The Gatekeeper

Chapter 12

It"s been about two hours since I started experimenting with magic, right now, I am in the sky, flying at immeasurable speeds.

A few minutes ago, I spotted a group of knights approaching my position, it was well within my expectations. I just used the "Deception of Time" spell as my surroundings were in dire conditions following my string of bizarre experiments. I used wind element to escape just in the nick of time.

I am flying at great speeds by controlling wind magic, by using a certain spell of light magic, I am making myself invisible. I am also conjuring a shield of concentrated water vapour to protect me from harsh wind by manipulating water element.

I find a suitable spot for my next experiment and end up on a firm piece of land with small gra.s.s. It is about 25 Kilometres away from the capital, I came this far as a precaution for any unforeseen situation that may occur because of my experiment.

I stand in the middle of the isolated land and cast the intermediate level dark elemental magic.

"Dark Magic- Void Ritual."

Numerous dark cocentric circles appear around me, many inscriptions engraved all around them. Each of them emanating intense dark aura.

I supply the circle with huge amounts of mana. The circle in the beast world is said to appear near those beasts who are deemed compatible with the summoners mana, as I increase the mana supply, the aura around the circles increases in potency as well.

"Heed my call O mighty beast. Cross the dimensions which separate us. Submit to my will, acknowledge me as your master, and serve me till the end of time."

After finishing the chant, I wait patiently in the middle of the huge pool of dark aura which keeps getting more fierce the more I supply it with mana.

After about 5 minutes, huge beings start to appear in front of me.

"Isn"t the spell supposed to summon only one beast at a time?"

It takes some time, but the beings successfully emerge from the circle.

Four mighty beings stand before me.

I go into my super perception mode in order to figure out my next move.

Wait, Wha, What!!!??? Dragons!!!?? They are basically the strongest creatures. And there are four of them! How am I supposed to make them acknowledge me!?

All four of the dragons stand at more than ten metres on their two huge legs which have 3 claws, while their other two legs are extended in the air seem to be slimmer and have perfectly recognizable 5 claws which resemble 5 long and sharp fingers.

Maybe they also have distinguishable hands and legs like humans do?

All four of them have shiny and beautiful scales, which cover almost all of their body, leaving only their belly and their face, accompanied by large, l.u.s.trous and imposing pair of wings on their backs. Their humongous tails are more than 3 metres long and are in accordance with the colour of the scales. They have slim necks, on top of which their head looks more majestic and alluring.

The biggest is around 13 metres tall, a staggering Azure dragon with purple coloured belly, golden horn on its head, azure scales which look unbreakable, pearl blue eyes, ears which are elevated behind the horn, extended mouth with sharp canine teeth, imposing wings and tail of the same azure color. The air around it is that of superiority and strength. It truly is a majestic creature.

The Dragon who is 12 metres tall has the same body structure as the previous one. But the horn isn"t visible. The scales and eyes are carmine while the belly being crimson. A tinge of intense fiery aura gives the dragon a sort of "flame lord" feeling. It has slight flames erupting all over its body. One could tell by just looking at it that this dragon is not to be meddled with, or anything and everything will turn to ash following its wake.

The third, which is only several centimeters smaller than the Carmine dragon, is completely white, except for it"s greyish belly. White, as pure it could be, doesn"t have a shred of dirt on it. Looking into its grey eyes sends a chill down the spine, it is emanating a cold aura around it"s body, it could probably freeze a whole town in a single breath. It gives off a serene and tranquil feeling, something akin like a mother. It looks like she is wearing a robe of gentleness and kindness, but is hiding her ferocity and power underneath it.

The smallest one, at a height of about 9 meters, is of a black color. But in no way it looks hideous, the black on its body looks beautiful because of the l.u.s.trousness of the scales and a hue of purple mixed within them, and with it"s belly being a silver colour, it definitely gives an impression of a dragon worthy of being called strong. It has a bit of a immature and clumsy air around it as it stands there imposingly with nary a killing intent.

I know that the dragons are intellectual, let"s just try to converse with them for now.

I come out of my accelerated perception. The dragons rotate their heads in each direction and seem shocked as they look at each other.

Before I could say anything, the carmine dragon roars loudly.


The dragon"s voice is exceptionally feminine, maybe it"s a female dragon.

