The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Chapter 659: Return

Chapter 659: Return

Translator: imperfectluck Editor: Kurisu

In a way, the Northlands was probably the single most unsuitable location in all of Eich for humans to live in.

The Northlands only had two seasons, spring and winter. Spring here would be the equivalent of winter in other places, while one-third of the year, the region would be completely sealed under ice and snow. The land here was incredibly poor for raising crops, and very few creatures lived here… Yet, this place was my homeland.

Powerful gusts howled everywhere during the daylight. Since there were no trees, the winds would directly make everyone tremble with their icy coldness. But, while the chilly winds during day were incredibly cold, the night winds were truly cold enough to kill people. There wouldn’t even be any need to clean up a corpse if someone stayed outside at night, as they would be frozen completely solid… Yet, this place was my homeland.

Winter wolves, yetis, vicious snow bears, and so on. These demonized magical beasts would easily become apex predators in any other area’s forest, yet they were incredibly common beasts in the Northlands. It was quite common to hear b.e.s.t.i.a.l roars of hunger in the middle of the night. The worst of all would be to hear dragon roars as that would typically mean a pack of hungry white dragons had gotten too close to human settlements… No newbie adventurers would be able to survive in such a land.

Avalanches, hailstorms, blizzards, frost, drought, severe cold, tornados, snowstorms, and so on. Apart from heat waves and floods, the people who lived here had gotten used to every type of natural disaster there was. As time pa.s.sed, the people who lived here actually managed to find the advantages of this land through all the bitter experiences.

The poor land and chilly weather meant that greedy n.o.bles were unable to handle the severe lifestyle here. Compared to pampered inland n.o.bles who were able to enjoy their lives, the domain lords who remained here were quite similar to their knight ancestors of old. Not only were they the rulers of their territories, they were truly the guardians of their citizens.

The lack of resources and dangerous environment here made the people here used to allying with each other against the elements. The constant threat of invaders and magical beasts made the Northlanders used to fighting to defend themselves as well. This land produced plenty of warriors and outstanding military talents, and produced even more truly courageous people who were willing to sacrifice themselves for the sake of the many. The Northlanders were viewed by the rest of human society as barbarians, but they were also a warrior people even though they lacked a powerful bloodline.

In the Northlands, good morals and the importance of a promise were no empty concepts. The Northlanders were naturally like this—in the snowy Northlands, being isolated or exiled would equal death. In front of the cruel test of nature, liars and cowards would never be able to make it for long. Honor, loyalty, and a good reputation were absolute requirements for survival here. True Northlands heroes would prove themselves by their actions, becoming pillars of support in their communities, while cowards and braggarts would always die filled with regrets.

“…The first snow of the year has truly arrived so early.”

Even though I was still on the slowly flying airs.h.i.+p, the chill of the Northlands still made me rather uncomfortable as I was still weak. I rubbed my hands as I exhaled visible breaths, yet that familiar chill mysteriously helped to energize me.

“Your Highness, this is already the fourth snowfall of the year.”

The young Northlands government official’s words revealed some new information that surprised me. I was quite familiar with the Northlands, after all. The first snow would represent the arrival of winter. Issuing everyone food for the winter and organizing winter hunting squadrons would all need to be completed before winter arrived. If that wasn’t done, the large snowfall would greatly impede all other work. There was no reason for me to misremember the typical time for winter to arrive here. Normally, the first snow wouldn’t even arrive for another two weeks.

The silly cat jumped onto my shoulder. All the government officials instinctively backed away upon seeing her. It was well known on the airs.h.i.+p that Harloys had been my bodyguard. As the Level 4 perished trying to attack me, Harloys had become well known as the “Black Cat of Misfortune”, “Yongye’s Pet Cat of Death”, “Shadow of Misfortune”, and had other similar nicknames.

Right now, the most popular rumor was that the black cat was actually a Divine Sin/Undead Lord/G.o.d level undead that was only pretending to be a cat, and that she needed to devour several hundred souls per day or something.

“Great snow mountain.”

