The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Chapter 106: Aerial Battle

Chapter 106: Aerial Battle

“Only by knowing your own strength and your enemy’s prowess will you be able to survive a hundred wars.”

This isn’t a new adage, but I have always believed that if one isn’t even sure how much troops their enemy holds in their hands, then the war shouldn’t be fought in the first place.

“Those who forethink more brings victories, while those who forethink less brings losses, needless to say not forethinking at all.” Often, the conclusion of a negotiation is determined by the current circ.u.mstances of both parties. I believe that the results of war are also the same, determined before it even begins. A war that doesn’t bring interest and without a possibility of victory is a war that one shouldn’t start.TL to ED: This is famous phrase in China which before a war, the king and generals will gather to discuss their current situation and the enemy’s situation. So, the more they know/discuss, the more they win. The less they know/discuss, the more they lose.

Due to the sudden appearance of the Nine-headed Dragon Emperor, Auland and the Seafolks are stuck in a stalemate. However, stalemates are always temporary. I reckon that there will be a twist occurring very soon. No matter which side gains the upper hand, it isn’t a good thing for me and the East Mist.

If Auland were to achieve victory, Darsos’s seat on the throne would be stabilised. Given his character, he would definitely seek vengeance against us. If the Seafolks triumph… This city would probably no longer be the territory of human. It isn’t impossible for it to become like the legendary underwater city Yaso, submerged completely under water.

Thus, I decided to make use of this stalemate to gain control over the underwater base to use it as my base of operation as well as to obtain the technology and a sample of the Air Fleet. This way, if we choose to stay, we may be able reap more benefits and if the situation sours, we also have the option of escaping. Anyway, we have already earned enough.

The contract could be fulfilled at any moment and we are sorely lacking time. We only have one opportunity. If our first attack were to fail, it would be much more troublesome the next time around.

With the a.s.sistance of the Queen of Banshees, it isn’t difficult for us to sneak a few Low-tier Undeads in. Before the attack, we have already done sufficient surveillance and preparation.

This structure of this secret base isn’t very complicated. There is the pier where the s.h.i.+ps are built, the Mage District where the Mages live, residential area and research lab for the craftsman as well as six tall Mage Towers which is the most dangerous defensive structure here.

A squadron of around 300 White Wolf Guards are stationed here. Other than those, the only force who could be considered as a fighting power are the Mages. Going by the usual 10:1 exchange ratio, there should be 30 of them who are qualified to be converted into Death Knights. As for the conversion of Mages to Banshees, Skeleton Mages and similar High-tier Undeads who possess intelligence and the strength of a Silver-rank at the moment of their awakening, the success rate is even lower. No matter what, I don’t think that it is possible for it to exceed the number of Death Knights. That is to say, the number of High-tier Undeads shouldn’t exceed a hundred.

But, from the looks of the current situation, there are a hundred Death Knights already. For there to be such a high exchange rate, there can only be one possibility.

“The King Carlohin has been secretly training in Necromancy since young? For a king of a country to be a Necromancer of minimum Saint-rank, it seems like he has great ambitions.”

Very quickly, the sentries found a pit with a few hundred people inside. Looks like after he became aware of their isolation, in order to reduce the consumption of rations, he started a slaughter. Realising that something is amiss and suspecting that they will be unable to get into contact with the outside world within a period of time, Carlohin eventually decided to expose his ident.i.ty as a Necromancer and converts himself into a Lich. Then, he converts his subordinates into Undeads. With the a.s.sistance of the sleepless Undeads, the pace of the construction went faster than planned.

In reality, while scouting about, we discovered the Soul Gathering Tower which is an Undead Conversion Tool used to convert living beings into Undeads. It is unsure whether it is secretly built before or after the isolation. This kind of evil tool that plunges living beings into endless pain while converting them into mindless Low-tier Undeads is definitely the worst of the worst.

