed the entire world. The world which suddenly became more alive obviously caused my enemies to begin a panicky commotion. As the Book of h.e.l.l continually powered up and the Main G.o.ds panicked, my response was to laugh.

“This is only the beginning. You’re all astonished already, my dear revered, strongest existences in all of Eich? You should know that you Main G.o.ds are about to face h.e.l.l’s highest-level G.o.d and dimensional ruler! This is a war, a war between two dimensions!”