Harloys spoke only a few simple words, but I instantly realized what she meant after a momentary confusion.

I then asked the government official, and learned some facts that proved certain things as I expected. Ever since five or six years ago, the Northlands’ winters had arrived earlier each year, and left later each year. The winters had also become colder.

“The Ice Elemental Plane…”

The great snow mountain filled with magical ice creatures was completing its transformation into an Ice Elemental Plane. Although this was in the Northlands’ mountains where n.o.body lived, since it was still dimensionally connected to the Northlands, the ice element pouring through would make the already chilly Northlands even colder every year.

From a certain standpoint, this made the Northlands even more inhospitable, but since major battles were soon about to erupt, this might not actually be a bad thing.

The demons’ greatest weapons were their powerful physical bodies and plentiful magic power. Without even considering how ice naturally countered the fire element, energy would always be consumed at high rates in any freezing environment. Since the demons instinctively fought with their physical bodies and magic, fighting here would greatly increase their energy consumption.

Of course, energy consumption could be made up for by eating more. But, you should first be able to find prey if you wanted to hunt in the Northlands, and even if you ate every single wild beast in the mountains, that probably wouldn’t even be enough for a snack to demons who had tremendous appet.i.tes.

“Perhaps I can take advantage of this…”

I also had some more ideas upon seeing this situation. Perhaps the Great Snow Mountain Magical Realm’s ice element creatures could be used as part of the entire Northlands’ defense line. Perhaps we could also make use of this natural defense line of coldness. However, realizing these ideas would take more planning.

We fully entered the Northlands as I pondered these matters. Three mothers.h.i.+ps in the new Borealis squadron separated here. The new Borealis continued Northwards, going to Diffindor, the unofficial capital of the Mist Alliance. The Mizar headed for Sleuweir’s industrial district for supplies and repairs, while the Alkaid went to the Xiluo Empire for supplies, repairs, and rotating the personnel.

In a way, these mega airs.h.i.+ps’ construction and repair bases were no longer unique in this world. However, the Mist Alliance still lacked industrial foundation. It was already quite difficult for one base to construct a single mega airs.h.i.+p, and it would be impossible for any base to handle multiple mega airs.h.i.+ps at once.

Oh, yes, that was right, only half of our new Borealis airs.h.i.+p squadron had returned to the Northlands. This was because the elven caravan was still continuing on foot. With their speed and having to constantly stop, they wouldn’t arrive in the Northlands until one year later even if they met no other obstacles.

We had originally intended to guard them all the way here, but the elven caravan kept slowing down, and once their estimated time of arrival was calculated, it became unacceptable for our entire airs.h.i.+p squadron to continue escorting them. The Mist Alliance countries would be unable to wait so long, especially since the Demon Abyss seemed to be active again and the entire world had entered the beginning of the Holy War. So, half of the airs.h.i.+p squadron remained to guard the elves, while three mothers.h.i.+ps returned first.

These mothers.h.i.+ps definitely didn’t return empty. The seriously injured as well as people especially important to the Northlands were on these s.h.i.+ps. This also included half of the new Northlands Elven Empire’s higher-ups. They would need to use this time to do the early work for forming a new Elven Empire, choosing a location, constructing elven cities, fighting off wild beasts, preparing for battle, and other such important work. It was unlikely that they would finish even with one full year.

It was unlikely that anything major would happen to the elven caravan now. We had already completed formal diplomatic arrangements for the elven caravan to pa.s.s through all the human countries along the way. According to the new plan, the new Borealis, Mizar, and Alkaid would all restock and change out their personnel before bringing food and medicine, which the elven caravan direly lacked. The other four mothers.h.i.+ps would then carry more injured elves to the Northlands, keeping up this cycle multiple times as needed. However, two mothers.h.i.+ps would constantly remain with the elven caravan to guard them.

This would be a difficult journey for the elves, but it was also really important for the future Northlands Elven Empire. Due to the support of the Mist Alliance, this difficult journey would be a trial for the elves, as well as an opportunity for the entire elven species to finally unite once more.