Such Undead Conversion Tool is banned even in Xiluo. After all, although this toy is able to convert beings into Undeads on a large scale, anything that goes in will be converted into cannon fodders like Skeletons and Zombies. Besides, the Undeads created through this method are lacking, making it difficult for them to advance in power rank, needless to say to becoming a High-tier Undead to awaken their intelligence. Also, it isn’t like the Xiluo Empire doesn’t have living civilians (although a large portion of them serves as slaves). Besides, their many Necromancers fulfills the requirements for conducting a conversion. This kind of efficient but ineffective conversion method is only suited for wars when they urgently require p.a.w.ns to slaughter a city.

The previous pit of a few hundred people have already touch the bottom limit of the Rules of G.o.d. A slaughter along with the Undead Conversion Tool, King Carlohin’s actions words can no longer be described using the word brutal. This also gives the law jobs a reason to launch a crusade against Carlohin. Otherwise, I would still have to come up with an excuse to fill the loophole of Krose and the rest.

At this moment, the enemy’s forces mainly consists of brainless Skeletons and Undeads who were probably converted from the craftsmen and their family. Looking at the daunting quant.i.ty, the forbidden Undead Conversion Tool does lives up to its name and reputation. Carlohin had done well to make the ‘full use’ out of his tools.

I had done sufficient intelligence gathering beforehand, but it is impossible for anyone to be able to process all the variables that could happen in a battle. What that I wasn’t aware of but expected to happen is that they were efficient in their work, there are actually four light a.s.sault airs.h.i.+ps in the storage already.

“Boom!” “Boom!”

The sound of the cannons shot from mid air echoes and black smoke gushes upwards. Occasionally, some metal pieces and wooden planks would fall to the ground. The cannon battle between fellow airs.h.i.+ps seems to be even more intense and savage than the other battles occurring at the moment.

Eagle No.1 a.s.sault Airs.h.i.+p, its original model being the smaller frigates used on battle on the surface of the water, is a prototype for the Air Fleet. With a magic-charged main cannon, two engineer-type side cannons and two fish-hook cannons, it is originally a powerful weapon used for water battles. It can hold up to a capacity of 30 people but five to six members are sufficient to operate it.

At this level, the Air Fleet is still stuck in stage of imitating the water fleets and has yet to attain the level of what it is ten years later, the formidable might of an army conducting a sudden a.s.sault from the skies. In my eyes, two Legend Mages would be more than sufficient to smack them down.

Although it isn’t very powerful, what is important is that it is the original prototype. The turbine system as well as the air control system on the s.h.i.+p is the most cla.s.sic model. Being the ‘initial design’ means that its structure is simple, making it easy to a.n.a.lyse and imitate. This is the reason why even though Auland started to sell some of the lower-tier airs.h.i.+ps, they refused to sell this primitive Eagle series.

Originally, in terms of manpower, we were in a disadvantageous situation. However, as Yingou brought a few Gnome Engineers to join our ranks, compared to the slow and blunt newborn Undeads, the s.h.i.+pmates on our side turns out to be much more capable.

As for the Ace Hunter who had been wielding a rifle for more than two hundred years now, he displays astonis.h.i.+ng capabilities in maneuvering the cannons. Not only is the main cannon he maneuvers a sure-hit, he even had the leisure to calculate the angle for another cannon on the s.h.i.+p.

Newborn Undeads are still fragile. The Undead army of Carlohin lacks a core force. The intelligent Undeads under his commands are extremely limited. Not to mention, even though most of them are manipulated by his Necromancy, they still possess hatred and resentment against him. After all, for the average human who wors.h.i.+ps the Order G.o.ds, they would rather die and enter the Heavenly Realm then to be reduced to a bloodthirsty Undead that is viewed with hostility by the rest of the world.

The ‘personnel’ he can use is limited. A group of them has to be dispatched to the airs.h.i.+ps. Two Skeleton Mages brought two Middle-tier Undeads who can barely talk up to the airs.h.i.+ps. At the same time, they order a group of Skeletons and Zombies to serve as the rower. The Skeleton Mage who serves as the Captain is most probably a Mage in the past, for him to forget to operate the cannons while he gets absorbed in fighting. Or perhaps, he realised that he is unable to hit any targets with the cannons, so he decided jumped on the deck and use magic instead.

