The Fake-Faced Prince And The Heartbreaker Princess

Chapter 3 More Troubles

Chapter 3 More Troubles

The next morning, Ji Xiaotiao secretly came to her room and knocked twice on the door. Then she ran aside to wait and see. After a moment, she found no reaction, and then moved back to open the door.

“Great! n.o.body here! Yesterday is a dream! A dream!”

She jumped to her bed and bounced on it from here to there. The bed was as clean and neat as before. The sharp tongue boy disappeared and her world came back.

“Idiot! Are you mad? Making the bed so annoying, do you want to notice all the neighbors you are here?”

His cold voice sounded again. Ji Xiaotiao’s smile froze on her face. She turned back to find Xu Moqi was standing beside the door, with his hands in the pant pockets, lazily looking at her.

He ignored her dullness, and went near to sit on the bed, “Stupid girl, what’s your name?”

The calling successfully infuriated her. She stood up on the bed with her finger pointing at him and asked, “Dare you call me stupid girl? I have a name, my name is Ji Xiaotiao. Besides, where do you find me stupid?”


Her last yell was choked back to her throat.

“What a pity! You are only 0.01 point to a genius, so you are a fool anyway. Besides, your name gave me non sense of your brightness neither. ”

In some way, he was correct because his IQ was much higher than hers. But being called a stupid one was nothing acceptable.

She took a look at the clock on the bed-stand to find it was already seven thirty. She jumped down from the bed and rushed to the to clean her face and teeth. When she came out from the wash room, the boy was still sitting in the sofa of living room, without having preparation to leave.

“Hey, I am going out to work now. When do you plan to stay in my apartment? Should you leave?”

Ji Xiaotiao was taking her shoes on, she had prepared to accept his sharp tongue again but the prince followed her order to put on his shoes.

“You are leaving?” Ji Xiaotiao was surprised by his obedience, and was not sure if this was another prank. Xu Moqi gave her another despise look, “A foolish girl indeed. You asked me to leave and now I am leaving but you have other opinion.”

“, I have no other opinion.” Ji Xiaotiao waved to him to say goodbye, “Bye, I hope I won’t see you again.” She ran away from him quickly, did not notice the crafty smile in his eyes behind.

“What a cute idiot!”

Ji Xiaotiao was happy when she arrived the Chinese food restaurant she got a part-time and said h.e.l.lo to the other staffs. The whole winter holiday she stayed here with them, and she was the youngest one. They treat her well, including their lady boss. She chose to work here mostly because the restaurant provided free dinners to the staffs. The Chinese dishes in their college was too expensive for her to enjoy every day.

She put on her working dress and prepared to have a new start.

She went to the front door and welcomed the first guest by bowing down. “Welcoming...”

When she stood up to find who was standing there, her smile froze again.

Xu Moqi came in without taking care of her surprise and sit on a table beside the window.

“Why are you here?”

“Anybody said I was forbidden to come here? Or you have a rule that the handsome guys were not allowed to come in?”

She was chocked by him again. But...

“I am hungry. Anything to eat?” He used his finger to knock at the table, overlooked the reactions of the others around them.

Ji Xiaotiao tried to calm down and comfort herself that he was just too hungry to walk away and then stepped in this restaurant.

She smiled to him and replied, “We have cheese hamburg, chips,, Pisa, and egg tart. Which one do you like?”

“What? You want me to have this junk food in the morning? What if my stomach could not bear them?”

She was angry again, but her occupation habits kept her smile still and she asked patiently, “Forgive my poor concern. We have some other choice like pineapple bread, preserved egg congee, would you like to have a try?”

He looked out the window and found some black men standing on the street corner, without turning back he said, “Give me two.”

“Two?” Ji Xiaotiao did not understand him.

“Give me two units of the bread and congee you mentioned.”

She did not why he ordered two units, but she went to the kitchen to order.

When she came near, the staffs and the boss smiled to tease her, “Who is the handsome boy? Your boy friend?”

“, I don’t know him.” Ji Xiaotiao was so nervous to explain. Please, this guy was a gay, how could she had a relationship with him?

They smiled and walked away, obviously did not believe her.

Several minutes later, she put the breakfast on his table and planned to leave, but he pulled her sleeve to stop her.

“Why? Anything else?”

“Don’t you have breakfast yet? Sit down and eat with me.”

She was surprised by his good intention. The sharp tongue boy had such a caring time? What’s wrong with him?

Xu Moqi saw her surprise and felt bored again, the poor one was hard to save, she was so slow to react to him.

“Don’t look at me in that stupid way! Or my stomach won’t have a good digest. Would you sit down to eat or not? If not, please help me to throw them into the garbage bin.”

Her good feeling toward him disappeared in a minute. “I am working right now.”

Xu Moqi sighed and turned to the boss, “h.e.l.lo boss, would you allow Xiaotiao to have breakfast with me first? She did not have breakfast yet.” He gave her a cool charming smile, the boss nodded as quick as possible, smiled like a flower, “Sure, no problem. Take your time.”