Unity. Perhaps another way of putting this would be “communication and living together”. This wasn’t only unity for the elves, but also unity between the new Northlands Elven Empire and the Mist Alliance, as well as unity between humans and elves.

In a way, this calamity for the elves had also brought its benefits. At the very least, it helped to tear apart the ancient elven traditions and way of thinking, destroying the elves’ pride as the former ruling species of the past, giving this species a new chance to interact with the world.

This would be a difficult journey for them. They would need to pa.s.s through half of the continent and all those human kingdoms first. They would personally witness the lifestyle and culture of humans, whom they had all viewed as barbarians. They would travel through countless war zones, witnessing the cruel Holy War and brave human warriors. And as elven royal authority returned, and as the situation in the land worsened, countless wild elves would also voluntarily join the elves on their journey. Every day, new explosive information was being brought to the elves, challenging their old worldview.

I was really looking forward to what the elves would gain, understand, lose, give up on, and awaken to on their journey here.

Of course, I had many other things to take care of, so I couldn’t pay much attention to the elves…

“Hey, I’m here already, of course I won’t run away. No matter what, I’m still the former prince of the Mist Kingdom. Don’t you think that I understand my own responsibilities? Please trust me a little!”

I was feeling rather helpless. Ever since I recovered the ability to move around, four Mist Kingdom government officials at minimum would follow me around everywhere, constantly reporting to Reyne on my movements. This seemed as if they were trying to keep me prisoner!

“Please allow us to correct your mistake with your wording. Your Highness, you are still a prince of the Mist Kingdom. Her Majesty Reyne has also sworn that the door of the Mist Kingdom royalty is forever open for you.”

Although this sounded quite moving and sincere with a nice expression, why did he get one meter closer to me and send someone outside to block my path of escape? How come they refused to believe that I wouldn’t run away?

I could only shake my head helplessly, seeing how tense these young government officials were. I abandoned all thoughts of trying to do anything to them.

“Two of them have already been scared so much by you that they required emergency treatment, and the guard captain’s nerves are so tense that he’s almost about to jump off the airs.h.i.+p, yet you’re claiming that you won’t do anything to them?”

“Tsk, they still lack training. I’m simply helping train them for Reyne’s sake!”

Two days ago, I had been rather displeased with how close they were following me… I knew that they had good intentions, but this wasn’t my fault! Having two strong men follow me even into the bathroom? Waking up to several strong men’s faces right in front of me? That was just too disgusting. So, after I was disgusted for a while, I played some minor pranks.

I would suddenly vanish, suddenly scream, suddenly laugh loudly, or suddenly shout that there were… Oh, I should mention that the time I shouted that there were, two really jumped out. They were under the impression that I had discovered them… Ahem, fine, I admit that this behavior of mine was quite childish, but it was indeed effective… in that Reyne decided to spend even more money, doubling the number of her guards around me, and making it so that I was constantly under surveillance 24 hours a day. She would always smile when she saw me, making me feel as if she was an adult trying to act nice to a child. Was I that childish?

“Tsk, I truly don’t intend to run away. How come n.o.body believes me?”

“Who was the one who abandoned so much work in the Mist Alliance for eight consecutive years? Who was the one who reached top 10 in the world in reward money offered for him but still didn’t come back? Who was the one who still shamelessly wrote letters to the Mist Alliance government, requesting a governmental salary but never doing any work?”

“Whom could you possibly be talking about? What b.a.s.t.a.r.d would so shamelessly request salary when doing zero work, I’m so jealous… I meant that person must be so shameless!”

I averted my gaze while spouting such rubbish, but this time, I truly wasn’t lying about not intending to leave. There were some things that I could only accomplish in the Northlands.

“The Northlands’ ice and snow is the only place capable of giving birth to my Calamity sword…”

Behind me was a completely white room. This mist-filled s.p.a.ce was even chillier than the outside. Lifelike ice sculptures were recording the Northlands’ hards.h.i.+ps as my past memories were awakened. I was just beginning to create my ice sword.