This, on the other hand, sent a reminder to Krose instead. Thus, a thunderstorm appears over their heads.

As a Legend-rank, Krose’s intervention made the scales of the battle in the skies tilt completely. As lightning rampages, the enemy’s airs.h.i.+p suffers consecutive lightning strikes, such that their sail ignites and black smoke gushes from the wooden platform.

In the Elf kingdoms, Storm Druid is a job that is able to rival the Fire Mage in terms of their prowess as a cannon tower. When they unleash their full strength, it is as though dozens of main cannons suddenly came to life.

“Huala!” After a barrage of attacks from cannons and lightning strikes, the Eagle Wars.h.i.+p labelled with the No.3 starts to break apart from the center. Then, the rear of the s.h.i.+p carrying the energy system explodes and the front of the s.h.i.+p starts to plummet from the sky.

At the same moment, the Mage Tower where Lich Carlohin is in emits intense red light. Then, a gigantic Explosion Fireball is shot with a crimson-red glow.


Even though Krose tried to intercept the spell with her lightning, the gigantic Fireball still hits the No.1 Airs.h.i.+p where Diana is at. The offensive ability of Fire Element Spells are formidable. The strategic-level Explosion Fireball that Carlohin cast with the augmentation of the Mage Tower isn’t something Krose’s Lightning Storm is able to compete with. The next moment, the misfortune that happened on No.3 happens to its brother s.h.i.+p No.1, as it begins to fall apart amidst explosions.

“Jump from the boat!”

The good habit of the Gnomes Engineers to always be prepared against explosions saved them. The next moment, white color parachutes open one after another. That is the Gnome Parachutes that were hung on the deck of the s.h.i.+p.

But, it is a pity that…


As a close-combat Holy Knight who often dons heavy armor, Diana is completely useless in an aerial battle. Ever since they successfully took control of the boat, she became like a decorative ornament and had free time on her hands. However, when she found an Auland Missilor Mythril Body Plate, she was extremely delighted. This is a treasure that cannot be found on the market. Recalling that we are still in a battle, she wears it without hesitation…

Alright, I can understand the desire for good defensive gears of a melee Knight who serves as a long-term meat s.h.i.+eld, but it is apparent that the parachute cannot carry a fully-geared Holy Knight. The Legend Knight who is shrieking as she plummets downwards serve as an ideal example. Even for a Holy Knight, it is important to allocate some stat points to Intelligence… Even if she is unable to contribute to the battle, dying from stupidity is still very embarra.s.sing.

Throwing a jar of apples from a height of 100 meters downwards, regardless of whether the jar shatters or not, the apple inside would definitely be reduced to apple jam. If Diana were to really crash down, regardless of whether she is a Holy Knight or not, she will definitely be reduced to Elf jam amidst the fragments of the armor.

With her prowess as a Legend-rank, if she didn’t don on this full body armor, she could still think of a means to survive. But now, even as she regrets her actions terribly, there isn’t anything she could do.

Moon Knight Diana, died in AD1897. Cause of death: Pilfering and too dumb. Silly Big Sister, why are you so foolish… She can already imagine what those callous fellows would write on her grave.


Alright, she even starts to close her eyes and begins on her final prayers. But suddenly, she feels her body lighten as the speed of her descend slows. Soon, the descend seems to have stopped altogether.

“Idiot! At least you remembered to ask to be saved, you aren’t incorrigible yet.”

Opening her eyes, she sees a familiar person. Just that, the golden wings which were spread open, the burning halo of flames on the head and that legendary stance reminded Diana of a certain legend.

“Angel? Am I dead? Lord, why are you here as well? Are you dead too?”

Panic shows on the face of the already traumatised Legend Knight. The moment she opens her mouth, she fully exposes her true nature of being blur despite her mature appearance.