As I conclude this, the others voice their shock as well.


"How are we all here!?"

"What is happening?"

All of the dragons speak, I can"t tell which voice belongs to whom, but they all seem to be female dragons.

After about 5 minutes or so of total confusion, the Azure dragon notices my presence and addresses me in a dignified voice.

"Are you the one who summoned all of us?"

Her voice is gentle but one could make out shock mixed within it.

"Yes. My name is Toru. Heed my words mighty dragons, submit to me, acknowledge me as your master and serve me as my servants."

I declare so in a composed voice after calming myself down.

They all stop in their tracks, the first one to speak is the Carmine dragon.

"Fufufufu. A mere human dares to make us his servants?"

Continuing her words is the comparatively small Black Dragon.

"Fufufu. Did you hear him big sister? He certainly has some big ambitions."

The Carmine and Black dragons, with their refined and womanly voices, start to ridicule me. In the midst of their laugh, the White Dragon steps forward and gazes into my eyes.

"Human, I deem you a worthy opponent. But for me to acknowledge you as my master, you will have to defeat me in a duel."

Her grey eyes send a chill down my spine. Her cold yet graceful voice fills my ears and almost makes me tremble.

Before I could reply, the Azure dragon spoke.

"Yes, this human is different. Whenever a dragon is summoned by a human, the overwhelming mana consumption kills the summoner within seconds. And yet, more than 5 minutes have elapsed and this human doesn"t even appear to be faltering."

Well, the mana these dragons are leeching replenishes many times faster than it is consumed. I can keep them in this world for as long as I live, and after the results produced by my experiments with time magic, is forever. I am basically immortal. Once I feel like it, I can just stop aging altogether. I can send my body back in time and have the body of a child if I want to, or send it forward in time and have the body of an adult, without affecting my consciousness. But considering my current body structure, it isn"t necessary.

Hearing their big sister say this, the other two realize as well and face me with astonished eyes.

Let"s strike while the iron is hot.

"What do I have to do to make all of you submit to my will?"

I already know the answer, but I would prefer if it could end without violence.

I mentally sigh and prepare for what is to come. The biggest one and probably the leader among the dragons, comes forwards and speaks in a high and mighty tone.

"We do appreciate the fact that you reunited us sisters after we have been separated for over 200 years, but for us to acknowledge you as our master, you would have to make us submit by force."

"So you guys want a four-on-one battle to the death. Is that what you"re saying?"

I ask in a slightly depressed tone.

"No, you are to fight us one-on-one. Oh, forgive me. I forgot to introduce myself, I am the supreme ruler and monarch of all the beasts which walk upon the land under my rule. I am also the mightiest being among all the beings that exist in the realm of the beast."

The Azure dragon says while taking a stance, filled with grandeur and pride.

"Don"t you have a name?"

I ask the question out of sheer curiosity.

"No, none of us sisters have ever been given a name. There are people who have summoned us, but none were ever survived for more than a couple of seconds."

The Azure dragon explains to me in a gentle voice.

So they don"t get a name unless a human gives them one. I have to think up names for them soon.

"Okay I"ll fight you, but I would rather fight all four of you at once…"

All of their eyes widen, the Carmine dragon responds in an aggravated voice.

"All right then, but before that, allow me to introduce the rest of us. I am the sovereign who rules over all the creatures who inhabit my territory, and am the second strongest being to exist."

She stops for a second and continues.

"She is the ruler of the third and final territory in the beast realm, all creatures who inhabit her land are ruled over by her. And she is the youngest one of the four sisters, and the least powerful, she rules over all of the spiritual beings."

She points at the White dragon for the former, and at the Black dragon for the latter.

Spiritual beings huh. Looks like I can learn many kinds of things from them.

The only type of creatures about which I don"t know about are the spiritual beings.

"Do you still want to fight all four of us at once?"

The Azure dragon asks me in her gentle voice.

"Yes, let"s do it. It"s way past lunch time. I am kinda hungry."

I respond in a sarcastic voice.


The Carmine dragon stomps at the ground, destroying the ground beneath her feet.

"And yes, all of us can use divine level spells and have superior control over our major elements."

Azure dragon says in a stoic voice, while hiding her concern.

I expected as much. Looks like I have to go all out.