Indeed, in the legends, Angels are the one who guide the souls of the dead. However, why do I feel uncomfortable at her words?

“I take back the words that I have said, you are indeed incorrigible. What do you mean by why are you here as well? I have never been to the heavens in my whole life… Un?”

My wings flap and I circle in an arc, avoiding the Storm Arrows and Fireb.a.l.l.s shot from the Mage Towers.

“I will talk to you about that ridiculous repentance of yours when we return back. If the three G.o.ds were to hear it, with a wors.h.i.+per like you, they probably would burst into laughter. But now, let’s cooperate and deal with the important matter at hand first.”

In the midst of gliding, I glance at the situation below. They were already in the midst of fighting.

Other than the endless flood of brainless p.a.w.ns, the main force of the enemy is obviously the Death Knights converted from the White Wolf Guards.

Most of the newly awakened White Wolf Guards are still in a period of a confusion and have yet to recover sufficient intelligence for them to use Black Magic and their Race Talent, such that is a bit pus.h.i.+ng it to say that they are Death Knights. They seem more like slightly higher-tier Zombie Warriors. Even so, they are still hard to deal with.

There are no other reasons. The equipment of the White Wolf Guards are simply too good. The Missilor Savage Sword carries a crimson-red glow as the corrugated blades roars. The specially crafted swords of the East Mist Royal Guards are unable to withstand more than a single blow from it. Furthermore, the Missilor Savage Javelin is a large AOE weapon of destruction. With just a single throw, a giant pit is blasted open. A moment of folly and one could probably die from them.

However, what is fortunate is that their intelligence are simply too low, causing them to commit fratricide continuously in the midst of the chaotic battle. When the Javelin is thrown, those who are blasted are basically their own p.a.w.ns, causing the Death Knights and Skeleton Mages who are leading the troop to stomp in anger.

Due to King Carlohin’s ident.i.ty as a Necromancer, the number of Death Knights are much higher than expected. When I flew upwards to save Diana, the Snowman Knights is the only powerful meat tank remaining below. Not to mention, the enemy were a.s.sisted by Mage Towers. In a moment, the fight below stalls into a stalemate.

It is fortunate that Beifeng and Casio are here. Against the dangerous Savage Javelin, their arrows can easily ignite them in advance, thus reducing casualties on our side.

However, I didn’t have the intention to interfere with the fight below. After all, it is important for one to take the initiative in a battle. Since I don’t have much time left in my transformation, it is important for me to make the fullest out of it. As for the battle on the surface, I reckon that it is about time.

“Boom!” “Boom!”

As expected, very quickly, an explosion from not too far away catches my attention. The secret pieces which I had prepared prove their worth.

“As expected of Clint and Yingou. Throwing them into frontal battle is a complete waste. It would be more suitable for them to cause destruction from the back.”

Following the explosion, the light of the Mage Tower starts to flicker before going dark completely. Obviously, Clint and the others managed to fulfill the requirement for their explosions, destroying the energy source of this base.

“Before the spare generator and the smaller back-up energy source in the Mage Tower activates, let us accomplish our primary goal.”

Primary goal? That is Carlohin himself. To expend oneself against an army of Undead is always foolish decision. The endless sea of Undeads doesn’t know the concept of tiredness and morale. They are always able to drain their enemies of their stamina and blood in a prolonged fight. Against this type of enemy, slaying their commander is always the wisest decision. As long as the Undead Lord falls, his army would naturally become meaningless. They might even start to disintegrate on their own.

The fact that the Mage Tower is temporarily ceasing their fire means that the sky is mine once more. Bringing along our foolish ace fighter with me, if I don’t go straight for the primary target, I would really be dumb.

Spreading my wings, I glide through the sky. With a 20 points in my Strength, it allows me to bear the weight of the female Knight with my right hands.


I accidentally knocked into the wind sail of the No.6 s.h.i.+p. I am fine, but a giant hole of a female Elf appears on the wind sail.

I casually split apart the mast and watch as the s.h.i.+p descends into chaos. Then, I flew upwards once again. Lowens didn’t let this opportunity slip by. Making use of their temporary stall in movement, he accurately fires into the gunpowder vault, causing No.6 to ignite into flames.

The situation in the air has turned into a 1V2. The side which is in a disadvantage in terms of numbers had a Legend Druid and an ace sharpshooter in their ranks, so I’m not worried.

“Aiyo, I’m very sorry. I didn’t see it.”

“You must have did it intentionally.”

“No, that one before is really an accident. This one, however, is intentional.”


Looking at my relaxed right hand and the screaming Diana below me, I smile gleefully. Looks like my aiming is on the mark this time.


The platform of the pitiful No.5 is broken through. The bones of the Skeleton Mage I had my eyes was crushed into shattered bones. On the other hand, Diana falls straight to the second floor.

“I’ll give you two minutes! Clear away all High-tier Undeads here.”

But, what was bizarre is that I didn’t hear the sounds of slaughter that I expected to hear. Instead, after the rumbling of footsteps, Diana appears on the platform once again.

“Lo…Lord, bring me away quickly. This s.h.i.+p is about to explode!

Alright, I still hold great trust her words. I will speak my suspicions afterwards on the way. As expected, a short moment later, before we managed to get too far away, I heard the sound of explosion from my back.


The explosion this time is even louder than the previous. It seems that the gunpowder vault has mixed with some other object and explodes concurrently with it.

“What happened? You fell on the gunpowder vault?”

“…Why am I so unfortunate recently?” Diana mutters, regaining her senses only after she hears my words.

“On the second floor, I crushed another Undead Knight. Looking from its hat, it should be the captain of the s.h.i.+p. However, I continued to fall all the way to the third floor, into the power room, onto the main engine…”

“The engine is spoiled? For the entire s.h.i.+p to explode just after its engine spoils, looks like the stability of the airs.h.i.+ps are quite terrible.”

“That’s not it.” Diana says with a tearful face, a red blush of embarra.s.sment appearing on her face.

“Just when I was about to get up, I accidentally pressed a b.u.t.ton. It is a red b.u.t.ton with a skeleton head on top of it.”

Alright, as we both came from Liu Huang Mountain City, it is sufficient to stop the story there. Everyone knows of the bad habit of the Gnomes Engineers to leaving behind a b.u.t.ton with a red skeleton head on it.

“To crush two High-tier Undeads while falling through and press the self-destruct b.u.t.ton when you are about to get up? This luck… choosing you to be my bodyguard was an excellent choice.”

Such a great misfortune directing rod. No wonder I felt that my luck recently has been not bad. Looks like you have taken in all of my bad luck.

I nod my head satisfactorily. On the other hand, a look of incomprehension and helplessness appears on Diana’s face after hearing my words. However, it isn’t the time to be sentimental or explain what happened.

Looking at the top of the highest tower, under the protection of a group of Death Knights, Carlohin is currently casting Burst Inferno and his target seems to be us, who is already a potential threat to him.

“Darned Darsos! You traitors, I, Carlohin, should have been the next Emperor of Auland.”

Alright, this Lich seems to think that we are Darsos’s men. However, there is no need to do explanations.

“Un, then, your highness, allow me to send you on your way.”

Suddenly, the voice of the Queen of Banshees sounds by my ear.

“To think that it would be someone that we know. Look at the ring on his finger.”

When I carefully examine him, I realise that there a mark of the Celestial Tower on the Lich’s right hand. In that instant, rage fills me.

“Darned Celestial Tower, to think that their people would even be here.”

“I’m not talking about that. Look at the insignia of a magic book on the ring on the pinky of his left hand. He should be one of my disciple in name, your junior.”

“Even if he is my junior, does it make a difference?”

“No, I’m just warning you to pay heed. None of my disciples, even if just in name, are easy to deal with. Every one of them would at least have a few underhanded tricks. Don’t treat him just like any other normal Lich.”